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01-03-2013, 02:51 PM
Cop fired for allegedly falsifying dozens of DUI arrests

01-03-2013, 03:58 PM
So what? Every apple barrel is likely to have at least one bad one.
Police need to be tougher on DUI arrests. A third conviction should be a mandatory 10 year sentence and permanent loss of license.
Too many lawyers make a living out of exploiting weak DUI laws.
I wouldn't mind having a DUI list for known offenders. I think drunks are as dangerous as pedophiles.

01-03-2013, 04:15 PM
I have long had the impression that certain police departments encourage traffic citations as a revenue produce, rewarding officers with high quotas. (note I said impression - this may or may not be the case) It stands to reason that if that impression is correct, there may be some officers who push the limits of their authority and cite and arrest when there is no real evidence. I think the vast majority of police officers are honest and hardworking men and women who genuinely want to serve the public. The ones like this who are doing the wrong thing give a bad name to the rest. By the way, V4R and I had a weird experience a couple of weeks ago. We were in Connecticut for a weekend party. We had left the party and were heading back to the hotel we had booked for the overnight stay. V4R doesn't drink and I had consumed very little so both of us were safe and alert. As we passed a marked car, it suddenly began to flash its lights and follow us. The speed limit was 50 and that is what we were at. V4R stayed at his speed and proceeded over a bridge which happened to be the town line and the car stopped. The only thing we can think of is he was trying to startle us into doing a rabbit so he could pursue and get us for evading, speeding and anything else. It bothered me because while he was busy trying to create an excuse to pull us over, there were plenty of people on the road who were likely a legitimate target.

01-12-2013, 04:40 PM
I have long had the impression that certain police departments encourage traffic citations as a revenue produce, rewarding officers with high quotas. (note I said impression - this may or may not be the case) It stands to reason that if that impression is correct, there may be some officers who push the limits of their authority and cite and arrest when there is no real evidence. I think the vast majority of police officers are honest and hardworking men and women who genuinely want to serve the public. The ones like this who are doing the wrong thing give a bad name to the rest. By the way, V4R and I had a weird experience a couple of weeks ago. We were in Connecticut for a weekend party. We had left the party and were heading back to the hotel we had booked for the overnight stay. V4R doesn't drink and I had consumed very little so both of us were safe and alert. As we passed a marked car, it suddenly began to flash its lights and follow us. The speed limit was 50 and that is what we were at. V4R stayed at his speed and proceeded over a bridge which happened to be the town line and the car stopped. The only thing we can think of is he was trying to startle us into doing a rabbit so he could pursue and get us for evading, speeding and anything else. It bothered me because while he was busy trying to create an excuse to pull us over, there were plenty of people on the road who were likely a legitimate target.

Many small towns have cops that hang paper strictly to generate cash for the town. They don't answer calls or respond to anything. They deal only with traffic tickets.

In the case of the guy trying to pull you over, he was fishing. But he didn't truly have anything to stop you for and once you were out of his jurisdiction he didn't dare continue, because he would have had to call in whatever agency handled that area. Without probable cause he would have had to do some splaining.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
01-12-2013, 04:48 PM
Cop fired for allegedly falsifying dozens of DUI arrests


Women police officers are known for being gung-ho. Also known for stretching the law to suit their emotion .
How about her victims? Her firing didn't compensate for the expense and misery she caused those innocent people!
Its outrageous that she didn't do prison time!!--Tyr

Abbey Marie
01-12-2013, 05:39 PM
Watch it, folks, you may be accused of making up stories becasue you hate the police. ;)