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View Full Version : Radio DJ Outed for Impersonating Military Service Personnel

02-07-2013, 12:54 PM

FORMER radio DJ Simon Nytes at Power 96.5 radio station in Springfield, Missouri has been FIRED, after alleging he was part of the military, not knowing he was about to meet someone (Bryan Hood) who would bust him. Nytes has since taken down his own Facebook page, and the station issued a media release saying Nytes role at the station has been terminated (see image below) . Fired !

Well Done Sir for outing this imposter !


<iframe width="640" height="360" src="http://www.liveleak.com/ll_embed?f=e28b6bd4431f" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Robert A Whit
02-07-2013, 01:05 PM
What is the big deal out of military service?


Do they think they get special payments?

My son in law retired from the police force. Is he a hero? He never used his gun.

Many men that served in the military never so much as shot at a human. Thank god.

The guys that served in combat, I bet that most would be happy had they not shot at or shot and killed humans. Few men I believe, like killing humans.

I don't despise that radio guy. But why the hell lie?

What was in it for him?

Men die fighting fires too. Why didn't he claime he fought fires?

Better yet, why not lie and claim he had been president?

Shoot for the moon when you lie.

I believe that most that served can tell you things about that area, their posts, and other stuff that can show they were there.

I could not fake that I served in Vietnam because I was not there. I can study it, but I was not there. Somebody who had been could easily tell who was there. These jerks have to know they will get busted.

02-07-2013, 01:23 PM
Funny that the people that served, especially in combat, don't talk much about it. My Dad was a long serving Navy man. Some of my earliest memories of him are of him in uniform (and he was HANDSOME in his summer whites). But I never really knew how much he had risked and the things he had seen until much later. He hardly ever spoke about it. I learned from his awards and ribbons after his death. One thing I do know, his old dog tag is really beaten up. I have that on my key ring and always with me. I think the real heroes, the ones who have faced stuff the rest of us never have, don't speak about it because they know the experiences are something understood only by those who have been there and done that. As for the wannabes, they should know that sooner or later they are gonna be humiliated when someone sees through the charade.

Robert A Whit
02-07-2013, 02:21 PM
Funny that the people that served, especially in combat, don't talk much about it. My Dad was a long serving Navy man. Some of my earliest memories of him are of him in uniform (and he was HANDSOME in his summer whites). But I never really knew how much he had risked and the things he had seen until much later. He hardly ever spoke about it. I learned from his awards and ribbons after his death. One thing I do know, his old dog tag is really beaten up. I have that on my key ring and always with me. I think the real heroes, the ones who have faced stuff the rest of us never have, don't speak about it because they know the experiences are something understood only by those who have been there and done that. As for the wannabes, they should know that sooner or later they are gonna be humiliated when someone sees through the charade.

Well, my uncle Gene that got killed in combat in Korea and also shot his share of Japs on those Pacific Islands sure liked showing me photos he took of dead Japs.

Few remember that the military tries to operate in secrecy. We have plenty of current books on many wars so somebody likes talking about them. Phase line green is an eye witness account of the war at Hue in Vietnam during Tet.

My point that this radio jockey was stupid to lie. He may as well said he was an astronaut or fire captain as to tell the lie he told.

02-07-2013, 02:27 PM
What is the big deal out of military service?

Because those that make false claims, want the accolades that go with it, and the "honor" they didn't earn. I think being a soldier is one of the most looked up to positions in the nation, even if not always treated as such by some. This guy probably though it was cool to add to his 'resume' of sorts, but you have to be careful who you tell these stories to! I'm glad to see this guy got busted. Lack of character is one of the worst qualities you can have in an employee, and even one who consistently deals with the public.