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View Full Version : Lamborghini Miura

Robert A Whit
02-06-2013, 04:47 AM
Hey guys, I said I drove a Lamborghini. Well look at this link. I tried to copy the photos or transfer them ehre but the damned site has some sort of block. Use the link.

Take a good look. You can touch the small photos and they flip into the larger site.

The car I drove was black.

I know, compared to today's designs this one looks sort of tame. Drive one and try to tell yourself it is tame. In town, you must drive it in 1st or 2nd gear. Any higher and the engine bucks like a bronco.

The front photo shows a grill. Maybe you did not notice it. Look again. When the car hits a speed of about 150 mph, that grill rises up and applies downward pressureon the front end. I never raised it on the one I drove. The engine is so close to you and the passenger, you almost feel like you are part of it.

Look at the interior. I forget the color of the interior of the one I drove. Does not matter anyway. I recall shifting it through the gears and I got into top gear, but at speeds over 125.

The engine has a whine sound. Sort of like a turbo behind you.

Anyway, take a good look. If you have plenty of money, maybe this will get you going.

I drove one in 1982 I believe it was. I had a Lincoln Mark IV at the time and the shop where I had the new top put on, had this Miura and the Ferrari there. The owner of the shop says, sure drive both of them.

The Ferrari was the Dino model and I believe it has the 6 cylinder engine rather than the V-12 which is the engine of the faster Ferraris as well as the Lamborghini. I was told the engine packed about 500 wild ass horsepower. The guy told me the top speed was 195. I dunno about you but that is plenty of speed. What is it like to drive?

Like it runs on rails. You think you can simply turn it and off it goes. It gives you a lot of confidence right away. I was on a Freeway where I later clocked the distance from a rurn on to the next turn off. It was one mile. I was just onto the freeway and hitting about 60 mph when I suddenly spotted open road. I floored it. I got up to 135 and slowed it back down to about 60 mph to turn off, all inside that mile. I of course did not want to stay on the freeway since somebody might try to turn me in. I got into a small city and took it very easy.

The reason this comes up again is I was just reading up on the new Lamborghini that has a top speed of 217 and was driven at a race track that sits by an airport.

I had to edit to put in the link. Sorry if you thought it was not here.
