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View Full Version : Virginia lawmaker's AK-47 sparks gun debate on House floor

01-18-2013, 06:57 PM
A Richmond-area lawmaker brandished an AK-47 on the floor of the Virginia House of Delegates on Thursday in a wild stunt aimed at rallying support for tougher gun laws.

Del. Joe Morrissey, D-Highland Springs, pulled the weapon out shortly after the day's session got underway, a time when legislators typically welcome school groups and other visitors in the chamber's gallery.

Morrissey assured his colleagues the gun was not loaded and pointed it toward the ceiling as he pleaded for Republican House Speaker Bill Howell to help push through a subcommittee the assault weapons ban that Morrissey is proposing.

"A lot of people don't know that in many locations in the commonwealth, you can take this gun, you can walk in the middle of Main Street loaded and not be in violation of the law," Morrissey said. "Even though the law right now says you can't bring this gun into a high school or elementary or middle school, there is nothing from keeping you from walking in front of [an elementary school with a gun]."

Del. Todd Gilbert, R-Woodstock, interrupted Morrissey's speech to ask him to take his finger off the trigger lock and later said that taking guns from citizens is what led to the Holocaust and mass killings under the Soviet Gulag.

"Those who put the Second Amendment into the fabric of our nation understood that a government that is formed and instituted by free people trust its citizens with the right to defend themselves with arms," Gilbert said.


01-18-2013, 07:01 PM

I'm pretty good with Google and I just can't find a single instance of an AK47 being used to commit a crime in the USA.

01-18-2013, 07:03 PM
I'm pretty good with Google and I just can't find a single instance of an AK47 being used to commit a crime in the USA.

Nor being legal to carry around in most parts!

Some on this board would have you believe that M16's and AK47's are the primary weapon used in gun murders. Truth be told though, ALL rifles make up about 3% of all gun deaths, which is less than knives and feet/fists. Like you, I can't find many records of fully auto weapons being used. I'm sure it's happened before, but it's FAR from often.

01-18-2013, 07:07 PM
Nor being legal to carry around in most parts!

Some on this board would have you believe that M16's and AK47's are the primary weapon used in gun murders. Truth be told though, ALL rifles make up about 3% of all gun deaths, which is less than knives and feet/fists. Like you, I can't find many records of fully auto weapons being used. I'm sure it's happened before, but it's FAR from often.

Honestly post WWII or so the only real instance I can find is the North Hollywood Shootout that happened in 1997


although I'm sure there are other instances.