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View Full Version : Aide to Egyptian President Morsi claims Holocaust a US hoax

Marcus Aurelius
01-29-2013, 02:18 PM

“The myth of the Holocaust is an industry that America invented,” Shihab-Eddim said, leaving no room for doubt that the Egyptian government -- like Iran's -- has at the very least significant elements that deny humanity’s greatest crime of all.

“U.S. intelligence agencies in cooperation with their counterparts in allied nations during World War II created it [the Holocaust] to destroy the image of their opponents in Germany, and to justify war and massive destruction against military and civilian facilities of the Axis powers, and especially to hit Hiroshima and Nagasaki with the atomic bomb,” Shihab-Eddim said.

“Fathi goes on to claim that the 6 million Jews all really moved to the United States during the war (and oddly no one noticed) and that the number of Jews killed in the war was about the number who died in traffic accidents,” Greenfield wrote in Frontpagemag.com.

I'm not even sure how to respond to the level of stupidity I see in those comments.

01-29-2013, 02:51 PM

I'm not even sure how to respond to the level of stupidity I see in those comments.

I couldn't care less what that jacknape believes, why in the fuck are we borrowing money to give to other nations? Let them go borrow their own money. Oh , they have no credit you say? Tough shit for them.

Jesus why can't politicians figure that out?

01-29-2013, 09:29 PM
Why is it that non acceptance of the official holocaust story is met with such hostility? I could dispute the official 9/11 story and not get as much derision. Are Jew's lives worth more than Americans?

01-29-2013, 10:29 PM
Why is it that non acceptance of the official holocaust story is met with such hostility? I could dispute the official 9/11 story and not get as much derision. Are Jew's lives worth more than Americans?

Denying that millions were murdered out of hate is pretty pathetic. Not hostility needed.

01-29-2013, 10:36 PM
Why is it that non acceptance of the official holocaust story is met with such hostility? I could dispute the official 9/11 story and not get as much derision. Are Jew's lives worth more than Americans?

Abject supidity usually is meant with hostility

Or elected

Marcus Aurelius
01-29-2013, 11:14 PM
Why is it that non acceptance of the official holocaust story is met with such hostility? I could dispute the official 9/11 story and not get as much derision. Are Jew's lives worth more than Americans?

Oh Allah, another Holocaust denier.

GO worship your pedophile prophet, you dirt bag.

01-30-2013, 12:06 AM
Oh Allah, another Holocaust denier.

GO worship your pedophile prophet, you dirt bag.

Maybe you could just address his comments instead of attacking him personally. I don't see how that really helps the discussion or benefits either of you.

red states rule
01-30-2013, 04:47 AM
Why is it that non acceptance of the official holocaust story is met with such hostility? I could dispute the official 9/11 story and not get as much derision. Are Jew's lives worth more than Americans?

Amazing how people like you are so blinded by your bigotry and hate you can ignore the senseless slaughter of over 6 million people. And it people like you that would permit another group of animals to turn part of the Earth into a graveyard. Here you jafar, sit back and enjoy the video of the Nazi's Final Solution to the Jewish question (and anyone else deems unworthy of living in the Third Reich

Marcus Aurelius
01-30-2013, 07:48 AM
Amazing how people like you are so blinded by your bigotry and hate you can ignore the senseless slaughter of over 6 million people. And it people like you that would permit another group of animals to turn part of the Earth into a graveyard. Here you jafar, sit back and enjoy the video of the Nazi's Final Solution to the Jewish question (and anyone else deems unworthy of living in the Third Reich

My Jahil immitation: 'That's an obvious fake. Those are just actors who dieted for 2 years and are pretending to be dead'

01-30-2013, 09:15 PM
Denying that millions were murdered out of hate is pretty pathetic. Not hostility needed.

I go by the official Red Cross report that reported no evidence of genocide and that the vast majority of deaths were due to allied bombing that disrupted supply lines. Why do you think the Germans made deals with the Red Cross to distribute aid to the people in the camps?

I just don't see why we should be subjected to eternal guilt and sorrow over the deaths of one people. There were far more deaths of others in the same war. TWENTY million Russians for example.

01-30-2013, 09:47 PM
I go by the official Red Cross report that reported no evidence of genocide and that the vast majority of deaths were due to allied bombing that disrupted supply lines. Why do you think the Germans made deals with the Red Cross to distribute aid to the people in the camps?

I just don't see why we should be subjected to eternal guilt and sorrow over the deaths of one people. There were far more deaths of others in the same war. TWENTY million Russians for example.

I grew up in the Rhine-Eifel Region of Germany.. the rolling vinyards, sleepy sidewalk cafes.. Castles that dotted the countryside in picture perfect harmony.. but there is a history that most Germans are shameful of, the older generation and that is the Holocaust and it's truth which cannot be denied as historical evidence collected bears this out. Admit you were born in to a natural hatred of all things Jewish and that you know as a matter of fact the Holocaust did take place.. you just don't give the first damn that the Jewish people were nearly annihilated. At least be honest.

20 million Russkies STARVED to death and froze to death under both Tsarism and Leninism.. Russians have always been pawns of Communist thugs who see them as expendable and nothing more.

Marcus Aurelius
01-30-2013, 10:33 PM
I go by the official Red Cross report that reported no evidence of genocide and that the vast majority of deaths were due to allied bombing that disrupted supply lines. Why do you think the Germans made deals with the Red Cross to distribute aid to the people in the camps?

I just don't see why we should be subjected to eternal guilt and sorrow over the deaths of one people. There were far more deaths of others in the same war. TWENTY million Russians for example.

wow... you are really pathetically stupid. Who controlled who the ICRC was allowed to see? Who controlled what documentation the ICRC was allowed to see?

The Nazis, you moron.


The International Committee of the Red Cross today released copies of its World War II files, some of which provided verification that it knew of the persecution of Jews in Nazi concentration camps but felt powerless to speak out.

The Red Cross has long acknowledged its awareness of the treatment of Jews during World War II, maintaining that if it had disclosed what it knew, it would have lost its ability to inspect prisoner of war camps on both sides of the front.

The documents are in two groups, one dealing with Jewish prisoners and the other with hostages and political detainees. Mr. Willemin said both groups of files contained many first-hand accounts and reports on the persecution of Jews and political prisoners from 1939 to 1945.

Asked why it had taken more than 50 years for the organization's information to be released, Mr. Willemin replied, ''Because it takes time to face your own history.''

Another scholar at the museum, Randolph L. Braham, Distinguished Professor Emeritus in Political Science at the City University of New York, wrote in his book, ''The Politics of Genocide'' (Columbia University Press, 1994): ''The International Red Cross feared that intervention in support of the Jews might jeopardize its traditional activities on behalf of prisoners of war.''
Mr. Ioanid said, ''There is no doubt that the Red Cross let itself be used by the Nazis.''
He gave as an example the ''positive reports'' that Red Cross inspectors wrote about the concentration camp at Terezin, Czechoslovakia, and said the organization had been ''clearly manipulated.''
To all outward appearances, Terezin, also known as Theresienstadt, was an unthreatening, model camp that even had its own symphony orchestra. In reality it was a way station for Jews and other prisoners headed to the death camp at Auschwitz.


The Red Cross was founded in 1863 as a neutral organisation in times of war.
By the spring of 1942, the Red Cross knew of the ‘Final Solution’. However, it neither publicly condemned the Nazi atrocities, nor did it challenge the German government to respect human rights.

In an attempt to dispel the rumours of the mass murder of Jews, the Nazi authorities invited a Red Cross delegation to visit the Theresienstadt camp on 23 June 1943. In order to deceive the Red Cross, the Nazis adapted the camp into a model Jewish town.

They covered up the gruesome conditions of life in the camp. They planted trees and established gardens and set up play areas for children. There was even a bank and a cafe. However, there was no food in the cafe; nor was there any money in the bank. A film was made showing cultural life in the camp including wonderful concerts.

Following the visit, the delegation of the Red Cross reported that it had been impressed by the condition of the Jews in Theresienstadt. The reality was that, after the Red Cross left, the people who had participated in the film were sent to Auschwitz-Birkenau and murdered. The Nazis had succeeded in their deception.

In March 1944 the Germans invaded their former ally, Hungary, and began to plan the deportation of the Hungarian Jewish community. On this occasion the Red Cross did attempt to intervene. In early 1945 the Red Cross further attempted to negotiate with the German authorities to exchange civilian prisoners. Unfortunately this came far too late because a large majority of Jews had already been murdered.

So, once again, Jahil, the guy who'd not lift a finger to protect his wife from rape or murder by an intruder, has now outed himself as a holocaust denier.

A big FUCK YOU, Jahil.


Robert A Whit
01-30-2013, 10:41 PM
I go by the official Red Cross report that reported no evidence of genocide and that the vast majority of deaths were due to allied bombing that disrupted supply lines. Why do you think the Germans made deals with the Red Cross to distribute aid to the people in the camps?

I just don't see why we should be subjected to eternal guilt and sorrow over the deaths of one people. There were far more deaths of others in the same war. TWENTY million Russians for example.

Fortunately for the rest of us that deeply studied that war, the Germans were masters of record keeping and admitted what they did.

I can give you some pages of William Shirers great book on that war called the Rise and Fall of the 3rd Reich if you wish.

01-30-2013, 10:53 PM
I refuse to have the holocaust used to excuse the atrocities committed by the Israelis of the present day. Every time someone questions Israel, there is an outroar because of holocaust guilt.

I don't deny the holocaust. I merely question the events, the numbers of people that died (the number keeps changing at Auschwitz) and why they died. Some of it doesn't add up. The gas chambers were built after the war and no mass graves were found for example.

Is it so wrong that I don't accept the official story of the Holocaust as I also question the official story of 9/11 because I see holes in both?

Robert A Whit
01-30-2013, 10:59 PM
I grew up in the Rhine-Eifel Region of Germany.. the rolling vinyards, sleepy sidewalk cafes.. Castles that dotted the countryside in picture perfect harmony.. but there is a history that most Germans are shameful of, the older generation and that is the Holocaust and it's truth which cannot be denied as historical evidence collected bears this out. Admit you were born in to a natural hatred of all things Jewish and that you know as a matter of fact the Holocaust did take place.. you just don't give the first damn that the Jewish people were nearly annihilated. At least be honest.

20 million Russkies STARVED to death and froze to death under both Tsarism and Leninism.. Russians have always been pawns of Communist thugs who see them as expendable and nothing more.

And many Russians were executed in cold blood. You describe the same Germany I was in except at Schweinfurt I can't recall vineyards. But Germany has very good wines. I had a favorite German white wine that I can't recall finding in this country. I am thinking it was Reisling.

Schweinfurt has a fine brewery that I toured. I can't recall the name of the beer but in Berlin I had a favorite too.

He needs to read The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich to straighten out his knowledge.

Robert A Whit
01-30-2013, 11:07 PM
I refuse to have the holocaust used to excuse the atrocities committed by the Israelis of the present day. Every time someone questions Israel, there is an outroar because of holocaust guilt.

I don't deny the holocaust. I merely question the events, the numbers of people that died (the number keeps changing at Auschwitz) and why they died. Some of it doesn't add up. The gas chambers were built after the war and no mass graves were found for example.

Is it so wrong that I don't accept the official story of the Holocaust as I also question the official story of 9/11 because I see holes in both?

Oh god no. It's feasible to question the actual gross numbers but the Germans kept great records. And If you study Rise and Fall of the third Reich you can study actual numbers.

01-30-2013, 11:15 PM
And many Russians were executed in cold blood. You describe the same Germany I was in except at Schweinfurt I can't recall vineyards. But Germany has very good wines. I had a favorite German white wine that I can't recall finding in this country. I am thinking it was Reisling.

Schweinfurt has a fine brewery that I toured. I can't recall the name of the beer but in Berlin I had a favorite too.

He needs to read The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich to straighten out his knowledge.

Would that be a Dessert wine by chance? Auslese or perhaps Spatlese? The finest wines in the world. :-) How I miss the Wein Fests and the culture itself. Did you ever go to any of the outdoor Bazaars or markets?

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
01-30-2013, 11:37 PM
I refuse to have the holocaust used to excuse the atrocities committed by the Israelis of the present day. Every time someone questions Israel, there is an outroar because of holocaust guilt.

I don't deny the holocaust. I merely question the events, the numbers of people that died (the number keeps changing at Auschwitz) and why they died. Some of it doesn't add up. The gas chambers were built after the war and no mass graves were found for example.

Is it so wrong that I don't accept the official story of the Holocaust as I also question the official story of 9/11 because I see holes in both?

Are you really that dense? The gas chambers and the works were found by the invading armies still intact.
Burned bodies leave no mass graves but mass graves of those gassed and not burned were found.
Plenty of pics to validate much of it and those germans kept very good records!
Your denial is pathetic but hey lately you've said a lot of really pathetic crap.-Tyr

Robert A Whit
01-30-2013, 11:39 PM
Would that be a Dessert wine by chance? Auslese or perhaps Spatlese? The finest wines in the world. :-) How I miss the Wein Fests and the culture itself. Did you ever go to any of the outdoor Bazaars or markets?

I was not that smart about wines at the time but I just now recall what it is.


It probably was a desert wine. I went to a number of the Bierfests. I can't recall going to the outdoor markets. I was pretty busy with Army duty at the time.

I enjoyed Liebfraumilch too.

For red, I loved a wine from France. Beaujolais. But the real stuff from France. I found it first when I was in Heidelberg and also drank it in Berlin.

red states rule
01-31-2013, 02:43 AM
I go by the official Red Cross report that reported no evidence of genocide and that the vast majority of deaths were due to allied bombing that disrupted supply lines. Why do you think the Germans made deals with the Red Cross to distribute aid to the people in the camps?

I just don't see why we should be subjected to eternal guilt and sorrow over the deaths of one people. There were far more deaths of others in the same war. TWENTY million Russians for example.

You truly are a despicable human being. How anyone can say the total BS you sprew shows you do not care why Jews (and other infidels) are murdered, just as long as they are murdered. And I am convinced more then ever this is what your "religion" is really all about. The slaughter of anyone who does not conform and obey your "laws"

Just like the Nazi's and why they sent people to those concentration camps

01-31-2013, 06:39 AM
You truly are a despicable human being. How anyone can say the total BS you sprew shows you do not care why Jews (and other infidels) are murdered, just as long as they are murdered. And I am convinced more then ever this is what your "religion" is really all about. The slaughter of anyone who does not conform and obey your "laws"

Just like the Nazi's and why they sent people to those concentration camps

My views have nothing to do with my religion. Your reaction to my difference of opinion is very telling and shows clearly that holocaust guilt has well and truly taken you over. I doubt I would get the same reaction if I questioned Pol Pot's genocide or even the 1million plus killed in the Philippine-American war in the early 1900s.

Maybe the holocaust guilt stems from the documented fact that many of the deaths and starvation were due to allied bombing, and not a Nazi extermination program.

Marcus Aurelius
01-31-2013, 08:47 AM
I refuse to have the holocaust used to excuse the atrocities committed by the Israelis of the present day. Every time someone questions Israel, there is an outroar because of holocaust guilt.

I don't deny the holocaust. I merely question the events, the numbers of people that died (the number keeps changing at Auschwitz) and why they died. Some of it doesn't add up. The gas chambers were built after the war and no mass graves were found for example.

Is it so wrong that I don't accept the official story of the Holocaust as I also question the official story of 9/11 because I see holes in both?

point 1: No one did that, dumb ass.

point 2: nonsense.

point 3: That what denying the holocaust IS, dumb ass!

point 4: Complete lie, and you know it.


Filip Muller came to Auschwitz with one of the earliest transports from Slovakia in April 1942 and began working in the gassing installations and crematoria in May. He was still alive when the gassings ceased in November 1944. He saw millions come and disappear; by sheer luck he survived. Muller is neither a historian nor a psychologist; he is a source one of the few prisoners who saw the Jewish people die and lived to tell about it.


The pragmatic objectives of the camp were carried out to their utmost boundaries and limitations, killing nearly 1.35 million Jews in roughly four years by way of starvation, gas, shooting, torture, medical experimentation, and slave-labor. 1.35 million deaths tallies almost one quarter of all those killed in the Holocaust. (Berenbaum 72)

The above is a link to a list of gassing facilities, creamatoriums and mass burial sites, with dates...ALL DURING THE WAR, dumb ass.

Of course, you'll just deny the truth presented to you... it's what you do.

Marcus Aurelius
01-31-2013, 08:49 AM
My views have nothing to do with my religion. Your reaction to my difference of opinion is very telling and shows clearly that holocaust guilt has well and truly taken you over. I doubt I would get the same reaction if I questioned Pol Pot's genocide or even the 1million plus killed in the Philippine-American war in the early 1900s.

Maybe the holocaust guilt stems from the documented fact that many of the deaths and starvation were due to allied bombing, and not a Nazi extermination program.

the ONLY ones who documented that were the Nazi's, dumb ass.

Marcus Aurelius
01-31-2013, 08:51 AM
Are you really that dense? The gas chambers and the works were found by the invading armies still intact.
Burned bodies leave no mass graves but mass graves of those gassed and not burned were found.
Plenty of pics to validate much of it and those germans kept very good records!
Your denial is pathetic but hey lately you've said a lot of really pathetic crap.-Tyr

My Jahir immitation:

"lies... all lies! Those are obvious Photoshops! Long live the 3rd Reich! Heil!!!!!!!"

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
01-31-2013, 11:01 AM
My views have nothing to do with my religion. Your reaction to my difference of opinion is very telling and shows clearly that holocaust guilt has well and truly taken you over. I doubt I would get the same reaction if I questioned Pol Pot's genocide or even the 1million plus killed in the Philippine-American war in the early 1900s.

Maybe the holocaust guilt stems from the documented fact that many of the deaths and starvation were due to allied bombing, and not a Nazi extermination program.

A fully filled crock of shat right there dude! The deaths and the starvation were part of a planned Nazi policy to use then exterminate the Jews!
Truly, your lies are getting more prevalent and more outrageous as you seek to defend the indefensible.
Hey, we understand , you must bear your part of the islam/nazi alliance as well as the current islam/leftist alliance.
islam allies with any entity that seeks the West's destrucion!-Tyr

01-31-2013, 12:58 PM
I refuse to have the holocaust used to excuse the atrocities committed by the Israelis of the present day. Every time someone questions Israel, there is an outroar because of holocaust guilt.

I don't deny the holocaust. I merely question the events, the numbers of people that died (the number keeps changing at Auschwitz) and why they died. Some of it doesn't add up. The gas chambers were built after the war and no mass graves were found for example.

Is it so wrong that I don't accept the official story of the Holocaust as I also question the official story of 9/11 because I see holes in both?

Although I severely question your doubt regarding the Holocaust, I do agree that the Israeli's monopoly on world sympathy is way past its expiration date. They have, without doubt, been oppressive power brokers over the pathetic Palestinian minority that the west has turned a blind eye to. A U.S. President can't even question the wisdom of Israel without taking a lot of political grief at home. This country can not accept the concept that Israel is not always right and the Palestinians are not always wrong.

Don't get me wrong, however, Holocaust deniers, are way more evil intentioned and way more prevalent and, therefore, dangerous than any 9/11 deniers, birthers, truthers, etc.... and don't deserve comparison.

01-31-2013, 03:07 PM
My views have nothing to do with my religion. Your reaction to my difference of opinion is very telling and shows clearly that holocaust guilt has well and truly taken you over. I doubt I would get the same reaction if I questioned Pol Pot's genocide or even the 1million plus killed in the Philippine-American war in the early 1900s.

Maybe the holocaust guilt stems from the documented fact that many of the deaths and starvation were due to allied bombing, and not a Nazi extermination program.

There is no guilt, their is hatred on your part for a people who simply believe differently than you do.

Start a thread about Pol Pot and people on this sight will list multiple resources. No one ever expresses doubt about the millions of Russians who died or the slaughter in Cambodia. The only mass killing that is ever in dispute comes from the Muslims towards the holocaust.

01-31-2013, 03:11 PM
A fully filled crock of shat right there dude! The deaths and the starvation were part of a planned Nazi policy to use then exterminate the Jews!
Truly, your lies are getting more prevalent and more outrageous as you seek to defend the indefensible.
Hey, we understand , you must bear your part of the islam/nazi alliance as well as the current islam/leftist alliance.
islam allies with any entity that seeks the West's destrucion!-Tyr

How many times must we remind one-another?

Jafar is nothing but an enemy shill who is so full of crap. He even sweats BROWN.

01-31-2013, 03:34 PM
I feel like vomiting.

Jafar, what was it I posted some weeks ago, about the New Year's Resolution you must've set yourself ? Was it that you intended to be as outrageous as possible on this forum, or, that you were trying to sink to new lows ?

Either way, you're certainly succeeding.

I refuse to have the holocaust used to excuse the atrocities committed by the Israelis of the present day. Every time someone questions Israel, there is an outroar because of holocaust guilt.

I don't deny the holocaust. I merely question the events, the numbers of people that died (the number keeps changing at Auschwitz) and why they died. Some of it doesn't add up. The gas chambers were built after the war and no mass graves were found for example.

Is it so wrong that I don't accept the official story of the Holocaust as I also question the official story of 9/11 because I see holes in both?

Jafar, have you ever heard of David Irving, a notorious Holocaust denier ? And tell me, Jafar, as a much-travelled individual, have you ever visited Austria ?

Perhaps you'd like to make such plans ??

Observe ...


In February 2006 Irving was arrested in Austria, where Holocaust denial is illegal, for a speech he had made in 1989 in which he denied the existence of gas chambers at Auschwitz.Irving was aware of the outstanding arrest warrant, but chose to go to Austria anyway "to give a lecture to a far-right student fraternity."Although he pleaded guilty to the charge, Irving said he had been "mistaken", and had changed his opinions on the Holocaust. "I said that then, based on my knowledge at the time, but by 1991 when I came across the Eichmann papers, I wasn't saying that anymore …
Irving had to backtrack. But, Jafar, maybe you'd prefer NOT to ? In which case ... I invite you to go to Austria, make the statements you've made on this thread both publicly and verifiably, and see for yourself what the Austrians make of them .. and you.

Go on, Jafar. If you see nothing wrong in mimicking Irving's own statements ... then follow through .. why don't you ?

Here's another quote from the Wiki link ...

Denials of the Holocaust have been regularly promoted by various Arab leaders and others and in Arab media throughout the Middle East. According to Associated Press reports, Arab world attitudes towards the Holocaust range from total denial to a minimization of the extent of the genocide and holocaust denial is rife within Palestinian society and in the Palestinian territories.In 2009, a University of Haifa survey revealed that 40.5 percent of Israeli Arabs claim the Holocaust never happened.Prominent Arab figures from the Middle East have rarely made publicized visits to Auschwitz and individuals from the Syrian government, the Palestinian Authority, and a number of Palestinian groups have all engaged in various aspects of Holocaust denial. According to Robert Satloff writing in the Wshington Post, "A respected Holocaust research institution recently reported that Egypt, Qatar and Saudi Arabia all promote Holocaust denial and protect Holocaust deniers."

According to Bernard Lewis, the three most common positions on the historicity of the Holocaust are: "it never happened; it was greatly exaggerated; the Jews deserved it anyway. On the last point, some more enterprising writers add a rebuke to Hitler for not having finished the job."
In August 2002, the Zayed Center for Co-ordination and Follow-Up, an Arab League think-tank whose Chairman, Sultan bin Zayed Al Nahyan, served as Deputy Prime Minister of the United Arab Emirates, promoted a Holocaust denial symposium in Abu Dhabi. The government of the United Arab Emirates closed down the Zayed Center as a result.

Hamas leaders have also promoted Holocaust denial; Abdel Aziz al-Rantissi held that the Holocaust never occurred, that Zionists were behind the action of Nazis, and that Zionists funded Nazism. A press release by Hamas in April 2000 decried "the so-called Holocaust, which is an alleged and invented story with no basis."In August 2009, Hamas refused to allow Palestinian children to learn about the Holocaust, which it called "a lie invented by the Zionists" and referred to Holocaust education as a "war crime."
You're a Hamas supporter, aren't you, Jafar ??

So tell me. If your views have nothing to do with your religion, Jafar, is it mere 'coincidence' that so many Muslims leap on the 'denial' bandwagon ?

How disgusting is all of this ??

01-31-2013, 03:38 PM
point 1: No one did that, dumb ass.

point 2: nonsense.

point 3: That what denying the holocaust IS, dumb ass!

point 4: Complete lie, and you know it.:clap::clap::clap::clap::clap:

Marcus Aurelius
01-31-2013, 04:02 PM
http://www.debatepolicy.com/images/debate_policy/misc/quote_icon.png Originally Posted by Marcus Aurelius http://www.debatepolicy.com/images/debate_policy/buttons/viewpost-right.png (http://www.debatepolicy.com/showthread.php?p=613409#post613409)

point 1: No one did that, dumb ass.

point 2: nonsense.

point 3: That what denying the holocaust IS, dumb ass!

point 4: Complete lie, and you know it.


http://api.ning.com/files/nGh40YkR0bIRTThMu0o9PlGd-ULm7aPeOqMQk4qnDWu38ieHMd1XZq9f5cMfi3VxKDPkh5sMUZD 5W9I2H5HDyTrEq7IeS0Y1/opera_man_bowing_wapdaycom.gif

Marcus Aurelius
01-31-2013, 04:11 PM
Hey, Jahil, you dumb ass...


World News Briefs; Red Cross Admits Failing To Condemn Holocaust
The Red Cross handed over 60,000 World War II-era documents to an Israeli archive today and admitted a ''moral failure'' in not having spoken out against the Nazi genocide that killed six million Jews.

The Red Cross ''admits -- yes -- that it has kept silent with regard to the Holocaust, and I would say that this is the heart of the moral failure,'' said George Willemin, archive director for the Geneva-based International Committee of the Red Cross.

The statement follows an apology by the Roman Catholic Church in France last week on its silence over French collaboration with the Holocaust.

The documents, on 30 reels of microfilm, were given to Yad Vashem, Israel's Holocaust memorial. They are also being given to the Holocaust Museum in Washington and the Jewish Documentation Center in Paris.

So, since you prefer to go by what the Red Cross said about the Holocaust, I trust you now fully admit 6 million Jews were killed by the Nazis during WWII... right? After all, the Red Cross said so, and you've publicly stated you go by what the Red Cross said.

red states rule
01-31-2013, 05:05 PM
My views have nothing to do with my religion. Your reaction to my difference of opinion is very telling and shows clearly that holocaust guilt has well and truly taken you over. I doubt I would get the same reaction if I questioned Pol Pot's genocide or even the 1million plus killed in the Philippine-American war in the early 1900s.

Maybe the holocaust guilt stems from the documented fact that many of the deaths and starvation were due to allied bombing, and not a Nazi extermination program.

No guilt jafar. My Dad walked through some of those camps and he never recovered from what he saw. It was not a story as you tried to suggest

Jafar, I dip hope that very soon, Israel finally decides to unleash all of its anger and goes after the terrorists bastards with all its fury. As when Japan attacked the US, it was said Japan awakened a sleeping giant full of rage and its intent is to destroy Japan

I do hope Israel sets out a t dawn one morning and wipes that bastards off the map

Then you can

02-01-2013, 05:39 AM
No guilt jafar. My Dad walked through some of those camps and he never recovered from what he saw. It was not a story as you tried to suggest

Jafar, I dip hope that very soon, Israel finally decides to unleash all of its anger and goes after the terrorists bastards with all its fury. As when Japan attacked the US, it was said Japan awakened a sleeping giant full of rage and its intent is to destroy Japan

I do hope Israel sets out a t dawn one morning and wipes that bastards off the map

Then you can

What the hell does Israel's current enemies have to do with the holocaust?

02-01-2013, 05:50 AM
What the hell does Israel's current enemies have to do with the holocaust?
What the hell does Israel have to do with morsi's aide denying the holocaust?

Marcus Aurelius
02-01-2013, 07:55 AM
Hey, Jahil, you dumb ass...


World News Briefs; Red Cross Admits Failing To Condemn Holocaust

The Red Cross handed over 60,000 World War II-era documents to an Israeli archive today and admitted a ''moral failure'' in not having spoken out against the Nazi genocide that killed six million Jews.

The Red Cross ''admits -- yes -- that it has kept silent with regard to the Holocaust, and I would say that this is the heart of the moral failure,'' said George Willemin, archive director for the Geneva-based International Committee of the Red Cross.

The statement follows an apology by the Roman Catholic Church in France last week on its silence over French collaboration with the Holocaust.

The documents, on 30 reels of microfilm, were given to Yad Vashem, Israel's Holocaust memorial. They are also being given to the Holocaust Museum in Washington and the Jewish Documentation Center in Paris.

So, since you prefer to go by what the Red Cross said about the Holocaust, I trust you now fully admit 6 million Jews were killed by the Nazis during WWII... right? After all, the Red Cross said so, and you've publicly stated you go by what the Red Cross said.

Awww... poor little Jahil says he has me on ignore.

I guess he just can't handle being made to look like a complete tool :laugh:

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
02-01-2013, 09:04 AM
Awww... poor little Jahil says he has me on ignore.

I guess he just can't handle being made to look like a complete tool :laugh:

Has me on ignore as well. I've only insulted the cult he belongs to , not so much him .
So people you just can not please I guess. -:laugh:

Marcus Aurelius
02-01-2013, 09:21 AM
Has me on ignore as well. I've only insulted the cult he belongs to , not so much him .
So people you just can not please I guess. -:laugh:

He'll leave me on ignore until he figures out a way to not look like a complete ass for saying that he preferred to go by what the Red Cross said about 6 million Jews not being killed in the Holocaust...

until he was informed the Red Cross admitted their 'error' and did think 6 million Jews were killed during the Holocaust.

Should be some entertaining spin.

02-01-2013, 07:52 PM
What the hell does Israel's current enemies have to do with the holocaust?

In case you missed it ... your pals, Hamas, are utterly determined to see to it that the schools they can control keep their kids completely ignorant of the Holocaust.

Indeed, Hamas's entire position on the Holocaust is to deny it completely. As do, also, so many others from the Arab world.

Then again, what about Ahmadinejad ? Didn't Ahmadinejad deny the Holocaust ??

The BBC claims so .. So, It Must Be The Case ...


Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has courted further controversy by explicitly calling the Nazi Holocaust of European Jewry a "myth".

"They have created a myth today that they call the massacre of Jews and they consider it a principle above God, religions and the prophets," he said.

On live TV, he called for Europe or North America - even Alaska - to host a Jewish state, not the Middle East.

Israel swiftly denounced the president's comments.

"We hope these extremist comments... will make the international community open its eyes and abandon any illusions about this regime," foreign ministry spokesman Mark Regev told AFP news agency.

Mr Ahmadinejad's latest declaration echoes comments he made last week, in which he said territory should be "provided" in Germany or Austria to establish Israel "if European countries claim that they have killed Jews in World War II".

The president sparked international outrage in October when he said Israel should be "wiped off the map".

Jafar, let me remind you. 'Islam is a religion of peace' .. :bang3::bang3:

02-02-2013, 05:04 AM
In case you missed it ... your pals, Hamas, are utterly determined to see to it that the schools they can control keep their kids completely ignorant of the Holocaust.

Indeed, Hamas's entire position on the Holocaust is to deny it completely. As do, also, so many others from the Arab world.

Then again, what about Ahmadinejad ? Didn't Ahmadinejad deny the Holocaust ??

The BBC claims so .. So, It Must Be The Case ...


Jafar, let me remind you. 'Islam is a religion of peace' .. :bang3::bang3:

Much as I disagree with Ahmedinejad on some things, he is spot on here. Why weren't the Jews given a part of Germany if they were hell bent on getting some land as compensation? I'm sure the native German population in the area chosen would gladly move out of their homes to let the Jews take over.

Marcus Aurelius
02-02-2013, 11:59 AM
Hey, Jahil, you dumb ass...


World News Briefs; Red Cross Admits Failing To Condemn Holocaust

The Red Cross handed over 60,000 World War II-era documents to an Israeli archive today and admitted a ''moral failure'' in not having spoken out against the Nazi genocide that killed six million Jews.

The Red Cross ''admits -- yes -- that it has kept silent with regard to the Holocaust, and I would say that this is the heart of the moral failure,'' said George Willemin, archive director for the Geneva-based International Committee of the Red Cross.

The statement follows an apology by the Roman Catholic Church in France last week on its silence over French collaboration with the Holocaust.

The documents, on 30 reels of microfilm, were given to Yad Vashem, Israel's Holocaust memorial. They are also being given to the Holocaust Museum in Washington and the Jewish Documentation Center in Paris.

So, since you prefer to go by what the Red Cross said about the Holocaust, I trust you now fully admit 6 million Jews were killed by the Nazis during WWII... right? After all, the Red Cross said so, and you've publicly stated you go by what the Red Cross said.

Still waiting for Jahil to respond. I can't wait to see how he claims the Red Cross didn't really mean to backtrack. Come on, Jahil... man up and give it a go!

Marcus Aurelius
02-04-2013, 03:27 PM
Hey, Jahil, you dumb ass...

http://www.nytimes.com/1997/10/08/wo...holocaust.html (http://www.nytimes.com/1997/10/08/world/world-news-briefs-red-cross-admits-failing-to-condemn-holocaust.html)

World News Briefs; Red Cross Admits Failing To Condemn Holocaust

The Red Cross handed over 60,000 World War II-era documents to an Israeli archive today and admitted a ''moral failure'' in not having spoken out against the Nazi genocide that killed six million Jews.

The Red Cross ''admits -- yes -- that it has kept silent with regard to the Holocaust, and I would say that this is the heart of the moral failure,'' said George Willemin, archive director for the Geneva-based International Committee of the Red Cross.

The statement follows an apology by the Roman Catholic Church in France last week on its silence over French collaboration with the Holocaust.

The documents, on 30 reels of microfilm, were given to Yad Vashem, Israel's Holocaust memorial. They are also being given to the Holocaust Museum in Washington and the Jewish Documentation Center in Paris.

So, since you prefer to go by what the Red Cross said about the Holocaust, I trust you now fully admit 6 million Jews were killed by the Nazis during WWII... right? After all, the Red Cross said so, and you've publicly stated you go by what the Red Cross said.

Still waiting for Jahil to respond. I can't wait to see how he claims the Red Cross didn't really mean to backtrack. Come on, Jahil... man up and give it a go!

What a fucking chicken shit. Claims that he'll only believe the Red Cross on the Holocaust, and then when shown that the Red Cross ADMITTED the murder of 6 million Jews by the Nazis, he disappears like the little bitch he is.

red states rule
02-05-2013, 05:03 AM
What the hell does Israel's current enemies have to do with the holocaust?

Both want to exterminate the Jewish race by any means possible

02-05-2013, 01:51 PM
Both want to exterminate the Jewish race by any means possible

Jews are a race now?

Marcus Aurelius
02-05-2013, 02:03 PM
Jews are a race now?


dumb ass.

02-05-2013, 04:11 PM
Jews are a race now?

jafar. How bout telling us the Truth about the RED CROSS now? Changing the subject by asking that typical STUPID question unrelated to the Holocaust is just YOU acting out your dumb fantasies.

red states rule
02-05-2013, 04:15 PM
jafar. How bout telling us the Truth about the RED CROSS now? Changing the subject by asking that typical STUPID question unrelated to the Holocaust is just YOU acting out your dumb fantasies.

I did not expect Jafar to amke any kind of rational or reasonable response. his hate and bigotry has totally consumed him. Like the Nazi's he would be a willing participant on any plan that solves the "Jewish question"

02-06-2013, 08:43 AM
Jews are a race now?

You meant the question as a joke. Right ?

Marcus beat me to it. You have your answer (.. you REALLY needed to know ??) from his post.

By the way, and in case you missed the point .. the Hamas Charter, dreamed up by your Hamas buddies, is a RACIST Charter. Your so-called 'freedom fighters' (.. you know, I can scarcely believe you had the nerve to call those scum that, on another thread !!!) are RACIST TERRORIST TRASH.

I trust that your study of their Charter is going well, Jafar ? Because when you're quite finished, I'm expecting one of two things from you ..

1. An abject apology for ever considering support of that scum (if you're genuinely anti Al Qaeda, you have ample reason for also being anti-Hamas)

2. An admission from you that Islam .. since Hamas claim that all they want, all they believe, is grounded in the Islamic religion .. is, to if anything greatly understate the case, A RELIGION OF HATE.

red states rule
02-07-2013, 03:56 AM
Jafar's morning update of the religion of peace

Islam's Latest Contributions to Peace
"Mohammed is God's apostle. Those who follow him are harsh
to the unbelievers but merciful to one another" Quran 48:29

2013.02.05 (Sambisa Reserve, Nigeria) - At least six park rangers are brutally murdered by Sharia advocates.

2013.02.05 (Faryab, Afghanistan) - Mujahideen set off a bomb at a restaurant that leaves five dead.

2013.02.05 (Yala, Thailand) - Four Buddhist fruit traders, including a 17-year-old, are tied up and slaughtered by Islamic 'insurgents'.

2013.02.04 (Taji, Iraq) - A Holy Warrior self-detonates in a thick crowd of Iraqis, leaving about two dozen dead.

2013.02.04 (Chaman, Pakistan) - A Christian dies after being shot five times by Muslims angry that he would not embrace Islam.

2013.02.03 (Khakriz, Afghanistan) - Women are among the casualties of a Taliban roadside attack.



02-07-2013, 07:48 AM
You meant the question as a joke. Right ?

Marcus beat me to it. You have your answer (.. you REALLY needed to know ??) from his post.

By the way, and in case you missed the point .. the Hamas Charter, dreamed up by your Hamas buddies, is a RACIST Charter. Your so-called 'freedom fighters' (.. you know, I can scarcely believe you had the nerve to call those scum that, on another thread !!!) are RACIST TERRORIST TRASH.

I trust that your study of their Charter is going well, Jafar ? Because when you're quite finished, I'm expecting one of two things from you ..

1. An abject apology for ever considering support of that scum (if you're genuinely anti Al Qaeda, you have ample reason for also being anti-Hamas)

2. An admission from you that Islam .. since Hamas claim that all they want, all they believe, is grounded in the Islamic religion .. is, to if anything greatly understate the case, A RELIGION OF HATE.

Ok so these Jews are all the same race? Really? Ok, they are all from the human race. I'll give you that in case it was a trick question.


Marcus Aurelius
02-07-2013, 09:06 AM
Ok so these Jews are all the same race? Really? Ok, they are all from the human race. I'll give you that in case it was a trick question.


Being a convert himself, you'd think Jahil would be smart enough to understand the differences between those born into Judaism from a long line family line and those who converted. I guess he's even too stupid for that.

02-07-2013, 04:32 PM
Being a convert himself, you'd think Jahil would be smart enough to understand the differences between those born into Judaism from a long line family line and those who converted. I guess he's even too stupid for that.:clap::clap::clap:


Jafar's obviously desperate to avoid the 'racism' tag ... I'm sure he knows, for example, that the Hamas Charter takes racism to a disgusting extreme, and is aware of how his support for them may therefore be viewed .. in that specific context, let alone any others. Besides, he does all he can to 'sanitise' Islam, no doubt knowing how immensely flawed a position this puts him in.

Next, he'll be telling us that the Earth is flat, and the Moon really is made out of cheese. Or .. er'm, that Islam 'is a religion of peace' .. :laugh:

red states rule
02-08-2013, 03:13 AM

This man loves his religion. He loves his prophet.
You can tell by the way he puts himself into beating a total
stranger accused (http://www.financialexpress.com/news/pak-mob-burns-man-accused-of-desecrating-quran-alive-in-front-of-police-station/1048920) of disrespecting a copy of the Quran.
About 70 other Muslims joined in the punishment. The festivities
culminated with the suspected Islamophobe being set on fire.


You have to admire a man that does his job to the best of his ability