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View Full Version : 2nd-grader suspended over imaginary grenade

02-05-2013, 09:34 PM
This crap is really reaching the ludicrous level and the entire world needs to take a deep breath and start over again. These are CHILDREN and they aren't intending a bit of harm. They are getting more harm from these retarded disciplines than they would from using make believe and fake paper weapons.

A seven-year-old boy was suspended from his elementary school for using an imaginary grenade while playing "Rescue the World" on the playground.

The story was featured on Fox 31 Denver. Second-grader Alex Evans pretended to throw a grenade into a box full of, in his words, "pretend evil forces."

"I pretended the box, there's something shaking in it, and I go pshhh," Alex explained.

Unfortunately for Alex, his exploits (heroic as they were) went against Mary Blair Elementary School rules. Those rules include no fighting (real or pretend) and no weapons (real or pretend).

Alex's mom commented that she doesn't think the rule is practical. "Honestly I don’t think the rule is very realistic for kids this age,” Mandie Watkins said. "I think that when a child is trying to save the world, I don’t think he should be punished for it."

Alex is just as perplexed as his mom. "I was trying to save people and I just can’t believe I got dispended," he told Fox 31.

A similar incident took place last month in Pennsylvania when a fifth-grade girl was reprimanded by school officials for bringing a piece of paper in the shape of gun to class.


02-05-2013, 09:38 PM
And people wonder why children no longer have any imagination, because they are prevented from pretending, and being terrible little people who dare to be Children...growing up in a world full of IDIOTS.

This whole country is becoming a major Cesspool of Ignorance, Stupidity, and Unchallenged DUMBNESS!

If you see, hear, speak, smell, act, wonder, imagine, or FART sideways. Somebody will be Offended, Insulted, or Bothered.

Is this really the world we all want?????
And...before anyone jumps on this. NO! You can't blame it on RULES, or LAWS.

Children go to school to learn to become citizens. OF WHAT?


02-05-2013, 11:00 PM
You got that right. Unfortunately, there are parents that are just as jumpy and reactionary as administrators. Their kids hear talk on the playground, bring it home and the parents get hysterical about why such talk is allowed.

We ALL need to take a deep breath, take a step back and bring out a calmer and more rational and peaceful society. We can achieve this by banning all weapons everywhere, making everyone carry around a teddy bear at all time, and prohibiting Republicans from running for public office. :p

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
02-05-2013, 11:25 PM

Obama will soon have it where the kids can not even " imagine " freedom of speech!!


Either take appropriate action real damn soon or else you will not have to imagine it!! You will suffer it firsthand.

Void the 2nd and the others fall as fast as you can say --Yes master!!--Tyr