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View Full Version : Journalists Refuse Yard Signs That Say 'This Home Is Proudly Gun Free'

red states rule
01-17-2013, 04:24 AM
Once again, libs refuse to live by the standards they set for others

Marcus Aurelius
01-17-2013, 08:04 AM
how about that dufus who said 'take guns away from everyone'.:laugh:

01-17-2013, 08:33 AM
made my day

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
01-17-2013, 11:14 AM
Once again, libs refuse to live by the standards they set for others

All are the GD , lying ffing hypocrites that I've called them. All liberals believe in the double standard, one set of strict laws/rules for the "worthless masses " and special rules for them! Elitists all of them ,smug in their arrogance and fat in their hypocrisy.
This may be the only place on earth were the policy the communists used , executing the journalists and educators
would bear some merit . Quite ironic that it would more fittingly apply to the very people that so often supported it when the marxist/communists used it.-
They have no problem with enslaving me , I have no problem with their reaping a bit of justice.
In fact, should a revolution occur here that should be one of its main goals IMHO. Cleaning out the infestation, eradicating the roaches. Restoring Constitutional government!! -Tyr

Abbey Marie
01-17-2013, 12:24 PM
Awesome find, Red. :thumb:

01-17-2013, 12:28 PM
That's awesome, bunch of hypocrites!! They are too dumb to realize that posting the addresses of the gun owners is more or less the same damn thing!

Abbey Marie
01-17-2013, 12:32 PM
That's awesome, bunch of hypocrites!! They are too dumb to realize that posting the addresses of the gun owners is more or less the same damn thing!

Can't you just see the criminals downloading the article with the list of gun owners to their cell, then consulting it every time they choose a house to rob?

01-17-2013, 12:35 PM
Can't you just see the criminals downloading the article with the list of gun owners to their cell, then consulting it every time they choose a house to rob?

I'm sure some have already. Why not do that, and sort it by the area you are going to rob. It may not be perfect, but avoiding known "gun houses" sure maximizes your chances of robbing a gun-less house.

Abbey Marie
01-17-2013, 01:55 PM
I'm sure some have already. Why not do that, and sort it by the area you are going to rob. It may not be perfect, but avoiding known "gun houses" sure maximizes your chances of robbing a gun-less house.

Jim, we may have a business venture here. Write software to make the armed robbery of non- gun owners' homes even simpler. As you said, it can sort by neighborhood, and further sort by likelihood of expensive personal property by publishing Homeowner's insurance policy info.
Throw in police patrol schedules for good measure. We could become millionaire$.

On a side note, can I get my property listed as that of a gun owner, even if it isn't? Short of actually owning a gun, that would seem my best protection. :rolleyes:

01-17-2013, 02:08 PM
On a side note, can I get my property listed as that of a gun owner, even if it isn't? Short of actually owning a gun, that would seem my best protection. :rolleyes:

I've seen signs saying, "Protected by Smith and Wesson."

Also, "Forget the dog, watch out for the gun."

Abbey Marie
01-17-2013, 02:10 PM
I've seen signs saying, "Protected by Smith and Wesson."

Also, "Forget the dog, watch out for the gun."

We have security system signs somewhere in the garage, lol.

I wonder what would happen if we put up a Smith & Wesson sign. The neighbors here in super lib Delaware might flip out!

01-17-2013, 03:42 PM
No need for any signs at our home.

Let anyone who thinks they will be safe, breaking into our home feel confident, and comfortable.

I will always remember the very LAST WORDS they say, once they are inside the CASTLE.

The investigating officers will need to pass on that information to the family.

red states rule
01-17-2013, 04:02 PM
Can't you just see the criminals downloading the article with the list of gun owners to their cell, then consulting it every time they choose a house to rob?

Abbey, the criminals are already using the map to select which house to rob. The liberal rag hat published that info should be sued and held accountable http://www.debatepolicy.com/showthread.php?38724-Did-“gun-map”-lead-to-burglary

red states rule
01-18-2013, 02:42 AM
Looks like an idiot who works at MSNBC was nailed in the video; and he does not like it
It's one thing for a journalist to promote stricter gun control but quite another to put that belief into practice. That's the message of a video (https://www.theprojectveritas.com/civicrm/contribute/transact?reset=1&id=141&custom_10=vforganic) produced by conservative activist James O'Keefe, who visited the homes of anti-gun reporters -- including Touré Neblett, the co-host of MSNBC's “The Cycle” -- and offered to give them a yard sign that read: “This Home Is Proudly Gun Free.”
Neblett apparently is offended that his hypocrisy and fear at admitting he does not own a gun was exposed to the general public.
O'Keefe and other members of Project Veritas (http://www.theprojectveritas.org/) posed as members of the fictitious group “Citizens Against Senseless Violence” and showed up at the residences of journalists employed by the Journal News in New York and the Star-Ledger in New Jersey, as well as other public proponents of stricter gun control laws.

So how many of the liberals accepted a sign for their yard?

According to the staff at Twitchy.com (http://twitchy.com/2013/01/15/new-james-okeefe-video-anti-gun-journalists-refuse-to-display-proudly-gun-free-yard-signs/), none of the liberal journalists agreed to post a sign.
Yep, it’s a-OK for the Journal News to publish (http://newsbusters.org/blogs/tom-blumer/2012/12/24/making-lists-and-publishing-them-earth-first-prank-hit-list-gannetts-jou) the names and addresses of gun permit holders. But not one of these journalists was willing to announce to criminals that their homes are gun-free zones. In fact, three of the homes had armed guards, and armed officers questioned the Veritas gang at two locations.

Read more: http://newsbusters.org/blogs/randy-hall/2013/01/17/msnbcs-tour-caught-james-okeefes-expos-anti-gun-hypocrites#ixzz2IMzEJ718

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
01-18-2013, 08:57 AM
No need for any signs at our home.

Let anyone who thinks they will be safe, breaking into our home feel confident, and comfortable.

I will always remember the very LAST WORDS they say, once they are inside the CASTLE.

The investigating officers will need to pass on that information to the family.

They break into my home while I am there they just signed their death warrant. No warning, no exceptions.
Anybody breaking into my home will be considered to be there to harm myself or my family and will be shot immediately ! We can discuss the ramifications, body removal and "what ifs" after they are lying there dead as hell. The newspaper just gave criminals a heads up on avoiding homes such as mine!
Say, who's side are they on anyways?? Answer is obvious, not on the side of the law abiding citizen. Same thing applies for their politics as well. -Tyr

01-18-2013, 03:49 PM
Once again, libs refuse to live by the standards they set for others

HUH? Are you suggesting that

A) Some are forcing gun owners to post signs in their yards saying they have guns

B) Some newspaper is being prevented from compiling a list of homes that don't have guns?

Otherwise I fail to see how anyone is refusing to do anything they have asked others to do , or how anyone is doing something to others than others can't do to them.

By the way, I think the newspaper was stupid for posting that article, but so what? News outlets do stupid things all the time.

red states rule
01-18-2013, 03:55 PM
HUH? Are you suggesting that

A) Some are forcing gun owners to post signs in their yards saying they have guns

B) Some newspaper is being prevented from compiling a list of homes that don't have guns?

Otherwise I fail to see how anyone is refusing to do anything they have asked others to do , or how anyone is doing something to others than others can't do to them.

By the way, I think the newspaper was stupid for posting that article, but so what? News outlets do stupid things all the time.Only people

Only people like you would fail to see the hypocrisy of the liberal rag that published the names and address of those who have a gun permit - putting their lives in danger - and telling criminals where they can steal guns.

01-18-2013, 04:04 PM
HUH? Are you suggesting that

A) Some are forcing gun owners to post signs in their yards saying they have guns

B) Some newspaper is being prevented from compiling a list of homes that don't have guns?

Otherwise I fail to see how anyone is refusing to do anything they have asked others to do , or how anyone is doing something to others than others can't do to them.

By the way, I think the newspaper was stupid for posting that article, but so what? News outlets do stupid things all the time.

I think the point is - these people are the ones who want the world to know there the homeowners are that have guns, but wouldn't want others knowing whether they have a gun or not. If someone is SO angry about gun owners to the point they feel the need to print their names, and they are SO against guns, then they should be proud to advertise the fact that they are gun free. But they think this may be a bit of a privacy issue, or an issue maybe they should decide for themselves. They didn't give gun owners a chance to decide for themselves, they gathered a list, and IMO, irresponsibly listed out names and addresses - and MANY of them are retired police officers and such.

01-18-2013, 04:05 PM
Only people

Only people like you would fail to see the hypocrisy of the liberal rag that published the names and address of those who have a gun permit - putting their lives in danger - and telling criminals where they can steal guns.

I didn't say it wasn't an asshole move. It was. But words still have meanings RSR, you can't just make up new definitions to suit your argument.

hy·poc·ri·sy noun \hi-ˈpä-krə-sē also hī-\
plural hy·poc·ri·sies

Definition of HYPOCRISY1
: a feigning to be what one is not or to believe what one does not; especially : the false assumption of an appearance of virtue or religion

: an act or instance of hypocrisy


So, once again I ask how they are being hypocrites. Not how are they being assholes, but how are they being hypocrites.

The answer is they are not.

01-18-2013, 04:24 PM
I think the point is - these people are the ones who want the world to know there the homeowners are that have guns, but wouldn't want others knowing whether they have a gun or not. If someone is SO angry about gun owners to the point they feel the need to print their names, and they are SO against guns, then they should be proud to advertise the fact that they are gun free. But they think this may be a bit of a privacy issue, or an issue maybe they should decide for themselves. They didn't give gun owners a chance to decide for themselves, they gathered a list, and IMO, irresponsibly listed out names and addresses - and MANY of them are retired police officers and such.

OR they just don't want a sign in their yards. Which is of course their right.

Hey people are assholes Jim, you know this. But they aren't being hypocritical about not wanting signs in THEIR yard UNLESS they are trying to demand that gun owners have signs in THEIR yard.

01-18-2013, 04:28 PM
OR they just don't want a sign in their yards. Which is of course their right.

Hey people are assholes Jim, you know this. But they aren't being hypocritical about not wanting signs in THEIR yard UNLESS they are trying to demand that gun owners have signs in THEIR yard.

I agree to an extent. Keep in mind, only people approaching a house or driving by would see a gun owners home with a sign out front. Thanks to the Journal News, people know about these owners without even having to approach or drive by. They were advertised in the paper. And I have a sneaky suspicion that some of these people aren't as much taken back by not wanting a sign, but rather not wanting others to know they don't have a gun. I think they would rather the public aka criminals not know whether they have a gun, and that same respect should have been given to the gun owners.

01-18-2013, 04:33 PM
I agree to an extent. Keep in mind, only people approaching a house or driving by would see a gun owners home with a sign out front. Thanks to the Journal News, people know about these owners without even having to approach or drive by. They were advertised in the paper. And I have a sneaky suspicion that some of these people aren't as much taken back by not wanting a sign, but rather not wanting others to know they don't have a gun. I think they would rather the public aka criminals not know whether they have a gun, and that same respect should have been given to the gun owners.

That's true Jim, BUT they would only be hypocrites if they objected to someone going down to THEIR local courthouse obtaining a list of gun owners and then reversing the process and posting an article which pointed out all the homes which did NOT have registered guns.

THAT would be hypocritical.

By the way , obviously if a map of a neighborhood is printed out and all the homes where registered guns were kept was circled in red a criminal could easily deduce that the houses not circled in red were in fact NOT home to registered guns. So in effect these people outed themselves as non gun owners.

They simply are NOT hypocrites. They are just ordinary assholes.

01-18-2013, 04:35 PM
They want gun owners advertised. They don't want to be advertised themselves. That's where I think some hypocrisy lies. Other than that I agree with what you say, we can just agree to disagree on the rest.

01-18-2013, 04:37 PM
They want gun owners advertised. They don't want to be advertised themselves. That's where I think some hypocrisy lies. Other than that I agree with what you say, we can just agree to disagree on the rest.

But that's the thing. THey advertise themselves. If you see 12 red circles and 12 non red circles and the red circles are labeled common sense tells you that the non circles are the opposite.

red circle = gun

no red circle = no gun

both sides are identified.

which makes their stupidity all the more astounding. They practically told criminals which houses were unprotected.

01-18-2013, 04:39 PM
Another thing I think is hypocritical - they do this to fuck with gun owners, but when they got nervous they hired armed guards at the paper to protect them. I wonder if they then posted the address of these folks?

01-18-2013, 04:40 PM
Another thing I think is hypocritical - they do this to fuck with gun owners, but when they got nervous they hired armed guards at the paper to protect them. I wonder if they then posted the address of these folks?

Now THAT part of their behavior certainly qualifies as hypocritical.

Reminds me of people who hate cops, until they need one. lol

01-18-2013, 04:50 PM
Jim has the right of it.

Robert A Whit
01-18-2013, 05:53 PM
Originally Posted by jimnyc http://www.debatepolicy.com/images/debate_policy/buttons/viewpost-right.png (http://www.debatepolicy.com/showthread.php?p=607417#post607417)
I'm sure some have already. Why not do that, and sort it by the area you are going to rob. It may not be perfect, but avoiding known "gun houses" sure maximizes your chances of robbing a gun-less house.

Abbey comments: Jim, we may have a business venture here. Write software to make the armed robbery of non- gun owners' homes even simpler. As you said, it can sort by neighborhood, and further sort by likelihood of expensive personal property by publishing Homeowner's insurance policy info.
Throw in police patrol schedules for good measure. We could become millionaire$.

On a side note, can I get my property listed as that of a gun owner, even if it isn't? Short of actually owning a gun, that would seem my best protection. :rolleyes:

When that Lanza guy showed up at the school,. haven't the left wingers essentially put up signs at schools that they are gun free?

Who thinks the US Capitol is gun free?

I believe that even in Philadelphia, those guards you must be approved by wear guns. So, to see the Liberty Bell, you must pass an armed guard. They had a booth on Capitol property when I last visit ed and I believe those in the booth had guns.

Notice who wants the public disarmed. Not republicans.

We value the second amendment is why.

I heard some scumbag lawyer on CSPAN this AM speaking of guns as if only if they are important to government is the second amendment good. He sees the amendment as for the Feds where it actually is for the people.

01-18-2013, 06:13 PM

When that Lanza guy showed up at the school,. haven't the left wingers essentially put up signs at schools that they are gun free?

Who thinks the US Capitol is gun free?

I believe that even in Philadelphia, those guards you must be approved by wear guns. So, to see the Liberty Bell, you must pass an armed guard. They had a booth on Capitol property when I last visit ed and I believe those in the booth had guns.

Notice who wants the public disarmed. Not republicans.

We value the second amendment is why.

I heard some scumbag lawyer on CSPAN this AM speaking of guns as if only if they are important to government is the second amendment good. He sees the amendment as for the Feds where it actually is for the people.

Guns free zones don't mean no armed guards zones.

Did you know that?

01-18-2013, 06:55 PM
Journal News Takes Down Controversial Map of Gun Owners

At the end of December, the Journal News published a detailed map cataloging all of the handgun permit owners in Westchester and Rockland counties, a move that caused much controversy among both gun rights and privacy advocates who felt the map placed figurative targets on the highlighted households. This evening, the publication announced it was was pulling the map, but claimed it was due to New York State’s new gun control law, passed at the start of the week, rather than a response to criticism.

“Today The Journal News has removed the permit data from lohud.com. Our decision to do so is not a concession to critics that no value was served by the posting of the map in the first place,” Journal News publisher Janet Hasson explained. “On the contrary, we’ve heard from too many grateful community members to consider our decision to post information contained in the public record to have been a mistake. Nor is our decision made because we were intimidated by those who threatened the safety of our staffers. We know our business is a controversial one, and we do not cower.”

Because handgun permit information is now classified as private information, not subject to Freedom of Information Law requests, Ms. Hasson said that the map simply lost value to the newspaper’s readers.

“But the database has been public for 27 days and we believe those who wanted to view it have done so already,” she continued. “As well, with the passage of time, the data will become outdated and inaccurate….[W]e will keep a snapshot of our map–with all its red dots– on our website to remind the community that guns are a fact of life we should never forget.


01-18-2013, 06:58 PM


01-18-2013, 07:12 PM
Guns free zones don't mean no armed guards zones.

Did you know that?So tell me smart guy how many PUBLIC gun free schools have armed guards????? I am curious to know!!!:poke:

01-18-2013, 07:16 PM
So tell me smart guy how many PUBLIC gun free schools have armed guards????? I am curious to know!!!:poke:

well, as you may remember I sit on a school board . Hey thanks for the compliment by the way. Anyway our school district has 3 campuses, each of those campuses has two armed school resource officers on duty from 30 minutes before first bell until 30 minutes after last bell every school day.

Those school resource officers are city police officers. EVERY campus in Arkansas has these


If a poor state like Arkansas can afford it...............

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
01-18-2013, 07:56 PM
Another thing I think is hypocritical - they do this to fuck with gun owners, but when they got nervous they hired armed guards at the paper to protect them. I wonder if they then posted the address of these folks?

They are hypocritical as hell Jim. Anybody denying that is either gullible, stupid or lying IMHO.
How many of them showed the courage of their convictions!?? How many of the arrogant elitist weasels ever do??-Tyr

01-18-2013, 08:48 PM
"[W]e will keep a snapshot of our map–with all its red dots– on our website to remind the community that guns are a fact of life we should never forget."

Thanks for the heads up a-hole but we already have the Constitution to remind us that an armed citizenry is a fact of life we won't forget.
While you're at it, can you post a map with red dots of all the people that have Free Speech? Just in case we forget that one too...

01-18-2013, 08:57 PM
"[W]e will keep a snapshot of our map–with all its red dots– on our website to remind the community that guns are a fact of life we should never forget."

Thanks for the heads up a-hole but we already have the Constitution to remind us that an armed citizenry is a fact of life we won't forget.
While you're at it, can you post a map with red dots of all the people that have Free Speech? Just in case we forget that one too...

Wouldn't it be more correct to say they should put a map up with red dots where people are practicing their free speech? I mean EVERYONE has a 2nd amendment right, whether they choose to exercise it or not.

01-18-2013, 09:44 PM

01-18-2013, 09:51 PM

Thunderknuckles. That photo above can also be used with this one. Considering who is saying it..4355 .

01-19-2013, 01:28 AM
Thunderknuckles. That photo above can also be used with this one. Considering who is saying it..4355 .

You're correct. I usually do have the last word b/c even the most stubborn usually realizes that I am burying them with facts while all they spew is silly rhetoric and they eventually retreat from the thread rather than just manning up and saying "oops , I was wrong"

red states rule
01-19-2013, 02:55 AM
They are hypocritical as hell Jim. Anybody denying that is either gullible, stupid or lying IMHO.
How many of them showed the courage of their convictions!?? How many of the arrogant elitist weasels ever do??-Tyr

Conman can answer that question for you Try

red states rule
01-19-2013, 02:56 AM

01-19-2013, 04:33 PM
Update (7:12 p.m.): Senator Greg Ball, who has waged a passionate crusade against the Journal News’ map, released a statement entitled, “VICTORY AGAINST IDIOCY AT JOURNAL NEWS”:

“Thank God the Journal News has finally realized the error in their judgment and done the right thing. Whether they did this responding to the public’s outcry or because they were simply fearful of getting sued due to the rash of burglaries and threats against law enforcement and victims of domestic violence, we will never know. Regardless, I am proud to have passed legislation keeping the Journal News from doing this ever again and proud to have been shoulder to shoulder with thousands of residents who were dealt a crappy hand by the eggheads at the Journal News. I look forward to them creating an interactive map of level three sexual predators, rapists and felons with illegal gun purchases, but I won’t hold my breath.”


01-19-2013, 04:42 PM
You're correct. I usually do have the last word b/c even the most stubborn usually realizes that I am burying them with facts while all they spew is silly rhetoric and they eventually retreat from the thread rather than just manning up and saying "oops , I was wrong"

If you had your own FRONT END LOADER, or SHOVEL. You could never bury anyone with facts. Lies are not considered facts, unless they come from people like you who insist they are. But you would qualify for CessPool filling.

01-19-2013, 10:08 PM
If you had your own FRONT END LOADER, or SHOVEL. You could never bury anyone with facts. Lies are not considered facts, unless they come from people like you who insist they are. But you would qualify for CessPool filling.


red states rule
01-21-2013, 04:25 AM
Update (7:12 p.m.): Senator Greg Ball, who has waged a passionate crusade against the Journal News’ map, released a statement entitled, “VICTORY AGAINST IDIOCY AT JOURNAL NEWS”:
“Thank God the Journal News has finally realized the error in their judgment and done the right thing. Whether they did this responding to the public’s outcry or because they were simply fearful of getting sued due to the rash of burglaries and threats against law enforcement and victims of domestic violence, we will never know. Regardless, I am proud to have passed legislation keeping the Journal News from doing this ever again and proud to have been shoulder to shoulder with thousands of residents who were dealt a crappy hand by the eggheads at the Journal News. I look forward to them creating an interactive map of level three sexual predators, rapists and felons with illegal gun purchases, but I won’t hold my breath.”


But the damage has been done. Next up. lawsuits against the liberal rag in response to criminals using the info provided to break-in to private residents and steal the guns