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View Full Version : Oooh c'moOOOon bush, are you serious?

Pale Rider
05-29-2007, 07:49 PM
We're mired down in Iraq in a civil war that almost EVERYONE now agrees will not change ANY TIME SOON, as in YEARS from now. Our military is there stretched DANGEROUSLY thin getting shot and blown up daily, and costing us BILLIONS of dollars, and bush is on the news making threats to Sudan? ARE YOU SHITTIN' ME BUSH???!!! Who in the HELL appointed us WORLD POLICE?! Oooooohhh wait a minute... Sudan is another OIL RICH country.

Well fuck this man. I'm getting just a little sick of us going all over the world cleaning up third world shit hole wars that we don't ANY fucking BUSINESS in! LET THEM KILL EACH OTHER!!! IT'S NONE OF OUR BUSINESS!!!

05-29-2007, 07:57 PM
We're mired down in Iraq in a civil war that almost EVERYONE now agrees will not change ANY TIME SOON, as in YEARS from now. Our military is there stretched DANGEROUSLY thin getting shot and blown up daily, and costing us BILLIONS of dollars, and bush is on the news making threats to Sudan? ARE YOU SHITTIN' ME BUSH???!!! Who in the HELL appointed us WORLD POLICE?! Oooooohhh wait a minute... Sudan is another OIL RICH country.

Well fuck this man. I'm getting just a little sick of us going all over the world cleaning up third world shit hole wars that we don't ANY fucking BUSINESS in! LET THEM KILL EACH OTHER!!! IT'S NONE OF OUR BUSINESS!!!

Whoever controls the oil controls the world, I say we go in and get some.

I do think oil is partly the reason for Iraq and i'm down with that reasoning. I think actually we should go on a two week bombardment spree, secure only the oil fields, run lines to the gulf, backup every single tanker under an American flag, loot the fucking country dry and leave.

It would serve them right for hemming and hawing.

Pale Rider
05-29-2007, 08:06 PM
Whoever controls the oil controls the world, I say we go in and get some.

I do think oil is partly the reason for Iraq and i'm down with that reasoning. I think actually we should go on a two week bombardment spree, secure only the oil fields, run lines to the gulf, backup every single tanker under an American flag, loot the fucking country dry and leave.

It would serve them right for hemming and hawing.


05-29-2007, 08:09 PM
We're mired down in Iraq in a civil war that almost EVERYONE now agrees will not change ANY TIME SOON, as in YEARS from now. Our military is there stretched DANGEROUSLY thin getting shot and blown up daily, and costing us BILLIONS of dollars, and bush is on the news making threats to Sudan? ARE YOU SHITTIN' ME BUSH???!!! Who in the HELL appointed us WORLD POLICE?! Oooooohhh wait a minute... Sudan is another OIL RICH country.

Well fuck this man. I'm getting just a little sick of us going all over the world cleaning up third world shit hole wars that we don't ANY fucking BUSINESS in! LET THEM KILL EACH OTHER!!! IT'S NONE OF OUR BUSINESS!!!

Sudan also happens to be the front in the Islamic takeover of Africa. It is arabs converting africans in the historic tradition of Islam: by killing most of them.

Pale Rider
05-29-2007, 08:12 PM
Sudan also happens to be the front in the Islamic takeover of Africa. It is arabs converting africans in the historic tradition of Islam: by killing most of them.

Well, we can't do anything there. Not unless we pull troops out from somewhere else... ahem. We're stretched to the limit as is.

But the fact remains, we got no business in there.

05-29-2007, 08:18 PM
Well, we can't do anything there. Not unless we pull troops out from somewhere else... ahem. We're stretched to the limit as is.

But the fact remains, we got no business in there.

I think we should provide limited support to the africans and cut off the supply lines to the arabs. If we stop trying to be diplomatic about war and use our God-given capabilities we can get rid of a lot of arabs in very little time, and win support of the regular Joe Sudanese.

05-29-2007, 08:31 PM
I think we should provide limited support to the africans and cut off the supply lines to the arabs. If we stop trying to be diplomatic about war and use our God-given capabilities we can get rid of a lot of arabs in very little time, and win support of the regular Joe Sudanese.

Agreed, at least the sanctions and restrictions that Bush announced today. It's a start, not much of one, but best we can do.

05-29-2007, 09:19 PM
threatening Sudan? Any links to this cause i havent heard anything and id like to find out some more.

05-29-2007, 09:20 PM
threatening Sudan? Any links to this cause i havent heard anything and id like to find out some more.

Cause? Do you really mean Sudan? Darfur?

Pale Rider
05-29-2007, 09:42 PM
threatening Sudan? Any links to this cause i havent heard anything and id like to find out some more.

Fox news has got stuff avatar. Here, check this out... http://www.foxnews.com/wires/2007May29/0,4670,BushDarfurText,00.html

Mr. P
05-29-2007, 10:05 PM
Fox news has got stuff avatar. Here, check this out... http://www.foxnews.com/wires/2007May29/0,4670,BushDarfurText,00.html

So how would we feel if it read like this...

Good morning. For too long, the people of America have suffered at the hands of a government that is complicit in border security, social issues, murder and rape of innocent civilians by illegals. My administration has called these actions by their rightful name: CRIMINAL. The world has a responsibility to help put an end to it.

Last month I announced that the United Union of Third World States was prepared to take new steps if the government of the United States did not allow the full deployment of a U.N. border force; if the government did not begin living up to its many commitments, that the United Union of Third World States would act. I made clear that the time for promises was over, and that President Bush had to do something to end the suffering of his Country.

I held off implementing these steps because the United Nations believed that President Bush could meet his obligations to stop the crime, and would meet his obligations to stop the killing. Unfortunately, he hasn't met those obligations. President Bushs actions over the past few weeks follow a long pattern of promising cooperation while finding new methods for obstruction.

Pale Rider
05-29-2007, 10:38 PM
So how would we feel if it read like this...

Good morning. For too long, the people of America have suffered at the hands of a government that is complicit in border security, social issues, murder and rape of innocent civilians by illegals. My administration has called these actions by their rightful name: CRIMINAL. The world has a responsibility to help put an end to it.

Last month I announced that the United Union of Third World States was prepared to take new steps if the government of the United States did not allow the full deployment of a U.N. border force; if the government did not begin living up to its many commitments, that the United Union of Third World States would act. I made clear that the time for promises was over, and that President Bush had to do something to end the suffering of his Country.

I held off implementing these steps because the United Nations believed that President Bush could meet his obligations to stop the crime, and would meet his obligations to stop the killing. Unfortunately, he hasn't met those obligations. President Bushs actions over the past few weeks follow a long pattern of promising cooperation while finding new methods for obstruction.

Outstanding Mr. P. Rep for that. It almost brought a tear to my eye.

You know you just made bush out to be a hypocrit... :poke::clap: