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View Full Version : Newtown Shooter & Queens Subway Shover

01-02-2013, 06:51 AM
The Wall Street Journal reports the following about the recent Queens subway shover:

http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424127887324274404578211732779311530.html?m od=WSJ_NY_LEFTTopStories

Long before Erika Menendez was accused of pushing a Queens man to his death on the subway tracks, her mother had called police at least five times over the past seven years to report erratic, sometimes violent behavior related to her daughter's mental health, a law-enforcement official said.

Over the past 12 years, New York City police have records of 14 encounters with Ms. Menendez, 31 years old, including nine arrests separate from the calls for help from her mother, the official said.

Two of the arrests—both in 2003—resulted in assault charges on accusations of attacking men, the official said, adding that she pleaded guilty but received no jail time.

Ms. Menendez's mother, Maricela Mera, told police on four separate occasions between 2005 and 2012 that her daughter was acting violently and had been diagnosed with bipolar disorder, an illness marked by extreme shifts in mood. One police record said Ms. Menendez was diagnosed with schizophrenia, the official said.

Now let us view the above in light of another trend; the number of people arrested in NYC for carrying illegal firearms and not receiving any jail time. No one is hunting down that figure to report it, but I assure you it would be shocking if released.

And voila! There's the problem. The police are taking the problematic people off of the streets in droves but no one is doing anything with them. So, Mr. Mayor Bloomberg, before you go pointing your finger at other states perhaps your own city still requires a considerable degree of cleaning up first.

01-02-2013, 10:38 AM
Two of the arrests—both in 2003—resulted in assault charges on accusations of attacking men, the official said, adding that she pleaded guilty but received no jail time.

She's a "hands on" feminist.