View Full Version : Davy Crocket derailment

01-02-2013, 08:59 PM
It seems Robert is unable to extrapolate from his own posts. In this case, he thought he was making a point. Unfortunately for him, it was the wrong one. Anyone surprised?

Now, you've gone and done it Kathianne. Robert will now post the entire WEBSTERS DICTIONARY definition of the word.....

"E X T R A P O L A T E". And all I want to do is Sing...."Davy, Davy Crocket.....King of the wild Frontier! Born on a mountaintop in Tennessee....."

And I will extrapolate into thanking WALT DISNEY for creating that series in "LIVING COLOR".

(Gee, I do hope I used the correct word) But we can leave it to Robert for an EDGU-MA-CATION!

Robert A Whit
01-02-2013, 09:05 PM
Your blasts against me over my posting of the words of Davy Crockett make you seem very angry, very miffed the post was not about you.

It damned sure was not about Me.

Why are you so angry much of the time? Do you ever tell people your real name?

01-02-2013, 09:06 PM
I posted civilly and it seems you have a problem with that? You wonder why you get the responses you do?

Stupid is as stupid does.
The cream of society tends to rise to the top. Unfortunately, so does the scum.

01-02-2013, 09:10 PM
Your blasts against me over my posting of the words of Davy Crockett make you seem very angry, very miffed the post was not about you.

It damned sure was not about Me.

Why are you so angry much of the time? Do you ever tell people your real name?

Why should I give my real name Robert. You've already used many names directed my way. Once again. If you say I'm angry. Fine with me. Do you have a PHD in Psychiatry?
4224 Never does you any good Robert.

01-02-2013, 09:14 PM
My post was not about ME.

Swiftly two posters decided to turn it away from the spending mentioned by Crockett to make it my job to speak for his era.

I guess to two posters, posts are about me. But wait, they claim they don't want the posts to be about me.

Me neither. I wanted the post to be about the words of Davy Crockett.

People, stop thinking you get to jab me. If you had to jab anybody, it would have been the words of Davy Crockett.

Crockett's words were fine, it was you who mangled the point. I was trying to give you an out, you tried to make it about YOU via me.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
01-02-2013, 09:20 PM
Stupid is as stupid does.
The cream of society tends to rise to the top. Unfortunately, so does the scum.

What is so sad is that you can not tell the difference between the two. --Tyr

Robert A Whit
01-02-2013, 09:21 PM
Crockett's words were fine, it was you who mangled the point. I was trying to give you an out, you tried to make it about YOU via me.

Actuallty you mangled his point. An out? Such as how? Asking me about pork was not an out.

Actualy you two tried to make the point about me. Even Gabby tried to accomodate you.

We see by ATs whining he was not pleased by my post about Crockett. Switfly you tried to change it from about Crockett to being about me. You persist to the very post above of your own words.

Robert A Whit
01-02-2013, 09:23 PM
What is so sad is that you can not tell the difference between the two. --Tyr

Tyr, what does your post have to do with what Davy Crockett said? I realize that Gabby can't speak of his words and it is clear to me that neither AT nor Kathianne plan to address Crocketts words, but I figured that you might speak to the topic.

01-02-2013, 09:26 PM
Each post by Robert brings him closer to his internet Alamo. :salute:

Robert A Whit
01-02-2013, 09:27 PM
Are you saying that when Crockett was in Congress that they had the problem of pork spending?

Will some astute poster explain why that question is not civil? Matter of fact, it was just a question as a follow up to some question/remark made to me.

01-02-2013, 09:28 PM
Stupid is as stupid does.
The cream of society tends to rise to the top. Unfortunately, so does the scum.

As you will find down below, Robert thought you were agreeing with him. :laugh2:

Robert A Whit
01-02-2013, 09:29 PM
Well Gabby, based on replies you get all the time, I would say you already occupy your personal alamo.

01-02-2013, 09:30 PM
Tyr, what does your post have to do with what Davy Crockett said? I realize that Gabby can't speak of his words and it is clear to me that neither AT nor Kathianne plan to address Crocketts words, but I figured that you might speak to the topic.

Lordy, you are dense. I already addressed his words, which have been posted here years ago by others.

Do you really think these repetitive posts are going to help your standing? Sigh. Hopeless.

01-02-2013, 09:31 PM
Well Gabby, based on replies you get all the time, I would say you already occupy your personal alamo.

Guess you fail to read posts regarding Gabby from Abbey or myself. Conveniently now you are trying to join the bandwagon of bash Gabby, to gain credence for your own failure.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
01-02-2013, 09:33 PM
Tyr, what does your post have to do with what Davy Crockett said? I realize that Gabby can't speak of his words and it is clear to me that neither AT nor Kathianne plan to address Crocketts words, but I figured that you might speak to the topic.

That sounds and is exactly the way Davy Crockett was but the story isn't true. Not as it was related here ! Crockett was as honest as the year is long and held those values but he never did as the story related. I remember reading long ago that the story was a creation of another author etc.
Will find the source later , got to do some honey-do's right now. The wife keeps me jumping like a frog running errands.. and yet I still love her all the more for it!!--;)-Tyr

01-02-2013, 09:34 PM
As you will find down below, Robert thought you were agreeing with him. :laugh2:

I was in an English class when someone made an incredibly stupid remark (part of a continuing series). The instructor said "If I was cooking brain soup, you would be ladled off the top and thrown out."

Robert A Whit
01-02-2013, 09:38 PM
Lordy, you are dense. I already addressed his words, which have been posted here years ago by others.

Do you really think these repetitive posts are going to help your standing? Sigh. Hopeless.

Again, no focus on Davy Crockett's words. But plenty of focus on me. Why are you obsessed with me? You asked me a question about pork. Did you think what Crockett addressed was over pork? I was puzzled how you took it down that path.

We read words all the time on the forum that have been posted by past posters. I don't get the big deal. Why not discuss Crocketts words? I would appreciate you stop making this about me.

What do you mean help my standing? Is that your mission to talk to posters that way? I think you may be appealing to Gabby or AT. They seem turned on by your claims.

01-02-2013, 09:40 PM
Again, no focus on Davy Crockett's words. But plenty of focus on me. Why are you obsessed with me? You asked me a question about pork. Did you think what Crockett addressed was over pork? I was puzzled how you took it down that path.

We read words all the time on the forum that have been posted by past posters. I don't get the big deal. Why not discuss Crocketts words? I would appreciate you stop making this about me.

What do you mean help my standing? Is that your mission to talk to posters that way? I think you may be appealing to Gabby or AT. They seem turned on by your claims.

Sorry Robert, at this point your inquiries are moot. You took a stand. Live with it. You try to slime others for your own failures in both logic and refusal to rethink. Not our problem.

Robert A Whit
01-02-2013, 09:41 PM
That sounds and is exactly the way Davy Crockett was but the story isn't true. Not as it was related here ! Crockett was as honest as the year is long and held those values but he never did as the story related. I remember reading long ago that the story was a creation of another author etc.
Will find the source later , got to do some honey-do's right now. The wife keeps me jumping like a frog running errands.. and yet I still love her all the more for it!!--;)-Tyr

Thank you for speaking to the topic. I appreciate it when posters stay on topic and end trying to make the posts aimed my way as if I were the topic.

I plan to do some checking based on your claim.

Robert A Whit
01-02-2013, 09:44 PM
Sorry Robert, at this point your inquiries are moot. You took a stand. Live with it. You try to slime others for your own failures in both logic and refusal to rethink. Not our problem.

Well,who would you be if not trying to turn posts away from the topic but trying to make me the topic. I did not slime any poster. Isn't that your modus operandi?

I have only commented that you and a couple of others turned this into a diatribe against me for some odd reason.

I have learned on this forum that is your bad habit.

01-02-2013, 09:46 PM
Thank you for speaking to the topic. I appreciate it when posters stay on topic and end trying to make the posts aimed my way as if I were the topic.

I plan to do some checking based on your claim.

Robert. Please check my last post where I mentioned YOU, and DAVY CROCKETT.

I did nothing immoral, said nothing immoral at all. I asked you a few FRIENDLY, HAPPY, SMILEY questions, and suddenly...again. You make declarations that NOBODY UNDERSTANDS.

By the way. I stayed on TOPIC. Just as you claim you appreciated above.

01-02-2013, 09:46 PM
(oops, duplicate post)

Robert A Whit
01-02-2013, 09:46 PM
Guess you fail to read posts regarding Gabby from Abbey or myself. Conveniently now you are trying to join the bandwagon of bash Gabby, to gain credence for your own failure.

WOW, and you claim others are dense?

Robert A Whit
01-02-2013, 09:49 PM
I was in an English class when someone made an incredibly stupid remark (part of a continuing series). The instructor said "If I was cooking brain soup, you would be ladled off the top and thrown out."

I am so sorry he told you that.

01-02-2013, 09:49 PM
WOW, and you claim others are dense?

Not 'others', you.

Robert A Whit
01-02-2013, 09:51 PM
Kathianne said and I quote:
I think the quotation was true, just didn't address what Robert claimed it did.

Sock it to me. What did I claim it did?

01-02-2013, 09:53 PM
Kathianne said and I quote:

Sock it to me. What did I claim it did?

SOCK IT TO MEeeeee? 4225Robert. YOU are the only one who can answer that question. Nobody else knows what you are talking about.

Robert A Whit
01-02-2013, 09:56 PM
Kathianne claims I claimed Crockett did something. What would that be.

To recap, this is what I said. I did not claim Crocketts words did a thing.

Here, a fast review of what I really did say. Kath got that famous urge to change the topic to make it all about me.

Odd ball poster in my opinion would pull such a stunt.

The purpose of hurricane relief should not include dozens of other projects that are not linked to the storm.

I think of the words of then Congressman Crockett at times such as these.

Then suddenly I discovered I am her topic and not Davy Crockett.

Sort of stunning eh?

Robert A Whit
01-02-2013, 10:03 PM
Not 'others', you.

Who would you be but for your steady stream of taunts and insults!!!!!!!!!!

Talking of Dense, you still have not caught the point of the post about Crockett.

01-02-2013, 10:06 PM
Who would you be but for your steady stream of taunts and insults!!!!!!!!!!

Talking of Dense, you still have not caught the point of the post about Crockett.

Obviously you read no posts that haven't to do with yourself, there are reasons that others respect me, to your chagrin. I know, from your perch seems so unfair. I got Crockett's post before you discovered and misinterpreted.

01-02-2013, 10:06 PM
Does this help Robert? 4227

Robert A Whit
01-02-2013, 10:10 PM
Might be, if you could string some actual ideas together, then again, unlikely from what has actually happened with this thread.

You tried to conjoin Crockett and pork. In actuality his topic was government shouldn't be covering the problems of individuals, rightly. He agreed that they suffered, indeed claimed it was good to help them, he did. However, it wasn't the role of government. THAT was his point.

Nothing to do with pork.

Even when I post the actual words I said, you persist in your lying.

I did not bring up Pork. That was YOU.

My title was wise words of Davy Crockett and I already repeated what I actually said then you that keep attacking me, backed me up.


Go back. YOU and only YOU tried to divert this to PORK but your actual aim was to turn this into a diatrbe, using many posts about ME. I remind you. I am not now the topic and should never have become the topic. But you are not you until you turn things into being about me.
Odd duck to my way of thinking.

Why do you do this?

Robert A Whit
01-02-2013, 10:15 PM
Does this help Robert? 4227

Why haven't you ever studied Davy Crockett AT???

To most posters, that photo is not Davy Crockett. That is an American actor that played a part by the name of Fess Parker.

A note to posters.

The purpose of his fake name is to he can't be held accountable for stupid remarks.

An honest man says who he is. I assure you all his family does not call him About time.

01-02-2013, 10:18 PM
Oh for Christ's sake...

Robert A Whit
01-02-2013, 10:21 PM
I think the quotation was true, just didn't address what Robert claimed it did.


And nothing in that should have caused you to bring up pork.

But you did.

01-02-2013, 10:31 PM
Even when I post the actual words I said, you persist in your lying.

I did not bring up Pork. That was YOU.

My title was wise words of Davy Crockett and I already repeated what I actually said then you that keep attacking me, backed me up.


Go back. YOU and only YOU tried to divert this to PORK but your actual aim was to turn this into a diatrbe, using many posts about ME. I remind you. I am not now the topic and should never have become the topic. But you are not you until you turn things into being about me.
Odd duck to my way of thinking.

Why do you do this?

There has been no lying on my part, that's obvious to all but you. Nor has there been a reason for your end question, it hasn't any merit.

Robert A Whit
01-02-2013, 11:26 PM
Tyr, from what I found on Congressional Record, the story is true, at least in main. On the other hand, the point Crockett was making or if record is wrong, was purported to be making was that the government was not the avenue for relief from bad tidings. Private relief, yes. Members of Congress would be welcome to join.

The idea of 'disaster relief' from government? No.

Ergo, the actual purpose of my post. And I would appreciate it if you dropped claims I spoke of Pork. I believe you posted other spending being in the law but more than likely only some was pork. It may have been needed spending yet still not to be included in the law as I see this. My comments about PORK only show up after you brought it up. Ergo my request that you end the blasting of my name and end the fibbing.

01-02-2013, 11:30 PM
Ergo, the actual purpose of my post. And I would appreciate it if you dropped claims I spoke of Pork. I believe you posted other spending being in the law but more than likely only some was pork. It may have been needed spending yet still not to be included in the law as I see this. My comments about PORK only show up after you brought it up. Ergo my request that you end the blasting of my name and end the fibbing.

You lying twit. Your first sentenced of #1 post, was on pork.

Glad to see you NOW agree with what Crockett was purported to have meant.

Robert A Whit
01-02-2013, 11:41 PM
Bump again, perhaps Robert will read his own #1 post. I've bolded his own first sentence, but we don't wish to miss his title:

Wise words of Davy Crockett

The purpose of hurricane relief should not include dozens of other projects that are not linked to the storm.

I think of the words of then Congressman Crockett at times such as these.

Perhaps the lying twit can post the first post that used the word PORK.

She started this shit, I plan to finish it.

To posters, things in the bill perhaps had some pork. But the list posted by Kathianne, not on this thread, where this topic is Davy Crockett, not me, nor her hurt pride, but what I said. Davy Crockett and his belief system.

The idea that merely being part of a bill about hurricane relief means it is pork proves she does not know what pork is.

Pork as I define it, can be called voter eye candy. Projects not needed, maybe not wanted, but still done for the purpose of gaining votes for the congressman.

However, rebuilding for Sandy, and I am not saying I approve this, might be pork since it appeals to but a few but she did not cite the congressman she thinks this is pork.

My remarks about Davy Crockett never said PORK. The lying twit said the word. I asked her back, do you think they had PORK in the days of Crockett and she claimed my question was not civil.

I think she pulls this shit seeking attention. I really believe that.

01-02-2013, 11:46 PM
Bump again, perhaps Robert will read his own #1 post. I've bolded his own first sentence, but we don't wish to miss his title:

Wise words of Davy Crockett

The purpose of hurricane relief should not include dozens of other projects that are not linked to the storm.

I think of the words of then Congressman Crockett at times such as these.

Perhaps the lying twit can post the first post that used the word PORK.

She started this shit, I plan to finish it.

To posters, things in the bill perhaps had some pork. But the list posted by Kathianne, not on this thread, where this topic is Davy Crockett, not me, nor her hurt pride, but what I said. Davy Crockett and his belief system.

The idea that merely being part of a bill about hurricane relief means it is pork proves she does not know what pork is.

Pork as I define it, can be called voter eye candy. Projects not needed, maybe not wanted, but still done for the purpose of gaining votes for the congressman.

However, rebuilding for Sandy, and I am not saying I approve this, might be pork since it appeals to but a few but she did not cite the congressman she thinks this is pork.

My remarks about Davy Crockett never said PORK. The lying twit said the word. I asked her back, do you think they had PORK in the days of Crockett and she claimed my question was not civil.

I think she pulls this shit seeking attention. I really believe that.

Finish with what?

You make no sense. Above you acquiesce that what you thought was meant wasn't. BUT you are mad at me for pointing it out. You want OTHERS to me MAD at me too.

Did I miss something?

Robert A Whit
01-02-2013, 11:58 PM
Finish with what?

You make no sense. Above you acquiesce that what you thought was meant wasn't. BUT you are mad at me for pointing it out. You want OTHERS to me MAD at me too.

Did I miss something?

Since it was my thread, and MY post, how can you claim I did not mean what I meant? I am not mad at anybody. I sure got sick of your shit though. What you missed is that you said PORK and not me. I had not even thought to say PORK.

Robert A Whit
01-03-2013, 12:00 AM
However. NOT in the way you related.

That makes no sense at all. Care to explain it and prove it?

01-03-2013, 12:01 AM
Since it was my thread, and MY post, how can you claim I did not mean what I meant? I am not mad at anybody. I sure got sick of your shit though. What you missed is that you said PORK and not me. I had not even thought to say PORK.

Once again, your original post:

Wise words of Davy Crockett

The purpose of hurricane relief should not include dozens of other projects that are not linked to the storm.

I think of the words of then Congressman Crockett at times such as these.


From this post you joined them.

Robert A Whit
01-03-2013, 12:11 AM
You lying twit. Your first sentenced of #1 post, was on pork.

Glad to see you NOW agree with what Crockett was purported to have meant.

YOU ASSumed. I did not state pork. I did not even mean PORK. Stop saying I was talking of PORK you lying .... something only a few women are. I can't say that vile word.

I never disputed what Crockett said nor the story about him. Tyr disputes the story but I know the difference in where Georgetown is vs where Alexandra are. I have been to both places.

I am not sure Tyr realizes that Georgetown is part of DC so the Feds would of course vote on the Federal seat of Government. His story is about a town in VA which is not the seat of the Fed Government.

Robert A Whit
01-03-2013, 12:14 AM
Once again, your original post:

Something is wrong in that brain. Who told you that all projects are pork?

Why won't you study how DC works?

I can refer you to some of my many books on this topic.

Repeat after me Kathianne.

Spending does not have to be PORK.

Spending is what DC does. Using your definition, all spending becomes pork.

01-03-2013, 12:15 AM
YOU ASSumed. I did not state pork. I did not even mean PORK. Stop saying I was talking of PORK you lying .... something only a few women are. I can't say that vile word.

I never disputed what Crockett said nor the story about him. Tyr disputes the story but I know the difference in where Georgetown is vs where Alexandra are. I have been to both places.

I am not sure Tyr realizes that Georgetown is part of DC so the Feds would of course vote on the Federal seat of Government. His story is about a town in VA which is not the seat of the Fed Government.

So YOU brought up,
The purpose of hurricane relief should not include dozens of other projects that are not linked to the storm.

for what purpose? To remind, this was from OP #1, started by Robert.

01-03-2013, 12:16 AM
Something is wrong in that brain. Who told you that all projects are pork?

Why won't you study how DC works?

I can refer you to some of my many books on this topic.

Repeat after me Kathianne.

Spending does not have to be PORK.

Spending is what DC does. Using your definition, all spending becomes pork.

So exactly what were you referring to?

Robert A Whit
01-03-2013, 01:49 AM
So YOU brought up,
The purpose of hurricane relief should not include dozens of other projects that are not linked to the storm.

for what purpose? To remind, this was from OP #1, started by Robert.

For what purpose?

Though Sandy was a single purpose event, since you want to use the term purpose, trying to put into the pot projects that cloud the Sandy event makes people angry. As is happening right now. I used the term purpose to speak to hurricane caused projects and for no other. I used purpose apparently in a different fashion than you did.

01-03-2013, 01:51 AM

Robert A Whit
01-03-2013, 02:08 AM
So exactly what were you referring to?

Asked and answered but (sigh) will repeat myself.

The only part you focus on means I do not believe that this special purpose funding should in any way get mixed up with spending for any other purpose. It is the old all or nothing trick.

Say you want to buy a new car. What if the Feds told you that to get the new car, you had to buy me a home or maybe my own new car?

That is apples and oranges. Those residents harmed by that event need no diversions.

I figured the posters can figure that out.

01-03-2013, 09:46 AM
Well this...

<dl class="stats" style="margin-right: 0px; margin-left: 10px; height: 13px; float: right; font-size: 11px;"><dt style="margin: 0px; padding: 0px; display: inline; color: rgb(255, 255, 255);">Posts</dt> <dd style="margin: 0px; padding: 0px; display: inline; color: rgb(255, 255, 255);">37 (http://www.debatepolicy.com/search.php?do=finduser&userid=2337&searchthreadid=38500&contenttype=vBForum_Post&showposts=1)</dd></dl>Robert A Whit (http://www.debatepolicy.com/member.php?2337-Robert-A-Whit)

<dl class="stats" style="margin-right: 0px; margin-left: 10px; height: 13px; float: right; font-size: 11px;"><dt style="margin: 0px; padding: 0px; display: inline; color: rgb(255, 255, 255);">Posts</dt> <dd style="margin: 0px; padding: 0px; display: inline; color: rgb(255, 255, 255);">22 (http://www.debatepolicy.com/search.php?do=finduser&userid=8&searchthreadid=38500&contenttype=vBForum_Post&showposts=1)</dd></dl>Kathianne (http://www.debatepolicy.com/member.php?8-Kathianne)

... told me all I needed to know.


01-03-2013, 09:49 AM
I'm still trying to figure out, or find a reason WHY...almost every thread where Robert joins in. ALWAYS BECOMES ANOTHER ARGUMENT?

Almost sounds like little kids fighting over who's next to play their Video game on the Wide Screen TV. But even my grandchildren are just having fun....NOT ARGUING ALL THE TIME.

Before yesterday. And before the name Davy Crockett came up. Was anyone bothered, discouraged, or kept awake thinking about whether DAVY CROCKETT knew the difference between PORK, and spending in Congress????

Personally. I think the entire thread has once again become more about ROBERT being upset about whatever, until the BOWIE knife, and ALAMO twisted everything even more.

Marcus Aurelius
01-03-2013, 10:25 AM

01-03-2013, 02:02 PM

SO many threads in this forum have lately turned into that's-what-you-said-No-I didn't-Yes-you-did-You-are-lying-about-what-I-said-No-I'm-not-Yes-you-are-Here'sWhat-I-said-No-youu-said-something-else-No-I-didn't-mean-that-I-meant-this-No-you-didn't

...on and on for page after page.

THis whole forum is turning into an irrelevant purse fight.

Have we any reason to believe it will stop anytime soon?



Kathianne, PLEASE IGNORE ROBERT A WHIT when he does this.


Robert A Whit
01-03-2013, 02:26 PM
I may be misreading, but doesn't this more address the whole idea of 'disaster relief,' rather than just the pork?

I suppose I could have just said yes and asked her why she brought up "the pork"!

However I chose to ask if during Crocketts era they had to deal with pork spending.

Causing her to be confused. She did not explain to me such a problem in his era. (I am assuming since I have not yet read every post, that I am accurate in my representation)

See posts #1, 2 & 3 if you are confused

01-03-2013, 02:28 PM

SO many threads in this forum have lately turned into that's-what-you-said-No-I didn't-Yes-you-did-You-are-lying-about-what-I-said-No-I'm-not-Yes-you-are-Here'sWhat-I-said-No-youu-said-something-else-No-I-didn't-mean-that-I-meant-this-No-you-didn't

...on and on for page after page.

THis whole forum is turning into an irrelevant purse fight.

Have we any reason to believe it will stop anytime soon?



Robert A Whit
01-03-2013, 02:38 PM

SO many threads in this forum have lately turned into that's-what-you-said-No-I didn't-Yes-you-did-You-are-lying-about-what-I-said-No-I'm-not-Yes-you-are-Here'sWhat-I-said-No-youu-said-something-else-No-I-didn't-mean-that-I-meant-this-No-you-didn't

...on and on for page after page.

THis whole forum is turning into an irrelevant purse fight.

Have we any reason to believe it will stop anytime soon?



What would be your reply should you keep this going?

Wait, you just did.


My purpose of the post you do not like is to be fair to her. I perhaps got her all wrong.

Robert A Whit
01-03-2013, 03:01 PM

SO many threads in this forum have lately turned into that's-what-you-said-No-I didn't-Yes-you-did-You-are-lying-about-what-I-said-No-I'm-not-Yes-you-are-Here'sWhat-I-said-No-youu-said-something-else-No-I-didn't-mean-that-I-meant-this-No-you-didn't

...on and on for page after page.

THis whole forum is turning into an irrelevant purse fight.

Have we any reason to believe it will stop anytime soon?



Kathianne, PLEASE IGNORE ROBERT A WHIT when he does this.


Interesting how one sided you are in this matter.

Clearly you blame me for my defenses and also for her slash and burn tactics.

Why would you be so one sided?

I have tried to go at this with a fresh plan. And perhaps I got into this with her for all the wrong reasons. I felt as if she tried to pin me to the wall because I brought up Davy Crockett and she dragged Pork in this for some unknown reason or as she puts it, purpose.

I am trying to be fair to the woman.

Robert A Whit
01-03-2013, 03:07 PM
I'm still trying to figure out, or find a reason WHY...almost every thread where Robert joins in. ALWAYS BECOMES ANOTHER ARGUMENT?

Almost sounds like little kids fighting over who's next to play their Video game on the Wide Screen TV. But even my grandchildren are just having fun....NOT ARGUING ALL THE TIME.

Before yesterday. And before the name Davy Crockett came up. Was anyone bothered, discouraged, or kept awake thinking about whether DAVY CROCKETT knew the difference between PORK, and spending in Congress????

Personally. I think the entire thread has once again become more about ROBERT being upset about whatever, until the BOWIE knife, and ALAMO twisted everything even more.

Do I hear a siren?

Gee no. I hear a whine.

01-03-2013, 03:39 PM
Everyone....especially Robert. Take note. Not One mention of Pork in this song!


01-03-2013, 10:14 PM
Which was my point in post #2. Reason I mentioned pork? Not to 'push buttons' but as a response to post #1.

Kathianne. Rather than Killing a Dead Horse. I wonder why someone isn't just satisfied to "Let sleeping dogs lie"?

01-03-2013, 10:25 PM
Kathianne. Rather than Killing a Dead Horse. I wonder why someone isn't just satisfied to "Let sleeping dogs lie"?

Because of his repeated lies, AT. Like you feel about Obama, sometimes you just can't let the lies stand.

Robert A Whit
01-04-2013, 01:06 PM
Originally Posted by Robert A Whit http://www.debatepolicy.com/images/debate_policy/buttons/viewpost-right.png (http://www.debatepolicy.com/showthread.php?p=603869#post603869)
I believe you are abxolutely correct.

Apparently the term pork spending dates back to around 1873. Way back when slaves were in vogue, where even presidents had many of them, pork barrels were contested for on some plantations with the winner of the contest getting the pork barrel. So it says on Wikipedia.

At one point the home with a full salted pork barrel was considered well to do.

That doesn't seem accurate because 1873 was after slavery was abolished.

I relied on Wikipedia and read it again. The TERM Pork Spending dates back to a starting time. It had nothing to do with slavery. Maybe that got you off the rails.

To Kathianne. speak up. Nobody prevents you from talking.

The part about slaves is to elaborate on the concept of the pork barrel and sure, that dates way back. But that is not the same thing as pork barrell spending by government.

I figured the forum knows the date slavery was abolished which was 1865 shortly after the war ended.

Robert A Whit
01-04-2013, 01:12 PM
Originally Posted by aboutime http://www.debatepolicy.com/images/debate_policy/buttons/viewpost-right.png (http://www.debatepolicy.com/showthread.php?p=603974#post603974)
Kathianne. Rather than Killing a Dead Horse. I wonder why someone isn't just satisfied to "Let sleeping dogs lie"?

Because of his repeated lies, AT. Like you feel about Obama, sometimes you just can't let the lies stand.

Actually, this HE has to deal with HER lies. Make this a day of peace please.

Notice that HE gets a lot of thanks for HIS posts.

HE does not want fights. HE has repeated that many times.

There is some SHE that can't let it go.

01-04-2013, 01:15 PM

Actually, this HE has to deal with HER lies. Make this a day of peace please.

Notice that HE gets a lot of thanks for HIS posts.

HE does not want fights. HE has repeated that many times.

There is some SHE that can't let it go.


Robert A Whit
01-04-2013, 01:17 PM
Originally Posted by Missileman http://www.debatepolicy.com/images/debate_policy/buttons/viewpost-right.png (http://www.debatepolicy.com/showthread.php?p=603770#post603770)
If you think about it, Crockett would likely argue that the federal government has no constitutional authority to provide any relief whether hurricane, unemployment, etc. and should therefore not be involved in it.

Which was my point in post #2. Reason I mentioned pork? Not to 'push buttons' but as a response to post #1.

Apparently you felt your buttons got pushed based on your reply to my reply.

In more or less my reply, I asked if you believe that Davy Crockett had to deal with pork and you blew your fuse.

I invite you to visit the first half dozen posts.

I rest my case.

01-04-2013, 01:24 PM
Robert, please try to forget the past and move forward without the fighting with others, Kath hasn't responded to you since last night, PLEASE just let it go. I need to go through this thread now and move posts, but I'm hoping the fighting and moving isn't an every other thread thing.

01-04-2013, 01:37 PM
All posts that appeared to have been off topic, or bickering, have been moved here.