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View Full Version : Chicago Cops: Meh, Burglaries and Car Thefts Will Just Have to Wait

red states rule
02-06-2013, 03:10 AM
Anyone surprised a city run by liberal Dems is melting down before our eyes? It will be interesting to see who Mayor Rahm Emanuel blames for all his failures should be run for re-election

As the violence in Chicago rages on, Chicago police are having to pool their resources in order to focus on the murder crisis in the Windy City, leaving other victims of violent crime practically on their own and unarmed. More from CBS Chicago: (http://chicago.cbslocal.com/2013/02/04/chicago-police-changing-response-plan-for-some-911-calls/)

Starting this week, Chicago police are changing their responses to 911 calls. They’ll no longer come right away to reports of things like criminal damage to property, vehicle thefts, garage burglaries, or other crimes in which the suspect is no longer on the scene, and the victim isn’t in immediate danger.

The move will free up the equivalent of 44 police officers a day for patrol duties.

CBS 2′s Jim Williams spoke to some Chicagoans who think it’s the wrong move for the police.

On the block where burglars broke into a home on Christmas Day, Carmen Curio has a strong opinion on the city’s new 911 response plan.

“I think that’s ridiculous. I think if there’s a burglary, they’ve got to come. It’s what we pay for. They have to come,” she said.
Police Supt. Garry McCarthy insisted crime prevention “in the future” happens when officers are on patrol, not tied up taking reports at the scene of non-violent incidents.

“I don’t mean to be flippant here, because I’ve been the victim of a burglary at least three or four times,” he said. “I’d rather have the officer on street, where he can prevent the shooting.”
Flippant? Absolutely. McCarthy forgets that he has a firearm, the rest of the city's law abiding citizens do not.

According to the Department of Justice (http://bjs.ojp.usdoj.gov/content/pub/ascii/vdhb.txt), one in three home invasions end violently when residents are home at the time of the crime. It should be noted that in Chicago concealed carry is illegal. States and cities across the country that have embraced concealed carry for law abiding citizens have seen their violent crime rates plummet (http://hotair.com/archives/2012/06/19/fbi-report-violent-crime-down-for-the-fifth-straight-year-in-a-row/). At a time when the police are incapable of even responding to things like burglaries, concealed carry is something that should be seriously considered to help protect vulnerable citizens (but it won't be). Not to mention, now that the criminals know the cops aren't going to show up after a violent crime takes place, the crime rate is bound to keep going up as consequences for lawbreakers are put on the back burner.


Marcus Aurelius
02-06-2013, 08:28 AM
Anyone surprised a city run by liberal Dems is melting down before our eyes? It will be interesting to see who Mayor Rahm Emanuel blames for all his failures should be run for re-election

As the violence in Chicago rages on, Chicago police are having to pool their resources in order to focus on the murder crisis in the Windy City, leaving other victims of violent crime practically on their own and unarmed. More from CBS Chicago: (http://chicago.cbslocal.com/2013/02/04/chicago-police-changing-response-plan-for-some-911-calls/)

Starting this week, Chicago police are changing their responses to 911 calls. They’ll no longer come right away to reports of things like criminal damage to property, vehicle thefts, garage burglaries, or other crimes in which the suspect is no longer on the scene, and the victim isn’t in immediate danger.

The move will free up the equivalent of 44 police officers a day for patrol duties.

CBS 2′s Jim Williams spoke to some Chicagoans who think it’s the wrong move for the police.

On the block where burglars broke into a home on Christmas Day, Carmen Curio has a strong opinion on the city’s new 911 response plan.

“I think that’s ridiculous. I think if there’s a burglary, they’ve got to come. It’s what we pay for. They have to come,” she said.
Police Supt. Garry McCarthy insisted crime prevention “in the future” happens when officers are on patrol, not tied up taking reports at the scene of non-violent incidents.

“I don’t mean to be flippant here, because I’ve been the victim of a burglary at least three or four times,” he said. “I’d rather have the officer on street, where he can prevent the shooting.”
Flippant? Absolutely. McCarthy forgets that he has a firearm, the rest of the city's law abiding citizens do not.

According to the Department of Justice (http://bjs.ojp.usdoj.gov/content/pub/ascii/vdhb.txt), one in three home invasions end violently when residents are home at the time of the crime. It should be noted that in Chicago concealed carry is illegal. States and cities across the country that have embraced concealed carry for law abiding citizens have seen their violent crime rates plummet (http://hotair.com/archives/2012/06/19/fbi-report-violent-crime-down-for-the-fifth-straight-year-in-a-row/). At a time when the police are incapable of even responding to things like burglaries, concealed carry is something that should be seriously considered to help protect vulnerable citizens (but it won't be). Not to mention, now that the criminals know the cops aren't going to show up after a violent crime takes place, the crime rate is bound to keep going up as consequences for lawbreakers are put on the back burner.

http://townhall.com/tipsheet/katiepa...-wait-n1505392 (http://townhall.com/tipsheet/katiepavlich/2013/02/05/chicago-cops-meh-burglaries-and-car-thefts-will-just-have-to-wait-n1505392)

there yer problem right there, mister. e'yup. That's it alrighty.

02-06-2013, 08:45 AM
All the cities will go down this road..... Chicago is just that much further along the road to destruction....

look at LA/New Orleans/Oakland/Philadelphia/Detroit and Even NYC is seeing an uptick in violent crimes....

we're going to see a mass exodus from the cities.... and when it happens there will be a collapse...

Look at Detroit....

less than 700000 people in a city that used to be over 2,000,000

thats where we'll be heading

02-06-2013, 03:46 PM
After listing all of those cities. Knowing how desperate, and damaged they have become. There is still ONE COMMON FACTOR all of us who read, and understand can see...AS PLAIN AS THE NOSE ON OBAMA'S FACE.

Those cities mentioned BRAGGED after November 6th last year. About how a Majority of the people living in those cities VOTED FOR OBAMA.

And they still refuse to understand, or see the connections????


02-06-2013, 05:10 PM
It has to be over 20 years ago, my brother was assigned to work a joint case with Chicago PD, he was a suburban detective at the time. At the time, he was also teaching a criminology class at Northwestern.

So they have a stakeout going during the night, my brother sees some guys dealing not 100 yds away from them, in a park. He's like, "Make the collar." The CPD detective says, "No way, that's for narcotics or patrol, we have to stay with our job." My brother was like, "Radio in for someone." "No, they have other things to do too."

So it is in big cities. I can't say my brother thought it was the best response, but he admitted that there's so much that Chicago tends to specialize and triage; something the suburbs would only have to do in some city-wide emergency.

red states rule
02-07-2013, 03:17 AM
Another example of the total failure of liberalism. Libs love to redistribute wealth from the producers to the takers. But never seem to put any effort in the redistribution of criminals from the streets to the morgue or in prison

02-07-2013, 06:33 AM
To be fair, they are talking about "garage burglaries" not residential burglaries, and other crimes where the perp is long gone and the caller is not in any danger.

If you happen to come home to find your home broken into, my advice is to immediately back out the door and call 911. Don't walk through and survey any damage or loss by yourself. Tell the police your home was broken and you don't know if the burglars are still inside. If you keep a firearm inside your home, be sure to mention that to the police as well, as the burglar may have gotten his mitts your firearms.

But back to this story... Garry McCarthy was the NYPD's Deputy Commissioner of Operations before moving on to Chicago via a brief unsuccessful stint in Newark, NJ. He was always rather impressed with himself as a crime fighter. The truth is, in NYC he inherited a crime reduction strategy that had already been in place nearly a decade, which relied more on ball-breaking to keep it running than actual creative crime fighting techniques. So he was much more of a ball breaker than an actual crime fighting visionary, which he himself is now learning as he takes his show on the road.

Rudy Giuliani and Bill Bratton initiated the strategy, which began a long, slow, gradual reduction in crime. It actually involved changing the criminal culture as much as anything, which is why it took so long. There used to be a permanent underclass of career criminals who operated with impunity. When the city began earnestly tracking and analyzing crimes and patterns, it became too hot for these individuals to operate so freely. Twenty years later that system is still in place and crime has dropped precipitously. That class of adult career criminals has been reduced to a manageable population, but in recent years what has kept crime at a steady level has been youth/gang felons.

What McCarthy is also learning, is that without the massive resources of the NYPD, the chore is much harder as well. Bill Bratton learned the same thing in Los Angeles.

So when big cities look to hire these high profile "crime fighting geniuses".... I have to laugh because there's no big secret to success. You need the resources, and you need to know what to do with them. And you have to understand that what happened in NYC was a gradual evolution as much as it was a revolution. You're not going to get there overnight.

This move by McCarthy is a desperation move, and demonstrates he doesn't know what else to do. The Giuliani/Bratton plan began with addressing the atmosphere of lawlessness, tackling the squeegee men, who wiped down car windshields at red lights and often tried to shake down motorists for payouts, known as the "broken windows" theory of policing. McCarthy is apparently accepting the broken windows, which means he's tossing out the only thing he knows and is throwing "Hail Mary" passes on first down.