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Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
02-01-2013, 07:03 PM

BIG NEWS: Obama Waives Bush Law Banning Child Soldiers


http://constitutionschool.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/1-300x180.jpg (http://constitutionschool.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/1.jpg)By: Jeremy TK Farley (http://facebook.com/jeremytkfarley)Here’s a headline we’ll guarantee you simply won’t find in the mainstream media –On October 3, 2008, President George W. Bush signed into law “Child Soldiers Prevention Act of 2008 (http://www.hrw.org/en/news/2008/10/03/united-states-bush-signs-law-child-soldiers),” a law that made it a federal crime to recruit or use soldiers under the age of 15. The law also gave the United States authority to “prosecute, deport or deny entry to individuals who have knowingly recruited children as soldiers.”

Over the weekend, while most Americans were too busy spending time with their children and keeping up with the latest sporting events to worry about executive orders, President Obama removed the teeth from this law; effectively making it void in the nations most guilty. The result - thousands of children throughout the Middle East and Africa may be drafted into foreign militaries, with the full blessings of the United States.Sunday afternoon, President Obama signed a Presidential memorandum (http://www.whitehouse.gov/the-press-office/2012/09/28/presidential-memorandum-presidential-determination-respect-child-soldier), stating the following:
“I hereby determine that it is in the national interest of the United States to waive the application of the prohibition in section 404(a) of the CSPA [Child Soldiers Prevention Act of 2008] with respect to Libya, South Sudan, and Yemen… and the issuance of licenses for direct commercial sales of U.S. origin defense articles; and I hereby waive such provisions accordingly.”Section 404(a) deals with exporting arms to countries that allow child-soldiers.With the stroke of a pen, President Obama did two very frightening things:1. He authorized the United States to sell military weaponry to the nations of Libya, South Sudan, Yemen and Congo.
Now ask yourself why obama put those kids at risk? And just who did obama want to arm that badly??--Tyr

02-01-2013, 09:31 PM

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
02-01-2013, 09:40 PM

What I thought when I found it ...


I think because once learning about it the first question is-- why and who did he want to arm that badly!!???
Remember I had a thread about obama = Executive Orders ETC. and how much power he was seizing but some here bally-whoed it.. --Tyr

02-01-2013, 09:53 PM
What happened?

Wasn't only a year or two ago that the whole world was going nuts about that Obe Won Kenobe guy, whatever his name was, who was running around with child soldiers? The one the guy made the documentary about... who wound up running around the streets naked....

Now Obama is giving Obe Won Kenobe the green light?

Marcus Aurelius
02-01-2013, 10:07 PM
As much as I dislike Obama, this is seriously blown out of proportion.

If you look at his order on this regarding Chad back in 2011...
...you'll see that Chad had taken steps to comply with the CSPA on their own...

Pursuant to section 404 of the Child Soldiers Prevention Act of 2008 (CSPA) (title IV, Public Law 110-457), I hereby: certify that the Government of Chad has implemented measures that include an action plan and actual steps to come into compliance with the standards outlined in the CSPA, and has implemented policies and mechanisms to prohibit and prevent future government or government-supported use of child soldiers and to ensure that no children are recruited, conscripted,or otherwise compelled to serve as child soldiers.

Here is CSPA section 404 (a)...

(a) IN GENERAL.—Subject to subsections (b), (c), and (d), the authorities contained in section 516 or 541 of the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961 (22 U.S.C. 2321j or 2347) or section 23 of the Arms Export Control Act (22 U.S.C. 2763) may not be used to provide assistance to, and no licenses for direct commercial sales of military equipment may be issued to, the government of a country that is clearly identified, pursuant to subsection (b), for the most recent year preceding the fiscal year in which the authorities or license would have been used or issued in the absence of a violation of this title, as having governmental armed forces or government- supported armed groups, including paramilitaries, militias, or civil defense forces, that recruit and use child soldiers.

This section prevented aid to countries that didn't have procedures in place to prevent the recruiting of child soldiers. Chad put procedures in place, and Obama recognized this and 'took them off the naughty list' as it were.

Now, regarding Libya, South Sudan and Yemen, the 'Presidential Memorandum dd not specify the reasons for 'removing them from the naughty list'...
...so, I guess someone should research to see whether or not Libya, South Sudan, and Yemen have done what Chad did. If they have, I don't see the problem. If not, then I would indeed have a problem.

02-01-2013, 10:22 PM
But still seem a bit outta sink with the idea that the children are at SUCH HIGH RISK the US from gun fire,
some much so that the adults can't/shouldn't even own "military style" weapons.

what's up with dat O?
A few child soldiers are OK, but NO guns in the USA,
don't seem exactly consistent.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
02-01-2013, 10:23 PM
As much as I dislike Obama, this is seriously blown out of proportion.

If you look at his order on this regarding Chad back in 2011...
...you'll see that Chad had taken steps to comply with the CSPA on their own...

Here is CSPA section 404 (a)...

This section prevented aid to countries that didn't have procedures in place to prevent the recruiting of child soldiers. Chad put procedures in place, and Obama recognized this and 'took them off the naughty list' as it were.

Now, regarding Libya, South Sudan and Yemen, the 'Presidential Memorandum dd not specify the reasons for 'removing them from the naughty list'...
...so, I guess someone should research to see whether or not Libya, South Sudan, and Yemen have done what Chad did. If they have, I don't see the problem. If not, then I would indeed have a problem.

“I hereby determine that it is in the national interest of the United States to waive the application of the prohibition in section 404(a) of the CSPA [Child Soldiers Prevention Act of 2008] with respect to Libya, South Sudan, and Yemen… and the issuance of licenses for direct commercial sales of U.S. origin defense articles; and I hereby waive such provisions
accordingly.”Section 404(a) deals with exporting arms to countries that allow child-soldiers.With the stroke of a pen, President Obama did two very frightening things:1. He authorized the United States to sell military weaponry to the nations of Libya, South Sudan, Yemen and Congo.

Arming certain entities appears to be the motive. -Tyr

02-01-2013, 10:28 PM
none of those countries are stable, all of them are in on and off wars with, the muslums, corporations and foreign nations vying for control of the land and resources.
the Congo has been a war zone and an imperialist play thing over it's resources, since like... forever.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
02-01-2013, 10:32 PM
But still seem a bit outta sink with the idea that the children are at SUCH HIGH RISK the US from gun fire,
some much so that the adults can't/shouldn't even own "military style" weapons.

what's up with dat O?
A few child soldiers are OK, but NO guns in the USA,
don't seem exactly consistent.

obama does as he pleases and says to Congress and SCOTUS, KISS MY ASS!
Even got reelected having done it repeatedly.
Can anybody say-- early stage dictator!??

How about his declaring he would send "his bill and INSIST that Congress vote on it""??
Does that not sound like a man that thinks he can rule over another branch of our government!?? --INSIST---
Such thinking by him is treaonous!! As is his refusing to allow deportation of illegals that are caught!----Tyr

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
02-01-2013, 10:46 PM

The Christian Science Monitor
February 18, 2011 | Kasinof, Laura (http://www.highbeam.com/Search?searchTerm=author%3a%22Kasinof%2c+Laura%22&orderBy=Date+DESC) | Copyright

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Byline: Laura Kasinof
As Yemeni protests escalate, tribesmen from rural parts of the country have come to Yemen's own Tahrir Square. But despite sharing the same name as the epicenter of Egypt's revolution, this central square in Sanaa has yet to attract throngs of antigovernment protesters - perhaps in no small part because the tribesmen occupying it are armed.
They're not the only ones carrying guns, however. In Yemen, which has one of the highest guns-per-capita ratios in the world and a weak central government, the Kalashnikov has become emblematic of masculinity, the size of one's weapon cache synonymous with power.
"Shame on a man who leaves his house without his gun," says Sinan Abo Zeid, a native of Yemen's northern border province Al Jawf, where men are known to pay for their cars' gasoline in bullets whenever they don't have enough cash. "In Al Jawf, the Kalashnikov is the government."
As Yemen has become more volatile - a state headed toward failure, where …
Do you get flavor? check the names --muslim names. get it now??--Tyr

Marcus Aurelius
02-01-2013, 11:21 PM
“I hereby determine that it is in the national interest of the United States to waive the application of the prohibition in section 404(a) of the CSPA [Child Soldiers Prevention Act of 2008] with respect to Libya, South Sudan, and Yemen… and the issuance of licenses for direct commercial sales of U.S. origin defense articles; and I hereby waive such provisions
accordingly.”Section 404(a) deals with exporting arms to countries that allow child-soldiers.With the stroke of a pen, President Obama did two very frightening things:1. He authorized the United States to sell military weaponry to the nations of Libya, South Sudan, Yemen and Congo.

Arming certain entities appears to be the motive. -Tyr


I think you missed my main point. Unless someone can show whether or not Libya, South Sudan, and Yemen did as Chad did, then we do not know if this was a reasonable act or not. If they have followed Chad's example, then I see no reason we cannot do the same for them as we would any other conforming nation. If they have not, then I have a serious problem with this.

I just want some facts before I make a decision.

02-02-2013, 08:07 AM

I think you missed my main point. Unless someone can show whether or not Libya, South Sudan, and Yemen did as Chad did, then we do not know if this was a reasonable act or not. If they have followed Chad's example, then I see no reason we cannot do the same for them as we would any other conforming nation. If they have not, then I have a serious problem with this.

I just want some facts before I make a decision.

well, I notice a distinct difference in the language used in the executive order regarding Chad....

Pursuant to section 404 of the Child Soldiers Prevention Act of 2008 (CSPA) (title IV, Public Law 110-457), I hereby: certify that the Government of Chad has implemented measures that include an action plan and actual steps to come into compliance with the standards outlined in the CSPA, and has implemented policies and mechanisms to prohibit and prevent future government or government-supported use of child soldiers and to ensure that no children are recruited, conscripted,or otherwise compelled to serve as child soldiers.

02-02-2013, 09:35 AM
well, I notice a distinct difference in the language used in the executive order regarding Chad....

Yes, but Obama is still lifting the requirement along with the embargo.

Why not just lift the embargo and leave the mandate against children soldiers in place?

02-02-2013, 10:48 AM
obviously because you can't sell weapons to a country which hasn't set up protections without violating the embargo......

Marcus Aurelius
02-02-2013, 11:27 AM
well, I notice a distinct difference in the language used in the executive order regarding Chad....

which is exactly why I question it, and want more information before I decide if I don't like it.