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02-04-2013, 04:54 PM
To me trash talking is a form of bonding. Even one female here (Gabby) seems to have figured that out. However it seems to cause big time trouble, so I guess it can't be done, bummer. It looks like time to "serious up". Maybe it's just one of those practices that doesn't work online. :(

02-04-2013, 05:16 PM
To me trash talking is a form of bonding. Even one female here (Gabby) seems to have figured that out. However it seems to cause big time trouble, so I guess it can't be done, bummer. It looks like time to "serious up". Maybe it's just one of those practices that doesn't work online. :(

The problem is, trash talking between member A and member B might be taken as good old fashioned fun by the 2. If either A or B do the same to member C, it might be seen as harassment or abuse. One has to know who they're aiming at!

02-04-2013, 05:34 PM
The problem is, trash talking between member A and member B might be taken as good old fashioned fun by the 2. If either A or B do the same to member C, it might be seen as harassment or abuse. One has to know who they're aiming at!

Such as from the op,
...Even one female here... how grand of him!

02-04-2013, 05:38 PM
Such as from the op, how grand of him!

I don't understand. Please elaborate.

02-04-2013, 05:55 PM
I don't understand. Please elaborate.

Really? Your problem, is that you don't care for women that don't bow down to you.

02-04-2013, 06:03 PM
Really? Your problem, is that you don't care for women that don't bow down to you.

It's not that self centered. I do however blame the disappearance of the "June Cleaver" types for the coarseness of our society. Cookies and milk from mom makes for a nicer society. Cookies and milk are far more valuable than designer tennis shoes.

02-04-2013, 06:18 PM
It's not that self centered. I do however blame the disappearance of the "June Cleaver" types for the coarseness of our society. Cookies and milk from mom makes for a nicer society. Cookies and milk are far more valuable than designer tennis shoes.

Really. Do you also agree that men should show deference to women that are raising their children to be good citizens, with or without a male? Some cannot be June Cleaver, for the simple reason there are few Wards,

02-04-2013, 07:01 PM
It's not that self centered. I do however blame the disappearance of the "June Cleaver" types for the coarseness of our society. Cookies and milk from mom makes for a nicer society. Cookies and milk are far more valuable than designer tennis shoes.

PLEASE tell me that you have no children.

Otherwise, you need a time machine to take you back the 1950's. Which is where attitudes like yours belong.

02-04-2013, 07:08 PM
PLEASE tell me that you have no children.

Otherwise, you need a time machine to take you back the 1950's. Which is where attitudes like yours belong.

How do you figure? The corporate environment is dog-eat-dog. I don't see how someone can turn off a cutthroat mindset like a light switch. There exists a "den" for a reason: To get the man's mind off being in cutthroat mindset while the wife keeps the kids away. Two cutthroat parents raise cutthroat children. FYI: I have two boys that will likely marry a nice BRAZILIAN if their MOM has anything to say about it.

02-04-2013, 07:49 PM
How do you figure? The corporate environment is dog-eat-dog. I don't see how someone can turn off a cutthroat mindset like a light switch. There exists a "den" for a reason: To get the man's mind off being in cutthroat mindset while the wife keeps the kids away. Two cutthroat parents raise cutthroat children. FYI: I have two boys that will likely marry a nice BRAZILIAN if their MOM has anything to say about it.

So why don't you all move back to Brazil? Or is it that you are hoping the US turns into Brazil?

02-04-2013, 08:04 PM
So why don't you all move back to Brazil? Or is it that you are hoping the US turns into Brazil?

Many parts of it already have. A little piece of Brazil is accessible in almost any major US city. Portuguese surpassed Spanish as the second Language in Massachusetts. However, Arabic is gaining fast.

02-04-2013, 08:09 PM
So why don't you all move back to Brazil? Or is it that you are hoping the US turns into Brazil?

Kathianne. Consider this. Maybe they won't accept him back into Brazil. So he comes here to drag everyone down.

02-04-2013, 08:10 PM
Many parts of it already have. A little piece of Brazil is accessible in almost any major US city. Portuguese surpassed Spanish as the second Language in Massachusetts. However, Arabic is gaining fast.

So you equate your 'ideal' with those that practice Islam. Why am I not surprised?

02-04-2013, 08:11 PM
Kathianne. Consider this. Maybe they won't accept him back into Brazil. So he comes here to drag everyone down.

Very funny. The problem with Brazil is the pay cut.

02-04-2013, 08:13 PM
So you equate your 'ideal' with those that practice Islam. Why am I not surprised?

Kathianne. Many years ago, prior to 1968. Robert F. Kennedy wrote a Best Selling book called "The Enemy Within".

It didn't exactly speak of today's Enemies within our borders. But the theme, and the characters are almost mirror images he spoke of then.

02-04-2013, 08:13 PM
So you equate your 'ideal' with those that practice Islam. Why am I not surprised?

Naw. For one, I owe the LGBT community too many moral support favors. They helped out when it was most needed.

02-04-2013, 08:14 PM
Kathianne. Many years ago, prior to 1968. Robert F. Kennedy wrote a Best Selling book called "The Enemy Within".

It didn't exactly speak of today's Enemies within our borders. But the theme, and the characters are almost mirror images he spoke of then.

I'll check that out. Thanks.

02-04-2013, 08:19 PM
To me trash talking is a form of bonding. Even one female here (Gabby) seems to have figured that out. However it seems to cause big time trouble, so I guess it can't be done, bummer. It looks like time to "serious up". Maybe it's just one of those practices that doesn't work online. :(

Robert Whit likes doing that with you, I noticed it. ;)

I think it works a lot better between men: women don't do it with each other, it's not how we bond, and we like to be appreciated by men and approved of (I know, what a hope, right?) so trash talk is NOT what works with women, I'd say.

02-04-2013, 08:26 PM
Robert Whit likes doing that with you, I noticed it. ;)

I think it works a lot better between men: women don't do it with each other, it's not how we bond, and we like to be appreciated by men and approved of (I know, what a hope, right?) so trash talk is NOT what works with women, I'd say.

Duly noted. Other than very rudimentary things my wife taught me such as saying thanks every time I get breakfast on the table, I wouldn't know the first thing about that.

Robert A Whit
02-04-2013, 08:28 PM
PLEASE tell me that you have no children.

Otherwise, you need a time machine to take you back the 1950's. Which is where attitudes like yours belong.

Don't know if the tail fender has kids or not, but I actually really enjoyed the 1950s.

My old high school? Gone. A lot of my pals of that era? Unlike me, they got old. LMAO

Our drug problem? None. Trouble over race? Not a bit.

God that new 56 Chevy I bought when I graduated was so cool.

02-04-2013, 08:32 PM
Don't know if the tail fender has kids or not, but I actually really enjoyed the 1950s.

My old high school? Gone. A lot of my pals of that era? Unlike me, they got old. LMAO

Our drug problem? None. Trouble over race? Not a bit.

God that new 56 Chevy I bought when I graduated was so cool.


Robert A Whit
02-04-2013, 08:38 PM
Robert Whit likes doing that with you, I noticed it. ;)

I think it works a lot better between men: women don't do it with each other, it's not how we bond, and we like to be appreciated by men and approved of (I know, what a hope, right?) so trash talk is NOT what works with women, I'd say.

You should have checked with me before blurting that out.

Who I love to josh with is Jim. Trash talk is not cool. Now, when Jim calls me an old fart, who can fail to love the guy?

Robert A Whit
02-04-2013, 08:42 PM

I really never watched that program. I don't know why people watched it.

02-04-2013, 08:45 PM
PLEASE tell me that you have no children.

Otherwise, you need a time machine to take you back the 1950's. Which is where attitudes like yours belong.

Gabby. Keep telling yourself stuff like that. Robert and I can both laugh at all of you. Because we already know. Someday. If you happen to live long enough. YOU will become the same kind of cheap target you are talking down to here. And we will laugh even more. Knowing your day will come when another IDIOT like YOU...tells YOU the very same things.

02-04-2013, 08:58 PM
Gabby. Keep telling yourself stuff like that. Robert and I can both laugh at all of you. Because we already know. Someday. If you happen to live long enough. YOU will become the same kind of cheap target you are talking down to here. And we will laugh even more. Knowing your day will come when another IDIOT like YOU...tells YOU the very same things.

I may be wrong AT, but I do believe she was addressing Tailfins. I have to agree with her, the little we have to go on.

02-04-2013, 09:02 PM

that you would quote a theme song from a liberal tv show of the 70's? Got to wonder.

02-04-2013, 09:08 PM
that you would quote a theme song from a liberal tv show of the 70's? Got to wonder.

I was razzing Robert about how good his '56 Chevy was. Besides, there's nothing wrong with recognizing good entertainment. Plus listening to a liberal express themselves doesn't make you a liberal. You can compliment a liberal on how well they express themselves without agreeing to the content of their expression.

02-05-2013, 01:49 AM
Our drug problem? None. Trouble over race? Not a bit.

God that new 56 Chevy I bought when I graduated was so cool.

You didn't have a drug problem because there were no drugs to be had. But 50's schools had a lot of smokers and drinkers
And you didn't have racial problems because schools were segregated and Jim Crow laws still existed.
How did a high school kid have the money to buy a 56 Chevy?

If I had lived in my dad's time, I would have preferred a 69 Chevy with a 396, Fuelie heads and a Hurst on the floor.
I would have used to it to meet my buds in the 7-11 parking lot and go racing in the streets.

02-05-2013, 04:09 PM
You didn't have a drug problem because there were no drugs to be had. But 50's schools had a lot of smokers and drinkers
And you didn't have racial problems because schools were segregated and Jim Crow laws still existed.
How did a high school kid have the money to buy a 56 Chevy?

If I had lived in my dad's time, I would have preferred a 69 Chevy with a 396, Fuelie heads and a Hurst on the floor.
I would have used to it to meet my buds in the 7-11 parking lot and go racing in the streets.

Gabby. How can you come here, expecting anybody to believe, or hear you when you TALK OUT OF YOUR ASS?

What a phony you are. I grew up in the 50's, and James Dean set the standard for those smoker's, and YES, there were drugs to be had. As for the schools. I grew up outside of Philadelphia, and our public schools had no racial problems because UNLIKE TODAY. We all got along, played, sang, studied, and lived together...within blocks of each other.
By the way. There was no 69 Stock Chevy in 69...with a 396. I know. I was married in 69, and had a 66 Chevy,Convertible, Impala.
4473 Quit playin' switch with your thumbs Gabby. One in your mouth, the other in your other mouth.

02-05-2013, 04:52 PM
So Uh um is everyone bonded in this thread now?


02-05-2013, 05:02 PM
So Uh um is everyone bonded in this thread now?


I'm going through a process known in corporatespeak as disengagement. This article in the Toronto Globe and Mail describes it well:


Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
02-05-2013, 06:22 PM
Gabby. How can you come here, expecting anybody to believe, or hear you when you TALK OUT OF YOUR ASS?

What a phony you are. I grew up in the 50's, and James Dean set the standard for those smoker's, and YES, there were drugs to be had. As for the schools. I grew up outside of Philadelphia, and our public schools had no racial problems because UNLIKE TODAY. We all got along, played, sang, studied, and lived together...within blocks of each other.
By the way. There was no 69 Stock Chevy in 69...with a 396. I know. I was married in 69, and had a 66 Chevy,Convertible, Impala.
4473 Quit playin' switch with your thumbs Gabby. One in your mouth, the other in your other mouth.


Chevelle SS396 Dyno Test - Calling Dr. Dyno!We Squeeze Some Extra Ponies Out Of A 396/325 '69 Chevelle With Some Chassis-Dyno TuningBy Frank H. Cicerale, Photography by Dan Foley, Frank H. Cicerale

<time>Super Chevy (http://www.superchevy.com/), April, 2009</time>
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<article style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-family: Verdana; font-size: 11px;">
http://image.superchevy.com/f/technical/engines_drivetrain/induction_poweradders/17709837+w193/sucp_0904_01_z+1969_chevy_chevelle_SS+front_view.j pg (http://www.superchevy.com/technical/engines_drivetrain/induction_poweradders/sucp_0904_chevelle_ss396_dyno_test/photo_01.html)After a drag test of this Glacier Blue '69 Chevelle SS396, we decided a trip to the chassi

In this day and age, when money is tight and the economy forces us to tighten our belts, we're all about free horsepower. While the big stroker fat-block is cool, along with that honking 6-71 blower, if the money isn't there, then you have to go about adding power the old-fashioned way-through dyno tuning.
With that in mind, we tackled the task of trying to add as much power as we could to this dream machine, a '69 Chevelle SS packing the legendary 396 big-block. Not the 375-hp version, this car's near-stock 325-hp engine was in need of some power. The owner was thrilled with his new toy, but less than ecstatic when it clicked off mid-15-second elapsed times at the drag strip. Now, 325-horse/automatic Chevelles were not 13-second rides from the factory, but we figured a high-14 was within the realm of possibility. We wanted to see what this bad boy made to the rear tires.
http://image.superchevy.com/f/technical/engines_drivetrain/induction_poweradders/17709843+w193/sucp_0904_12_z+1969_chevy_chevelle_SS+driver_side_ view.jpg (http://www.superchevy.com/technical/engines_drivetrain/induction_poweradders/sucp_0904_chevelle_ss396_dyno_test/photo_02.html)

Equipped with a stock Quadrajet, and only enhanced with an Edelbrock 2.0 polished intake manifold and a set of Flowmaster mufflers, this Glacier Blue A-body was perfect for a chassis-dyno tuning session. We hauled our test mule down to Tune Time Performance in Toms River, New Jersey, where we strapped the Chevelle to the Mustang dyno in search of some free power
In addition to seeing what the car made near-stock trim and what we could squeeze out of it, we also decided to pit the Quadrajet (enter your favorite detracting name here) against a pair of Holley carbs we had lying around. We brought with us a Holley 750 HP double-pumper and a Holley 670 cfm Street Avengerhttp://images.intellitxt.com/ast/adTypes/icon1.png (http://www.superchevy.com/technical/engines_drivetrain/induction_poweradders/sucp_0904_chevelle_ss396_dyno_test/viewall.html#) vacuum secondary mixer.

Read more: http://www.superchevy.com/technical/engines_drivetrain/induction_poweradders/sucp_0904_chevelle_ss396_dyno_test/viewall.html#ixzz2K4PMYrOZ

02-05-2013, 08:34 PM
I'm going through a process known in corporatespeak as disengagement. This article in the Toronto Globe and Mail describes it well:


disengagement yeah, it sometimes comes before and after what the brothers used to call "DISing" people.
Slang for disrespecting people.

But ribbing can be fun sometimes