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View Full Version : Murder Statistics New York City: 2003-2011

02-01-2013, 11:28 PM

Some Statistics from the Map:

Race/Ethnicity of PERPETRATOR.

Black 61%, Hispanic 29%, White 7%, Asian 3%

Weapon Used:

Gun 69%, Knife 23%, Other 8%

Race/Ethnicity of Victim

BLACK 61%, Hispanic 27%, White 8%, Asian 3%

From the US CENSUS Report 2010


NYC Racial Populations (2010)

White - 44.6% (3,646109)
Black - 25.1% (2,051,958)
Hispanic - 27.5%(2,248,161)
Asian - 11.8% (964,665)

so... from the Data we can extrapolate this...

90% of the murders are committed by Blacks or Hispanics that make up 52.6% of the population of NYC . This translates to 3,747 Murders in 9 years or 416 Murders per year

7% of Murders were committed by Whites making up 44.6% of the Population. Over the 9 reported years this translates to 291 murders averaging 32.3 murders per year

3% of Murders were committed by Asians making up 11.8% of the population, this translates to 124 Murders and over 9 years averages just 13 murders per year.

02-02-2013, 12:01 AM
I am surprised how many visitors from the Stormfront online community we get here.
Just remember, black and Latino people have the same American right to own guns as you do. Perhaps they will pay you a visit soon.

02-02-2013, 01:11 AM

Some Statistics from the Map:

Race/Ethnicity of PERPETRATOR.

Black 61%, Hispanic 29%, White 7%, Asian 3%

Weapon Used:

Gun 69%, Knife 23%, Other 8%

Race/Ethnicity of Victim

BLACK 61%, Hispanic 27%, White 8%, Asian 3%

From the US CENSUS Report 2010


NYC Racial Populations (2010)

White - 44.6% (3,646109)
Black - 25.1% (2,051,958)
Hispanic - 27.5%(2,248,161)
Asian - 11.8% (964,665)

so... from the Data we can extrapolate this...

90% of the murders are committed by Blacks or Hispanics that make up 52.6% of the population of NYC . This translates to 3,747 Murders in 9 years or 416 Murders per year

7% of Murders were committed by Whites making up 44.6% of the Population. Over the 9 reported years this translates to 291 murders averaging 32.3 murders per year

3% of Murders were committed by Asians making up 11.8% of the population, this translates to 124 Murders and over 9 years averages just 13 murders per year.
We can't very well ban blacks; they've constitutional rights. It's not like gun rights are in the constitution...;)

02-02-2013, 01:15 AM
I'd be interested to see that states by economic and educational attainment. Other 'themes' might come out.

02-02-2013, 03:47 AM
I'd be interested to see that states by economic and educational attainment. Other 'themes' might come out.

Ill query educational attainment. I think that's american community survey (ACS) data.

02-02-2013, 03:51 AM
Ill query educational attainment. I think that's american community survey (ACS) data.

Thanks, that would be great. Obviously I meant 'stats' not 'states.'

02-02-2013, 08:21 AM
I am surprised how many visitors from the Stormfront online community we get here.
Just remember, black and Latino people have the same American right to own guns as you do. Perhaps they will pay you a visit soon.

Did I say Blacks shouldnt own weapons Gabby?

I am for arming ALL law abiding citizens.... Even City dwellers....

Only way to stop a Bad man with a gun is to have a Good man with a better gun....

but it shows one thing.... that despite the strict gun laws that prevail in our cities today, these places are the easiest for criminals to act. The lack of ability for the general population to protect themselves is what causes these high murder rates.

Also, it is snobby liberal elitists like yourself that look at these numbers in the Liberal controlled cities and make sweeping laws to control EVERYONE that may own a firearm.

Maybe if the people in these cities got away from all their entitlement programs and worked for a living and went to college instead of having babies at 16 and 17, and started to be responsible citizens the murder numbers would drop.

We all have the same opportunities in this country... we all have access to public education, College and endless opportunity.

But it boils down to one thing... RAISING YOUR CHILDREN TO RESPECT THEMSELVES AND OTHERS.... To be a parent and not their friend. To instill a sense of responsibility and not let the TV babysit them... To teach them that if they want something that it can be achieved by hard work. To get them away from the MTV, Rap Music, Drugs and Street life. To monitor who they are with and who their friends are.

Start there.....

02-02-2013, 08:30 AM
At the very least it goes to show the totality of gun deaths in NYC - regardless of their tough regulations, contrary to what bingster has stated. Like I said, granted it's a very populous state, so the death rate per 100,000 may be listed as lower, but the total murders yearly by gun is VERY high for one of the cities with the toughest gun laws in the nation.

02-02-2013, 09:17 AM
At the very least it goes to show the totality of gun deaths in NYC - regardless of their tough regulations, contrary to what bingster has stated. Like I said, granted it's a very populous state, so the death rate per 100,000 may be listed as lower, but the total murders yearly by gun is VERY high for one of the cities with the toughest gun laws in the nation.

For overall crime, NYC is one of the safest "big cities" in the country. This chart ranks crimes and "violent crimes." But "violent crimes" leaves out non-violent index crimes such as grand larceny and grand larceny auto.


One intangible statistic that I wish would be maintained is the numbers of truly innocent victims vs. the asshole-on-asshole crimes. Just going on day-to-day observations over the years, the number of innocent victims appears to be approaching nil, and those getting wasted usually do not present a great loss to society overall.

The race percentages of perpetrators Jimmy posted are practically identical to to the race percentages of victims. So it's not like there's a problem with black muggers from Brooklyn killing white tourists in Central Park. It points more to local neighborhood beefs getting violent.

But the point with regard to guns would be; how many of these murders were committed with licensed firearms? Judging by how penurious the city is with firearms licenses, a statistical zero is most likely.

The next question would be; How many of those who committed these murders with guns would even have been ELIGIBLE for a firearms license if they applied for one in the first place? Again, a statistical zero. These guys invariably have a lengthy rap sheet.

Finally; how many of these guys should have been in prison already and therefore have been incapable of committing the murder in the first place? Most of them. These guys get arrested over and over, the courts let them out over and over until they finally commit the big one, murder.

02-02-2013, 09:28 AM
One intangible statistic that I wish would be maintained is the numbers of truly innocent victims vs. the asshole-on-asshole crimes.

Rarely discussed but very, very true. While many point out gun deaths so often, they rarely mention that the guilty are generally criminals, and often the "victim" is a criminal as well. Overwhelmingly, gun crimes are asshole on asshole crimes. Much worse in Cali too, where the gangland areas are.