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View Full Version : Journalists Instructed to Report on Benefits of Obamacare: "There's Only Upside" Rea

red states rule
01-31-2013, 03:49 AM
How can a "journalist" go to an indoctrination session and then report on that topic? You can iof you are a member of the Obama loving liberal media and do it with a straight face

Earlier this month, FreedomWorks covered a suspect symposium (http://www.freedomworks.org/blog/grusbf5/journalists-being-trained-by-pro-obamacare-group-o) being sponsored by a pro-Obamacare organization, designed to provide journalists with "specialized education in health care reporting”.

The anticipation of media bias was palpable.

The symposium, sponsored by the Commonwealth Fund, hosted by the Society of American Business Editors and Writers (SABEW), held at Reuters headquarters in New York City, and with a featured student body of 17 mainstream reporters - including the Dallas Morning News, Reuters, and Money Magazine - has since come to pass, and the concerns of blatant media bias should be even more heightened in the aftermath.

The SABEW has posted a recap of events (http://sabew.org/2013/01/a-comprehensive-review-of-sabews-business-of-health-care-symposium/) at their 'Business of Health Care Symposium' on their web site, and the emphasis is clearly directed at the positive aspects of Obamacare.

For example, in a section titled 'Spreading the Word to America', speaker Rachel Klein explains to the reporters that "a key challenge" in messaging lies in "informing consumers of how the ACA (Affordable Care Act) will benefit them".

Klein adds that, "The majority of uninsured Americans don’t know the health reform law will help them."
Benefit. Help. The positive tone has been set.

Klein's presentation was accompanied by a slideshow presentation that provided reporters with "targeting messages".
In another section covering the effects of the ACA on small business, speaker Ben Geyerhahn explains how reporters "can alleviate the fear that small business owners have" in regards to the ACA.

Geyerhahn tells reporters that "The simplest thing is to say ... There's no negative here for you."
"There's only upside," he surmises.

Shouldn't a fair and balanced media be reporting on both the upside and the downside? Shouldn't they be reporting on both the benefits and the detriments?
Not with the Commonwealth Fund financing this event apparently.

The Commonwealth Fund is a private organization that makes no secret of their support for Obama's universal health care plan. The group’s President up until last month, Karen Davis (http://www.commonwealthfund.org/Content/Publications/Annual-Report-Essays/2010/Jun/Building-a-Foundation-for-Health-Reform.aspx), trumpeted their role in the reform process:

Read more: http://newsbusters.org/blogs/rusty-weiss/2013/01/30/journalists-instructed-report-benefits-obamacare-theres-only-upside#ixzz2JbHLNl7w