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View Full Version : Vandals hit Veterans graves,replace flags with swastikas

05-29-2007, 09:51 AM
This deserves jail time


05-29-2007, 10:03 AM
This deserves jail time


It deserves a beatdown.

05-29-2007, 10:10 AM
It deserves a beatdown.

No kidding.

What's so ironic is,while watchign the news yesterday,they were talking about how people these days don't act like they did in the Vietnam era. They claimed that people these days may not agree with the war,but always support the troops. I'm finding that to not always be true between this story and the one about veterans getting pelted with eggs at a parade yesterday.

Abbey Marie
05-29-2007, 10:45 AM
No kidding.

What's so ironic is,while watchign the news yesterday,they were talking about how people these days don't act like they did in the Vietnam era. They claimed that people these days may not agree with the war,but always support the troops. I'm finding that to not always be true between this story and the one about veterans getting pelted with eggs at a parade yesterday.

We have a post on this board where someone admits they don't support he troops. In some cases, the thin veneer is peeling back, and the truth is coming out. I think that many people who oppose the war do in theory support the troops; how far that support goes is anyone's guess.

05-29-2007, 11:22 AM
This deserves jail time

http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,275974,00.html I agree

05-29-2007, 11:25 AM
It deserves a beatdown. Perhaps deserved, but are you willing to do it, or leave it to Law enforcement??

Mr. P
05-29-2007, 12:00 PM
This deserves jail time


Shaking my head again...how can people do this despicable sort of thing?

Originally Posted by 5stringJeff View Post
It deserves a beatdown.

Perhaps deserved, but are you willing to do it, or leave it to Law enforcement??

TOTALLY WILLING to do so. I can't nor will I ever accept desecration of graves, if I'm present I'll act.

05-29-2007, 12:41 PM
If someone metes out a little old fashioned vigilante justice to the perps, I'm not going to have any sympathy for them. While I usually deplore vigilantism, my heart will be saying, "Yes!!! These bastards deserved it!!!"

Pale Rider
05-29-2007, 01:08 PM
This deserves jail time


Just seeing stuff like this makes me so mad, I'm actually at a lose for words.

All I can say is if I saw it happen, I would definitely be able to plead temporary insanity, because in my rage, I'd beat those people senseless.

05-29-2007, 01:10 PM
It deserves a beatdown.

Damned straight.

05-29-2007, 01:12 PM
Perhaps deserved, but are you willing to do it, or leave it to Law enforcement??

Law enforcement can clean up what's left.

05-29-2007, 01:18 PM
Considering they are using swastikas, can these people be prosecuted for hate crimes? i hate the idea of hate crimes, but if there is a statute i would find it a very ironic use of it.

05-29-2007, 03:06 PM
How about a beat down then Jail time?

This is one of the most disgusting things I have ever seen, it is like slapping all of the fallen soldiers and veterans in the face. I hope they find out who did this, unfortunatly I doubt they ever will, this kind of crime is hard to solve unless there is an ye witness or someone confesses. Their best shot is offering a reward as you know who ever did it had to brag to someone. Also I think a hate crim and anything else they can charge this person with will be really fitting.

05-29-2007, 04:45 PM
No kidding.

What's so ironic is,while watchign the news yesterday,they were talking about how people these days don't act like they did in the Vietnam era. They claimed that people these days may not agree with the war,but always support the troops. I'm finding that to not always be true between this story and the one about veterans getting pelted with eggs at a parade yesterday.

Don't let the libs fool you. They hate the troops as much now as they did during Vietnam. They are just putting on a front. They don't give a hoot about the troops.

Like pale if I had seen it going on I would have beat them senseless.

05-29-2007, 04:49 PM
these ppl are horrible ingrates...i don't see how desicrating graves is a protest, even if they were of soldiers from this war. that is about as low as you can get.

05-29-2007, 05:34 PM
Well, we won't know until they catch the perps what their motives were. My hunch is that it was a bunch of young skinheads whose only objective was to be destructive and outrageous in the process, period.

05-29-2007, 05:34 PM
Probably someone from the Fred Phelps clan.

You actually CAN support the troops without supporting the idiot whackos who send the troops over to be murdered.

05-29-2007, 05:39 PM
You actually CAN support the troops without supporting the idiot whackos who send the troops over to be murdered.

You lie to yourself to disguise your hatred, maybe?

"We're treading water," the Ames man told the people closest to him. "We continue to kick butt on missions and take care of each other, even though we know the American public and government DOES NOT stand behind us.

Ohhhh, they all say they support us, but how can you support me (the soldier) if you don't support my mission or my objectives. We watch the news over here. Every time we turn it on we see the American public and Hollywood conducting protests and rallies against our 'illegal occupation' of Iraq."

His greatest frustration? The performance of the people who deliver the news to the American people.

I'll let him say it, in his own words, in the letter, which found its way to me:

"Hello media, do you know you indirectly kill American soldiers every day? You inspire and report the enemy's objective every day. You are the enemy's greatest weapon. The enemy cannot beat us on the battlefield so all he does is try to wreak enough havoc and have you report it every day. With you and the enemy using each other, you continually break the will of the American public and American government.

"We go out daily and bust and kill the enemy, uncover and destroy huge weapons caches and continue to establish infrastructure. So daily we put a whoopin on the enemy, but all the enemy has to do is turn on the TV and get re-inspired. He gets to see his daily roadside bomb, truck bomb, suicide bomber or mortar attack. He doesn't see any accomplishments of the U.S. military (FOX, you're not exempt, you suck also).

"Let's give you an example. A couple of days ago we conducted an air assault. We lifted troops into an area for an operation. The operation went well and our ground troops killed (insurgents) and took several prisoners, freed a few hostages and uncovered a weapons cache containing munitions and chemicals that were going to be used in improvised bombs.

"The next morning I woke up and turned on AFN (Armed Forces Network) and watched the nightly news (NBC). Nothing, none of that reported. But the daily car bomb report was reported, and the file footage was not even from the event. There was a car bomb in the Sadr City area and your news report showed old car bomb footage from another part of town from some other time.

"So we really set the enemy back that night but all the enemy had to do was turn on the news and be reassured that the enemy's agenda (objective) was still going to be fed to the American public.

"We, the soldiers, keep breaking the back of the enemy. You, the media, keep rejuvenating the enemy.

"How hard would it be to contact the PAO (public affairs officer) of the 1st CAV, 36th CAB, 25th ID or the Marines and ask what did you guys accomplish today - good and bad? How about some insurgent blooper videos? Now that would be something to show on the evening news.

"Media, we know you hate the George Bush administration, but report both sides, not just your one-sided agenda. You have got to realize how you are continually motivating every extremist, jihadist and terrorist to continue their resolve to kill American soldiers."

05-29-2007, 05:43 PM
:laugh2: :laugh2:

05-29-2007, 07:01 PM
:laugh2: :laugh2:

what's so funny?