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View Full Version : Another child - reprimanded for a paper gun this time

01-23-2013, 07:47 PM
Good thing she didn't shoot anyone with paper bullets, or make a paper airplane and use it as a missile. :rolleyes:

Another fake gun has reportedly created problems for a young student.

According to Philadelphia mother Dianna Kelly, who spoke with FOX 29 about the incident, her daughter, Melody Valentin, was given a sheet of paper by her grandfather that was torn and folded to look like a pistol. When another student saw the fake gun, which Melody had thrown in the trash can, he alerted the teacher.

The teacher then went over the top when reprimanding Melody, Kelly told Fox 29, saying that he "should call the cops on her" and that she could "be arrested."

Kelly added, "Why did he threaten my daughter?"

Melody, meanwhile, said that the teacher "yelled at me and said I shouldn't have brought the gun to school and I kept telling him it was a paper gun but he wouldn't listen."

Kelly has been keeping Melody home since the incident last week and says she's looking into enrolling her in another school.

According to Fox 29, school officials have not responded to their requests for comment.

Last week, a kindergartner was suspended after saying she was going to shoot classmates with her pink Hello Kitty bubble gun. And earlier this month, a 6-year-old boy was suspended after making a gun gesture with his hand and saying, "Pow."


01-23-2013, 07:48 PM
few years back they tried to suspend my little brother for bringing one of those little green toy army guys to recess.

01-23-2013, 07:52 PM
Good thing she didn't shoot anyone with paper bullets, or make a paper airplane and use it as a missile. :rolleyes:


we've already had the argument about whether schools go overboard on these things. So no need to rehash.

But , don't you think the parents of these kids need to start thinking more and making sure they are not even inadvertently causing these types situations? I mean kids there are to LEARN not make a statement or play with paper guns or what have you?

If this turns into a the school over reacted thread, cool I just won't participate. i would like to hear some opinions on my question though.

01-23-2013, 08:20 PM
we've already had the argument about whether schools go overboard on these things. So no need to rehash.

But , don't you think the parents of these kids need to start thinking more and making sure they are not even inadvertently causing these types situations? I mean kids there are to LEARN not make a statement or play with paper guns or what have you?

If this turns into a the school over reacted thread, cool I just won't participate. i would like to hear some opinions on my question though.

I think this thread is dead before it even starts. Fox is going to scrape the bottom of the barrel to keep searching for anything that might make liberals look bad. I'd rather not take the bait.

We're not going to take guns out of our culture. I played cops and robbers; cowboys and indians; etc.... as a kid. I don't think these kids did anything that needs counseling. Obviously, the teachers are over-reacting.

01-23-2013, 08:24 PM
I think this thread is dead before it even starts. Fox is going to scrape the bottom of the barrel to keep searching for anything that might make liberals look bad. I'd rather not take the bait.

We're not going to take guns out of our culture. I played cops and robbers; cowboys and indians; etc.... as a kid. I don't think these kids did anything that needs counseling. Obviously, the teachers are over-reacting.

The problem is that teachers are ALWAYS overreacting...

We can't even have those brightly colored nerf dart guns. And i'm on a campus in college...

Edit; not that they'll suspend us or call the cops or anything extreme, they'll just take them away...

01-23-2013, 08:27 PM
Good thing she didn't shoot anyone with paper bullets, or make a paper airplane and use it as a missile. :rolleyes:


JIM. Just another prime reason many more parents will look to Home Schooling as an alternative to the Politically UNCORRECT world of Stupidity growing across this nation.


01-23-2013, 08:39 PM
The problem is that teachers are ALWAYS overreacting...

We can't even have those brightly colored nerf dart guns. And i'm on a campus in college...

Edit; not that they'll suspend us or call the cops or anything extreme, they'll just take them away...

That's a pretty strict policy for a college IMHO.

01-23-2013, 08:48 PM
The problem is that teachers are ALWAYS overreacting...

We can't even have those brightly colored nerf dart guns. And i'm on a campus in college...

Edit; not that they'll suspend us or call the cops or anything extreme, they'll just take them away...

bingster. When will you learn. Nobody has to scrape the bottom of any barrel to find stupidity from Liberals. Crap floats, and always comes to the top of the barrel...to be identified as CRAP, and scraped off..into the Cesspool with the other DNC talking points.

01-23-2013, 09:00 PM
we've already had the argument about whether schools go overboard on these things. So no need to rehash.

But , don't you think the parents of these kids need to start thinking more and making sure they are not even inadvertently causing these types situations? I mean kids there are to LEARN not make a statement or play with paper guns or what have you?

If this turns into a the school over reacted thread, cool I just won't participate. i would like to hear some opinions on my question though.

I am just of the belief that some things need to be dealt with appropriately, not on a one size fits all punishment. This girl through a paper gun in the garbage. Didn't threaten and didn't use. Paper. Tossed it in garbage. But nevermind even administered punishment, but a teacher threatening police and arrest - over a piece of paper?

Do parents bear some responsibility? Absolutely. I'm not so sure I would have been worried had my son had a piece of paper his grandfather made for him. To avoid things, it might be wise to be PC and avoid the drama, but I wouldn't scold a parent either, for a child having a piece of paper fashioned as such.

I don't think the appropriate way to teach them that it might be wrong is through fear, threats or banishment from school for periods of time. At such impressionable ages, I think teaching them via plain old learning is the route to go.

01-23-2013, 09:07 PM
I am just of the belief that some things need to be dealt with appropriately, not on a one size fits all punishment. This girl through a paper gun in the garbage. Didn't threaten and didn't use. Paper. Tossed it in garbage. But nevermind even administered punishment, but a teacher threatening police and arrest - over a piece of paper?

Do parents bear some responsibility? Absolutely. I'm not so sure I would have been worried had my son had a piece of paper his grandfather made for him. To avoid things, it might be wise to be PC and avoid the drama, but I wouldn't scold a parent either, for a child having a piece of paper fashioned as such.

I don't think the appropriate way to teach them that it might be wrong is through fear, threats or banishment from school for periods of time. At such impressionable ages, I think teaching them via plain old learning is the route to go.

Jim as it happens in this case I agree. Threatening arrest is never appropriate for a small child. Just dumb. Some spoke of traumatizing the kid in the other thread which was just silly, but when we're talking about having a child arrested for something, fuck that's just dumb .

To that point, why are teachers anywhere making those kinds of calls regardless of the situation? Just baffling. They certainly don't in our system. We have a Vice Principle of Discipline and that's what he's paid , teachers are paid to teach. We don't even allow them to hand out suspension. One person at each school makes those decisions until of course expulsion which is a school board decision based on recommendations.

But back to my point. At some point parents are going to have to figure out that schools aren't messing around with guns or bullying and they are gonna need to umm you know be parents.

Did this teacher behave correctly, no. But grandpa should have been more responsible and told the kid to keep his paper gun at home as well.

01-23-2013, 09:13 PM
Let's just make EVERYTHING anyone says, does, pretends to do, thinks, acts out, ILLEGAL!

This nation is becoming nothing more than OVERKILL about everything.

Somebody doesn't like what they see. It's illegal.
Somebody doesn't like what they hear. It's illegal.
A human being looks, sounds, utters, breathes, exhales, rolls eyes, farts, belches...It's illegal.
If you dislike anything, anyone does without your approval, for any reason. It's illegal.
Political Correctness is working better against this nation than the two planes who crashed into the WTC.


01-23-2013, 09:15 PM
Jim as it happens in this case I agree. Threatening arrest is never appropriate for a small child. Just dumb. Some spoke of traumatizing the kid in the other thread which was just silly, but when we're talking about having a child arrested for something, fuck that's just dumb .

To that point, why are teachers anywhere making those kinds of calls regardless of the situation? Just baffling. They certainly don't in our system. We have a Vice Principle of Discipline and that's what he's paid , teachers are paid to teach. We don't even allow them to hand out suspension. One person at each school makes those decisions until of course expulsion which is a school board decision based on recommendations.

But back to my point. At some point parents are going to have to figure out that schools aren't messing around with guns or bullying and they are gonna need to umm you know be parents.

Did this teacher behave correctly, no. But grandpa should have been more responsible and told the kid to keep his paper gun at home as well.

I can go with most of that. I think teachers, if they believe something is within a violation of the "gun issues" - they should send the child to an administrator and let them handle privately, and accordingly based on the merits. Someone who won't threaten the police, but will take it with the seriousness it deserves and take appropriate action.

And any and all action should result in parental involvement to have them assist going forward, and help prevent instances and help teach the child why such an action can be wrong.

I'm glad I'm not a kid today. I used to have a pistol that felt like it weighed about 4lbs. You would get a strip of caps, place it back by the trigger, and "shoot" way. As each cap got hit with the trigger, it was a cap gun going off. I would have rolls of caps, so could shoot them like a semi-auto with a 90 round clip! LOL Play with one of them in school today and you'll probably end up in Guantanomo!

01-23-2013, 09:16 PM
Let's just make EVERYTHING anyone says, does, pretends to do, thinks, acts out, ILLEGAL!

This nation is becoming nothing more than OVERKILL about everything.

Somebody doesn't like what they see. It's illegal.
Somebody doesn't like what they hear. It's illegal.
A human being looks, sounds, utters, breathes, exhales, rolls eyes, farts, belches...It's illegal.
If you dislike anything, anyone does without your approval, for any reason. It's illegal.
Political Correctness is working better against this nation than the two planes who crashed into the WTC.


so apparently only the just right amount educated don't like it. what level of education is just right?:laugh:

01-24-2013, 10:57 AM
I think this thread is dead before it even starts. Fox is going to scrape the bottom of the barrel to keep searching for anything that might make liberals look bad. I'd rather not take the bait.

We're not going to take guns out of our culture. I played cops and robbers; cowboys and indians; etc.... as a kid. I don't think these kids did anything that needs counseling. Obviously, the teachers are over-reacting.

Yeah..........it is sad. I agree with all that you say, all those elements are there.

Wild overreacting....maybe we should ask why. It suddenly occurs to me that maybe the teachers are scared! That is, they are overreacting to nondangerous gun stuff because, you know, it IS true that teachers get disproportionately killed in these rampage attacks (I've been reading about them).

Huh. It's still mean to the children to carry on like that, but I feel a little more sympathetic to the teachers' predicament. It's them who are most likely to take the bullets, if a rampage happens.

01-24-2013, 10:59 AM
I'm glad I'm not a kid today. I used to have a pistol that felt like it weighed about 4lbs. You would get a strip of caps, place it back by the trigger, and "shoot" way. As each cap got hit with the trigger, it was a cap gun going off. I would have rolls of caps, so could shoot them like a semi-auto with a 90 round clip! LOL Play with one of them in school today and you'll probably end up in Guantanomo!

Lord, we all used to do that, even girls! Remember the red caps rolls and you could unroll them and pound them with a rock? That was great.

[Sigh] Time passes, things change.

Too often not for the better.

01-24-2013, 11:28 AM
Fox is going to scrape the bottom of the barrel to keep searching for anything that might make liberals look bad.

No searching required. Liberals keep doing silly and paranoid things, without any urging from Fox. On only needs to sit back and watch.

I played cops and robbers; cowboys and indians; etc.... as a kid. I don't think these kids did anything that needs counseling. Obviously, the teachers are over-reacting.
And yet they KEEP doing these same paranoid things, over and over. Why are these people in a position to influence our kids?


01-24-2013, 11:35 AM
so apparently only the just right amount educated don't like it. what level of education is just right?:laugh:


Let's see: aboutime thinks people can know too little, and also know too much (?? an odd concept, I can't quite figure out that one...).

I'm guessing that knowing exactly what aboutime thinks he knows is what aboutime thinks everyone should know. No more, no less, and CERTAINLY no different.

01-24-2013, 11:51 AM
Let's see: aboutime thinks people can know too little, and also know too much (?? an odd concept, I can't quite figure out that one...).

I'm guessing that knowing exactly what aboutime thinks he knows is what aboutime thinks everyone should know. No more, no less, and CERTAINLY no different.

fake conservatives like to force everyone to conform to THEIR standards.

01-24-2013, 12:37 PM
Fox is going to scrape the bottom of the barrel

You do realize this is national news, found on Reuters and the AP and such, no? Fox didn't make this issue happen or have anything to do with it - they simply reported the issue as so many others have.

01-24-2013, 12:38 PM
Lord, we all used to do that, even girls! Remember the red caps rolls and you could unroll them and pound them with a rock? That was great.

[Sigh] Time passes, things change.

Too often not for the better.

Of course! When we got in trouble we had the guns taken away, so we just switched to rocks! LOL For like a dollar you could be about a thousand of the caps. Good fun!

01-24-2013, 12:40 PM
Of course! When we got in trouble we had the guns taken away, so we just switched to rocks! LOL For like a dollar you could be about a thousand of the caps. Good fun!

I dint think they make those anymore even. They were fun

01-24-2013, 12:46 PM
I dint think they make those anymore even. They were funStill make them my boys by tham at the "candy store" down the road from our house. We live in a lakes region and its a little convience store, hell htey even sell candy cigarrets..:thumb:

01-24-2013, 12:49 PM
Still make them my boys by tham at the "candy store" down the road from our house. We live in a lakes region and its a little convience store, hell htey even sell candy cigarrets..:thumb:

Used to love them too! And guess what, never once made me want to have a real smoke. I still used to turn my head from Mom's real smokes. They were just cool candy! Al the good things are gone. :(

01-24-2013, 02:17 PM
You do realize this is national news, found on Reuters and the AP and such, no? Fox didn't make this issue happen or have anything to do with it - they simply reported the issue as so many others have.

I saw the link was Fox and just assumed. Oops

01-24-2013, 02:18 PM
Still make them my boys by tham at the "candy store" down the road from our house. We live in a lakes region and its a little convience store, hell htey even sell candy cigarrets..:thumb:

I miss candy cigarettes.

01-24-2013, 02:42 PM
I miss candy cigarettes.


<iframe width="480" height="360" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/5qzRSU2NWmE" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

01-24-2013, 05:03 PM
Still make them my boys by tham at the "candy store" down the road from our house. We live in a lakes region and its a little convience store, hell htey even sell candy cigarrets..:thumb:

My brother works for a food wholesaler , they sell to little stores like that mostly, and one of their bigger items is candy, and yes they still sell those; but you will notice two differences from when we were kids.

1. They no longer call them ciggarettes or have the word on the package
2. They no longer have the orange tip that looked like a lit cigarette.

01-24-2013, 05:12 PM
My brother works for a food wholesaler , they sell to little stores like that mostly, and one of their bigger items is candy, and yes they still sell those; but you will notice two differences from when we were kids.

1. They no longer call them ciggarettes or have the word on the package
2. They no longer have the orange tip that looked like a lit cigarette.They still blow powdered sugar:laugh2:

01-24-2013, 05:18 PM
Of course! When we got in trouble we had the guns taken away, so we just switched to rocks! LOL For like a dollar you could be about a thousand of the caps. Good fun!

I remember the 4th of July, back in the 50's, when we took rolls of caps...supposed to be for the play guns, put them on a curb, and used a hammer to explode the whole role...making perfect BOOM'S that could be heard all over the block.
And the sparklers. We waited until dark, when the annual fireworks display took place....waving the sparklers around.


Go figure? Just like all the years I rode my Schwinn two wheeler everywhere...never had an accident...even without a Helmet.

01-24-2013, 05:19 PM
They still blow powdered sugar:laugh2:

Yes indeed.

My favorite , and I've passed this onto my kids, is this though. Glad they haven't changed them.


01-24-2013, 05:20 PM
I remember the 4th of July, back in the 50's, when we took rolls of caps...supposed to be for the play guns, put them on a curb, and used a hammer to explode the whole role...making perfect BOOM'S that could be heard all over the block.
And the sparklers. We waited until dark, when the annual fireworks display took place....waving the sparklers around.


Go figure? Just like all the years I rode my Schwinn two wheeler everywhere...never had an accident...even without a Helmet.

We used to take M80 firecrackers light them, throw them under an overturned trash can then sit on the trash can, when they blew they would lift you and the trash can about 5 feet in the air.

Course we also used to put them inside of mailboxes and drive off, but that's another story..