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View Full Version : North Korea nuclear tests "aimed at U.S."??

01-24-2013, 04:42 PM
This has been all over the news, briefly -- North Korea nuclear tests aimed at U.S.

What does that even MEAN? That they use the U.S. as their play or practice target? I suppose.

Is this anything to worry about, or can China be counted on to keep them under control so there isn't a world war in that area?

01-24-2013, 05:33 PM
This is based on recent threats from them:

SEOUL, South Korea — North Korea's top governing body warned Thursday that the regime will conduct its third nuclear test in defiance of U.N. punishment, and made clear that its long-range rockets are designed to carry not only satellites but also warheads aimed at striking the United States.

The National Defense Commission, headed by the country's young leader, Kim Jong Un, denounced Tuesday's U.N. Security Council resolution condemning North Korea's long-range rocket launch in December as a banned missile activity and expanding sanctions against the regime. The commission reaffirmed in its declaration that the launch was a peaceful bid to send a satellite into space, but also clearly indicated the country's rocket launches have a military purpose: to strike and attack the United States.

While experts say North Korea doesn't have the capability to hit the U.S. with its missiles, recent tests and rhetoric indicate the country is feverishly working toward that goal.

The commission pledged to keep launching satellites and rockets and to conduct a nuclear test as part of a "new phase" of combat with the United States, which it blames for leading the U.N. bid to punish Pyongyang. It said a nuclear test was part of "upcoming" action but did not say exactly when or where it would take place.


01-24-2013, 05:48 PM
Why should anyone here care about North Korea? They aren't Muslims. :rolleyes:

01-24-2013, 05:52 PM
Why should anyone here care about North Korea? They aren't Muslims. :rolleyes:

That's a dumb comment. I think members here, and the USA, would be just as concerned if we were being targeted by Muslims, North Koreans or the Russians. The fact that the NK's are getting sanctions and such shows that it's more or less being handled similar to Iran, who has also only received sanctions. The concern is equal, but we must tread carefully with NK as they have the weaponry already. Nonetheless, the goal has been to remove/prevent nuclear weapons and proliferation from both.

01-24-2013, 05:57 PM
North Korea has had nukes for years. And they have been threatening the world with them for years. And no one has cared for years.
Compare that to the indignation expressed toward Iran, which is only threatening to build nukes.

How many threads have been posted in DP expressing outrage at North Korea? :rolleyes:

01-24-2013, 06:01 PM
North Korea has had nukes for years. And they have been threatening the world with them for years. And no one has cared for years.
Compare that to the indignation expressed toward Iran, which is only threatening to build nukes.

How many threads have been posted in DP expressing outrage at North Korea? :rolleyes:

Do a search on North Korea and you tell us how much they have been discussed?

What their history has shown and how threats should be taken are different. We can never overlook threats and let our guard down. They claim they are our sworn enemy, and want to direct nuclear tests at us. I don't think that's something to scoff at. They've done other tests banned by the UN as well, also discussed here. Their weapons are getting stronger and the reach farther. To dismiss them would be very dangerous.

01-24-2013, 06:15 PM
This has been all over the news, briefly -- North Korea nuclear tests aimed at U.S.

What does that even MEAN? That they use the U.S. as their play or practice target? I suppose.

Is this anything to worry about, or can China be counted on to keep them under control so there isn't a world war in that area?


01-24-2013, 08:20 PM
North Korea has had nukes for years. And they have been threatening the world with them for years. And no one has cared for years.
Compare that to the indignation expressed toward Iran, which is only threatening to build nukes.

Good point...so I suppose it is important that NK is close neighbor to China, which can be counted on to keep them on a leash, or at least not marching south or throwing nukes at Los Angeles. If they DO, surely memories there are long enough to realize that the last time Asians attacked our Pacific ports, it ended badly.

Whereas Iran really is our problem; no one else is near or cares.

I don't think that's something to scoff at. They've done other tests banned by the UN as well, also discussed here. Their weapons are getting stronger and the reach farther. To dismiss them would be very dangerous.

No, I don't think it's something to scoff at either. I recognize NK is doing a complex and devious diplomatic game of deterrence, but I have come to believe that people say what they mean and mean what they say, overall.

It is going into denial and pretending they didn't really mean it, wouldn't really do it, that leads to trouble.

red states rule
01-25-2013, 05:24 AM

01-25-2013, 06:25 AM
This has been all over the news, briefly -- North Korea nuclear tests aimed at U.S.

What does that even MEAN? That they use the U.S. as their play or practice target? I suppose.

Is this anything to worry about, or can China be counted on to keep them under control so there isn't a world war in that area?

<doing laugh="" Biden="" Joe="" a="">

What could there possibly be to worry about? The North Koreans already have atomic devices and now only need a missile to get it to our shores. Assuming they decide to deliver it that way, as opposed to sneaking it in in a ship.

The Chinese are pre-occupied this week with rattling their own nuclear sabers, this week against Australia, as a warning not to get involved in the heating up territorial dispute with the Philippines and Japan.

And finally, we mustn't forget Iran in this growing nuclear equation.

But not to worry. We have Obamacare.

Thirty years ago a missile defense system called "High Frontier" was introduced and dismissed derisively by liberals as "Star Wars."

Libbies argued that since the system could never stop *EVERY* missile launched by the USSR it was pointless. At the time, it was also pointed out that if one rogue nation developed nuclear weapons and launched *A* nuclear missile, we would be able to intercept and eliminate that attack. Again, the liberals laughed derisively.

And now, here we are.

We *COULD* be chuckling derisively at North Korea. We *COULD* be telling them, "Go ahead, launch your little missile at us. It won't get within 1000 miles of our shores."

But liberals had a more important agenda than our national defense. They had to eliminate poverty, and as a result we have the richest "poor people" in the world.</doing>

01-25-2013, 07:57 AM
<DOING laugh Biden Joe a>

What could there possibly be to worry about? The North Koreans already have atomic devices and now only need a missile to get it to our shores. Assuming they decide to deliver it that way, as opposed to sneaking it in in a ship.

The Chinese are pre-occupied this week with rattling their own nuclear sabers, this week against Australia, as a warning not to get involved in the heating up territorial dispute with the Philippines and Japan.

And finally, we mustn't forget Iran in this growing nuclear equation.

But not to worry. We have Obamacare.

Yes, you are noticing what I have also seen in articles just this week, the collapse of the world toward
war in several areas.

Well, Pax Americana had a good long run. It couldn't last forever, especially with the rise of China and, unexpectedly, the rise of Islam.

01-25-2013, 12:31 PM
This has been all over the news, briefly -- North Korea nuclear tests aimed at U.S.

What does that even MEAN? That they use the U.S. as their play or practice target? I suppose.

Is this anything to worry about, or can China be counted on to keep them under control so there isn't a world war in that area?
Not much to worry about. This is just typical saber rattling from the North Koreans. They always do this when we stop paying attention to them because we have other matters to deal with. This saber rattling also serves as a precursor to some form of aid they require from us to shut them up for a while.

01-25-2013, 12:40 PM
Here is the last thread I responded to about North Korea about a year ago started by Jim:

Specifically I posted:
"What a crock. Laura Rozen should be ashamed of herself for characterizing this as some sort of "stunning breakthrough" as should any one of you that buy into that notion.
A few days ago the North Koreans vowed a "Sacred War" over the upcoming joint military exercises between the U.S. and South Korean. A few days later NK magically shows up at the diplomatic table with concessions in return for U.S. Aid.
If you don't recognize this pattern, its only been occurring over the last several decades. I'll see you all in the next year or two, when the pattern repeats itself once again and we arrive at another "stunning breakthrough" involving the same thing :laugh:"

Do I know how to read the tea leaves or what?

01-25-2013, 01:35 PM
Not much to worry about. This is just typical saber rattling from the North Koreans. They always do this when we stop paying attention to them because we have other matters to deal with. This saber rattling also serves as a precursor to some form of aid they require from us to shut them up for a while.

Yes....I have read this, too, that NK does this whenever they feel neglected. And it IS winter, everyone is starving in NK, time to feed them on upset and anger. On the other hand, the UN (us, that is) DID sanction them yet again, as if they cared about that, and the kid has to establish his toughness credibility.

I have a feeling one day there really will be a wolf, but maybe not now.

01-25-2013, 01:39 PM

That's unfair. What did Bush do? What has any American president done well in this area? What do you think we should do?

01-25-2013, 01:42 PM
That's unfair. What did Bush do? What has any American president done well in this area? What do you think we should do?

I think we should put it all off till they start a Million Man March south. Then we should nuke 'em with tactical nukes.

Very, very quickly, as you can practically SEE Seoul from the border.

red states rule
01-28-2013, 03:48 AM

01-28-2013, 05:30 AM
I think we should put it all off till they start a Million Man March south. Then we should nuke 'em with tactical nukes.

Very, very quickly, as you can practically SEE Seoul from the border.

I'm sure the South Koreans would be appreciative of a bunch of nukes going off just down the road.

01-28-2013, 07:45 AM
That's unfair. What did Bush do?

He was busy trying to navigate around obstructionist Democrats and America-haters to deal with the Middle Eastern terrorist problem the previous administration left him.