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View Full Version : A crook having a REALLY bad day

01-20-2013, 11:57 AM
Mauricio Ferro (nickname "little mess") leaves a car running in front a pharmacy in Sao Paulo as he robs it. While he's busy robbing the pharmacy, someone stole his car. He runs out with the money and a street thug robs Mauricio of his loot. Mauricio then visits the police station to report "his car" stolen. *I'm going to guess he laundered the car by putting a junk car's VIN on it.* While reporting his car stolen at the police station, the owner of the pharmacy recognizes him and Mauricio is arrested. The reporter interviews Mauricio. Mauricio complains that Sao Paulo is becoming unbearably violent. Mauricio complained to the reporter "that was a new car, I only had it one day". The reporter asked "You just bought it yesterday"? Mauricio responds "I didn't buy anything, I stole it yesterday". I went to a lot of risk and trouble to get that car and money, I don't appreciate getting dissed like that. The reporter reminds him that none of it was his to begin with. Mauricio responds: "I'm still entitled to it because I'm unemployed. Society owes me."

Here's the video (audio not in English) but the security video tells the most of the story:


01-20-2013, 02:15 PM
Since today is the Legal Inauguration day. What we saw in that video COULD have happened in any U.S. City where Obama voters tend to follow their heart...claiming THE GOVERNMENT, and SOCIETY OWES THEM.

Even if it wasn't in ENGLISH. It was probably right up there with that woman who was video'd crying, and praising Obama for her gas, and paying her mortgage payments.

Too bad, all you Obama Voters. The GIG IS UP.

Today is the FIRST DAY of the REST OF YOUR LIFE WITH OBAMA....And those Promised NON-TAXES.

He swore. "There will not be ONE DIME of a tax increase!" And he wasn't lying. Because he didn't say "More than a Dime!"

01-20-2013, 02:52 PM
Since today is the Legal Inauguration day. What we saw in that video COULD have happened in any U.S. City where Obama voters tend to follow their heart...claiming THE GOVERNMENT, and SOCIETY OWES THEM.

Even if it wasn't in ENGLISH. It was probably right up there with that woman who was video'd crying, and praising Obama for her gas, and paying her mortgage payments.

Too bad, all you Obama Voters. The GIG IS UP.

Today is the FIRST DAY of the REST OF YOUR LIFE WITH OBAMA....And those Promised NON-TAXES.

He swore. "There will not be ONE DIME of a tax increase!" And he wasn't lying. Because he didn't say "More than a Dime!"

Do you REALLY have to make EVERYTHING about Obama?

jesus man.

01-20-2013, 03:02 PM
Do you REALLY have to make EVERYTHING about Obama?

jesus man.

Jesus had nothing to do with it. YES. Everything that is happening in this nation today can be attributed in one way, or another to OBAMA.

Prove otherwise.

01-20-2013, 03:03 PM
Jesus had nothing to do with it. YES. Everything that is happening in this nation today can be attributed in one way, or another to OBAMA.

Prove otherwise.

Even if that's true, and it's not, the OP did NOT happen in the USA.


01-20-2013, 04:50 PM
Even if that's true, and it's not, the OP did NOT happen in the USA.


It did however happen under a socialist mentality. The video shows where that leads in any country.

01-20-2013, 05:13 PM
It did however happen under a socialist mentality. The video shows where that leads in any country.

fine and fair enough , but fucking Obama had nothing to do with it.