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View Full Version : Cops, FBI, Miilitary officials say they will refuse to enforce obama gun confiscation

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
01-09-2013, 08:17 PM

Here are their answers.

#1) Will Obama use Executive Order to call for gun confiscation?

The majority of those answering this question told me they did not believe Obama would call for outright gun confiscation. One detective told me, "Obama will probably try to roll out an incremental restriction similar to the '94 Clinton assault weapons ban." He would then wait for another mass shooting and use that event to ratchet up the restrictions, I was told.

Only two of the eight people I questioned thought that Obama would call for outright gun confiscation, and one of those believed it would only be a restriction on so-called "assault rifles" but not shotguns or handguns.

Everyone believed that Obama would at minimum call for restrictions on weapon magazine capacity, most likely seeking to limit that to ten rounds per magazine (which is also the current limit in California). I was also told that Obama might attempt to federalize mandatory waiting periods for gun purchases, which already exist in some states but not all.

#2) Will you enforce gun confiscation against the citizens?

On this issue, the answer was resounding and unanimous: NO!

The retired police captain told me that, "Door-to-door confiscation by men and women in blue [i.e. city cops] would be a suicide mission." If ordered to conduct such gun confiscation actions, many would simply resign on the spot rather than risk their lives in firefights with determined gun owners, he explained. "Our officers are not generally willing to assume the increased risk of such a police action."

He also explained, importantly, that most police officers have not even been trained to conduct sweeping, community-level weapons confiscation programs. "This goes against all our community outreach efforts where we try to earn the trust of the community." If cops suddenly became gun confiscation enforcers, trust would break down and policing would become extremely difficult, he explained.

The USMC veteran told me that some of the younger soldiers would go along with gun confiscation if ordered, but that nearly all the older military personnel would likely refuse such orders, even at risk of a court martial. "Some of the guys actually talked about this on deployment. The E-1's might follow those orders but most of us who managed to stay alive through a couple of tours are too smart for that. You'd have AWOL out the ass. We didn't sign up to engage Americans as enemy combatants. The answer would be F*%K NO all the way up the chain of command."

One of the police detectives explained another reason for saying no: "There is no love for gun confiscation in law enforcement. We're all gun owners and most of us grew up with guns, hunting, target shooting or just collecting. Most of us have gun collections when we're off duty, and Obama himself isn't well liked across law enforcement. There's no way police officers are going to put their lives on the line to go along with an order from a President who really doesn't have moral authority among cops."

Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/038391_gun_confiscation_executive_orders_cops.html #ixzz2HWzQOoWl

Lets pray these guys are right!!--Tyr

01-09-2013, 08:21 PM
What Obama is seemingly trying to do is PIT AMERICANS against AMERICANS.

Personally. If I was still in uniform, and told to violate the U.S. Constitution..according to orders from the President. I, along with other Americans in Uniform would REFUSE...no matter what threats were made.

UNLAWFUL ORDERS from the President, members of Congress, Officers, and Senior enlisted are still UNLAWFUL ORDERS.

Anyone who violates, and follows Unlawful Orders...if in Uniform, are subject to the UCMJ, Federal Laws, and The Constitution.

01-10-2013, 02:32 AM
What Obama is seemingly trying to do is PIT AMERICANS against AMERICANS.

Personally. If I was still in uniform, and told to violate the U.S. Constitution..according to orders from the President. I, along with other Americans in Uniform would REFUSE...no matter what threats were made.

UNLAWFUL ORDERS from the President, members of Congress, Officers, and Senior enlisted are still UNLAWFUL ORDERS.

Anyone who violates, and follows Unlawful Orders...if in Uniform, are subject to the UCMJ, Federal Laws, and The Constitution.

Well, it seems to be working ... pitting Americans against Americans. I just had a two hour, heated, very heated and passionate debate with this idea of Obama putting out an EO. This person is such an Obamanite that six months ago she posted a picture of her on facebook holding a rifle. Now, she has removed the picture AND agrees with everything the administration is saying about banning guns and high capacity magazines.

She says that we don't need guns because "our government" would never fire against it's citizens and if we need protection we have the police and National Guard. Also, if we are invaded then the government will "mass produce" enough guns to hand out to the citizens to use to fight the invaders. These people are nuts!

Hysteria, not common sense, is running rampant. But this seems to be this administration's way of getting their laws enacted ... fear mongering.....whip up the masses and rush legislation through Congress and threatened ever more dire consequences if laws are not passed (EO) so that our representatives and senators make stupid decisions. Talk about getting a bum rush!

01-10-2013, 06:28 AM
She says that we don't need guns because "our government" would never fire against it's citizens and if we need protection we have the police

To me, this seems to be the crux of the argument and a lot of gun control advocates can not get around it.

In NYC for instance, if you dial 911 and say "There's a man in the hallway outside my door with a gun!" ... the police will arrive in about a minute, maybe 2 minutes at the most. This why you see most gun control advocates in urban areas. They generally see no need to own a firearm and feel comfortable with the security provided by the police.

In some rural areas of this country, that police response could be 30 minutes to an hour later.

I'd even spoken to a lot of rural folks who said they'd be if nobody had firearms unnecessary and they did not have to worry about armed intruders. But outlawing firearms will not make them go away, just as outlawing illegal narcotics did not make them go away.

Urban gun control advocates have no answer to this particular concern about police response times. I think it's a key stumbling block for gun control advocates that the NRA should promote more in its defense of gun owners.

This disparity in gun cultures is what Rudy Giuliani was getting at when he stated in the 2008 that there are two separate and distinct gun cultures in this country. He's undoubtedly right about that. He said a solution that could make everybody happy might someday be reached once both sides understood each others gun culture perspective, which they currently do not. But of course, that enlightened statement satisfied neither side, both of whom savaged Giuliani in response.

01-10-2013, 08:22 AM
Hysteria, not common sense, is running rampant.

On both sides it would seem.

01-10-2013, 09:28 AM
Most cops like most military are conservatives. They won't go along with confiscation orders. Which is why the Great Divider wants his civilian paramilitary organization. Jackboots loyal only to him. VIPR comes to mind. He now has four years to complete what he started the last four years.

01-10-2013, 09:33 AM
On both sides it would seem.Hysteria on one side and FEAR on the other.....

I am not hysterical I am very fearful for what this administration is capable of and how far they can ram their agenda through. It amazes me the sheer number of STUPID people out there who don't or won't look at the way others live and how they are not in the same situation as themselves...

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
01-10-2013, 09:52 AM
On both sides it would seem.

Or do you disagree with that?-Tyr

01-10-2013, 12:19 PM
Or do you disagree with that?-Tyr

Yes, the OP is full of holes.

01-10-2013, 01:00 PM

01-10-2013, 01:37 PM
"I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States and the State of (STATE NAME) against all enemies, foreign and domestic"

What classifies as a domestic enemy? Cause I'm pretty sure Obama is cutting it close.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
01-10-2013, 06:15 PM
Yes, the OP is full of holes.

As would many people be if they attempt to just take our guns!
Nobody going to get by with destroying the Constitution and not receive justice.
Nothing guaranteed in a Civil War, Hoss... --Tyr

01-10-2013, 06:50 PM
"I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States and the State of (STATE NAME) against all enemies, foreign and domestic"

What classifies as a domestic enemy? Cause I'm pretty sure Obama is cutting it close.

Not that you need to ask cadet, but the answers are spelled "Obama", and "Congressmembers...on the left, and a few RINO'S equate to Domestic Enemies...and, sad to say. Better than half of the population who Unknowingly voted for Obama to destroy their own country because they are STUPID, DUMB, and IGNORANT.
Can't be much more BLUNT than that. Truth Hurts.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
01-10-2013, 08:25 PM
"I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States and the State of (STATE NAME) against all enemies, foreign and domestic"

What classifies as a domestic enemy? Cause I'm pretty sure Obama is cutting it close.


01-10-2013, 10:57 PM
As would many people be if they attempt to just take our guns!
Nobody going to get by with destroying the Constitution and not receive justice.
Nothing guaranteed in a Civil War, Hoss... --Tyr

I'll resist the urge to make redneck jokes shall I?

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
01-10-2013, 11:13 PM
I'll resist the urge to make redneck jokes shall I?

FEEL FREE TO MAKE ANY JOKES THAT YOU LIKE. A redneck is a man that has a sunburn on his neck from doing fieldwork/farmwork. A man that actually works long and hard for his money. Nothing dishonorable about that in fact just the opposite is true. A man that does not beg , grovel ,lie steal and cheat or sell his vote in exchange for gubbermint payola.
I was born and raised on a farm , there wasn't a man alive that could out work me when I was a young man.
I didn't fear work as so many lazy bums, black lazy ass vote sellers do now! I worked ,paid taxes for the dishonorable asshats to leech way by selling their votes and living their miserable lives as the scum so happily do now.
If you do not know any of this how can you call yourself a man!??????
Or post uninformed bullshit about it all!?? --Tyr

01-10-2013, 11:42 PM
I'll resist the urge to make redneck jokes shall I?

Sure thing jafar. Here's the very First Redneck joke I thought of. "YOU", pretending to know what a redneck is, and passing yourself off as an Idiot.

01-11-2013, 09:24 AM
As would many people be if they attempt to just take our guns!
Nobody going to get by with destroying the Constitution and not receive justice.
Nothing guaranteed in a Civil War, Hoss... --Tyr

Yeah, well there you go. :rolleyes:

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
01-11-2013, 09:35 AM
Yeah, well there you go. :rolleyes:

How very insightful..-:rolleyes:
Sarcastic from you instead of an amen , how revealing.. -Tyr

01-11-2013, 09:40 AM
^I don't "amen" to conspiratorial rantings. Especially conspiratorial rantings which appear in place of defense of the OP. Of course that also describes the premise of the OP as well so... I guess I see my error. :slap:

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
01-11-2013, 09:47 AM
^I don't "amen" to conspiratorial rantings. Especially conspiratorial rantings which appear in place of defense of the OP. Of course that also describes the premise of the OP as well so... I guess I see my error. :slap:

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Yes, you make a lot of those..
The info in the OP was enough and got the message across to those that aren't opposed to that message and the 2nd! Not shocking that YOU DISAGREE, NOT SHOCKING AT ALL.-Tyr

01-11-2013, 09:51 AM
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Yes, you make a lot of those..
The info in the OP was enough and got the message across to those that aren't opposed to that message and the 2nd! Not shocking that YOU DISAGREE, NOT SHOCKING AT ALL.-Tyr

Please point out where I oppose the 2nd and support gun confiscation. I suspect that you will, yet again, be unable to support your charge.

01-11-2013, 09:58 AM
Please point out where I oppose the 2nd and support gun confiscation. I suspect that you will, yet again, be unable to support your charge.

It's crucial to make up lies about how villainous their opponents are so they can fight and war and destroy them. Otherwise, where's the fun?

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
01-11-2013, 10:02 AM
Please point out where I oppose the 2nd and support gun confiscation. I suspect that you will, yet again, be unable to support your charge.

Right after you point out exactly where I made that specific charge against you!-:laugh:
You made the negative comments about the OP not me. You declared the OP full of holes!
The OP clearly stands in full support of the 2nd.. -Tyr

01-11-2013, 10:39 AM
Right after you point out exactly where I made that specific charge against you!-:laugh:
You made the negative comments about the OP not me. You declared the OP full of holes!
The OP clearly stands in full support of the 2nd.. -Tyr

The OP was demagogue in search of an audience. It hit its mark.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
01-11-2013, 11:30 AM
The OP was demagogue in search of an audience. It hit its mark.

Careful amigo, too much of your true colors are showing.
Don't say you haven't been warned. The hole you are digging will keep going deeper and keep revealing more about your true character.
Put that shovel down before its too late or else you may hit China.--:laugh:-Tyr

01-11-2013, 11:39 AM
Careful amigo, too much of your true colors are showing.
Don't say you haven't been warned. The hole you are digging will keep going deeper and keep revealing more about your true character.
Put that shovel down before its too late or else you may hit China.--:laugh:-Tyr

Oh brother. It would be helpful if you would just stop seeing things that aren't there.

01-11-2013, 05:56 PM
To me, this seems to be the crux of the argument and a lot of gun control advocates can not get around it.

In NYC for instance, if you dial 911 and say "There's a man in the hallway outside my door with a gun!" ... the police will arrive in about a minute, maybe 2 minutes at the most. This why you see most gun control advocates in urban areas. They generally see no need to own a firearm and feel comfortable with the security provided by the police.

In some rural areas of this country, that police response could be 30 minutes to an hour later.

I'd even spoken to a lot of rural folks who said they'd be if nobody had firearms unnecessary and they did not have to worry about armed intruders. But outlawing firearms will not make them go away, just as outlawing illegal narcotics did not make them go away.

Urban gun control advocates have no answer to this particular concern about police response times. I think it's a key stumbling block for gun control advocates that the NRA should promote more in its defense of gun owners.

This disparity in gun cultures is what Rudy Giuliani was getting at when he stated in the 2008 that there are two separate and distinct gun cultures in this country. He's undoubtedly right about that. He said a solution that could make everybody happy might someday be reached once both sides understood each others gun culture perspective, which they currently do not. But of course, that enlightened statement satisfied neither side, both of whom savaged Giuliani in response.

Taft. Many on this forum are probably too young to remember how Pitting our Military against Civilians IS NOT AN IMPOSSIBILITY.

All anyone needs to do...if they care. Is to just GOOGLE "KENT STATE, NATIONAL GUARD"

And be prepared to tell the families, and friends of those who were killed...IT CAN'T HAPPEN HERE!

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
01-11-2013, 06:18 PM
Oh brother. It would be helpful if you would just stop seeing things that aren't there.

I see, you mean like all those assurances before the election that obama was not anti-gun , not anti-2nd amendment. Yep, I see how that worked out and it was ever so recent history too. !
Would be far better if you started seeing what is actually aslready there!!
But I know that you will not because to do so you'd have to not only open your eyes but your mind as well.-Tyr

01-11-2013, 06:20 PM
Oh brother. It would be helpful if you would just stop seeing things that aren't there.

fj. Let us know when you finally OPEN YOUR EYES. That old joke about DENIAL being a river in Africa still applies to you. Literally.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
01-11-2013, 06:44 PM
fj. Let us know when you finally OPEN YOUR EYES. That old joke about DENIAL being a river in Africa still applies to you. Literally.


01-12-2013, 10:37 AM
Taft. Many on this forum are probably too young to remember how Pitting our Military against Civilians IS NOT AN IMPOSSIBILITY.

All anyone needs to do...if they care. Is to just GOOGLE "KENT STATE, NATIONAL GUARD"

And be prepared to tell the families, and friends of those who were killed...IT CAN'T HAPPEN HERE!

Kent State was a complete screw up that I can't imagine any politician, even Obama, being so foolish to replicate.

Politicians have a tendency to look at cops and soldiers, see only the firearm, and conclude they do the same job. They don't.

Basically out of necessity, soldiers are taught to fire upon resistance. Police are taught to fire as a last resort. I know that's not universal and a bit of an over-simplication, but at its core that's the key difference.

Putting soldiers into the role of police officer is a boneheaded move and disastrous results might be expected.

About the only positive thing I look back at the Clinton Administration for was his understanding of this distinction. For police-types missions in Bosnia and Haiti, his State Department recruited actual police officers for the job.

01-12-2013, 11:13 AM
About the only positive thing I look back at the Clinton Administration for was his understanding of this distinction. For police-types missions in Bosnia and Haiti, his State Department recruited actual police officers for the job.

Yes! I met one of those young men, he had been a military policeman in Bosnia. We worked together in a retail setting, and he was so level-headed and even-tempered and nice also, I thought, what a waste!

But before I left he told me he had been accepted into training in the Maryland State Police, and I was so pleased, because he was exactly the right sort for that kind of public service.

01-12-2013, 07:51 PM
Kent State was a complete screw up that I can't imagine any politician, even Obama, being so foolish to replicate.

Politicians have a tendency to look at cops and soldiers, see only the firearm, and conclude they do the same job. They don't.

Basically out of necessity, soldiers are taught to fire upon resistance. Police are taught to fire as a last resort. I know that's not universal and a bit of an over-simplication, but at its core that's the key difference.

Putting soldiers into the role of police officer is a boneheaded move and disastrous results might be expected.

About the only positive thing I look back at the Clinton Administration for was his understanding of this distinction. For police-types missions in Bosnia and Haiti, his State Department recruited actual police officers for the job.

taft. I totally agree with your assessment of the Kent State fiasco. But we should not be so blind, not to see how Obama and company are intentionally downsizing our military, and trying to convince Uneducated Americans that our Military will become a backup force, stronger than our police forces...for the PLANNED INSURRECTION Obama obviously WANTS, and NEEDS to see take place.
Obama always has an ULTERIOR motive for everything. And his moves look, and remind me...as it should, any Historian, about how the very same kinds of situations tool place back in the late 1930's, and 1940's...which all led up to the War in Europe.

Remember. Obama is trying to change America into a European-like state, and his attempts to degrade the dollar, while insisting the EURO should become the U.K.'s standard, followed by the USA isn't such a PIPE DREAM anymore.
Bottom line. OBAMA IS BOUND AND DETERMINED TO DESTROY THIS NATION....in ANY WAY HE CAN, with the help of Democrats who only want MORE POWER.

01-13-2013, 02:34 AM
Well, it seems to be working ... pitting Americans against Americans. I just had a two hour, heated, very heated and passionate debate with this idea of Obama putting out an EO. This person is such an Obamanite that six months ago she posted a picture of her on facebook holding a rifle. Now, she has removed the picture AND agrees with everything the administration is saying about banning guns and high capacity magazines.

She says that we don't need guns because "our government" would never fire against it's citizens and if we need protection we have the police and National Guard. Also, if we are invaded then the government will "mass produce" enough guns to hand out to the citizens to use to fight the invaders. These people are nuts!

Hysteria, not common sense, is running rampant. But this seems to be this administration's way of getting their laws enacted ... fear mongering.....whip up the masses and rush legislation through Congress and threatened ever more dire consequences if laws are not passed (EO) so that our representatives and senators make stupid decisions. Talk about getting a bum rush!

I've been very clear that while I support the 2nd amendment, I've no love of guns. I've said that I'd never own one. I'm rethinking that. I do wonder if others are as well?

01-13-2013, 07:35 AM
I see, you mean like all those assurances before the election that obama was not anti-gun , not anti-2nd amendment. Yep, I see how that worked out and it was ever so recent history too. !
Would be far better if you started seeing what is actually aslready there!!
But I know that you will not because to do so you'd have to not only open your eyes but your mind as well.-Tyr

Who gave you those assurances?

fj. Let us know when you finally OPEN YOUR EYES. That old joke about DENIAL being a river in Africa still applies to you. Literally.


I see the circle has formed. ;)

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
01-13-2013, 10:38 AM
Who gave you those assurances?

Had you paid attention during the campaign you'd already know.

I see the circle has formed. ;)

Two replies= a circle? A duo at best perhaps. Seeing circles are ya (?), best get you eyes checked.-;)--Tyr

01-13-2013, 10:42 AM
Two replies= a circle? A duo at best perhaps. Seeing circles are ya (?), best get you eyes checked.-;)--Tyr

Tyr. That's the "CIRCLE" fj seems to be running in. It never ends, and Infinity is never "JUST AROUND THE CORNER" for fj since approval for fj personally will never fully develop. Thus, the endless arguments that take fj nowhere.

01-13-2013, 12:00 PM
I'll resist the urge to make redneck jokes shall I?

Jafar, some things don't have to be said. They make themselves apparent with every illiterate and illogical statement.


01-13-2013, 03:16 PM
Had you paid attention during the campaign you'd already know.

You have an inane ability to take comments so far away from where they originally started that it makes me wonder if you aren't taking the correct pills in the morning.

Two replies= a circle? A duo at best perhaps. Seeing circles are ya (?), best get you eyes checked.-;)--Tyr

That's true, when there's only two of you you have the ability to become more, shall we say, hands on in your stroking of each other.

Tyr. That's the "CIRCLE" fj seems to be running in. It never ends, and Infinity is never "JUST AROUND THE CORNER" for fj since approval for fj personally will never fully develop. Thus, the endless arguments that take fj nowhere.

Careful you're getting dizzy.

red states rule
01-17-2013, 04:42 AM
Jafar, some things don't have to be said. They make themselves apparent with every illiterate and illogical statement.

