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02-02-2013, 01:10 PM
Chicago, IL – A CBS news affiliate in Chicago (http://chicago.cbslocal.com/2012/07/21/woman-dies-following-abortion-at-planned-parenthood-clinic/) is reporting that a 24-year old woman died Friday, July 20, 2012, after receiving an abortion from a Planned Parenthood clinic located at 18 S. Michigan Ave. in Chicago, Illinois.

The woman was transported from the Loop Health Center Planned Parenthood abortion clinic to Northwestern Memorial Hospital where she was pronounced dead at 11:20 P.M.
Update: The Chicago Sun-Times (http://www.suntimes.com/news/13927970-418/woman-dies-after-abortion-at-planned-parenthood-clinic.html) has identified the woman as Tonya Reaves of Chicago.
An autopsy conducted Saturday determined that she died from hemorrhage following a Dilation and Evacuation abortion. The D&E abortion method is one employed in pregnancies that have advanced beyond the first trimester. In involves opening the cervix and removing the pre-born baby by dismembering him or her. The Loop Health Center Planned Parenthood advertizes abortions up to 18 weeks.
“Abortion deaths like this are completely avoidable. When a woman bleeds to death after an abortion, it is usually an indication of error on the part of the abortionist coupled with a delay in calling for emergency assistance. Planned Parenthood should be held accountable,” said Troy Newman, President of Operation Rescue and Pro-Life Nation. “Our heartfelt prayers go out to the victim’s family at this time of tragic loss.”
This incident follows a report published in the Chicago Tribune (http://www.operationrescue.org/archives/chicago-tribune-reinforces-operation-rescue%E2%80%99s-claim-that-abortionists-are-routinely-breaking-the-law/) in June, 2011, that took to task abortionists in Illinois for failing to report abortion complications and exposed the fact that some abortionists did not report complications at all, in violation of the law. At that time, Illinois officials made no attempt to enforce abortion laws in that state.
While the name of the abortionist responsible for this patient death is currently unknown, Planned Parenthood’s most recent 990 Tax Forms (http://abortiondocs.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/07/2011-362170901-08066724-9.pdf) list abortionist Caroline M. Hoke as its Medical Director.
The abortion death took place in Obama’s adopted hometown of Chicago at a time when his administration is working hard to provide funding to Planned Parenthood through the federalized health care system.

Womens Risk after abortions

> 31% suffer health complications1
Immediate, potentially life-threatening complications include hemorrhage, shock, infection, anesthesia complications and more (http://www.theunchoice.com/physical.htm)5

> 65% report symptoms of post-traumatic stress1

>Higher risk of future infertility, stillbirths, miscarriages and premature births6

> 65% higher risk of clinical depression after abortion.

> Higher rates of substance abuse, anxiety disorders, sleep disorders, eating disorders and hospitalization.

> Unsafe medical practices, botched abortions, medical negligence and malpractice often go unreported. 7

> Suicide rates are 6 times higher after abortion8

<iframe src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/Fr7onC0Q-9s?feature=player_embedded" allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="360" width="640"></iframe>

Abortion Dr says Clinic was "pristine" last time he was there?

IF the dr.s a rat then yeah maybe

02-02-2013, 02:15 PM
This is clearly the fault of the Catholic Church, who if they had been providing everyone with free contraception this unwanted pregnancy would never have happened.

02-02-2013, 02:23 PM
Women will seek abortions whether it's legal or not. That is a proven reality. It's a lot safer in a professional clinic than some back alley.

02-02-2013, 02:35 PM
Women will seek abortions whether it's legal or not. That is a proven reality. It's a lot safer in a professional clinic than some back alley.

Abortion is not like drugs a recreational feel good thing or an adidtive behavior.
many women in the US -some studies say up to 30% 40% - were coerced into doing them by "friends" n family.
making it illegal would make that MUCH less likey. and force all men and women to think hard about not having birth control.
the incidents of abortions would drop like a rock.

And Right Now abortion is one of the least regulated medical practices there is. Can you imagine going to a dentist office that looked like the one in the video above. many of these places do not give a d@mn about womens health. Just $$$.

02-02-2013, 06:42 PM
Women will seek abortions whether it's legal or not. That is a proven reality. It's a lot safer in a professional clinic than some back alley.

actually, the number of deaths from legal abortion is not significantly different from the deaths from illegal abortions in the last years prior to Roe v Wade......the numbers pro-choicers like to toss around for "back alley" abortions come from the pre-penicillin days and those were roughly the same as were applicable to live birth maternity death rate.....

Robert A Whit
02-02-2013, 06:48 PM
Women will seek abortions whether it's legal or not. That is a proven reality. It's a lot safer in a professional clinic than some back alley.

So, will one of you democrats no longer keep a secret from the rest of us by telling us just where this back alley is?

Look, if some woman is that stupid, to kill her kid in a back alley, she deserves death too.

02-02-2013, 07:22 PM
It's an 'interesting' world we live in, isn't it .. when a woman's death from an abortion makes headline news, but the death of aborted babies is far too commonplace to be considered newsworthy.

Babies are people, too. It's just that they have no voice.