View Full Version : Cleanup - fighting

red states rule
01-18-2013, 04:06 PM
I think the point is - these people are the ones who want the world to know there the homeowners are that have guns, but wouldn't want others knowing whether they have a gun or not. If someone is SO angry about gun owners to the point they feel the need to print their names, and they are SO against guns, then they should be proud to advertise the fact that they are gun free. But they think this may be a bit of a privacy issue, or an issue maybe they should decide for themselves. They didn't give gun owners a chance to decide for themselves, they gathered a list, and IMO, irresponsibly listed out names and addresses - and MANY of them are retired police officers and such.

Jim, inmates have told Correction Officers they now know where they live, and I have another thread where the same homes listed by the paper have had their guns stolen. Even someone with an IQ equal to room temp can see the connection. Which explains why CH does not get it

red states rule
01-18-2013, 04:11 PM
you could not be more wrong sir. They are NOT the same ammunition. Read my above post for education.

Now you are a ballistics expert? :laugh2: My God we are so "lucky" to have you back

01-18-2013, 04:14 PM
Please, RSR and Con, don't restart old feuds. No one is wrong and no one is right. I am just asking that we all try things over again and not revive old feelings. You guys don't need to be buddies, but lets all try to leave threads respectable for others, ok?

red states rule
01-18-2013, 04:16 PM
Please, RSR and Con, don't restart old feuds. No one is wrong and no one is right. I am just asking that we all try things over again and not revive old feelings. You guys don't need to be buddies, but lets all try to leave threads respectable for others, ok?

Sorry if pointing out the obvious is offensive Jim. PM if you want. BTW the feud never stopped - there was just a long ceasefire while he was gone

01-18-2013, 04:20 PM
Please, RSR and Con, don't restart old feuds. No one is wrong and no one is right. I am just asking that we all try things over again and not revive old feelings. You guys don't need to be buddies, but lets all try to leave threads respectable for others, ok?

I didn't start or revive anything. You asked me a question I anwered, he took umbrage to my answer apparently.

By the way Jim, what I posted was in fact not an opinion, but rather it was a fact, and facts unlike opinions can and are either right or wrong.

The other poster who I don't know yet, posted that .223 and 5.56 are the same ammo. That is in fact WRONG and what I posted above is in fact RIGHT. That has nothing to do with opinion. An opinion would be if you were to ask me which I prefer to shoot. That's objective and subjective and can be opinionated. But the physical differences between two ammunition? that's not opinion, that's fact.

red states rule
01-18-2013, 04:23 PM
Oh for God's sakes. Jimmy you desperately needed me back here man LOL

Location has NOTHING to do with whether the stand is a bipod or a tripod. BIPOD meaning TWO LEGS, TRIPOD meaning THREE legs.

and the reason they don't locate tripods at the front of the gun is because when a person requires a front mounted stand is when they are in the PRONE position and as they teach you the in the prone position your body itself is the third leg which combines with a bipod to give you the same level of steadiness as a shooter who is using a gun on a tripod which is mounted under the gun and provides ALL of the stability for the shooter.

Needed you back like we need a root canal. You really need to work on letting go and stop being so humble CH. After all you took a bullet for a child once :laugh2:

01-18-2013, 04:24 PM
I didn't start or revive anything. You asked me a question I anwered, he took umbrage to my answer apparently.

By the way Jim, what I posted was in fact not an opinion, but rather it was a fact, and facts unlike opinions can and are either right or wrong.

The other poster who I don't know yet, posted that .223 and 5.56 are the same ammo. That is in fact WRONG and what I posted above is in fact RIGHT. That has nothing to do with opinion. An opinion would be if you were to ask me which I prefer to shoot. That's objective and subjective and can be opinionated. But the physical differences between two ammunition? that's not opinion, that's fact.

That all very well may be true. And regardless of right/wrong, fact/opinion & revived or new - I'm just hoping EVERYONE will think before they post. We were already in the midst of trying to reel in some of the fighting and animosity here, and I'm hoping we can all continue that when possible.

red states rule
01-18-2013, 04:26 PM
OR they just don't want a sign in their yards. Which is of course their right.

Hey people are assholes Jim, you know this. But they aren't being hypocritical about not wanting signs in THEIR yard UNLESS they are trying to demand that gun owners have signs in THEIR yard.

Or they are exposed for the hypocrites that they are. Even you can see that but you came back only only to cause trouble and stir the pot

01-18-2013, 04:27 PM
That all very well may be true. And regardless of right/wrong, fact/opinion & revived or new - I'm just hoping EVERYONE will think before they post. We were already in the midst of trying to reel in some of the fighting and animosity here, and I'm hoping we can all continue that when possible.

I can't be responsible for others and frankly I don't care what others do. Just pointing out that you asked me for a factual difference between the two and I posted exactly that. One poster sort of countered me when he claimed they were the same. He's dead wrong, there is no room for opinion here . Some things are just facts and need to be acknowledged by all as facts.

Anything else happening in the thread, I'm not involved so honestly I don't care and won't address it.

red states rule
01-18-2013, 04:29 PM
I can't be responsible for others and frankly I don't care what others do. Just pointing out that you asked me for a factual difference between the two and I posted exactly that. One poster sort of countered me when he claimed they were the same. He's dead wrong, there is no room for opinion here . Some things are just facts and need to be acknowledged by all as facts.

Anything else happening in the thread, I'm not involved so honestly I don't care and won't address it.

Would you like some whine with that cheese or is a box of Kleenex enough for now? Different day same old Conman

01-18-2013, 04:33 PM
Would you like some whine with that cheese or is a box of Kleenex enough for now? Different day same old Conman

Please, all I'm asking is that we TRY to remain on topic about the threads. Let's not start attacks already. Please?

Marcus Aurelius
01-18-2013, 04:36 PM
http://www.debatepolicy.com/images/debate_policy/misc/quote_icon.png Originally Posted by ConHog http://www.debatepolicy.com/images/debate_policy/buttons/viewpost-right.png (http://www.debatepolicy.com/showthread.php?p=607810#post607810)

I can't be responsible for others and frankly I don't care what others do. Just pointing out that you asked me for a factual difference between the two and I posted exactly that. One poster sort of countered me when he claimed they were the same. He's dead wrong, there is no room for opinion here . Some things are just facts and need to be acknowledged by all as facts.

Anything else happening in the thread, I'm not involved so honestly I don't care and won't address it.

Would you like some whine with that cheese or is a box of Kleenex enough for now? Different day same old Conman


red states rule
01-19-2013, 02:44 AM
and so we could label him as dumb, gullible, and possibly derelict in his duties , but he didn't lie about his reasons for going into Iraq.


red states rule
01-19-2013, 02:49 AM
which only proves that one man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter. Of course the USA has and does and will continue to support such characters when our goals align with theirs. Only a fool would believe otherwise.

What's amazing is how many times our idiotic government has funded the beginnings of the very people who later fight us with the very weapons and training we supplied them with.

Spoken like a true liberal. That BS was spewed by Howard Dean in defense of terrorists. Tell me Conman, should the US have sided with Stalin in WWII?

red states rule
01-19-2013, 02:52 AM
I did not like it when some idiots involved Palin's kids in their politics and I don't like it when people involve Obama's kids in their politics.

They're kids, stop being jerks trying to make political points and let them be kids.

All th ad does is point out while Obama is spreading the wealth around he should be spreading the security around. Many libs who oppose armed guards in schools send their kids to schools with armed guards. So you can stop being a JERK and listen to what ad points out

01-19-2013, 02:54 AM
All th ad does is point out while Obama is spreading the wealth around he should be spreading the security around. Many libs who oppose armed guards in schools send their kids to schools with armed guards. So you can stop being a JERK and listen to what ad points out

Enough with the name calling over a feud that is well over a fucking year old. Grow the fuck up.

As for the ad, I CLEARLY stated that I don't care what the message is, I don't like kids being used. Simple as that. You only object when the message is one you didn't want to hear to begin with, that's fine. Not everyone has to agree with you RSR.

01-19-2013, 02:55 AM
Spoken like a true liberal. That BS was spewed by Howard Dean in defense of terrorists. Tell me Conman, should the US have sided with Stalin in WWII?

Hey bro, did you realize our founding fathers were considered the terrorists of their day?

Give me a break with your "liberal" BS.

red states rule
01-19-2013, 03:01 AM
Hey bro, did you realize our founding fathers were considered the terrorists of their day?

Give me a break with your "liberal" BS.

Yes, and those Bible thumping gun owning farmers beat the most powerful Army in the world at the time and won their freedom. Like Virgil, try to compare America (which has liberated more people than any nation in the history of mankind) to terrorists. I bet that makes you feel warm all over Conman, And you are a liberal Conman. You take both sides of every issue. You lie - sorry - embellish your resume. You come off as an "expert" on every damn topic discussed. You never miss a chance to talk down to someone. Yes, you are a liberal

red states rule
01-19-2013, 03:03 AM
Oh, I see. Only the parts of MY post YOU choose to reproduce in bold font are worth consideration ?

Sorry, Conhog, but I believe I have a right to state, and to mean, what I CHOOSE to state, and to mean. Oh, I daresay you find it convenient to alter contexts according to your own wishes and needs, but some of us don't choose to resort to such a tactic at the drop of a hat.

As for ...

... have you stopped to consider how illogical this is ? Given that you're trying to assert that the US perpetrated genocide against the 'Native Americans' ... er'm, how come, if such genocide happened, that there are ANY Native Americans even ALIVE to offer any opinion ?????

Do you believe in ghosts, ConHog ?

Perhaps the SURVIVING Native Americans (they must BE that, to manage to offer any opinion AS what they definitively ARE) have genetically 'shifted race' ? Could that be it ? Do explain -

ConHog ... 'seriously', welcome back. With this calibre of posting, I think you'll succeed in adding a much-needed humorous addition to the forum .... :laugh::laugh:

Drummond you will quickly learn that trying to have a rational and clam discussion with Conman is the same as beating your head against the wall. It hurts like Hell and accomplishes nothing

01-19-2013, 03:04 AM
Yes, and those Bible thumping gun owning farmers beat the most powerful Army in the world at the time and won their freedom. Like Virgil, try to compare America (which has liberated more people than any nation in the history of mankind) to terrorists. I bet that makes you feel warm all over Conman, And you are a liberal Conman. You take both sides of every issue. You lie - sorry - embellish your resume. You come off as an "expert" on every damn topic discussed. You never miss a chance to talk down to someone. Yes, you are a liberal

Yep, they won, and it was only by virtue of that win that they were not labeled as TERRORISTS to future generations.

The rest of your post is more suited to the flame zone and so I choose not to respond to it her.

red states rule
01-19-2013, 03:06 AM
Enough with the name calling over a feud that is well over a fucking year old. Grow the fuck up.

As for the ad, I CLEARLY stated that I don't care what the message is, I don't like kids being used. Simple as that. You only object when the message is one you didn't want to hear to begin with, that's fine. Not everyone has to agree with you RSR.

Still see you are thin-skinned when confronted wit the truth and you go into temper tantrum mode. No kids were harmed or "used" in the production of that ad Conman. The only reason you are "outraged" is that the ad exposed libs for their hypocrisy and you took it personal

red states rule
01-19-2013, 03:07 AM
Yep, they won, and it was only by virtue of that win that they were not labeled as TERRORISTS to future generations.

The rest of your post is more suited to the flame zone and so I choose not to respond to it her.

You just compared them to terrorist Conman like Virgil used to do. As far as the rest of the post, yea I did not think you would refute that vicious pack of truth

red states rule
01-19-2013, 03:16 AM
You really need to pay attention. I did not say you ALTERED my post. However, you chose a context for it that my wording did not address, and you did so by cherry-picking only that wording which best suited your purpose.

Yes, on balance, that's a fair statement. The Nazis certainly ATTEMPTED genocide against the Jews. Their Holocaust efforts were aimed at that objective, and they worked hard to achieve it. However .. Hitler's defeat stopped that attempt at genocide from reaching completion. Something which, incidentally, America played its major, indeed decisive, part in bringing about ... the defeat of the Third Reich is an historical achievement your country should be very proud of.

Anyway, Conhog, I shall - I think - return to this thread later today. I hope you'll have some more amusing offerings waiting for me .. and thanks for the laugh you've given me up to now ! :laugh:

Conman is a half way decent stand up comic. But you need to have a tube of Preparation H handy after reading several of his babbling posts. Have a great day Drummond

01-19-2013, 03:18 AM
Drummond you will quickly learn that trying to have a rational and clam discussion with Conman is the same as beating your head against the wall. It hurts like Hell and accomplishes nothing

You may well be correct (and, of course, you'll speak from experience that I have yet to match, and I respect that).

Still ... it has its funny side, too, as the preceding exchange just proved to me.

But thanks, Redstates.

red states rule
01-19-2013, 03:21 AM
You may well be correct (and, of course, you'll speak from experience that I have yet to match, and I respect that).

Still ... it has its funny side, too, as the preceding exchange just proved to me.

But thanks, Redstates.

Conman has all the warmth and charm of a scorpion Drummond. He also has a very inflated opinion of himself, but you will learn all that in time. The funniest items he posts is in regards to his military "record". I am sure you will that funnier then a George Carlin routine

01-19-2013, 03:52 AM
Still see you are thin-skinned when confronted wit the truth and you go into temper tantrum mode. No kids were harmed or "used" in the production of that ad Conman. The only reason you are "outraged" is that the ad exposed libs for their hypocrisy and you took it personal

What truth? Do you understand what an OPINION is? It is neither true nor false. It is an OPINION.

My OPINION is that kids shouldn't be used in such ways, no matter the goal.

As for your claims I am not OUTRAGED, I merely expressed an OPINION, but your reasoning for my alleged outrage is just outright stupid considering I posted in the very post that you quoted that I didn't care about the reason for using kids, I just didn't like it being done by anyone.

red states rule
01-19-2013, 03:55 AM
What truth? Do you understand what an OPINION is? It is neither true nor false. It is an OPINION.

My OPINION is that kids shouldn't be used in such ways, no matter the goal.

As for your claims I am not OUTRAGED, I merely expressed an OPINION, but your reasoning for my alleged outrage is just outright stupid considering I posted in the very post that you quoted that I didn't care about the reason for using kids, I just didn't like it being done by anyone.

Conman it is really getting old with you playing the victim card. You really need to grow up of find another message board. As far as your "outrage" over the "use" of Obama's kids, I guess you will never understand the message being sent by the ad. It requires an open mind and objective reasoning from the viewer. In this case,two strikes and you are out Conman

01-20-2013, 06:37 PM
I didn't start or revive anything. You asked me a question I anwered, he took umbrage to my answer apparently.

By the way Jim, what I posted was in fact not an opinion, but rather it was a fact, and facts unlike opinions can and are either right or wrong.

The other poster who I don't know yet, posted that .223 and 5.56 are the same ammo. That is in fact WRONG and what I posted above is in fact RIGHT. That has nothing to do with opinion. An opinion would be if you were to ask me which I prefer to shoot. That's objective and subjective and can be opinionated. But the physical differences between two ammunition? that's not opinion, that's fact.

You are correct... they are NOT identical or THE SAME...

While the external case dimensions are very similar, the .223 Remington and 5.56x45mm differ in both maximum pressure and chamber shape. The maximum and mean pressures for some varieties of the 5.56 mm (different cartridge designations have different standards) exceed the SAAMI (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sporting_Arms_and_Ammunition_Manufacturers%27_Inst itute) maxima for the .223 Remington, and the methods for measuring pressures differ between NATO and SAAMI.[2] (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/.223_Remington#cite_note-2) The 5.56 mm chamber specification has also changed since its adoption, as the current military loading (NATO SS-109 or US M855) uses longer, heavier bullets than the original loading. This has resulted in a lengthening of the throat in the 5.56 mm chamber. Thus, while .223 Remington ammunition can be safely fired in a 5.56 mm chambered gun, firing 5.56 mm ammunition in a .223 Remington chamber may produce pressures in excess of even the 5.56 mm specifications due to the shorter throat.[3] (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/.223_Remington#cite_note-3)

01-20-2013, 07:12 PM
Conman it is really getting old with you playing the victim card. You really need to grow up of find another message board. As far as your "outrage" over the "use" of Obama's kids, I guess you will never understand the message being sent by the ad. It requires an open mind and objective reasoning from the viewer. In this case,two strikes and you are out Conman

red states rule. Seems the Conman is determined to control every thread, post, and member by insisting he is that VICTIM you mentioned.
If he, or any other member is upset, offended, insulted by being singled out for stupidity, ignorance, or whining. Most of us who came here from another forum last year will happily provide the VERY FORUM he is looking to control.

All of the laws, rules, and liberal political correctness anyone could hope to find DOES EXIST, and it seems Conman would fit right in with others who are exactly like him.

red states rule
01-21-2013, 04:15 AM
Conman started a thread asking for a new forum be created. After reading his description I came to the conclusion the most appropriate name of the forum would be "The greatness and superior intelligence of Conhog". A perfect example of the guys overinflated opinion of himself

01-21-2013, 05:40 PM

The Patriot Act was the favorite tool of democrats who wanted to use it only to beat up on Bush.

No, once the Patriot Act is clearly undersood, neither president deserves to be called an asshole over that particular act.

As Kath asks, make a case for Obama.

I made a very good case for Bush so it is up to you to defend Obama.

Make your case, but please, leave me out of it.

01-21-2013, 05:40 PM
I have not been tested on either issue. So how can you assert what you just did?

My complaint is with those who constantly berate Bush. Do you qualify?

I have offered some reasons why Bush was correct. Thus far I have not read any rebuttals.

No I certainly do not. In point of fact I post about ISSUES rather than individuals.

Once in awhile you see me post about an individual, but not often.

01-21-2013, 05:42 PM
Great. What did you like about Bush? What do you like about Obama?

As you well know, I only occasionally post about individuals, but I have in the past and when I do I have both berated and defended both Bush and Obama in various threads in the past.

I see no reason to recap such threads in this one.

01-21-2013, 05:44 PM
As you well know, I only occasionally post about individuals, but I have in the past and when I do I have both berated and defended both Bush and Obama in various threads in the past.

I see no reason to recap such threads in this one.

Underlined is not true. The rest of bolded is open to interpretation.

01-21-2013, 05:45 PM
As you well know, I only occasionally post about individuals, but I have in the past and when I do I have both berated and defended both Bush and Obama in various threads in the past.

I see no reason to recap such threads in this one.

"Cough, cough...."

01-21-2013, 05:46 PM
Underlined is not true. The rest of bolded is open to interpretation.

Then truly the burden is on you to prove otherwise. Post 5 examples out of my 10K posts where I have posted about Bush or Obama. I mean other than the odd remark here and there.

01-21-2013, 05:48 PM
Then truly the burden is on you to prove otherwise. Post 5 examples out of my 10K posts where I have posted about Bush or Obama. I mean other than the odd remark here and there.

Kathianne. How's it feel to be BURDENED by someone who means natta? Just wondering when this forum became a place where other members can demand a BURDEN is somehow their responsibility...because a member says so????

01-21-2013, 05:48 PM
Then truly the burden is on you to prove otherwise. Post 5 examples out of my 10K posts where I have posted about Bush or Obama. I mean other than the odd remark here and there.

Unreasonable 'demand' on your part. You stated something that claimed 'I know' I don't know and stated that was untrue. No reason for me to prove that, much less 5 examples. So wrong you are.

01-21-2013, 05:54 PM
Unreasonable 'demand' on your part. You stated something that claimed 'I know' I don't know and stated that was untrue. No reason for me to prove that, much less 5 examples. So wrong you are.

Duly noted that you have let dishonesty over take your posting as well Kath.

We've had tons of conversations on this board, and you've seen tons of my posts on another board. You absolutely know beyond a shadow of a doubt that I don't waste my time bitching about Bush or Obama. I post about ISSUES.

It truly saddens me that you are so fucking dishonest over something that isn't even a major point.

Pathetic Kath, just pathetic. You should be ashamed of yourself for letting your personal feelings for me let you be so dishonest that you can't even acknowledge a simple and well known fact about me.

Robert A Whit
01-21-2013, 05:54 PM
Kathianne. How's it feel to be BURDENED by someone who means natta? Just wondering when this forum became a place where other members can demand a BURDEN is somehow their responsibility...because a member says so????

Apparently she wants her name left out of posts.

01-21-2013, 05:59 PM
Apparently she wants her name left out of posts.

Robert, I'm following the suggestions Jim gave regarding our interactions or my desire to not interact. Stop it, please.

01-21-2013, 06:03 PM
Robert, I'm following the suggestions Jim gave regarding our interactions or my desire to not interact. Stop it, please.

Fling some poo at him! C'mon, do it! It will make you feel GOOD.

01-21-2013, 06:04 PM
Fling some poo at him! C'mon, do it! It will make you feel GOOD.

No desire to do so. Ignore is a very good feature, though I recommend activating very sparingly.

01-21-2013, 06:08 PM
Duly noted that you have let dishonesty over take your posting as well Kath.

We've had tons of conversations on this board, and you've seen tons of my posts on another board. You absolutely know beyond a shadow of a doubt that I don't waste my time bitching about Bush or Obama. I post about ISSUES.

It truly saddens me that you are so fucking dishonest over something that isn't even a major point.

Pathetic Kath, just pathetic. You should be ashamed of yourself for letting your personal feelings for me let you be so dishonest that you can't even acknowledge a simple and well known fact about me.

All anyone needs, or wants to know about you CH, is shown in your trash language, which reflects your mental trashiness. Anyone who feels a dire need to use that language...as you did above. Has no credibility..unless you live on the street, and never succeeded in finishing an education. Trash talk, from Trash people. Thank you.

01-21-2013, 06:09 PM
Duly noted that you have let dishonesty over take your posting as well Kath.

We've had tons of conversations on this board, and you've seen tons of my posts on another board. You absolutely know beyond a shadow of a doubt that I don't waste my time bitching about Bush or Obama. I post about ISSUES.

It truly saddens me that you are so fucking dishonest over something that isn't even a major point.

Pathetic Kath, just pathetic. You should be ashamed of yourself for letting your personal feelings for me let you be so dishonest that you can't even acknowledge a simple and well known fact about me.

Let's cut it here and move on. You had your say and I don't want this thread ruined. Agree to disagree. Both have stated their opinions.

01-21-2013, 06:10 PM
All anyone needs, or wants to know about you CH, is shown in your trash language, which reflects your mental trashiness. Anyone who feels a dire need to use that language...as you did above. Has no credibility..unless you live on the street, and never succeeded in finishing an education. Trash talk, from Trash people. Thank you.

Unless he's directing the trash at you, can we please let this stuff go and move back on topic.

01-21-2013, 06:13 PM
Let's cut it here and move on. You had your say and I don't want this thread ruined. Agree to disagree. Both have stated their opinions.

Agree to disagree? No, on this point I won't do so. As we talked about in a thread the other day, there are facts and there are opinions.

You can't agree to disagree about facts. The FACT is I rarely talk about individuals, preferring to post about ISSUES, exactly as I stated.

01-21-2013, 06:14 PM
No desire to do so. Ignore is a very good feature, though I recommend activating very sparingly.

Can I at least be your butter and egg man (G-rated of course)? I can butter you up with compliments and you egg me on to annoy people on DP.

Robert A Whit
01-21-2013, 06:17 PM
Robert, I'm following the suggestions Jim gave regarding our interactions or my desire to not interact. Stop it, please.

Leave my name out of your posts please.

01-21-2013, 07:27 PM
How civil, he calla me a liar but adds that he will drop it.. Amazing audacity and mind reading ability he has been gifted with along with his ability to see into my past life. And he wonders why people call him on his crap!! -Tyr

Tyr. As all of us have seen, from today, and from the past. The only thing CH can drop effectively is....HIS "IQ".

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
01-21-2013, 07:32 PM
Tyr. As all of us have seen, from today, and from the past. The only thing CH can drop effectively is....HIS "IQ".

I am still waiting for any shred of proof he can present that I lied!!!
The fact that he has not dared reappear here to answer for his accusation points to just one thing ..
No guts, no honor and no backbone IMHO..
Words that he spit out of his own free will , so lets see him back them up or reveal to all how he truly is.... -Tyr

01-21-2013, 07:54 PM
More posts moved this evening and users banned from respective threads.

01-21-2013, 07:59 PM
More posts moved this evening and users banned from respective threads.

So much for appeasement. Thanks a lot jim.

I'll find another place to join in. Looks like I was right about my warnings to you.


01-21-2013, 08:03 PM
So much for appeasement. Thanks a lot jim.

I'll find another place to join in. Looks like I was right about my warnings to you.


I am truly sorry if you can't make the offending posts in the cage forum and MUST do so in threads where people are trying to have serious discussions. I didn't think it was too much to ask. Not everyone wants every single thread turned into a fight. And I would appreciate it sometimes if people would please follow the rules we set forth and actually do what I am asking for or pleading for. This solely boils down to some not wanting to post in a specific forum but wanting to do so wherever they please. These non-stop jabs and feuds are making people not want to participate.


01-21-2013, 08:07 PM
I am truly sorry if you can't make the offending posts in the cage forum and MUST do so in threads where people are trying to have serious discussions. I didn't think it was too much to ask. Not everyone wants every single thread turned into a fight. And I would appreciate it sometimes if people would please follow the rules we set forth and actually do what I am asking for or pleading for. This solely boils down to some not wanting to post in a specific forum but wanting to do so wherever they please. These non-stop jabs and feuds are making people not want to participate.


Why even bother calling it a Forum? If you recall what we talked about. IT HAS HAPPENED.

01-21-2013, 08:10 PM
I am still waiting for any shred of proof he can present that I lied!!!
The fact that he has not dared reappear here to answer for his accusation points to just one thing ..
No guts, no honor and no backbone IMHO..
Words that he spit out of his own free will , so lets see him back them up or reveal to all how he truly is.... -Tyr

Tyr, since it's been brought to the cage, which is all I ever wanted to get across anyway - stop fucking up my ability to post in the threads - i'll gladly flame war you down here , just stop doing it in the threads

anyway , back to my offer of a deal. IF you will post a single definitive shred of proof that I support Obama I will then post proof that you are a liar.

You've been claiming that I'm an Obama supporter for far longer than I have been calling you a liar, so it's only fair that you go first.

Jim can be the judge on whether either case was proven if he so agrees. Which means I don't have to show my proof until you prove your case.

01-21-2013, 08:14 PM
So much for appeasement. Thanks a lot jim.

I'll find another place to join in. Looks like I was right about my warnings to you.


You warned him that you were going to be a dickhead who showed him absolutely no respect by blatantly disregarding his request that you keep your shit in this forum?

That was rather kind of you. I guess

Note to Jim: I know I said I probably wouldn't spend much time in the cage, but........

The only two things in the house right now are myself and some beer so right now I feel like doing two things. Drinking beer and fighting in the cage, and I'm just about out of beer. :coffee:

01-21-2013, 08:15 PM
Why even bother calling it a Forum? If you recall what we talked about. IT HAS HAPPENED.

Nothing changes the FACT that this shit talking is continuing AFTER I posted an announcement and asked everyone to please stop it - AND - I explained what would happen if people continued to do so in good threads. Then you act surprised when you keep doing it anyway. Sorry, this applies equally to everyone. You could just as easily came into this cage forum and aired your issues with CH - but you CHOSE to do so in the threads I asked you not to.

01-21-2013, 08:17 PM
So much for appeasement. Thanks a lot jim.

I'll find another place to join in. Looks like I was right about my warnings to you.


http://t0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcR2IOKeiP7m4L92O7BxBCgrOsITyEMli 8xB-izRh3JwMhgbqMcNes2goKj7

01-21-2013, 08:19 PM
Oh good Christ...

01-21-2013, 08:20 PM
Oh good Christ...

Can you please kill me?

01-21-2013, 08:21 PM
Can you please kill me?

right about now, be delighted. You've my number.

01-21-2013, 08:24 PM
Can you please kill me?

I'll kill another beer for you. How's that?

01-21-2013, 08:33 PM
Can you please kill me?

You ain't gettin' off that easy, brother...

01-21-2013, 09:12 PM
Conhog rules...................4375. Almost like a vote for Obama.

01-21-2013, 09:36 PM
Conhog rules...................4375. Almost like a vote for Obama.

He gets no special "vote" as he was removed as well.

01-21-2013, 09:43 PM
He gets no special "vote" as he was removed as well.

I was removed from a thread? Ha didn't even notice, which one you biased turd?

Oh that reminds me, can I get back into the intro thread , not that I want to post now, but I do like welcoming newcomers when they show up.

PS to AboutTime I found your personal website bruh



01-21-2013, 10:04 PM
Underlined is not true. The rest of bolded is open to interpretation.

That this post is in the 'cage' wrong on any number of fronts.

01-21-2013, 10:06 PM
Make your case, but please, leave me out of it.

Again, another post that never should have been caged. Indeed, a plea to avoid such.

01-21-2013, 10:08 PM
Unreasonable 'demand' on your part. You stated something that claimed 'I know' I don't know and stated that was untrue. No reason for me to prove that, much less 5 examples. So wrong you are.

Again, an unfair move to cage. I was responding to post, not flaming or acting in disrespectful tone.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
01-21-2013, 10:10 PM
I am still waiting for any shred of proof he can present that I lied!!!
The fact that he has not dared reappear here to answer for his accusation points to just one thing ..
No guts, no honor and no backbone IMHO..
Words that he spit out of his own free will , so lets see him back them up or reveal to all how he truly is.... -Tyr
^^^^^ Clearly was unintentional on my part but -bravo-- I made the big leagues. -:beer:
I bolded the words above in my quote that brought this old dog here.
Never were truer words so proudly spoken about man or beast!

here is the accusation that CH made and to which I asked for proof from him to support his calling me a liar ..

ay, 12:43 AM
#32 (http://www.debatepolicy.com/showthread.php?38767-Staff-actions-going-forward&p=608743#post608743)

http://www.debatepolicy.com/image.php?u=2275&dateline=1344800665 (http://www.debatepolicy.com/member.php?2275-Tyr-Ziu-Saxnot)Tyr-Ziu Saxnot (http://www.debatepolicy.com/member.php?2275-Tyr-Ziu-Saxnot)
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<dl class="userstats" style="margin-right: 10px; margin-left: 0px; float: right; width: 150px;"><dt style="margin: 0px 5px 0px 0px; padding: 0px; float: left;">Join Date</dt><dd style="margin: 0px; padding: 0px;">May 2012</dd><dt style="margin: 0px 5px 0px 0px; padding: 0px; float: left;">Location</dt><dd style="margin: 0px; padding: 0px;">USA, Southern</dd><dt style="margin: 0px 5px 0px 0px; padding: 0px; float: left;">Posts</dt><dd style="margin: 0px; padding: 0px;">4,932</dd><dt style="margin: 0px 5px 0px 0px; padding: 0px; float: left;">Thanks</dt><dd style="margin: 0px; padding: 0px;">9,789</dd><dd style="margin: 0px; padding: 0px; display: inline; white-space: nowrap; float: left;">Thanked 3,582 Times in 2,444 Posts</dd></dl><dl class="user_rep" style="margin-right: 10px; margin-left: 0px; float: right; width: 150px;"><dt style="margin: 0px 5px 0px 0px; padding: 0px; float: left;">Rep Power</dt><dd id="reppower_608743_2275" style="margin: 0px; padding: 0px;">602793</dd></dl>


http://www.debatepolicy.com/images/debate_policy/misc/quote_icon.png Originally Posted by ConHog http://www.debatepolicy.com/images/debate_policy/buttons/viewpost-right.png (http://www.debatepolicy.com/showthread.php?p=608737#post608737)
The next honest thing you post will be the first. I have Guiness book on stand by just in case it happens.

Act like I started all the bullshit, I came back and started a ConHog is back thread and was immediately inundated with hostile posts, threats, and other assorted comments. But as per usual Tyr and his little buddies feign innocence and blame the mean old Hog.

I'm going to insert two blanks here

Blank A ______________ is for the number of names posters have called ConHog since his return

Blank B ______________ is for the number of names ConHog has called others since his return.

go ahead and count them up and see who started what. I in fact Tyr was very civil to you, and even commented to Jim that you were being civil to me at one point, but then you returned to form.

Sir you ask me to exhibit a behavior that is 100% the opposite of the way I am treated. No man would honor would honor that request.

Let me know when you have those numbers added up, I will post them in the post, by YOUR count.

Sure dude, calling me a liar about my experience I spoke of in Memphis long ago was you being so civil. You are right I was civil until you called me a liar about my telling the truth. Acted as if you somehow knew ! Simply amazing arrogance but of course you do not see it that way. You wouldn't. So pray tell why I'm a liar about that and how you know?? YOU CAN NOT BECAUSE IT WAS TRUE..
You are the one that return to form and dude I wasn't the first one to notice nor the first one to call you on it. Others beat me to it and I held back until you unprovoked called me a liar!--Tyr

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot (http://www.debatepolicy.com/member.php?2275-Tyr-Ziu-Saxnot)
http://www.debatepolicy.com/images/debate_policy/statusicon/user-online.pngExecute all the traitors!http://www.debatepolicy.com/images/reputation/reputation_pos.png http://www.debatepolicy.com/images/reputation/reputation_pos.png http://www.debatepolicy.com/images/reputation/reputation_pos.png http://www.debatepolicy.com/images/reputation/reputation_pos.png http://www.debatepolicy.com/images/reputation/reputation_pos.png http://www.debatepolicy.com/images/reputation/reputation_highpos.png http://www.debatepolicy.com/images/reputation/reputation_highpos.png http://www.debatepolicy.com/images/reputation/reputation_highpos.png http://www.debatepolicy.com/images/reputation/reputation_highpos.png http://www.debatepolicy.com/images/reputation/reputation_highpos.png http://www.debatepolicy.com/images/reputation/reputation_highpos.png

<dl class="userstats" style="margin-right: 10px; margin-left: 0px; float: right; width: 150px;"><dt style="margin: 0px 5px 0px 0px; padding: 0px; font-weight: bold; float: left;">Join Date</dt><dd style="margin: 0px; padding: 0px;">May 2012</dd><dt style="margin: 0px 5px 0px 0px; padding: 0px; font-weight: bold; float: left;">Location</dt><dd style="margin: 0px; padding: 0px;">USA, Southern</dd><dt style="margin: 0px 5px 0px 0px; padding: 0px; font-weight: bold; float: left;">Posts</dt><dd style="margin: 0px; padding: 0px;">4,904</dd><dt style="margin: 0px 5px 0px 0px; padding: 0px; font-weight: bold; float: left;">Thanks</dt><dd style="margin: 0px; padding: 0px;">9,740</dd><dd style="margin: 0px; padding: 0px; display: inline; white-space: nowrap; float: left;">Thanked 3,562 Times in 2,427 Posts</dd></dl><dl class="user_rep" style="margin-right: 10px; margin-left: 0px; float: right; width: 150px;"><dt style="margin: 0px 5px 0px 0px; padding: 0px; font-weight: bold; float: left;">Rep Power</dt><dd id="reppower_608532_2275" style="margin: 0px; padding: 0px;">584221</dd></dl>


http://www.debatepolicy.com/images/debate_policy/misc/quote_icon.png Originally Posted by ConHog http://www.debatepolicy.com/images/debate_policy/buttons/viewpost-right.png (http://www.debatepolicy.com/showthread.php?p=608463#post608463)
No you didn't and no you don't , but I'll drop it.

I see that your amazing insights are still intact and your crystal ball has shown you my entire life too.
Amazing that you have the knowledge to be able to tell me what the hell I did and didnt do!
That's right you have no such knowledge yet chose to call me a liar anyways.
Yea, call me a liar then declare to drop it. Arrogance has you firmly in its grip and nothing will change that.
Cite your justification for declaring I didnt do what I stated... or dont by admitting you shot out a slash with no validity other]
than your own rather vivid imagination. -Tyr
Last edited by Tyr-Ziu Saxnot; Yesterday at 04:30 PM.
Honor and courage, far more valuable than rubies and gold!

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The Following User Says Thank You to Tyr-Ziu Saxnot For This Useful Post:

Nukeman (http://www.debatepolicy.com/member.php?u=112) (Yesterday)

Last edited by Tyr-Ziu Saxnot; Today at 12:45 AM.

Where is any proof at all, any shred from you Conhog.??
Can not or will not attempt to justify your calling me a liar about my life as I related it in that post!!!
Come on give folks here a look into your crystal ball or time machine that gave you knowledge I lied about my past in MEMPHIS.
And perhaps give a reason why you stabbed me out of the blue like that..
You will not because you are a damn lying coward. Fit only to tell tall tales about your life as a military hero taking a bullet for a small girl.
If that happened, not likely, then give us some proof of that amazing heroism or admit it was just more of the Conhog legend that you fabricated before you ran away last time. Last time when that very thing was starting to be questioned of you, you picked a fight with Jim and ran away!! MY STORY WAS NOTHING BUT MY BEING A BIT CRAZY AS A YOUNG MAN BUT YOURS WAS ABOUT YOU BEING A BIG HERO!!
Come on down . its nice down here .. -Tyr

01-21-2013, 10:16 PM
Duly noted that you have let dishonesty over take your posting as well Kath.

We've had tons of conversations on this board, and you've seen tons of my posts on another board. You absolutely know beyond a shadow of a doubt that I don't waste my time bitching about Bush or Obama. I post about ISSUES.

It truly saddens me that you are so fucking dishonest over something that isn't even a major point.

Pathetic Kath, just pathetic. You should be ashamed of yourself for letting your personal feelings for me let you be so dishonest that you can't even acknowledge a simple and well known fact about me.

Epitome of your own dishonesty. That you try to slander my reputation with your lies and inferences is on you, not me. What's sad is that you think that anyone beyond the poor slave of yours that 'thanks' you for this will buy into it.

CH, you could add a lot, you may add a lot, that remains to be seen. So far, not so much. You bring the old stick here of lying about 'blowing brains out' and other issues. It's not posters that have been here all along going back, it's you. Once again making claims outside of reasonable, being called on them, trying to stay with those stands, grabbing your ball and going home. Until the next day. Ignoring all the wreckage you leave behind.

So far, seems the administration wants to give you more and more and more chances. That there's dissension within the ranks, has zero to do with their intellect as opposed to your own. Indeed has more to do with the board as a whole. There comes a time that you will be the board and others may choose to leave. Good luck with that.

01-21-2013, 10:37 PM
Epitome of your own dishonesty. That you try to slander my reputation with your lies and inferences is on you, not me. What's sad is that you think that anyone beyond the poor slave of yours that 'thanks' you for this will buy into it.

CH, you could add a lot, you may add a lot, that remains to be seen. So far, not so much. You bring the old stick here of lying about 'blowing brains out' and other issues. It's not posters that have been here all along going back, it's you. Once again making claims outside of reasonable, being called on them, trying to stay with those stands, grabbing your ball and going home. Until the next day. Ignoring all the wreckage you leave behind.

So far, seems the administration wants to give you more and more and more chances. That there's dissension within the ranks, has zero to do with their intellect as opposed to your own. Indeed has more to do with the board as a whole. There comes a time that you will be the board and others may choose to leave. Good luck with that.

Yep, yep all mean old ConHog's fault , despite the evidence to the contrary lol

and certainly you have proven your bias , so I'm not even gonna attempt to have an honest discussion with you about things any way.

I offer right now Jim look at the evidence if you feel like I came back here and purposely stirred up trouble I'll leave right away voluntarily. If on the other hand , you agree with the actual evidence that shows unequivocally that I in fact was attacked numerous times immediately upon my return with no provocation on my part, well I'll laugh off this silly claim that I am the problem and go on with my day.

PS who exactly is my slave?

01-21-2013, 10:44 PM
Yep, yep all mean old ConHog's fault , despite the evidence to the contrary lol

and certainly you have proven your bias , so I'm not even gonna attempt to have an honest discussion with you about things any way.

I offer right now Jim look at the evidence if you feel like I came back here and purposely stirred up trouble I'll leave right away voluntarily. If on the other hand , you agree with the actual evidence that shows unequivocally that I in fact was attacked numerous times immediately upon my return with no provocation on my part, well I'll laugh off this silly claim that I am the problem and go on with my day.

PS who exactly is my slave?

At this point in time, seems Jim is in total agreement with you. Those of us that disagree, well we are just harboring ill will. I get that.

Well actually I don't, as I wasn't responding to any of your posts from a past perspective, just today's. No matter, I'm biased.

So, you win in a contest that never should have been. An unworthy opponent you are, but I guess like Armstrong, that is of no matter.

01-21-2013, 10:49 PM
At this point in time, seems Jim is in total agreement with you. Those of us that disagree, well we are just harboring ill will. I get that.

Huh? 3 people were removed from various threads, including Conhog. The same EXACT treatment all the way around. And going forward, those who shit up the threads will get the same. Why you imply I have a vendetta, or favoritism towards CH, is beyond me. But it's not based in reality and the facts support otherwise.

01-21-2013, 10:52 PM
At this point in time, seems Jim is in total agreement with you. Those of us that disagree, well we are just harboring ill will. I get that.

Well actually I don't, as I wasn't responding to any of your posts from a past perspective, just today's. No matter, I'm biased.

So, you win in a contest that never should have been. An unworthy opponent you are, but I guess like Armstrong, that is of no matter.

Unworthy opponent? I resent that Kath I really do. I've never bad mouthed your contributions as a poster here. I've called you a bitch in the past. I've called you out, I've argued with you, we've traded insults, but through it all I have NEVER said that you are unworthy opponent. In fact quite the opposite I have always said you are a good poster as far as debating goes.

It's even more insulting considering how shitty of a poster some of these other guys who you are siding with are. They are beneath you, they are beneath me when it comes to actual debate. There is NO doubt about that.

Anyway, you have made your accusations that Jim is allowing me to break rules or whatever, he can make his decision .

01-21-2013, 10:53 PM
Huh? 3 people were removed from various threads, including Conhog. The same EXACT treatment all the way around. And going forward, those who shit up the threads will get the same. Why you imply I have a vendetta, or favoritism towards CH, is beyond me. But it's not based in reality and the facts support otherwise.

Jim, it's more than obvious with his posts, he has no reason to be concerned. The rest of us? Yes. Lots of reasons to feel we'll be thread banned or banned from site. It would be much better is you and the rest of admins would just be clear in what you want from this point out.

From what CH posted, it's obvious you wanted him back for some reason. You two came to a 'gentleman's agreement.' What is that and how do the rest of us fit in?

01-21-2013, 11:07 PM
Jim, it's more than obvious with his posts, he has no reason to be concerned. The rest of us? Yes. Lots of reasons to feel we'll be thread banned or banned from site. It would be much better is you and the rest of admins would just be clear in what you want from this point out.

From what CH posted, it's obvious you wanted him back for some reason. You two came to a 'gentleman's agreement.' What is that and how do the rest of us fit in?

Every last bit of this post is fantasy land. I'm not doing this over again. You've melted down and resorted to all kinds of baseless accusations against myself and other staff before, when you were fighting over Conhog stuff. I'm not going into this again. I've explained myself enough. I've made it clear what I've wanted stopped. No one wants to listen, no one wants to ignore, but plenty want the drama. No one gets a thread ban unless somehow involved in the drama and fighting. I wanted no one back for any special reason. There is no 'gentleman's agreement" with him that I am aware of, other than him agreeing to try and avoid the crap and keep it in the cage if he must.

That's the last I address made up crap and stuff people see that simply isn't there. I'm not going to have to defend myself from taking minor action for trying to reel in the crap, after I repeatedly asked people to kindly do so without me having to get involved.

01-21-2013, 11:12 PM
Every last bit of this post is fantasy land. I'm not doing this over again. You've melted down and resorted to all kinds of baseless accusations against myself and other staff before, when you were fighting over Conhog stuff. I'm not going into this again. I've explained myself enough. I've made it clear what I've wanted stopped. No one wants to listen, no one wants to ignore, but plenty want the drama. No one gets a thread ban unless somehow involved in the drama and fighting. I wanted no one back for any special reason. There is no 'gentleman's agreement" with him that I am aware of, other than him agreeing to try and avoid the crap and keep it in the cage if he must.

That's the last I address made up crap and stuff people see that simply isn't there. I'm not going to have to defend myself from taking minor action for trying to reel in the crap, after I repeatedly asked people to kindly do so without me having to get involved.

Sorry, but I'm just the voice of those that aren't speaking. You NEED to read what CH has posted and insinuated. We are hearing that. You need to make it clear he's without special powers, as that's not how it's appeared, regarding his claims or responses to his claims. One would expect clarification from the staff, none were forthcoming.

01-21-2013, 11:18 PM
Sorry, but I'm just the voice of those that aren't speaking. You NEED to read what CH has posted and insinuated. We are hearing that. You need to make it clear he's without special powers, as that's not how it's appeared, regarding his claims or responses to his claims. One would expect clarification from the staff, none were forthcoming.

I don't need to make it clear he has no power, no more than I need to make it clear with any other member. What you guys argue over and insinuate is your own issues. If there's a change and someone granted powers, I would announce it. It's asinine of ANYONE to think members other than staff have any more powers than the next member. And to lay it on me, like I have some responsibility to prove something wrong that someone else just assumed?

I just don't want to be involved in the fights.
I don't want good threads ruined by fights.
I want those who want to fight to do so in the steel cage.
I don't want to be asked to intervene in fights, when people refuse to ignore one another.
I don't want to be accused of taking sides / being biased.

01-21-2013, 11:25 PM
I don't need to make it clear he has no power, no more than I need to make it clear with any other member. What you guys argue over and insinuate is your own issues. If there's a change and someone granted powers, I would announce it. It's asinine of ANYONE to think members other than staff have any more powers than the next member. And to lay it on me, like I have some responsibility to prove something wrong that someone else just assumed?

I just don't want to be involved in the fights.
I don't want good threads ruined by fights.
I want those who want to fight to do so in the steel cage.
I don't want to be asked to intervene in fights, when people refuse to ignore one another.
I don't want to be accused of taking sides / being biased.


01-21-2013, 11:35 PM
I don't need to make it clear he has no power, no more than I need to make it clear with any other member. What you guys argue over and insinuate is your own issues. If there's a change and someone granted powers, I would announce it. It's asinine of ANYONE to think members other than staff have any more powers than the next member. And to lay it on me, like I have some responsibility to prove something wrong that someone else just assumed?

I just don't want to be involved in the fights.
I don't want good threads ruined by fights.
I want those who want to fight to do so in the steel cage.
I don't want to be asked to intervene in fights, when people refuse to ignore one another.
I don't want to be accused of taking sides / being biased.

Jim , I hear you. But I think in THIS case you need to get involved. Kath has made an accusation that I IMPLIED that you have given me some sort of special powers. I IMPLIED no such thing and I have asked her for proof of those accusations , she has refused. I ask that in this case with such a serious accusation that you as the admin DEMAND that she offer proof or retract the accusation. This isn't some silly lie, this is her accusing me of essentially making up a PM from you in an effort to further her agenda.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
01-22-2013, 12:05 AM
Jim , I hear you. But I think in THIS case you need to get involved. Kath has made an accusation that I IMPLIED that you have given me some sort of special powers. I IMPLIED no such thing and I have asked her for proof of those accusations , she has refused. I ask that in this case with such a serious accusation that you as the admin DEMAND that she offer proof or retract the accusation. This isn't some silly lie, this is her accusing me of essentially making up a PM from you in an effort to further her agenda.

I'll speak up damn it.. She did not make the accusation as you just described it Conhog. I got pretty much the same understanding as she did from reading your posts about how you and jim talked before you came back. Whats the big deal if she has called you a liar, you called me one with zero proof and just out of the blue. I don't see her having some magical agenda but I do see a woman not afraid to stand her ground.
And by God, I applaud her for it!--:clap:--:beer:

A damn shame that she and Jim have to disagree but I'm sure that does not bother you at all.
Obvious to all here that you couldn't handle her. Nothing to be ashamed about dude, let it go. She is a very tough and very bright lady.
She sticks to her guns just like I do.. That's to be admired and I'll be damned if I don't properly admire it.
Now Jim has a damn tough job with this crap and he is only human. So cut him some slack too.
I have and I will be a good boy on top boards , down here I will say my mind..-Tyr

01-22-2013, 12:18 AM
I'll speak up damn it.. She did not make the accusation as you just described it Conhog. I got pretty much the same understanding as she did from reading your posts about how you and jim talked before you came back. Whats the big deal if she has called you a liar, you called me one with zero proof and just out of the blue. I don't see her having some magical agenda but I do see a woman not afraid to stand her ground.
And by God, I applaud her for it!--:clap:--:beer:

A damn shame that she and Jim have to disagree but I'm sure that does not bother you at all.
Obvious to all here that you couldn't handle her. Nothing to be ashamed about dude, let it go. She is a very tough and very bright lady.
She sticks to her guns just like I do.. That's to be admired and I'll be damned if I don't properly admire it.
Now Jim has a damn tough job with this crap and he is only human. So cut him some slack too.
I have and I will be a good boy on top boards , down here I will say my mind..-Tyr

I've never said differently about Kath as far as being smart goes. That lack of respect has always flowed one way between her and I.

As for the lie. I think even you can differentiate between saying someone is lying about something minor and something that is NOT minor. CLaiming that I IMPLIED that the admin of this board promised me special rights is no minor lie.

As for Jim, he's a big boy, and has never been afraid to speak his mind to me, nor should he be, so how about if YOU don't speak for him. How would that be?

The most amazing thing about you, other than your sheer stupidity, is that you admire the very traits of those you like that you deride in those you don't like.

For instance, I could take this sentence from you

he is a very tough and very bright lady.

and that absolutely, positively applies to say Gabby as well. But you in your utter stupidity and sheer hypocrisy have no qualms in calling her stupid all the while declaring that anyone who would dare say that about Kath must be a liberal Obama loving asshole.

Sir, you're a moron. Your posts are barely literate, your thoughts are incomplete, your ideas are ridiculous, your understanding of the government is elementary, you in short are a fucking retard.

I told you, I don't mind the flaming, I love it, and I'm good at it, you want to flame with me you old faggot, bring that shit on.

You want to disprove my belief that you're a fucking retard, get your ass upstairs and post something beyond the sheer stupidity that you regularly bore this board with .

You want to bring your 3 cohorts down here and take me on 4 on one , that's okay to, Your cumulative IQ doesn't even reach room temperature motherfucker.

Cumulative means added together by the way.

You think you're some bad ass, you aint a pimple on OCA's ass , and even he eventually gave up flaming against me.

You want bad, you aint seen bad yet, but you're gonna

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
01-22-2013, 01:47 AM
I've never said differently about Kath as far as being smart goes. That lack of respect has always flowed one way between her and I.

As for the lie. I think even you can differentiate between saying someone is lying about something minor and something that is NOT minor. CLaiming that I IMPLIED that the admin of this board promised me special rights is no minor lie.

As for Jim, he's a big boy, and has never been afraid to speak his mind to me, nor should he be, so how about if YOU don't speak for him. How would that be?

The most amazing thing about you, other than your sheer stupidity, is that you admire the very traits of those you like that you deride in those you don't like.

For instance, I could take this sentence from you

he is a very tough and very bright lady.

and that absolutely, positively applies to say Gabby as well. But you in your utter stupidity and sheer hypocrisy have no qualms in calling her stupid all the while declaring that anyone who would dare say that about Kath must be a liberal Obama loving asshole.

Sir, you're a moron. Your posts are barely literate, your thoughts are incomplete, your ideas are ridiculous, your understanding of the government is elementary, you in short are a fucking retard.

I told you, I don't mind the flaming, I love it, and I'm good at it, you want to flame with me you old faggot, bring that shit on.

You want to disprove my belief that you're a fucking retard, get your ass upstairs and post something beyond the sheer stupidity that you regularly bore this board with .

You want to bring your 3 cohorts down here and take me on 4 on one , that's okay to, Your cumulative IQ doesn't even reach room temperature motherfucker.

Cumulative means added together by the way.

You think you're some bad ass, you aint a pimple on OCA's ass , and even he eventually gave up flaming against me.

You want bad, you aint seen bad yet, but you're gonna

Now that you have finished pissing in the wind , fingering your ass for greater effect , pull your panties up ,sit the hell down and listen you moronic little piece of dog shit.
We get this fucking shit from you after you started a damn thread begging for a safe haven, a "shelter" from all the people you had just declared were being mean to you! Begging somebody for some damn relief! Hoping for a rescue from KAT!!!! My God, your arrogance is only matched by your stupidity!

So your gay lover taught you a few dirty words and you think you are a man for it.-:laugh:
Listen here shit for brains, there is not a damn thing you can do better than me except brag and fucking lie like a dog. Fuck OCA, that name supposed to scare me? Hell, where I used to hang guys like him jumped through hoops to stay the hell away from and mine isn't fucking fantasy.

Now, how about that bullet you took for a little girl. You remember that damn lying brag don't you? Give anybody here some proof of that you lying braggart from Shitsville Arkansas. Talk is cheap and so are you. I guess you thought that tall tale would be forgotten but no way.
You a big hero ,give proof or shut the fuck up military hero. Only your stooges ever believed that bullshit and even they can see what a fucking lie it is now!

You came back stroking your ass and kissing your balls while thinking people here should be grateful and were stupid enough to let you play that same old tired game you spat out before. Your problem is you are too damn stupid to learn , too cowardly to stand up like a man and need a daddy to take care of you. Then when others balked at your lies , got in your face , you cried out you were leaving (dumbass a dragging) only to be back the very next day just as I said you would. Hows it feel to be so puny so cowardly, so stupid and so damn predictable??

We aren't upstairs now shithead, so leave that out of this tango. Your punk ass is braying down here now and Jim can't help ya here. So don't go running your stupid punkass to send pm's for assistance. Only good flame you can create is when your silly ass gets too near an open fire.

You are right I haven't seen bad from you except the lies you vomit out on people here . Then when called on it you run away or deny even your own damn words! Kat pointed that out and you dare try to get Jim involved to save your fucking worthless stinking carcass on that!

Who tha' fuck gonna save you from me? Who will you be sending SOS pms to tomorrow? :laugh2:
Sleep tight sweet cheeks, I've just got started... --Tyr

01-22-2013, 01:56 AM
I'll speak up damn it.. She did not make the accusation as you just described it Conhog. I got pretty much the same understanding as she did from reading your posts about how you and jim talked before you came back. Whats the big deal if she has called you a liar, you called me one with zero proof and just out of the blue. I don't see her having some magical agenda but I do see a woman not afraid to stand her ground.
And by God, I applaud her for it!--:clap:--:beer:

A damn shame that she and Jim have to disagree but I'm sure that does not bother you at all.
Obvious to all here that you couldn't handle her. Nothing to be ashamed about dude, let it go. She is a very tough and very bright lady.
She sticks to her guns just like I do.. That's to be admired and I'll be damned if I don't properly admire it.
Now Jim has a damn tough job with this crap and he is only human. So cut him some slack too.
I have and I will be a good boy on top boards , down here I will say my mind..-Tyr

Holy cock gobbler Batman, how many fucking different countries have people who have chased your stupid ass right out of a thread simply by asking you to post facts to back up your ridiculous claims?


HOLY SHIT, they even called you an illiterate buffoon to boot


God damn I am rolling laughing at you. I did a Google search of your ridiculous screen name and came up with 14 message boards that you are a current member of , 9 of which where the consensus seems to be that you're a fucking retard.

I further found 4 more where you have in the past just been outright banned for stupidity.

When do you fucking have time to do anything but post and waddle your ass between the fridge and the toilet?

Your shtick is EXACTLY the same to

"me conservative, you liberal dumb ass stupid blah blah blah OBAMA"


then someone asks you to prove they're a liberal and you call them an egotistical pussy , they all have a great laugh and you blather on.

You're a fucking clownshoes . Near as I can tell there are about 210,000 posters on 3 continents who would agree with that assessment.

LOL I have LITERALLY never seen a poster who was laughed at and pronounced stupid on multiple continents before tonight Tyr.

It's almost enough to make me pity you. If your own arrogance hadn't led you to attack me, I would have felt sorry for you , but as it stands you old piece of shit, you wanted the thunder, well you got it.

01-22-2013, 02:22 AM
Now that you have finished pissing in the wind , fingering your ass for greater effect , pull your panties up ,sit the hell down and listen you moronic little piece of dog shit.
We get this fucking shit from you after you started a damn thread begging for a safe haven, a "shelter" from all the people you had just declared were being mean to you! Begging somebody for some damn relief! Hoping for a rescue from KAT!!!! My God, your arrogance is only matched by your stupidity!

So your gay lover taught you a few dirty words and you think you are a man for it.-:laugh:
Listen here shit for brains, there is not a damn thing you can do better than me except brag and fucking lie like a dog. Fuck OCA, that name supposed to scare me? Hell, where I used to hang guys like him jumped through hoops to stay the hell away from and mine isn't fucking fantasy.

Now, how about that bullet you took for a little girl. You remember that damn lying brag don't you? Give anybody here some proof of that you lying braggart from Shitsville Arkansas. Talk is cheap and so are you. I guess you thought that tall tale would be forgotten but no way.
You a big hero ,give proof or shut the fuck up military hero. Only your stooges ever believed that bullshit and even they can see what a fucking lie it is now!

You came back stroking your ass and kissing your balls while thinking people here should be grateful and were stupid enough to let you play that same old tired game you spat out before. Your problem is you are too damn stupid to learn , too cowardly to stand up like a man and need a daddy to take care of you. Then when others balked at your lies , got in your face , you cried out you were leaving (dumbass a dragging) only to be back the very next day just as I said you would. Hows it feel to be so puny so cowardly, so stupid and so damn predictable??

We aren't upstairs now shithead, so leave that out of this tango. Your punk ass is braying down here now and Jim can't help ya here. So don't go running your stupid punkass to send pm's for assistance. Only good flame you can create is when your silly ass gets too near an open fire.

You are right I haven't seen bad from you except the lies you vomit out on people here . Then when called on it you run away or deny even your own damn words! Kat pointed that out and you dare try to get Jim involved to save your fucking worthless stinking carcass on that!

Who tha' fuck gonna save you from me? Who will you be sending SOS pms to tomorrow? :laugh2:
Sleep tight sweet cheeks, I've just got started... --Tyr

Ok fess up, who wrote that for you? I've read a LOT of your posts and that is the most legible thing you've ever written. I mean just as stupid as all the rest, but more well written.

yeah I'm gonna post my real name on a message board so that you can feel better about the events of my life. I'll get right on that.

Certainly the old faggot who claims he married a woman hotter than any woman I could possibly post a picture of should be questioning the honesty of another poster LOL

Oh and since you're too stupid to figure it out wanting one forum where name calling isn't allowed doesn't mean one doesn't enjoy the forums where name calling is allowed. Those of us with an IQ slightly above zero understand that. You on the other hand..................

I congratulate you on putting together an entire post without blaming Obama for something that is quite a feat for you.

Who can save me from you? LOL whatever do you plan on doing there fuck stain? As I said around 210K posters on 3 continents agree. You are a shit stain on the underpants of society.

Oh and yes, you sure do not want to talk about upstairs because whereas down here you have little to offer, up there you have NOTHING to offer. Which I also hear is the exact amount you have to offer the ladies, NOTHING .

But that's okay never fear, it's almost the first of the month then you will be able to run down and buy some more CHeetos to munch on while you stamp your pudgy little feet and insist that you are NOT the douchebag moron that 210,000 posters on 3 continents believe you are.

well, don't pound your poor dog's ass too hard tonight, I should actually call animal control on you, but I figure no bigger than your dick is how badly could you be hurting the poodle anyway.

red states rule
01-22-2013, 06:52 AM
Every last bit of this post is fantasy land. I'm not doing this over again. You've melted down and resorted to all kinds of baseless accusations against myself and other staff before, when you were fighting over Conhog stuff. I'm not going into this again. I've explained myself enough. I've made it clear what I've wanted stopped. No one wants to listen, no one wants to ignore, but plenty want the drama. No one gets a thread ban unless somehow involved in the drama and fighting. I wanted no one back for any special reason. There is no 'gentleman's agreement" with him that I am aware of, other than him agreeing to try and avoid the crap and keep it in the cage if he must.

That's the last I address made up crap and stuff people see that simply isn't there. I'm not going to have to defend myself from taking minor action for trying to reel in the crap, after I repeatedly asked people to kindly do so without me having to get involved.

JIm I am posting this with all the respect your have earned and deserve. You opened this can of worms when you allowed Conman back. As with OCA and Virgil, you knew how he posted and how he was out to piss everyone off with his sheer arrogance, baiting, and insulting posting style.

You cannot expect the members to defy human nature and not respond and have threads turn into pissing matchs

The at I see it you have 4 options

1) As with cancer treatments, get rid of the cancer and restore the body. IOW get rid of Conman

2) Get rid of everyone involved except Conman

3) Sell the board and move on

4) Shut the board down and move on

As long an Conman is here you will have these issues to deal with. If I remember correctly, your Dr told you to reduce the stress in your life. Conman has added to it to where you might need blood pressure meds

OK I have said me peice and I will now move on

01-22-2013, 07:24 AM
Pot... Kettle...

red states rule
01-22-2013, 07:32 AM
Pot... Kettle...
Loks like you have taken the job as Conmans defense lawyer FU. If the jury pool was made up of the community - Conman would be toast

01-22-2013, 07:40 AM
Loks like you have taken the job as Conmans defense lawyer FU. If the jury pool was made up of the community - Conman would be toast

I didn't defend him, I pointed out that you are exactly like how you portray him. Except that he has doesn't have his buddies to back him up at every turn unlike...

red states rule
01-22-2013, 07:44 AM
I didn't defend him, I pointed out that you are exactly like how you portray him. Except that he has doesn't have his buddies to back him up at every turn unlike...

FU you are really a sad case. Once you were a decent poster now you have turned into an arrogant condescending jerk. Why I do not know but it is clear to see why you have binded with Conman so well. And again, why don't you take your own advice and put me on ignore?

01-22-2013, 07:58 AM
FU you are really a sad case. Once you were a decent poster now you have turned into an arrogant condescending jerk.

Why don't you explain how I am a different poster now than when you posted the below in response to one of my posts.

So you have to admit that they only want the same thing that you have, to marry someone of your own choosing.

The convoy just took a direct hit with that one :laugh2:

I would submit that it is you who has changed, not me.

Why I do not know but it is clear to see why you have binded with Conman so well. And again, why don't you take your own advice and put me on ignore?

Begging me to put you on ignore huh? And that first part up there? Completely nonsensical.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
01-22-2013, 09:44 AM
Holy cock gobbler Batman, how many fucking different countries have people who have chased your stupid ass right out of a thread simply by asking you to post facts to back up your ridiculous claims?


HOLY SHIT, they even called you an illiterate buffoon to boot


God damn I am rolling laughing at you. I did a Google search of your ridiculous screen name and came up with 14 message boards that you are a current member of , 9 of which where the consensus seems to be that you're a fucking retard.

I further found 4 more where you have in the past just been outright banned for stupidity.

When do you fucking have time to do anything but post and waddle your ass between the fridge and the toilet?

Your shtick is EXACTLY the same to

"me conservative, you liberal dumb ass stupid blah blah blah OBAMA"


then someone asks you to prove they're a liberal and you call them an egotistical pussy , they all have a great laugh and you blather on.

You're a fucking clownshoes . Near as I can tell there are about 210,000 posters on 3 continents who would agree with that assessment.

LOL I have LITERALLY never seen a poster who was laughed at and pronounced stupid on multiple continents before tonight Tyr.

It's almost enough to make me pity you. If your own arrogance hadn't led you to attack me, I would have felt sorry for you , but as it stands you old piece of shit, you wanted the thunder, well you got it.

Well, I am sure Jim really, really appreciates you advertising another political forum here and all. However , I'm not banned there and you lying dumbass retard post the 4 other forums you claim that I've been banned from. I was not even banned from the last board I was at for 5 years. Came here of my own free will and did not run away from any other forum. Fucking pathetic liar...

Now , we get to see you playing detective on me but ignoring what I pointed out about you here. That's the old diversion trick fucktards like you always try to pull.
This is about your shit here but now you think to include everything else to muddy the waters in a bid to dodge the points made about your lying brags in the past here. You see what happened here is supposed to be topic but like the graven little coward your punkass is you seek to move it elsewhere. Fucking pathetic really.

You going to use that forum , posts my posts from it to prove what you accuse , you lying sack of shit. I took a hard stand there like I did when coming here and I got opposition which I do not run from like your sorry cowardly ass has here. How many times have you stormed off here and returned like a mangy dog to its vomit?:laugh:
Yet you lie about my experiences at other forums . If I'm banned then why can I log in there and post. Easy enough for me to do and then bring the quote here. Dare you to call me on that.

I was invited to that forum as it's a UK forum and Drummonds posts there sometimes. Unlike you I did not run away or get myself banned because I found opposition and yes I initiated the controversial posts that the Brit socialists theRe found SO MUCH HORROR at having to face!

I've no need to google search for evidence against your lameass, you have given loads of it here. :laugh:

Now, how about those brave military exploits you bragged about here(BULLET YOU TOOK FOR A LITTLE GIRl ETC)?
Where is that evidence to prove you are not the lying bastard we all know you to be? Give proof of your heroism or admit that you lied like a damn rug! Admit your worthless ass has no integrity, no honor and no courage except when you can hide behind a computer screen BUILDING UP YOUR MISERABLE LIFE.:laugh2:
Admit that Kat stomped your ass like you were a six year old child! And you sought a "shelter forum" to hide in!--:laugh2:
A place to rest your lying bones so to speak. Now I find that to be easy to relay here because it happened here and members can easily read it..

You little puke ,you couldn't muster up thunder if you had a band of a dozen lying dipshits like yourself helping you night and day!--:laugh: -Tyr

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
01-22-2013, 10:45 AM
Ok fess up, who wrote that for you? I've read a LOT of your posts and that is the most legible thing you've ever written. I mean just as stupid as all the rest, but more well written.

yeah I'm gonna post my real name on a message board so that you can feel better about the events of my life. I'll get right on that.

Certainly the old faggot who claims he married a woman hotter than any woman I could possibly post a picture of should be questioning the honesty of another poster LOL

Oh and since you're too stupid to figure it out wanting one forum where name calling isn't allowed doesn't mean one doesn't enjoy the forums where name calling is allowed. Those of us with an IQ slightly above zero understand that. You on the other hand..................

I congratulate you on putting together an entire post without blaming Obama for something that is quite a feat for you.

Who can save me from you? LOL whatever do you plan on doing there fuck stain? As I said around 210K posters on 3 continents agree. You are a shit stain on the underpants of society.

Oh and yes, you sure do not want to talk about upstairs because whereas down here you have little to offer, up there you have NOTHING to offer. Which I also hear is the exact amount you have to offer the ladies, NOTHING .

But that's okay never fear, it's almost the first of the month then you will be able to run down and buy some more CHeetos to munch on while you stamp your pudgy little feet and insist that you are NOT the douchebag moron that 210,000 posters on 3 continents believe you are.

well, don't pound your poor dog's ass too hard tonight, I should actually call animal control on you, but I figure no bigger than your dick is how badly could you be hurting the poodle anyway.

Wow, homo-erotic fantasy and animal sex come to your puny little mind easily, eh?
You hear about my sex with the ladies?? Does your crystal ball work like a radio, telephone or walkie talkie ?:laugh:
Sure, asswipe, I can take my time and post a bit better when the cause warrants it. You underestimate everybody because you have built your miserable little self up to Godlike status. Its an inevitable flashback to your lying fantasies.

Don't let my age fool you Hoss. I can hold my own with the best of them. MY REPS AND THANKS SPEAK FOR THEMSELVES HERE.

01-22-2013, 10:51 AM
JIm I am posting this with all the respect your have earned and deserve. You opened this can of worms when you allowed Conman back. As with OCA and Virgil, you knew how he posted and how he was out to piss everyone off with his sheer arrogance, baiting, and insulting posting style.

You cannot expect the members to defy human nature and not respond and have threads turn into pissing matchs

The at I see it you have 4 options

1) As with cancer treatments, get rid of the cancer and restore the body. IOW get rid of Conman

2) Get rid of everyone involved except Conman

3) Sell the board and move on

4) Shut the board down and move on

As long an Conman is here you will have these issues to deal with. If I remember correctly, your Dr told you to reduce the stress in your life. Conman has added to it to where you might need blood pressure meds

OK I have said me peice and I will now move on

Terry, I hope that you really are stupid enough to believe what you just wrote , otherwise pretty insulting that you are feeding it to Jim thinking HE will believe it.

When I returned to the board it is YOU who attacked me unprovoked, not the other way around. In fact at one point I sent links to 28 separate posts by you attacking me for no reason on the open board in a span of a couple hours.

That's not even counting my ConHog is Back thread from the Lobby that you absolutely destroyed and got sent to the Steel Cage.

Not only did I not provoke it, I didn't even respond, at all. I simply ignored it and continued in the threads I chose to post to.

Yet , somehow, I'm the Cancer.

Sir, being someone who is opinionated and doesn't agree with you is not being a board cancer.

You're a sad little man Terry. I remember when we got along, I remember when one poster was wishing you death from cancer, and another was yelling that you were a fat ass in every thread, ruining every topic, and I was a fairly new poster here then but I called those guys out on that because I felt it was below the belt.

Do you remember that? I can provide links if you wish.

Then, simply b/c I am not far right enough for you, you have decided that NO attack is too low in regards to me.

I point out again how when you left the board for an extended period of time and returned you started a thread IN THE STEEL CAGE announcing you were back, and I did not attack you even though by that time we were no longer on good terms. No I simply welcomed you back and said I'm glad to hear you're doing well.

Contrast that with the way you went after me in the Lobby.

You and others imply Jim and I made some sort of deal upon my return. We did. The deal was I'd behave and he'd make sure others did as well.

Fair to all. I upheld my part, I'm not attacking people outside of the Steel Cage, Jim is upholding his part, he's MAKING others do the same.

For some odd reason you and a few others have a problem with that. Oh that's right because what you REALLY want is open season where you can ruin my opportunity to voice my opinion, and fuck Jim's rules right?

If this isn't the case then RSR , then let's count up how many insults by you towards me have been moved from other forums to the steel cage, then count up how many by me towards you have been so moved and whomever has more leaves the forum forever.

What say you?

I don't advocate you leaving, but you sure want me gone so now's your oppurtunity if I'm such a shit causing cancer...

Put up or shut up bitch.

01-22-2013, 10:54 AM
Well, I am sure Jim really, really appreciates you advertising another political forum here and all. However , I'm not banned there and you lying dumbass retard post the 4 other forums you claim that I've been banned from. I was not even banned from the last board I was at for 5 years. Came here of my own free will and did not run away from any other forum. Fucking pathetic liar...

Now , we get to see you playing detective on me but ignoring what I pointed out about you here. That's the old diversion trick fucktards like you always try to pull.
This is about your shit here but now you think to include everything else to muddy the waters in a bid to dodge the points made about your lying brags in the past here. You see what happened here is supposed to be topic but like the graven little coward your punkass is you seek to move it elsewhere. Fucking pathetic really.

You going to use that forum , posts my posts from it to prove what you accuse , you lying sack of shit. I took a hard stand there like I did when coming here and I got opposition which I do not run from like your sorry cowardly ass has here. How many times have you stormed off here and returned like a mangy dog to its vomit?:laugh:
Yet you lie about my experiences at other forums . If I'm banned then why can I log in there and post. Easy enough for me to do and then bring the quote here. Dare you to call me on that.

I was invited to that forum as it's a UK forum and Drummonds posts there sometimes. Unlike you I did not run away or get myself banned because I found opposition and yes I initiated the controversial posts that the Brit socialists theRe found SO MUCH HORROR at having to face!

I've no need to google search for evidence against your lameass, you have given loads of it here. :laugh:

Now, how about those brave military exploits you bragged about here(BULLET YOU TOOK FOR A LITTLE GIRl ETC)?
Where is that evidence to prove you are not the lying bastard we all know you to be? Give proof of your heroism or admit that you lied like a damn rug! Admit your worthless ass has no integrity, no honor and no courage except when you can hide behind a computer screen BUILDING UP YOUR MISERABLE LIFE.:laugh2:
Admit that Kat stomped your ass like you were a six year old child! And you sought a "shelter forum" to hide in!--:laugh2:
A place to rest your lying bones so to speak. Now I find that to be easy to relay here because it happened here and members can easily read it..

You little puke ,you couldn't muster up thunder if you had a band of a dozen lying dipshits like yourself helping you night and day!--:laugh: -Tyr

i think Jim can easily discern that I was not advertising that board you lying sack of dog shit.

by the way

Admit that Kat stomped your ass like you were a six year old child! And you sought a "shelter forum" to hide in!--:laugh2:

This is the 2nd or 3rd attempt you have made to hide behind Kath's skirts to fight your battle. WHat are you an Al - Queda? I say we water board you just in case.

01-22-2013, 10:56 AM
Terry, I hope that you really are stupid enough to believe what you just wrote , otherwise pretty insulting that you are feeding it to Jim thinking HE will believe it.

When I returned to the board it is YOU who attacked me unprovoked, not the other way around. In fact at one point I sent links to 28 separate posts by you attacking me for no reason on the open board in a span of a couple hours.

That's not even counting my ConHog is Back thread from the Lobby that you absolutely destroyed and got sent to the Steel Cage.

Not only did I not provoke it, I didn't even respond, at all. I simply ignored it and continued in the threads I chose to post to.

Yet , somehow, I'm the Cancer.

Sir, being someone who is opinionated and doesn't agree with you is not being a board cancer.

You're a sad little man Terry. I remember when we got along, I remember when one poster was wishing you death from cancer, and another was yelling that you were a fat ass in every thread, ruining every topic, and I was a fairly new poster here then but I called those guys out on that because I felt it was below the belt.

Do you remember that? I can provide links if you wish.

Then, simply b/c I am not far right enough for you, you have decided that NO attack is too low in regards to me.

I point out again how when you left the board for an extended period of time and returned you started a thread IN THE STEEL CAGE announcing you were back, and I did not attack you even though by that time we were no longer on good terms. No I simply welcomed you back and said I'm glad to hear you're doing well.

Contrast that with the way you went after me in the Lobby.

You and others imply Jim and I made some sort of deal upon my return. We did. The deal was I'd behave and he'd make sure others did as well.

Fair to all. I upheld my part, I'm not attacking people outside of the Steel Cage, Jim is upholding his part, he's MAKING others do the same.

For some odd reason you and a few others have a problem with that. Oh that's right because what you REALLY want is open season where you can ruin my opportunity to voice my opinion, and fuck Jim's rules right?

If this isn't the case then RSR , then let's count up how many insults by you towards me have been moved from other forums to the steel cage, then count up how many by me towards you have been so moved and whomever has more leaves the forum forever.

What say you?

I don't advocate you leaving, but you sure want me gone so now's your oppurtunity if I'm such a shit causing cancer...

Put up or shut up bitch.

CONHOG. YOU ARE THE CANCER. I know. I have survived Cancer, and it destroys everything without being stopped until somebody steps in, RADIATES it, and DESTROYS IT with Chemicals.
In your case. The only chemical needed is "RAID".

01-22-2013, 10:56 AM
Why don't you explain how I am a different poster now than when you posted the below in response to one of my posts.

I would submit that it is you who has changed, not me.

Begging me to put you on ignore huh? And that first part up there? Completely nonsensical.

More of their dishonest hypocrisy , they want anyone who calls them out on their bullshit to ignore them , yet refuse to ignore those who they don't like, preferring to attack and then pretend to be the victims.

red states rule
01-22-2013, 11:00 AM
Terry, I hope that you really are stupid enough to believe what you just wrote , otherwise pretty insulting that you are feeding it to Jim thinking HE will believe it.

When I returned to the board it is YOU who attacked me unprovoked, not the other way around. In fact at one point I sent links to 28 separate posts by you attacking me for no reason on the open board in a span of a couple hours.

That's not even counting my ConHog is Back thread from the Lobby that you absolutely destroyed and got sent to the Steel Cage.

Not only did I not provoke it, I didn't even respond, at all. I simply ignored it and continued in the threads I chose to post to.

Yet , somehow, I'm the Cancer.

Sir, being someone who is opinionated and doesn't agree with you is not being a board cancer.

You're a sad little man Terry. I remember when we got along, I remember when one poster was wishing you death from cancer, and another was yelling that you were a fat ass in every thread, ruining every topic, and I was a fairly new poster here then but I called those guys out on that because I felt it was below the belt.

Do you remember that? I can provide links if you wish.

Then, simply b/c I am not far right enough for you, you have decided that NO attack is too low in regards to me.

I point out again how when you left the board for an extended period of time and returned you started a thread IN THE STEEL CAGE announcing you were back, and I did not attack you even though by that time we were no longer on good terms. No I simply welcomed you back and said I'm glad to hear you're doing well.

Contrast that with the way you went after me in the Lobby.

You and others imply Jim and I made some sort of deal upon my return. We did. The deal was I'd behave and he'd make sure others did as well.

Fair to all. I upheld my part, I'm not attacking people outside of the Steel Cage, Jim is upholding his part, he's MAKING others do the same.

For some odd reason you and a few others have a problem with that. Oh that's right because what you REALLY want is open season where you can ruin my opportunity to voice my opinion, and fuck Jim's rules right?

If this isn't the case then RSR , then let's count up how many insults by you towards me have been moved from other forums to the steel cage, then count up how many by me towards you have been so moved and whomever has more leaves the forum forever.

What say you?

I don't advocate you leaving, but you sure want me gone so now's your oppurtunity if I'm such a shit causing cancer...

Put up or shut up bitch.

Look punk, you are a cancer on this board. You are like OCA and Virgil and you have proven thgat over and over again. You constantly play the victim card like WIndsog and you are simply not worth al the grief you cause

I have offered Jim a solution and if he agrees and you have the BALLS, we may see an end to this fued once and for all

But I doubt if you wil belly up to the bar you will simply go belly up

BTW asshole it is against the rules to use first names here. As smart as you claim you are I would expected you to know that

red states rule
01-22-2013, 11:02 AM
More of their dishonest hypocrisy , they want anyone who calls them out on their bullshit to ignore them , yet refuse to ignore those who they don't like, preferring to attack and then pretend to be the victims.

More BS from Mr Windsong

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
01-22-2013, 11:08 AM
Certainly the old faggot who claims he married a woman hotter than any woman I could possibly post a picture of should be questioning the honesty of another poster LOL


My wife is not to be brought into this you fucking bastard!!



01-22-2013, 11:20 AM

My wife is not to be brought into this you fucking bastard!!



LOL a valiant effort pussy, but a wasted one. YOU brought your wife into a thread, actually your EX wife. I took no shots at HER. Not even a one. I merely pointed out that I doubt your story that YOU told on the message board.

Second of all, she is your EX wife, as an ex , she is no longer family and thus she'd be fair game even if I wanted to attack her, which I don't.

jesus christ, should I point to a post RSR made that included reference to my kid and scream that he mentioned my kid? LOL

HAHAHAHAHAHA what a pussy you are.

meltdown accomplished.

01-22-2013, 11:21 AM
Look punk, you are a cancer on this board. You are like OCA and Virgil and you have proven thgat over and over again. You constantly play the victim card like WIndsog and you are simply not worth al the grief you cause

I have offered Jim a solution and if he agrees and you have the BALLS, we may see an end to this fued once and for all

But I doubt if you wil belly up to the bar you will simply go belly up

BTW asshole it is against the rules to use first names here. As smart as you claim you are I would expected you to know that

Way to completely ignore your own complacency in all this.

Using first names is against the rules? That's changed and you have my apologies if true.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
01-22-2013, 11:39 AM
LOL a valiant effort pussy, but a wasted one. YOU brought your wife into a thread, actually your EX wife. I took no shots at HER. Not even a one. I merely pointed out that I doubt your story that YOU told on the message board.

Second of all, she is your EX wife, as an ex , she is no longer family and thus she'd be fair game even if I wanted to attack her, which I don't.

jesus christ, should I point to a post RSR made that included reference to my kid and scream that he mentioned my kid? LOL

HAHAHAHAHAHA what a pussy you are.

meltdown accomplished.

Bullshit reasoning. My family, your family , nobody'S family was brought up in this section, IN this thread. That is until you just did it..
I'll let Jim rule on it and ignore your retarded tripe asswipe.
Either family is off limits or it isn't. A simple concept really, figures your stupid ass does not get it!
Nothing pussy about asking if family is off limits or not??
Besides dickbreath let Jim decide. I sent him a pm and I want this clarified. You'll play any card in your feeble attempt to win. As if your fucking puny ass could.-:laugh2:-Tyr

Awaiting Jim's decision on this so you STFU punk.. or are you going to try to tell him what he must do AS YOU HAVE TRIED TO DO IN THE PAST YOU ARROGANT LITTLE PRICK??

01-22-2013, 11:41 AM
Bullshit reasoning. My family, your family , nobody'S family was brought up in this section, IN this thread. That is until you just did it..
I'll let Jim rule on it and ignore your retarded tripe asswipe.
Either family is off limits or it isn't. A simple concept really, figures your stupid ass does not get it!
Nothing pussy about asking if family is off limits or not??
Besides dickbreath let Jim decide. I sent him a pm and I want this clarified. You'll play any card in your feeble attempt to win. As if your fucking puny ass could.-:laugh2:-Tyr

Awaiting Jim's decision on this so you STFU punk.. or are you going to try to tell him what he must do AS YOU HAVE TRIED TO DO IN THE PAST YOU ARROGANT LITTLE PRICK??

LOL, I've never tried to tell Jim anything. Why would I bother, he listens to no man, nor should he

As for your awaiting a ruling. fine by me. pretty clear your family wasn't attacked in anyway.

if you'd like to hear a story about a family member really being attacked around these parts...............

in fact here is the family rule straight from the rules thread

There will be no flaming of another members family, whether directly or indirectly. This applies to all sections of the board, private messages and reputation comments. If the family member is not here to defend themselves, then they should not be attacked in any manner. Even if a member discusses their own family, they remain off limits.

now, even a complete dunce such as yourself can plainly see that I did not even indirectly attack anyone but YOU, let alone a family member. There is no rule against mentioning family members you fucking idiot, otherwise it would be a violation of the rules for me to say PM FJ and ask him how his wife is doing.

Nice attempt to dishonestly get me in trouble though moron pussy.

01-22-2013, 12:52 PM
Jim , I hear you. But I think in THIS case you need to get involved. Kath has made an accusation that I IMPLIED that you have given me some sort of special powers. I IMPLIED no such thing and I have asked her for proof of those accusations , she has refused. I ask that in this case with such a serious accusation that you as the admin DEMAND that she offer proof or retract the accusation. This isn't some silly lie, this is her accusing me of essentially making up a PM from you in an effort to further her agenda.

If you guys want to toss accusations at one another, you can do it forever for all I care - just do it here in the cage. I'm not getting dragged into the mud by anyone. If I didn't clearly say it, it obviously didn't happen, as I don't operate that way, so I DO NOT need to run around clearing up ridiculous accusations and conspiracy theories.

I'll speak up damn it.. She did not make the accusation as you just described it Conhog. I got pretty much the same understanding as she did from reading your posts about how you and jim talked before you came back. Whats the big deal if she has called you a liar, you called me one with zero proof and just out of the blue. I don't see her having some magical agenda but I do see a woman not afraid to stand her ground.

Conhog emailed me, and I replied in kind. We simply agreed to let him come back. That's it. No conspiracies, no deals, no agreements and NOTHING that every member here can't see. He gets identical treatment as everyone else, nothing special whatsoever. He had posts moved here yesterday and was thread banned as well - identical to others.

Certainly the old faggot who claims he married a woman hotter than any woman I could possibly post a picture of should be questioning the honesty of another poster LOL

Indirect, direct, tame or not - STOP bringing family members into the conversation. That should be the very last time I ask that.

JIm I am posting this with all the respect your have earned and deserve. You opened this can of worms when you allowed Conman back. As with OCA and Virgil, you knew how he posted and how he was out to piss everyone off with his sheer arrogance, baiting, and insulting posting style.

You cannot expect the members to defy human nature and not respond and have threads turn into pissing matchs

The at I see it you have 4 options

1) As with cancer treatments, get rid of the cancer and restore the body. IOW get rid of Conman

2) Get rid of everyone involved except Conman

3) Sell the board and move on

4) Shut the board down and move on

As long an Conman is here you will have these issues to deal with. If I remember correctly, your Dr told you to reduce the stress in your life. Conman has added to it to where you might need blood pressure meds

OK I have said me peice and I will now move on

Sell the board? Shut down? I have a number 5, if that's ok with you of course? 5) How about people use the ignore feature

Because you or other members don't like CH, and refuse to use the ignore feature, or just ignore him without - I should close up shop or sell? Sorry, I think I'll just continue to move posts, and thread ban those that continue their antics. And then when the antics continue, I'll resort to site time outs. I'm not going to be told by ANYONE what I should do with the board, especially from people who refuse to work with me and ignore other people. Some want to be head deep in the drama and fight all day, and then tell me what to do with the person they are fighting with. Not happening.

Here are the options. Place person on ignore. If not, keep ALL the fighting in the cage. Boom - simple as that.

Look punk, you are a cancer on this board. You are like OCA and Virgil and you have proven thgat over and over again. You constantly play the victim card like WIndsog and you are simply not worth al the grief you cause

I have offered Jim a solution and if he agrees and you have the BALLS, we may see an end to this fued once and for all

But I doubt if you wil belly up to the bar you will simply go belly up

BTW asshole it is against the rules to use first names here. As smart as you claim you are I would expected you to know that

Sorry, I will come up with a solution with the other staff members. I am not running off ANY members. Not you, not him.


My wife is not to be brought into this you fucking bastard!!



Yes, families do not belong in ANY conversation. He simply mentioned someone though with no degrading and such. Nonetheless, it won't be happening again.