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View Full Version : 'Django' Slave Toys BANNED from eBay

01-24-2013, 01:05 PM
And this follows them being taken off the shelves in stores. Considering that 3 were white and 3 black, and they were characters from a movie, I wouldn't label them "slave toys". Regardless, it's a shame that political correctness is driving our society. How about this - if you don't like it, don't buy it?

Don't count on finding one of those discontinued "Django Unchained" slave toys on eBay any time soon -- TMZ has learned, the action figures have now been banned from the auction website.

TMZ broke the story ... the Weinstein Company (which produced the film) discontinued the promotional figurines in response to a massive backlash from several African-American advocacy groups.

After the toy company halted production, the toys began to pop up on eBay as "rare" collectibles ... and bids skyrocketed.


01-24-2013, 01:22 PM
And this follows them being taken off the shelves in stores. Considering that 3 were white and 3 black, and they were characters from a movie, I wouldn't label them "slave toys". Regardless, it's a shame that political correctness is driving our society. How about this - if you don't like it, don't buy it?


I love it. Some days companies can't win for losing. :laugh:

01-24-2013, 01:32 PM
I like Leo, but I'm not bothering with this movie, it's so obviously PC-fodder.

And yet they have to take movie publicity figures off the market because somehow it's not PC ENOUGH???

Things are just getting worse and worse and worse with this PC crap.

01-24-2013, 01:35 PM
It was actually a fantastic flick! Funny as hell, and a bit offensive to some, but good. I think if people don't like what a store sells, especially movie related, either don't buy it or don't patronize the store. But all of this nonsense demanding stores remove stuff and demands that movie makers remove certain things. It's too much. People think the world should be shaped to fit them, instead of them enjoying the things they like and staying away from things they don't.

I know there are a ton of "rap stars" made into toys, and I think they are 5000% more offensive than a stinking movie.

Marcus Aurelius
01-24-2013, 01:39 PM
I'm trying to figure out how a manufacturer came up with 'hey, let's make action figures of slave characters from a movie!' and thought it would be a financial winner, let alone not piss some people off all to Hell.

01-24-2013, 01:44 PM
I'm trying to figure out how a manufacturer came up with 'hey, let's make action figures of slave characters from a movie!' and thought it would be a financial winner, let alone not piss some people off all to Hell.

But their intent wasn't "slave" characters, at least I don't think. Like I said, there were 3 white characters as well, obviously not slaves. Still probably not the most profitable idea...

01-24-2013, 01:50 PM
Ya know, come to think of it, I think that quick I change my mind a bit. Being they are targeted for kids, the kids will probably then want to see the movie - and this definitely isn't a movie for children. My brother is a huge fan of the "Hellraisers" series, and has bought a bunch of models over the years. These are awesome, and when done and painted, they are even more awesome. Toys/models at times can target an older audience - but I think it's clear that the Django toys are targeting kids.

I think my head is still pissed from the uproar prior to the movie even being released. Spike Lee got the black community going by condemning the movie, because it says the "N" word like 120 times in the flick. But the movie was from the slavery era. And hell, the lead character was Jamie Foxx. It was a comedy. He took no more liberties than black crime movies. And no more than what you'll here in the average song by a black rapper, never mind the rest of the album. Anyway, don't like it, don't see it. But there again changes were demanded (which didn't happen). It's a MOVIE people.

Abbey Marie
01-24-2013, 02:36 PM
It's exhausting trying to keep up with all the rules about what I can say, believe, think, buy, wear, or even read. I begin to understand why people in Communist societies drink so much.

01-24-2013, 06:19 PM
And this follows them being taken off the shelves in stores. Considering that 3 were white and 3 black, and they were characters from a movie, I wouldn't label them "slave toys". Regardless, it's a shame that political correctness is driving our society. How about this - if you don't like it, don't buy it?


God some people are such cry pussies.

Here's a slave toy I wouldn't mind having
