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View Full Version : Vote no budget, spend like madmen! Ask yourself why!!

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
01-08-2013, 04:00 PM

Congress has spent $11.2 trillion since passing its last budget on April 29, 2009, according to the Republican side of the Senate Budget Committee. The new debt since that date is $4.8 trillion.
"Since the last budget resolution was passed 1,200 days ago, the government has borrowed 42 cents of every dollar spent," the chart notes. The chart is based on Treasury Department figures.
In a joint statement, Senate Budget Committee ranking member Jeff Sessions and House Budget Committee chair Paul Ryan mark the milestone.
“Tomorrow marks another disappointing record for the United States Senate: Senate Majority Leader Reid and his Democrat conference will have gone an unprecedented 1,200 days without adopting a budget plan as required by law," write Sessions and Ryan. "Not only have they failed to adopt a budget, but with America under threat of financial calamity, they have refused to even present a plan for public scrutiny. Last year, Majority Leader Reid said it would be ‘foolish’ to do a budget and the legally required Budget Committee mark-up was cancelled. No plan from his conference has seen the light of day. He refuses to disclose who he plans to tax and how he plans to spend taxpayers’ money."
Now tell me how this government body serves the people when it refuses to do it job as required by the Constitution? This refusing to pass a budget is a plan that allows for ever greater amounts of money to be spent and to be spent in ways not even voted on. Our nation is being ran by an incestuous agreement between obama, the dem party , the Senate and other unknown parties. This example points to a illegal government dodging control of Congress's purse power by not voting in a budget. It points directly to obama and his agenda . His power grabbing by any means possible.--Tyr