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View Full Version : In 2013, Millions Of Americans Face Obamacare Tax Hikes

Marcus Aurelius
12-26-2012, 08:04 AM
This is what you get when you 'pass a bill in order to see what's in it'. :mad:


In 2013, a number of Obamacare’s taxes will go into effect. Each will increase the cost of health care, yield job losses, and deprive our struggling economy of investment. These are the true costs of Obamacare.

On January 1, 2013, a 2.3-percent excise tax on the total revenues of medical-device companies — regardless of whether they turn a profit or suffer a loss — will take effect. The tax will hit everything they sell, from x-ray machines and pacemakers to surgical tools and artificial hips.

That money will have to come from somewhere; device firms won’t simply swallow the tab. So they’ll likely raise prices for patients and slash their workforces. In fact, economists at the Manhattan (http://www.forbes.com/places/ks/manhattan/) Institute project that the tax could eliminate as many as 43,000 jobs — and over $3.5 billion in employee compensation.

Individuals with annual incomes higher than $200,000 and couples who make more than $250,000 a year will face two new taxes — a 0.9-percent increase in the 1.45-percent Medicare levy on earnings above those income thresholds and a new 3.8-percent tax on investment income.

The structure of these taxes penalizes married couples in particular. According to the New York (http://www.forbes.com/places/ny/new-york/) Times, two unmarried singles who made $200,000 each would not owe any additional Medicare tax. But if they were married, they’d owe $1,350.

The law raises the floor for the deduction of medical expenses, from 7.5 percent of income to 10 percent. So only expenses beyond 10 percent of a person’s income will be deductible. This change could add hundreds of dollars to the tax bills of those struggling with major medical bills.

Obamacare also halves the maximum contribution to flexible spending accounts (FSAs), from $5,000 to $2,500. Many consumers use FSAs to cover routine medical expenses, like vision care, orthodontia, and prescription drugs. They won’t have nearly as much money to work with in 2013.

These are just the five taxes scheduled to kick in next year. In 2014, another multibillion-dollar round of taxes will go into effect, including an excise tax on high-value insurance plans, a levy on health insurers, and the individual mandate’s “tax” on people who remain uninsured.

The money to pay for Obamacare’s healthcare overhaul, which will be in excess of $1 trillion and probably upwards of $2.5 trillion from 2014 to 2023, has to come from somewhere. In the New Year, Americans will find that “somewhere” is their wallets.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
12-26-2012, 10:45 AM
All those negatives are by design. The true goal is to destroy our wealth and power and while doing so cause greater death here. The population control aspect of a ruined healthcare system can not be dismissed. The people/entity behind this are after a system that will let them control world population. A One World government eventually with a One World healthcare ! Picture if you will, if you can , the snake swallowing its own tail.. I know most will not get that and if you do not I will not explain it because if you havent figured it out by now there is almost zero hope for you to ever figure it out!-Tyr

12-26-2012, 03:22 PM
This is what you get when you 'pass a bill in order to see what's in it'. :mad:


Marcus. I, and many others have been trying to tell the Obama lovers, and Denial gang from the left...exactly what you posted about WHAT ALL OF US CAN LOOK FORWARD TO....IN "SIX" "6", HALF A DOZEN DAYS.

But they didn't want to listen because they are too dumb, and easily led. So, they voted for Obama....and everything they DIDN'T THINK would ever happen to them.

Too late now. I hope they remember NANCY's reminder....about the passing of the bill...before it ASSAULTS all of us.4202

12-26-2012, 05:42 PM
They'll fix some of the taxes after the new year. I read today that this is the likeliest scenario because as of Jan. 1, all the tax hikes will be automatic: so they can kill some of them on the middle class but leave the taxes raised on the rich without having to vote for them.

I bet that's exactly what they do. Let it all happen automatically so they don't get blamed for raising taxes.

12-26-2012, 05:47 PM
They'll fix some of the taxes after the new year. I read today that this is the likeliest scenario because as of Jan. 1, all the tax hikes will be automatic: so they can kill some of them on the middle class but leave the taxes raised on the rich without having to vote for them.

I bet that's exactly what they do. Let it all happen automatically so they don't get blamed for raising taxes.

In other words, mundame. Because you have looked in your cloudy crystal ball of prognostications. You are happily looking forward to the NEW FEDERAL HOLIDAY, created by your Puppet Boy Obama....on APRIL 15TH.

The real, likeliest scenario, when it happens, and it doesn't look anything like you described. Will be How much more YOU will Love Obama, despite his lies to you, and millions of Americans who fell for his TRICKS....again.

12-26-2012, 05:47 PM
The population control aspect of a ruined healthcare system can not be dismissed. The people/entity behind this are after a system that will let them control world population.

I don't know about that --- so far "they" have the black and browns and yellows overpopulating wildly and the whites depopulating wherever they occur. So unless they are after an underclass world, I don't see the logic in that idea.

12-26-2012, 05:51 PM
I don't know about that --- so far "they" have the black and browns and yellows overpopulating wildly and the whites depopulating wherever they occur. So unless they are after an underclass world, I don't see the logic in that idea.

mundame. FINALLY. Something I can agree with you totally about....as in your words above


Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
12-26-2012, 07:00 PM
I don't know about that --- so far "they" have the black and browns and yellows overpopulating wildly and the whites depopulating wherever they occur. So unless they are after an underclass world, I don't see the logic in that idea.

My guess is when firmly established and in control they will deal with that TOO!!
Currently they often use that to destabilize the current governments!! -Tyr

12-27-2012, 09:37 PM
This is what you get when you 'pass a bill in order to see what's in it'. :mad:


Sounds good to me.

Marcus Aurelius
12-27-2012, 10:49 PM
They'll fix some of the taxes after the new year. I read today that this is the likeliest scenario because as of Jan. 1, all the tax hikes will be automatic: so they can kill some of them on the middle class but leave the taxes raised on the rich without having to vote for them.

I bet that's exactly what they do. Let it all happen automatically so they don't get blamed for raising taxes.

But President Obama promised sequestration would NOT happen under his watch.

start at the 1:00 mark for Obama's comments.

Then again he also claimed it wasn't his idea...

Our ruling

Obama said that the sequester -- and the defense cuts that would result from it -- was not his proposition. "It is something that Congress has proposed," he said in the debate.

But it was Obama’s negotiating team that came up with the idea for defense cuts in 2011, though they were intended to prod Congress to come up with a better deal for reining in the deficit, not as an effort to make those cuts reality.

Meanwhile, members of both parties in Congress voted for the legislation that set up the possibility of sequestration. Obama’s position is that Congress should now act to avoid those across-the-board cuts.

Obama can’t rightly say the sequester isn’t his, but he did need cooperation from Congress to get to this point. We rate the statement Mostly False.

12-28-2012, 08:25 PM
Sounds good to me.

Does anyone have a good supply of these......4213..?
If you do, this is what they are worth...4214and by April 15th. The IRS will even take them from you too!