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01-08-2013, 10:09 PM
Remember that! It's grassroots up.

https://www.stlbeacon.org/#!/content/28741/martin_mogop_chairman_010513 (https://www.stlbeacon.org/#%21/content/28741/martin_mogop_chairman_010513)

Ed Martin elected new chairman of Missouri Republican Party in anti-establishment victory

By Jo Mannies (https://www.stlbeacon.org/#%21/list/AND[AUTHOR[jo_mannies]]), Beacon political reporter
3:03 pm on Sat, 01.05.13

St. Louis lawyer Ed Martin, who lost his GOP bid this fall for Missouri attorney general, came roaring back Saturday by getting elected as the new chairman of the Missouri Republican Party.

Martin narrowly defeated current chairman David Cole, 34-32, on the second round of balloting by the 68-member state GOP committee, the state party confirmed. One member was not seated due to residency issues, thus was barred from voting. Another member cast an uncounted vote in the second round for an unnominated candidate.

The vote took place Saturday morning at a hotel in Columbia, Mo.

The third contender for the post, outgoing state Sen. Jane Cunningham of Chesterfield, was out of the running after garnering only seven votes on the first ballot, which saw Martin collect 32 votes and Cole, 27.

Said Martin in a statement after the vote:

“Today’s competition was the sign of a vibrant and mature party. Our success in electing Republicans across the state—in widening the tent—has created an influx of new ideas and energy , but it’s clear that there is still work yet to be done. I look forward to working with the members of the state committee, our volunteers, activists, and donors as we take our conservative message to Missourians from across the state and from all walks of life. Working together, I know we will protect what we have built and strengthen our party in preparation for 2014 and beyond.”

The state party chairman traditionally focuses on money-raising, and in overseeing behind-the-scenes efforts to prevent nasty internal disputes from going public, to keep major donors happy, and to discourage expensive primary battles.

The party chairman also controls the state party's apparatus and staff.


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