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View Full Version : Milwaukee County sheriff’s PSA on self-protection

red states rule
01-27-2013, 05:28 AM
The liberal media and anti gun nuts will be all over this guy for his logical and reasonable PSA

Marcus Aurelius
01-27-2013, 12:47 PM

01-27-2013, 03:09 PM
When seconds count, the police are just minutes away.

01-27-2013, 05:37 PM
Probably the BEST safety message any of us could hear.

And probably the BEST way to piss off Obama, Biden, Feinstein and

all of the ANTI-GUN people who would probably complain about that Sheriff...and Fire Him...NOT VOTE for him next time.

The TRUTH HURTS...just ask any Liberal, Democrat, Progressive, America Hater who voted for Obama.

01-27-2013, 11:44 PM
Is it cause to panic when the Country Sheriff basically says "We're all screwed! Get guns! Lots of Guns!"?

I don't know what you guys think but when the chief of police basically gives up, it is time to pack up and move somewhere that is not over run with armed, violent criminals.

red states rule
01-28-2013, 02:51 AM
Have the right gun that gets the job done

<iframe width="500" height="281" title="MRC TV video player" src="http://www.mrctv.org/embed/119656" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen=""></iframe>

01-28-2013, 05:34 AM
Have the right gun that gets the job done

Poor woman. She needs to be sure to have enough ammo to "get the job done" (murder an intruder). It's clear she would shoot to kill. The bottom line is, what kind of messed up neighbourhood does she live in that she is so fearful of her life that she feels that she needs an assault rifle in her home?

Edit: More chilling is the story about the woman who shot an intruder 5 times in the face "and he still lived". They wanted the guy to be dead? Seriously wtf? These nutjobs are still walking free?

01-28-2013, 07:27 AM
Poor woman. She needs to be sure to have enough ammo to "get the job done" (murder an intruder). It's clear she would shoot to kill. The bottom line is, what kind of messed up neighbourhood does she live in that she is so fearful of her life that she feels that she needs an assault rifle in her home?

Edit: More chilling is the story about the woman who shot an intruder 5 times in the face "and he still lived". They wanted the guy to be dead? Seriously wtf? These nutjobs are still walking free?

So Jafar if your wife was home alone with kids and a man broke into your home -in your ZERO crime neighborhood- what would you want her to do?
If she had a gun would you want her to make sure she only wounded him?
Shot once, then ask if he was OK?

i don't understand your reaction AT ALL?
would you want the police to shoot the Invader? are they the only ones allowed to shoot people in your mind?

Frankly I can't believe your SHOCKED and OFFENDED at women who ONLY want to protect themselves.
And Yes GET THE JOB DONE. That means Stop the SCUM bags, maybe they are dead maybe Not, but 4sure STOPPED. DONE!
YOUR the one who talking crazy Jafar. your the nutjob on this issue.

<IFRAME height=360 src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/s1-Kz3vU5DY?feature=player_detailpage" frameBorder=0 width=640 allowfullscreen></IFRAME>

they Keep saying she was "protecting her baby."
Yes that's true but she should protect her self the exact same way.

<IFRAME height=360 src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/l7ZMlxNSx-Q?feature=player_detailpage" frameBorder=0 width=640 allowfullscreen=""></IFRAME>

<IFRAME height=360 src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/jFLHCKsXhlM?feature=player_detailpage" frameBorder=0 width=640 allowfullscreen></IFRAME>

Marcus Aurelius
01-28-2013, 08:09 AM
Is it cause to panic when the Country Sheriff basically says "We're all screwed! Get guns! Lots of Guns!"?

I don't know what you guys think but when the chief of police basically gives up, it is time to pack up and move somewhere that is not over run with armed, violent criminals.

every post you make shows you to be more of a moron. I am astounded that you can look stupider every time you post... congrats.

The sheriff did not 'give up', or tell people to get 'lots of guns'. He said take the proper self defense courses, get a gun and be active in your own defense until the police arrive.

Dumb ass.

<IFRAME height=360 src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/l7ZMlxNSx-Q?feature=player_detailpage" frameBorder=0 width=640 allowfullscreen=""></IFRAME>

<IFRAME height=360 src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/jFLHCKsXhlM?feature=player_detailpage" frameBorder=0 width=640 allowfullscreen=""></IFRAME>

I'd have shot them dead if possible. You break into my home and attack me or mine, you're toast.

Poor woman. She needs to be sure to have enough ammo to "get the job done" (murder an intruder). It's clear she would shoot to kill. The bottom line is, what kind of messed up neighbourhood does she live in that she is so fearful of her life that she feels that she needs an assault rifle in her home?

Edit: More chilling is the story about the woman who shot an intruder 5 times in the face "and he still lived". They wanted the guy to be dead? Seriously wtf? These nutjobs are still walking free?

I assume if someone breaks into your home and tries to kill you, or rape your wife, you'd simply let them?

Dumb ass.

As to messed up neighborhoods, Chicago has some of the most restrictive gun legislation in the country... and as a consequence, has some of the highest gun crime rates in the country.

01-28-2013, 03:22 PM
Is it cause to panic when the Country Sheriff basically says "We're all screwed! Get guns! Lots of Guns!"?

I don't know what you guys think but when the chief of police basically gives up, it is time to pack up and move somewhere that is not over run with armed, violent criminals.

jafar. It wasn't the chief of police. He's a Sheriff. And whether you like it or not. What that man has said...actually was the same thing being told to Early Americans...before our Revolution, and the separation from England.
Americans had to arm themselves to protect their families, and property from the English, and German soldiers who became the target of someone we know as George Washington.

If the people are unable to protect themselves from criminals, and a tyranical form of Government. They lose everything without a chance to fight.

Some day. If you study, instead of Running your mouth. You might learn something about protecting what you hold dear.

01-28-2013, 03:29 PM
Is it cause to panic when the Country Sheriff basically says "We're all screwed! Get guns! Lots of Guns!"?

I don't know what you guys think but when the chief of police basically gives up, it is time to pack up and move somewhere that is not over run with armed, violent criminals.

He never said we were screwed. He never said get guns. He never said lots of guns. He never said he gives up. Lots of misinformation there from a 30 second clip?

He simply said it would be wise to get training.

Poor woman. She needs to be sure to have enough ammo to "get the job done" (murder an intruder)

Shooting someone who breaks into your home might be taking the life of someone who might do you harm, but I wouldn't classify it as murder.

Marcus Aurelius
01-28-2013, 03:41 PM
http://www.debatepolicy.com/images/debate_policy/misc/quote_icon.png Originally Posted by jafar00 http://www.debatepolicy.com/images/debate_policy/buttons/viewpost-right.png (http://www.debatepolicy.com/showthread.php?p=612237#post612237)
Poor woman. She needs to be sure to have enough ammo to "get the job done" (murder an intruder). It's clear she would shoot to kill. The bottom line is, what kind of messed up neighbourhood does she live in that she is so fearful of her life that she feels that she needs an assault rifle in her home?

Edit: More chilling is the story about the woman who shot an intruder 5 times in the face "and he still lived". They wanted the guy to be dead? Seriously wtf? These nutjobs are still walking free?

I assume if someone breaks into your home and tries to kill you, or rape your wife, you'd simply let them?

Dumb ass.

As to messed up neighborhoods, Chicago has some of the most restrictive gun legislation in the country... and as a consequence, has some of the highest gun crime rates in the country.
I wonder if Jahil will respond to that one. I'm thinking no.

01-28-2013, 04:20 PM
Shooting someone who breaks into your home might be taking the life of someone who might do you harm, but I wouldn't classify it as murder.

jafar. Just for you. Imagine you come to America, find my address, come to my front door armed, and push the door open without ringing the bell, or knocking, and I just happen to be sitting in my living room.

After you push your way in...uninvited, my wife and I both yell at you to GET OUT, but you ignore both of us.

Guess what?

I would need a forwarding address to give to the police after dialing 911, telling them where your DEAD, STUPID BODY should be taken. Because ANYONE...including you who tries such a thing will instantly become the FORMER person you, or they were before entering.

If you don't feel the same way about someone entering your home, uninvited, possibly armed. Ready to kill, or rape you and your wife, or daughter.
YOU DESERVE TO BECOME.....just another statistic.

01-28-2013, 04:23 PM
Is it cause to panic when the Country Sheriff basically says "We're all screwed! Get guns! Lots of Guns!"?

I don't know what you guys think but when the chief of police basically gives up, it is time to pack up and move somewhere that is not over run with armed, violent criminals.

so anywhere but a Muslim theocracy eh?


01-28-2013, 08:00 PM
So Jafar if your wife was home alone with kids and a man broke into your home -in your ZERO crime neighborhood- what would you want her to do?
If she had a gun would you want her to make sure she only wounded him?
Shot once, then ask if he was OK?

i don't understand your reaction AT ALL?
would you want the police to shoot the Invader? are they the only ones allowed to shoot people in your mind?

Frankly I can't believe your SHOCKED and OFFENDED at women who ONLY want to protect themselves.
And Yes GET THE JOB DONE. That means Stop the SCUM bags, maybe they are dead maybe Not, but 4sure STOPPED. DONE!
YOUR the one who talking crazy Jafar. your the nutjob on this issue.

Wishing death on someone is sick. Yes, I would expect my wife to wound the attacker if possible so the police could do their job and throw the bastard in jail. Death is too good for people like that.

He never said we were screwed. He never said get guns. He never said lots of guns. He never said he gives up. Lots of misinformation there from a 30 second clip?

He simply said it would be wise to get training.

Read between the lines. He has given up. He is saying that it is so unsafe out there now that you should get a gun. Training is what any responsible gun owner should have anyway. If that was an Australian Police commissioner, there would be an uproar on all the front pages, a Royal Commission and a crackdown in the area.

so anywhere but a Muslim theocracy eh?


If my company needed me to move to Emirates or KSA, I would happily live there.

So Jafar if your wife was home alone with kids and a man broke into your home -in your ZERO crime neighborhood

I love the fact that the biggest story of the year in my neighbourhood is some guy's dog joining the State Emergency Services. Boring, and safe. Just what my family and I want.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
01-28-2013, 08:14 PM
jafar. Just for you. Imagine you come to America, find my address, come to my front door armed, and push the door open without ringing the bell, or knocking, and I just happen to be sitting in my living room.

After you push your way in...uninvited, my wife and I both yell at you to GET OUT, but you ignore both of us.

Guess what?

I would need a forwarding address to give to the police after dialing 911, telling them where your DEAD, STUPID BODY should be taken. Because ANYONE...including you who tries such a thing will instantly become the FORMER person you, or they were before entering.

If you don't feel the same way about someone entering your home, uninvited, possibly armed. Ready to kill, or rape you and your wife, or daughter.
YOU DESERVE TO BECOME.....just another statistic.

Don't let jafar fool ya! He likely lives in a muslim neighborhood where every house has hidden guns and even a damn flea can not enter without everybody knowing about it! Muslims there were either exempted or else chose not to turn in their guns and like usual the government there chose to ignore it!
Jafar, speaks about our rights with arrogant condescending suggestions because he knows we will oppose not only tyranny from our own government but from his religion as well! He wishes that we were totally disarmed so his fellow muslims could raise hell here when they don't get their way like they do everywhere else!

01-28-2013, 08:16 PM
Read between the lines. He has given up. He is saying that it is so unsafe out there now that you should get a gun. Training is what any responsible gun owner should have anyway. If that was an Australian Police commissioner, there would be an uproar on all the front pages, a Royal Commission and a crackdown in the area.

He's obviously a 2nd amendment and/or gun supporter, who went out of his way to make a statement. And being that he really just asked citizens to get training for their guns, it's not like he even remotely did anything wrong. I think more and more people should be getting some training, especially after buying a weapon, instead of buying one and letting it sit there. One should be prepared on hot to properly use their weapon. Otherwise, really not much of a point, other than a deterrent. He certainly never stated that there was any danger. There are state paid for PSA's all the time on all kinds of topics, from smoking to abortion to war to taxes...

01-28-2013, 08:20 PM
I love the fact that the biggest story of the year in my neighbourhood is some guy's dog joining the State Emergency Services. Boring, and safe. Just what my family and I want.

We have places like that here too, maybe in the middle of South Dakota, or some places in Wyoming, places where less and less people live. Then when you move into more populated areas, the crime will rise. This is also true, proportionately, to Australia. Look at the gun crimes in your area, then to places like Melbourne, or Sydney.

01-28-2013, 08:21 PM
I love the fact that the biggest story of the year in my neighbourhood is some guy's dog joining the State Emergency Services. Boring, and safe. Just what my family and I want.

yeah, the folks in Sandy Hook felt the same way, which is why they too were soft on 2nd amendment before December:


01-28-2013, 08:44 PM
Keep in mind everyone. Jafar must always, and is convinced he is always RIGHT about everything, while the rest of us are...according to jafar the False Prophet...Wrong.

Nothing any of us say here means anything to jafar.

That is how a Martyr acts. Always smarter, with more facts than everyone else. Otherwise...he's a failure. And we all know how Failures act. Jafar is our Finest Example.

Marcus Aurelius
01-28-2013, 10:24 PM
I love the fact that the biggest story of the year in my neighbourhood is some guy's dog joining the State Emergency Services. Boring, and safe. Just what my family and I want.

So, you'd rather see your wife raped and murdered by an intruder, than have her or yourself kill him?

You're a sick fuck, Jahil. Mohammed must be so proud of you.

red states rule
01-29-2013, 03:07 AM
Poor woman. She needs to be sure to have enough ammo to "get the job done" (murder an intruder). It's clear she would shoot to kill. The bottom line is, what kind of messed up neighbourhood does she live in that she is so fearful of her life that she feels that she needs an assault rifle in her home?

Edit: More chilling is the story about the woman who shot an intruder 5 times in the face "and he still lived". They wanted the guy to be dead? Seriously wtf? These nutjobs are still walking free?

Damn right. The SOB picked the wrong damn house to break into and wrong women to mess with. It is a pleasure to se a women protect her CHILDREN, her LIFE, and her PROPERRTY from filth like this. Yes they wanted the SOB dead - and I am glad they succeeded. He will never harm or terrorize another family again. I am sure if he broke into to your home you would welcome him with open arms, a drink, and offer to serve him dinner - right?

red states rule
01-31-2013, 03:43 AM
The libs are upset over the Sheriff telling the public to take a safety course and use a gun to defend themselves. Watch as he cuts the arrogant and condescending idiot Piers Morgan


01-31-2013, 06:24 AM
We have places like that here too, maybe in the middle of South Dakota, or some places in Wyoming, places where less and less people live. Then when you move into more populated areas, the crime will rise. This is also true, proportionately, to Australia. Look at the gun crimes in your area, then to places like Melbourne, or Sydney.

I live in Sydney lol. Ok so the West of Sydney is not such a nice place where crime is higher and there is the occasional bikie gang shooting. Still, we don't have any massacres. I'm sure there are more than a few nutjobs here though which is why I am thankful that getting hold of a gun here is almost impossible.

Marcus Aurelius
01-31-2013, 09:01 AM
I live in Sydney lol. Ok so the West of Sydney is not such a nice place where crime is higher and there is the occasional bikie gang shooting. Still, we don't have any massacres. I'm sure there are more than a few nutjobs here though which is why I am thankful that getting hold of a gun here is almost impossible.

In Australia...

According to their study, the use of handguns rather than long guns (rifles and shotguns) went up sharply, but only one out of 117 gun homicides in the two years following the 1996 National Firearms Agreement used a registered gun. Suicides with firearms went down but suicides by other means went up. They reported "a modest reduction in the severity" of massacres (four or more indiscriminate homicides) in the five years since the government weapons buyback. These involved knives, gas and arson rather than firearms.

In 2008, the Australian Institute of Criminology reported a decrease of 9% in homicides and a one-third decrease in armed robbery since the 1990s, but an increase of over 40% in assaults and 20% in sexual assaults.

What to conclude? Strict gun laws in Great Britain and Australia haven't made their people noticeably safer, nor have they prevented massacres. The two major countries held up as models for the U.S. don't provide much evidence that strict gun laws will solve our problems.

Use of handguns in crimes went UP in Australia after stricter gun laws were enacted... and only 1 in 117 was registered... in other words, the 116 were ILLEGALLY PURCHASED, and the stricter gun laws did not prevent said purchases.

01-31-2013, 03:29 PM
jafar. There is only One Massacre taking place here on DP. And that just happens to be, whenever you post here.

Someday. When you experience the reality of being such a Putz to the rest of us. It may be too late for you.

red states rule
02-01-2013, 03:38 AM
jafar. There is only One Massacre taking place here on DP. And that just happens to be, whenever you post here.

Someday. When you experience the reality of being such a Putz to the rest of us. It may be too late for you.

Poor guy - he never had a chance AT. Again what would he do if someone broke in to his house? I guess he would defend his family and property and not offer to sit down with the criminal and talk about killing Jews over cake and coffee

Marcus Aurelius
02-01-2013, 08:09 AM
Poor guy - he never had a chance AT. Again what would he do if someone broke in to his house? I guess he would defend his family and property and not offer to sit down with the criminal and talk about killing Jews over cake and coffee

He has made us all aware he'd allow his wife to be raped or killed rather than risk harming an intruder.