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View Full Version : Military to open combat jobs to women!!

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
01-23-2013, 06:58 PM

Military to open combat jobs to women (http://perspectives.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=234924&view=unread#p4477100)

The U.S. military is ending its policy of excluding women from combat and will open combat jobs and direct combat units to female troops, CNN has learned. Multiple officials confirm to CNN that Defense Secretary Leon Panetta will make the announcement tomorrow and notify Congress of the planned change in policy.

“We will eliminate the policy of ‘no women in units that are tasked with direct combat,’” a senior defense official says.

But the officials caution that “not every position will open all at once on Thursday.” Once the policy is changed, the Department of Defense will enter what is being called an “assessment phase,” in which each branch of service will examine all of its jobs and units not currently integrated and then produce a timetable in which it can integrate them.

http://security.blogs.cnn.com/2013/01/2 ... ?hpt=hp_c1 (http://security.blogs.cnn.com/2013/01/23/military-to-open-combat-jobs-to-women/?hpt=hp_c1)

I am dead set against it...
What happens when/if the draft is reinstated!??
Women -front line combat.... not a good plan.. -Tyr

01-23-2013, 07:01 PM
And you can bet that there will be a huge story about the first woman killed in an official combat position.

01-23-2013, 07:04 PM
if she's qualified and I mean REALLY qualified and that's what she wants. Go for it.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
01-23-2013, 07:05 PM
And you can bet that there will be a huge story about the first woman killed in an official combat position.

First one raped, first one captured and brutalized etc!!!
How about when the women are in a position to have to pick up a fallen comrade and run with the wounded man!??
Or forced marches carrying 210 rounds ammo, rifle ,food and supplies= very heavy pack?
She gonna ask the guy next to her for help, he'll give it and be wore out in a fight later.
Too many negs.... politicians and this new crap is stupid..-Tyr

01-23-2013, 08:44 PM
And you can bet that there will be a huge story about the first woman killed in an official combat position.

Thunderknuckles. That has already happened several times. But the Obama admin. tried to keep it out of the MSM who supports him so well.

If it was reported. They managed to just let it slip by....without all of the Fanfare.

The American has not been named...as of right now. But a Brit female's story is in the link:

I do agree. There will be a huge story coming. And oddly enough. The Women's groups will remain silent since Women have pushed for this.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
01-23-2013, 08:49 PM

From Parameters, Summer 2001, pp. 89-100.
Go to Summer issue Table of Contents.
Go to Cumulative Article Index.
Among the easiest predictions to make in this first year of the new century is that various interest groups will continue
to lobby to open all US combat units to women. At least five seemingly logical arguments can be anticipated:
z New post-Cold War missions require finesse, not brawn.
z Twenty-first-century technologies are gender-neutral.
z An equal opportunity to serve is every American citizen's right.
z Cohesion does not require that soldiers bond socially, only that they accomplish their tasks effectively.
z Our European allies are opening their combat units to women, therefore so should we.[1]
Each of these arguments flies in the face of common sense, however, and together they beg the central question, which
is how would the integration of women improve a combat unit's survivability and the defense of the United States.
For instance, if war in the future will be push-button and relatively effortless, then why have combat units at all? Why
not just disband them altogether or, at the very least, phase them out? Likewise, if our soldiers' primary duty will be to
keep peace and thus avoid war, then why not train them in nothing but non-lethal techniques?
Tellingly, not even those who envision a radically altered high-tech battlescape advocate the dissolution of combat
units. None among them has called for an end to teaching hand-to-hand combat, movement-to-contact, or night
patrolling skills. None is really arguing that we won't need some sort of close-in as well as sustained combat capability.
Rather, the push now is to integrate capable women into such units. Why?
There are at least two sets of answers. The first has to do with knocking down the walls of one of the last all-male
preserves. For those opposed on principle to men's exclusivity, as well as their presumed dominance, the only
important war to be waged is the gender war, and what could be a more appropriate target than the combat exclusion
laws? Those who argue this point of view are relatively easy to dismiss, since they are uninterested in engaging in
discussions about the role of the military.

New age, new stupid ideas. I mean really, really stupid ideas..-Tyr

01-23-2013, 08:56 PM
First one raped, first one captured and brutalized etc!!!
How about when the women are in a position to have to pick up a fallen comrade and run with the wounded man!??
Or forced marches carrying 210 rounds ammo, rifle ,food and supplies= very heavy pack?
She gonna ask the guy next to her for help, he'll give it and be wore out in a fight later.
Too many negs.... politicians and this new crap is stupid..-Tyr

Tyr. I see this as you do. Despite my experience in serving with women on ships, and shore stations. But...in this case.
I honestly see this as nothing more than another Planned Step by Obama to further bring down our military in any way he can.

Democrats...not Obama, need the female, and gay votes in the next elections. And this is only one more step...like D.A.D.T. toward winning, or buying votes for Democrats and their Hypocrisy, with Double Standards addressing Almost Everything under the sun to make them appear as if THEY REALLY CARE.

I still wonder which will occur first. Obama leaving office, or the Failure of the United States in Bankruptcy.

Robert A Whit
01-23-2013, 10:32 PM
Wait till she is forced to dig fox holes in the dead of winter in ground as hard as concrete.

Wait till the XO jumps into her hole.

01-23-2013, 11:48 PM
Wait till she is forced to dig fox holes in the dead of winter in ground as hard as concrete.

Wait till the XO jumps into her hole.

Women arent stupid robert. They know how to operate a shovel.

And the xo might be a woman

01-23-2013, 11:55 PM
First gays now women; Gonna have to drill in 'this is my rifle..' Double time.

01-24-2013, 12:01 AM
First gays now women; Gonna have to drill in 'this is my rifle..' Double time.

Next up the colored folk.

01-24-2013, 12:07 AM
Next up the colored folk.
Before you know it, one will be president.

red states rule
02-05-2013, 04:19 AM

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
02-05-2013, 08:29 AM

Exactly right , it all political positioning. The lib/socialist dem party thinks to buy votes and weaken us at the same time. -Tyr