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View Full Version : Oh boy, here we go

Abbey Marie
01-15-2013, 06:17 PM
Wonder what is next down the pike...

A pair of identical twins, who were born deaf, have been killed by
Belgian doctors after seeking euthanasia when they found out they would
also soon go blind.

In a unique case under the country's euthanasia laws, the
45-year-old brothers, from Antwerp, chose death as they were unable to
bear the thought of never seeing one another again.

They were euthanised by doctors at Brussels University Hospital, in
Jette, on December 14 by lethal injection after spending their entire
lives together.

Euthanasia is legal under Belgian law if those making the
decision can make their wishes clear and are suffering unbearable pain,
according to a doctor's judgement.

The Belgian law differs from that of Switzerland, famous for
its Dignitas clinic, where only 'assisted suicide' is permitted. This
means patients must play an active role in the administration of the
drug that ends their lives.


01-15-2013, 06:46 PM
man, that's sad on ever level.
legally it's an ongoing horror

Abbey Marie
01-15-2013, 07:04 PM
man, that's sad on ever level.
legally it's an ongoing horror

So true. I am wondering about this- the law says the person must be suffering "unbearable pain". I would interpret that to mean actual physical pain. In this case, it sounds like it was interpreted as emotional pain.

And apart from the legal uncertainties, this seems like a situation where someone would usually committ suicide.

01-15-2013, 07:24 PM
So true. I am wondering about this- the law says the person must be suffering "unbearable pain". I would interpret that to mean actual physical pain. In this case, it sounds like it ws interpreted as emotional pain.

And apart from the legal uncertainties, this seems like a situation where someone would usually committ suicide.

What's your objection? Two adults made a conscious decision to leave this world rather than be imprisoned in blackness and silence.

01-15-2013, 08:18 PM
What's your objection? Two adults made a conscious decision to leave this world rather than be imprisoned in blackness and silence.

Normally I am against suicide, and I think 'some' involved in assisted suicide are likely in it for $$, which I find kinda sick. But to live a life without seeing OR hearing? I think I would want to kick off too. Voluntarily leaving this world is a difficult proposition. Something like this is too hard for me to judge. As they say, "it's above my pay grade". I hope they made the right choice and any suffering is gone.

01-15-2013, 09:21 PM
My sister fought a ten year battle with cancer .... and those ten years were the worst ... unbearable pain and misery from the chemo and radiation treatments ... and she never, never gave up .... but the cancer ate her up to the point where she couldn't breathe ... her last words were "I'm not ready to go".

And then I see this .... and wonder at the level of one's desire to live and the conditions under which we are willing to live.

Robert A Whit
01-15-2013, 09:31 PM
Wonder what is next down the pike...

Yeah I know. When I posted the article a day or two ago, I too wondered. Wonder if this time it will get much comment?

01-15-2013, 09:37 PM
This is what happens in death cultures. This is how it was right before both World Wars. Im not predicting World War III. But we really do need to learn from history.

We need to reinstill life back into ourselves. Too many of us are Spiritually dead. We have to change the culture or we have darkness.

Robert A Whit
01-15-2013, 09:39 PM
My sister fought a ten year battle with cancer .... and those ten years were the worst ... unbearable pain and misery from the chemo and radiation treatments ... and she never, never gave up .... but the cancer ate her up to the point where she couldn't breathe ... her last words were "I'm not ready to go".

And then I see this .... and wonder at the level of one's desire to live and the conditions under which we are willing to live.

A cousin lived in Boise. I saw her during my trip from CA to Salt Lake City, then to Boise, then back via Crater Lake in OR then into CA to drop off my dad who I picked up in Salt Lake City.

Anyway, she was too hefty for sure. She had a decent job and smoked and drank beer steadily.

I can't recall even sharing a beer with her but I had not seen her in many years.

It was just a few years later I got word she was very sick and was bring brought to CA and would like a visit. I and my wife drove the 60 miles to visit her and she was super frail.

She had come down with Lung cancer maybe 6 months before and it had spread through her body. She looked almost dead to me. She was about 80 pounds. She admitted her smoking caused her lung cancer. But she was dying from the bone cancer it mestacized to.

I hate human suffering but she lasted maybe 2 more weeks and she was gone.

01-15-2013, 10:19 PM
This is what happens in death cultures. This is how it was right before both World Wars. Im not predicting World War III. But we really do need to learn from history.

We need to reinstill life back into ourselves. Too many of us are Spiritually dead. We have to change the culture or we have darkness.

Darkness was what those poor souls were facing. There wouldn't have been anything holy or glorious about enduring it either.

01-15-2013, 10:28 PM
Darkness was what those poor souls were facing. There wouldn't have been anything holy or glorious about enduring it either.

Missileman. So true. And not one of us here could ever know how those two people felt after learning about the darkness they faced.

Not even I, as someone who has faced death twice without all of the glorious stories about a "LIGHT" or "Seeing Angels" wants to know what those two people had to have in their hearts, with the love for one-another so deep...and not wanting to suffer alone.

Our society. Or rather. Our Worldwide society has become such a selfish, instant gratification playground for the Ill-informed, if not the totally Uninformed, Uneducated who are pleased with the cheapness of no morality anymore.

And sadly. That DARKNESS threatens all of us. Most of us just refuse to believe, or learn about it.

01-16-2013, 08:58 AM
What's your objection? Two adults made a conscious decision to leave this world rather than be imprisoned in blackness and silence.

On a personal level, I think they made the wrong choice. A lot of moral, spiritual and humane reasons for them to continue on, have hope and live.

And on the next level, the gov't and doctors stepping in to DO the deed LEGALLY is evil.
It's Murder ,simple as that.
Dr's are sworn, or used to swear, never to give anything for suicide or abortion, in the Hippocratic oath. There sworn duty is to heal and relieve suffering in life, not bring life to an end.
The gov't's ONLY ligit reason for existence is to protect life, property and liberty not to take it, except in defense.

It makes the world a much darker and unsafe place when together Drs and gov'ts are promoting euthanasia as an answer to problems.

01-16-2013, 01:26 PM
Darkness was what those poor souls were facing. There wouldn't have been anything holy or glorious about enduring it either.

So I guess we should have killed Helen Keller while she was a child. After all, there is nothing holy or glorious that could have come from her.

Or is that sentiment completely wrong?

01-16-2013, 06:29 PM
So I guess we should have killed Helen Keller while she was a child. After all, there is nothing holy or glorious that could have come from her.

Or is that sentiment completely wrong?

Yeah, you're so far off base a paraplegic could pick you off.

Abbey Marie
01-17-2013, 12:38 AM
What's your objection? Two adults made a conscious decision to leave this world rather than be imprisoned in blackness and silence.

Well, did you see this in the article, for one thing:

Just days after the twins were killed Belgium's ruling Socialists tabled a legal amendment which would allow the euthanasia of children and Alzheimer's sufferers.

I see this as the ultimate slippery slope.

01-18-2013, 02:51 AM
Yeah, you're so far off base a paraplegic could pick you off.

So why is it a woman who was born deaf and blind can provide meaningful contributions to society and life, and yet these twins lives couldn't provide the same?

red states rule
01-18-2013, 02:54 AM
So why is it a woman who was born deaf and blind can provide meaningful contributions to society and life, and yet these twins lives couldn't provide the same?

Like with Obamacare, it came down to how much money they would cost the government. They took the correct action for the benefit of the collective thus not to use up vital government resources

01-18-2013, 06:07 AM
So why is it a woman who was born deaf and blind can provide meaningful contributions to society and life, and yet these twins lives couldn't provide the same?

For starters, these twins chose not to, and it IS their choice to make. If they had been strapped down and murdered because they were going to be blind and deaf, that would be a different matter.