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View Full Version : Obama's Second Term Agenda

red states rule
01-15-2013, 04:46 PM
Got this in an email, and I made some changes to fit the next four years of Obama

The 4 D's of the party symbolized by the jackass, keep the people Dumb, Dependent, Depressed and Democrat.

They keep them dumb by not allowing school choice, instead forcing people into public schools where it is easier to teach people an agenda that leans towards the left. They keep them dumb by caving into teachers unions which makes it tough to hold bad teachers accountable.

They keep them dependent by giving handouts like welfare and food stamps. The democrats say that you can't make it on your own and you need to accept the aid from the government. The government tries to be your mother and fear monger people into saying that non-democrats want to take away your handouts and don't care about the poor, and to keep voting democrat if you don't want to lose your handouts. They promise to redistribute wealth from the rich to the poor.

They keep them depressed by making economic policies designed to wreck the country, not help it. This makes it easier to sell the 2nd D, dependency. By making the country into a bad cespool of economic and social despair(i.e. racist tensions, class warfare), they divide the country up into many parts to make turmoil. This is what democrats want. Democrat politicians want to be a part of a ruling class that rules over the people instead of governs, and its easier to do this during times of despair. Passing gun control laws makes the concept of a ruling class safer and easier to pull off.

They keep them Democrat by doing all 3 things above. Personal liberty, freedom, unity, self-reliance, self-sufficiency, economic prosperity, a national country mood that is positive, and more are all threats to keeping people from voting democrat.