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View Full Version : Superbowl Commercials and the Game as a whole.

02-03-2013, 11:50 PM
I thought the following commercials were pretty funny, what about you?

Lifeguard saves the hot babe in the ocean by beating the stuffing out of a shark. He carries her to shore, puts her down gently on the sand, and along comes an astronaut who's wearing AXE cologne, so off she goes with the astronaut.

Life-like beautiful robot women are guarding a car (don't remember the make) and some nerdy-looking guy comes along to check the car out. I guess he likes the car, because he caresses it, breathes on it, and then he kicks the tires. Uh oh, the robotic lady gets pissed, lifts him up by his tighty-whitey's and kicks him across the room. Touch Down!!!

I thought the game was a blow out until the power outage at about a minute and a half into the 3rd quarter then it became a hell of a game. Good comeback for the 9r's QB's 10th start in the NFL. The game really came down to the wire! Then the birds won.