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View Full Version : Racsim: The Eternal Whine

01-21-2013, 06:45 AM
I was watching football on CBS yesterday afternoon. Commentators were discussing the NFL coaching changes being made for next season and the subject of a lack of minorities in those positions came up.

Paraphrase: "Yes, the NFL is taking pro-active steps to encourage the appointment of African Americans to fill offensive coordinator positions."

Does it *EVER* end?

They have the PRESIDENCY OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA! That is the big enchilada.

Are we really supposed to believe racism is alive and well in the USA because there are no black offensive coordinators in the NFL, despite the fact that the POTUS is black?

Once again, welcome to Animal Farm my friends.

red states rule
01-21-2013, 06:50 AM
I was watching football on CBS yesterday afternoon. Commentators were discussing the NFL coaching changes being made for next season and the subject of a lack of minorities in those positions came up.

Paraphrase: "Yes, the NFL is taking pro-active steps to encourage the appointment of African Americans to fill offensive coordinator positions."

Does it *EVER* end?

They have the PRESIDENCY OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA! That is the big enchilada.

Are we really supposed to believe racism is alive and well in the USA because there are no black offensive coordinators in the NFL, despite the fact that the POTUS is black?

Once again, welcome to Animal Farm my friends.

No it will NEVER end. Regardless of the issue, if libs do not get they want (or what they believe is best for the collective) any opposition is tagged as racism. It can be NFL coaching jobs, the Mosque at Ground Zero, immigration reform, raising the debt ceiling, opposition to any Obama proposal, supporting the Tea Party ideas - you are a racist in the eyes of the left and liberal media. Playing the race card is designed for any opposition to back down and cower in shame. However the libs have pulled the race card from the bottom of the deck so many times, it is a knee jerk reaction and no longer has the same effect it once had

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
01-21-2013, 09:47 AM
No it will NEVER end. Regardless of the issue, if libs do not get they want (or what they believe is best for the collective) any opposition is tagged as racism. It can be NFL coaching jobs, the Mosque at Ground Zero, immigration reform, raising the debt ceiling, opposition to any Obama proposal, supporting the Tea Party ideas - you are a racist in the eyes of the left and liberal media. Playing the race card is designed for any opposition to back down and cower in shame. However the libs have pulled the race card from the bottom of the deck so many times, it is a knee jerk reaction and no longer has the same effect it once had

Using racism to help defeat any opposition is like a drug addiction to those fools. Only way to ever stop it is for every "white devil" to be dead.. Otherwise it will be used more and more because now their boy has us on the run , dont ya know..-Tyr

red states rule
01-21-2013, 09:53 AM
Using racism to help defeat any opposition is like a drug addiction to those fools. Only way to ever stop it is for every "white devil" to be dead.. Otherwise it will be used more and more because now their boy has us on the run , dont ya know..-Tyr

and libs also use to destroy any black who does not subscribe to the left's idea that blacks cannot make it America without their help (.e. some government program)

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
01-21-2013, 10:02 AM
and libs also use to destroy any black who does not subscribe to the left's idea that blacks cannot make it America without their help (.e. some government program)

If blacks ever really knew what they truly think about blacks the lib/dems would be toast. That's why the lib indoctrination system(public education) serves to help keep 'em ignorant and irresponsible. That way they keep their 95% voting block. Should they lose that voting block they'd be toast as a political party. -Tyr

red states rule
01-21-2013, 10:04 AM
If blacks ever really knew what they truly think about blacks the lib/dems would be toast. That's why the lib indoctrination system(public education) serves to help keep 'em ignorant and irresponsible. That way they keep their 95% voting block. Should they lose that voting block they'd be toast as a political party. -Tyr

Look what anti racism libs did to Mia Love's Wikipedia page
In my recap of last night’s speeches, I praised up-and-comer Mia Love for her spectacular performance. She’s a rising star within the party who delivered a barn burner Tuesday night, and she seems destined to become a regular fixture on the national stage. It seems her ideological opponents have noticed this as well, because she’s had to endure some ugly, ugly, attacks in the time since her appearance.
Overnight, liberals vandalized her Wikipedia entry with some deeply disturbing language. Among the nastier comments were vicious attacks calling Love a “token,” a “dirty, worthless, whore who sold her soul” and an “Aunt Tom.”
These remarks were doubtlessly posted by someone who bemoans the Republican Party’s mythical “war on women” and wishes they’d be “more inclusive.”
All of the changes were removed and repaired, but not before bloggers managed to grab screen images that are now spreading around the web. The worst of them chronicles the claim that Ms. Love “has sold out to the right-wing hate machine and the greedy bigots who control the GOP and love to see people like Mia Love be exploited like the house nigger she truly is.”
Today on Twitter, Dems are minimizing the incident as they claim Conservatives are trying to make a mountain out of a molehill. To them, this is no big deal.
So, to sum up, when an African-American woman takes the stage at the GOP convention and receives a thunderous standing ovation, it’s just evidence that the room is packed with racists, cheering for their token. When an African-American politician dares to turn her back on what the left thinks is her rightful political place, she’s a turncoat and a traitor to her race. So sayeth those who constantly accuse the GOP of refusing to embrace diversity.
However, when some brain-dead leftist drone drops the N-word on her Wikipedia page, we’re supposed to just brush it under the carpet like it never happened?
No thank you. Ms. Love has lifted up the liberal rock that all their mewling, racist, bugs have been hiding under, and it's time to put the spotlight there. http://www.caintv.com/MiaLoveWikipediapagevandalized-315