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View Full Version : Woman's food stamp card stolen along with---

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
02-07-2013, 07:10 PM


A traveling friend sent me an item clipped from a Georgia newspaper that reads, in its entirety:

A woman said she noticed her purse missing from her car just before 5 P.M. Sunday. The car was parked at her residence on Hornet Drive. The woman said the car had been locked, and the purse was in the back seat.
The purse was valued at $400, her wallet was valued at $200, and she said there was $800 cash in the purse, according to the police report. Also missing were the woman’s food stamp cards.
(Emphasis mine.) The sad part is that the food stamp cards were probably worth more than the purse, wallet, and cash.
It bears repeating, as both a critique and a warning of things to come, that the great project of the American Left involves teaching the middle class to think of itself as “poor.” That way, they’ll vote themselves into servitude. The impoverished mind has no use for talk of economic liberty. It values “hope,” which is passive and servile, over “opportunity.”
It has often been observed that the American definition of poverty is remarkably elastic. The most pervasive threat to the health of our poor is obesity. For many, the dollar value of welfare benefits far exceeds the income from an entry-level job – which has far-reaching harmful effects on the general economy, as it distorts the supply, and therefore value, of labor.
The value of welfare has actually exceeded more than just entry-level paychecks. The Heritage Foundation (http://blog.heritage.org/2012/02/09/morning-bell-dependence-on-government-highest-in-history/) recently published a report showing “the average individual who relies on Washington could receive benefits valued at $32,748, more than the nation’s average disposable income of $32,446.” According to Heritage’s calculations,

Sad part is that this woman likely is not truly blow the poverty line.

02-08-2013, 04:38 AM
Is this one making the rounds again?

red states rule
02-08-2013, 04:42 AM


By: John Hayward (http://www.humanevents.com/author/john-hayward/) <iframe allowtransparency="true" src="http://platform.twitter.com/widgets/follow_button.1359159993.html#_=1360281687649&id=twitter-widget-0&lang=en&screen_name=Doc_0&show_count=false&show_screen_name=false&size=m" title="Twitter Follow Button" data-twttr-rendered="true" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe>
5/7/2012 12:25 PM

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225 (http://www.humanevents.com/2012/05/07/missing-400-purse-holding-800-cash-plus-food-stamp-cards/#)

A traveling friend sent me an item clipped from a Georgia newspaper that reads, in its entirety:
A woman said she noticed her purse missing from her car just before 5 P.M. Sunday. The car was parked at her residence on Hornet Drive. The woman said the car had been locked, and the purse was in the back seat.
The purse was valued at $400, her wallet was valued at $200, and she said there was $800 cash in the purse, according to the police report. Also missing were the woman’s food stamp cards.
(Emphasis mine.) The sad part is that the food stamp cards were probably worth more than the purse, wallet, and cash.
It bears repeating, as both a critique and a warning of things to come, that the great project of the American Left involves teaching the middle class to think of itself as “poor.” That way, they’ll vote themselves into servitude. The impoverished mind has no use for talk of economic liberty. It values “hope,” which is passive and servile, over “opportunity.”
It has often been observed that the American definition of poverty is remarkably elastic. The most pervasive threat to the health of our poor is obesity. For many, the dollar value of welfare benefits far exceeds the income from an entry-level job – which has far-reaching harmful effects on the general economy, as it distorts the supply, and therefore value, of labor.
The value of welfare has actually exceeded more than just entry-level paychecks. The Heritage Foundation (http://blog.heritage.org/2012/02/09/morning-bell-dependence-on-government-highest-in-history/) recently published a report showing “the average individual who relies on Washington could receive benefits valued at $32,748, more than the nation’s average disposable income of $32,446.” According to Heritage’s calculations,

Sad part is that this woman likely is not truly blow the poverty line.

More proof the Obama economy is taking a toll on everyone

Especially the producers who are footing the ever increasing bill

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
02-08-2013, 09:12 AM
Is this one making the rounds again?

As if her example of corruption in the system isn't just one of a few million . There are now over 48 million Americans on Food Stamps.
If you are black and bother to apply you get approved regardless of true income.. Just tell a lie and bingo not only approved but also given the max amount. -Tyr

02-08-2013, 10:39 AM
As if her example of corruption in the system isn't just one of a few million . There are now over 48 million Americans on Food Stamps.
If you are black and bother to apply you get approved regardless of true income.. Just tell a lie and bingo not only approved but also given the max amount. -Tyr

I guess that's a good enough reason to read the same story every three months. :rolleyes:

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
02-08-2013, 10:56 AM
I guess that's a good enough reason to read the same story every three months. :rolleyes:

Why not, if it is good enough for you to deny it every time it is presented.
How about you first prove the story is not true?

red states rule
02-08-2013, 01:37 PM
Why not, if it is good enough for you to deny it every time it is presented.
How about you first prove the story is not true?

Knowing how carefully and efficiently the government spends our tax dollars; and how strict the rules are for one to obtain Food Stamps - I am surprised we are not reading these type stories several times a day

02-08-2013, 02:00 PM
Why not, if it is good enough for you to deny it every time it is presented.
How about you first prove the story is not true?

Who said I was denying anything or even care about the story. It was amusing the first 50 times its been posted on the internet; now it's just kind of old. Even worse you're clipping 9 month old blog posts.

02-08-2013, 02:02 PM
Knowing how carefully and efficiently the government spends our tax dollars; and how strict the rules are for one to obtain Food Stamps - I am surprised we are not reading these type stories several times a day

I'm sure poor people get robbed all the time, but who has time to peruse the police blotter for juicy tidbits?

red states rule
02-08-2013, 02:05 PM
I'm sure poor people get robbed all the time, but who has time to peruse the police blotter for juicy tidbits?

It comes as nbo surprise to me that do not care how the government spend s out tax dollars. So what if well off people (and even millionaires) are getting welfare payments?

I guess you trust the superb judgement of the government to deem who is worthy of those wealth transfers

02-08-2013, 02:12 PM
It comes as nbo surprise to me that do not care how the government spend s out tax dollars. So what if well off people (and even millionaires) are getting welfare payments?

I guess you trust the superb judgement of the government to deem who is worthy of those wealth transfers

I presume you're saying that I don't care; far from the truth and their judgement is far from superb. Some lady who, on top of showing poor financial judgement, was robbed is not the poster child for the ridiculous state of welfare in this country. Her entire net worth and self esteem probably centered around that purse and wallet, not to mention the ungodly sum she probably spends at the beauty parlor. Your rage is misplaced.

red states rule
02-08-2013, 02:20 PM
I presume you're saying that I don't care; far from the truth and their judgement is far from superb. Some lady who, on top of showing poor financial judgement, was robbed is not the poster child for the ridiculous state of welfare in this country. Her entire net worth and self esteem probably centered around that purse and wallet, not to mention the ungodly sum she probably spends at the beauty parlor. Your rage is misplaced.

The I stand corrected FJ

This women is a classic example as to why nobody should have to pay a penny more in taxes. There are many examples of well off people getting a welfare payment as well as the fraud in obtaining IRS refunds

Between these leeches and the blatant examples of tax fraud and avoidance by government employees - why the hell should anyone taxes be increased? BTW MA is coming off a $200 million welfare fraud case and yes, the Dem Gov is demanding higher taxes

02-08-2013, 02:24 PM
The I stand corrected FJ

Good. Government sucketh much, it's full of perverse incentives.

02-08-2013, 10:49 PM


A traveling friend sent me an item clipped from a Georgia newspaper that reads, in its entirety:

A woman said she noticed her purse missing from her car just before 5 P.M. Sunday. The car was parked at her residence on Hornet Drive. The woman said the car had been locked, and the purse was in the back seat.
The purse was valued at $400, her wallet was valued at $200, and she said there was $800 cash in the purse, according to the police report. Also missing were the woman’s food stamp cards.
(Emphasis mine.) The sad part is that the food stamp cards were probably worth more than the purse, wallet, and cash.
It bears repeating, as both a critique and a warning of things to come, that the great project of the American Left involves teaching the middle class to think of itself as “poor.” That way, they’ll vote themselves into servitude. The impoverished mind has no use for talk of economic liberty. It values “hope,” which is passive and servile, over “opportunity.”
It has often been observed that the American definition of poverty is remarkably elastic. The most pervasive threat to the health of our poor is obesity. For many, the dollar value of welfare benefits far exceeds the income from an entry-level job – which has far-reaching harmful effects on the general economy, as it distorts the supply, and therefore value, of labor.
The value of welfare has actually exceeded more than just entry-level paychecks. The Heritage Foundation (http://blog.heritage.org/2012/02/09/morning-bell-dependence-on-government-highest-in-history/) recently published a report showing “the average individual who relies on Washington could receive benefits valued at $32,748, more than the nation’s average disposable income of $32,446.” According to Heritage’s calculations,

Sad part is that this woman likely is not truly blow the poverty line.

Good job Heritage Foundation. Let's raise the minimum wage.

02-08-2013, 10:54 PM
As if her example of corruption in the system isn't just one of a few million . There are now over 48 million Americans on Food Stamps.
If you are black and bother to apply you get approved regardless of true income.. Just tell a lie and bingo not only approved but also given the max amount. -Tyr

The government would actually make money if it would spend more to prevent fraud. Although, to your "black" point, the largest race receiving food stamps is white. Don't forget your southern roots.

02-08-2013, 11:37 PM
The government would actually make money if it would spend more to prevent fraud. Although, to your "black" point, the largest race receiving food stamps is white. Don't forget your southern roots.

Want to save money on Fraud?

1 - Drug test all welfare recipients

2- Drug test all Medicare/Medicaide recipients for illegal Drugs

3- Drug Test all Section 8 Housing Recipients

anyone found to be using illegal drugs loses Benefits


The Government doesn't MAKE MONEY.. It can only CONFISCATE MONEY in the form of TAXES... Government produces NO GOODS OR SERVICES.

02-09-2013, 12:28 AM

02-09-2013, 01:21 AM
Good job Heritage Foundation. Let's raise the minimum wage.

IL Governor thinks that's a grand idea!


Quinn's call for $10 minimum wage riles business
Gov. Pat Quinn's call for a $10 minimum wage (http://www.chicagobusiness.com/article/20130206/BLOGS02/130209867/quinn-lays-out-his-vision-as-re-election-looms) has created yet another firestorm for the state's business community.

While economists question whether higher minimum wages hurt jobs and make some states less competitive than others, Illinois business leaders view the governor's proposal as one more blow to the state's battered business climate.

Illinois already has the fourth-highest minimum wage at $8.25 an hour, and raising it more than 21 percent over four years would put it far above Indiana or other neighboring states eager to attract Illinois companies to relocate.


Indiana, Iowa and Wisconsin currently have minimum wage rates of $7.25 an hour.

In fact, at $10 it would be the highest rate in the country, making Illinois a test case of whether higher minimum wages reduce employment among teenagers and unskilled workers.



Voting With Our Feet: Top 5 States Losing Residents
By ResidencyHQ (http://www.minyanville.com/gazette/bios.htm?bio=830) Nov 28, 2012 11:06 am
More than ever before, folks are voting with their feet and moving to more tax-advantageous states.

MINYANVILLE ORIGINAL The past few years have really put the squeeze on cash-strapped states to find new sources of revenue. This environment has generated a level of tax aggression from certain states, which in turn has resulted in a net loss of revenue instead of the intended gain. Residents have begun voting with their feet, deciding to move out of the state instead of thinning their pocket through unwanted taxation. So which states are chasing away their residents? And how does it impact you if you live in one of them? We track migratory patterns through our residency product data, and while some of the states are no-brainers, others may surprise you. Following are our top five ‘shrinking’ states in ascending order:

Ohio (http://www.residencyhq.com/resources/ohio/): The Buckeye State is one of the few around that actually has a balanced budget. One of the reasons is because they tax their residents so well. The interesting part about Ohio though, is that a constant stream has always existed out of the state. Some of the migration is probably due to weather, but they also have very strict well-defined rules surrounding residency. Ohio’s Bright-Line Test names the specific number of days over, under, and in between that dictate someone as resident, non-resident, or other (the burden of proof is on the resident in question for ‘other’). These rules make it simple for an Ohioan to decide whether to stay put or make a run for it.

New Jersey (http://www.residencyhq.com/resources/new-jersey/): Oh, Jersey. Always the brunt of jokes, our most densely populated state, and a bastion of high taxation. Including local taxes, New Jersey has the highest tax rate in the country. Without going into painful detail, the cocktail of crowded, expensive, and verbal assault makes the Garden State an easy exit for most.

California (http://www.residencyhq.com/resources/california/): The Golden State is nearly a tie for the number-two spot, and we are constantly surprised it isn’t at the top of the list given the fiscal issues present there. Municipality balance sheets are in shambles, the state already has high tax rates, and many residents are staying close but merely hopping the border into more tax advantageous states like Nevada. Yes, the weather can be great, the people creative, and they still have one of the most productive economies around, but we haven’t seen a decrease in the flow of residents out of the state which is always a cause for concern.

New York (http://www.residencyhq.com/resources/new-york/): One of the easy guesses for sure. New York has been bleeding residents for some time. Tom Golisano, the founder of Paychex (NASDAQ:PAYX (http://finance.minyanville.com/minyanville?Page=QUOTE&Ticker=PAYX)), wrote a letter that was published in the New York Post about why he was leaving the state. And he didn’t mince words, explaining he was taxed out of the state for greener pastures to no-income-tax Florida. And it shouldn’t be a shock, Florida welcomed him with open arms.

Illinois (http://www.residencyhq.com/resources/illinois/): This comes as a surprise to many, but Illinois has seen a huge exodus of residents in the past few years. The state recently increased their income tax by approximately 67%. That is an incredible jump, so it stands to reason residents are looking for a way out. Our residency lectures are consistently filled with more Illinois residents than any other state, hands down. Ironically, the Land of Lincoln could lose enough pennies through attrition that its financial problems only worsen.

Local economies thrive on new residents. Small business incubators are popping up in every town in an effort to attract new employers. New employers bring fresh talent, and those folks are also consumers. Building a better base to tax through low tax incentives is working for states like Texas and Florida.

Cities and states always have an ebb and flow in population, but if you are in a state with a decreasing population it could impact you in the way of higher taxes (to make up for lost revenues), a less healthy economy (less people to buy stuff), and possibly less pay in your pocket (as a result of shrinking business revenues). This ‘sucking effect’ of residents flowing out of the state can be a self-fulfilling feedback loop that decimates a region. The analogy of rats jumping off a sinking ship might come to mind.


02-09-2013, 01:51 AM

Not related in the take. Justifies it's own thread.

02-09-2013, 06:33 AM
Good job Heritage Foundation. Let's raise the minimum wage.

So they have even less job opportunities? :thumb:

red states rule
02-09-2013, 06:41 AM
Want to save money on Fraud?

1 - Drug test all welfare recipients

2- Drug test all Medicare/Medicaide recipients for illegal Drugs

3- Drug Test all Section 8 Housing Recipients

anyone found to be using illegal drugs loses Benefits


The Government doesn't MAKE MONEY.. It can only CONFISCATE MONEY in the form of TAXES... Government produces NO GOODS OR SERVICES.

Have to spread the rep around before I can rep you for this post

02-09-2013, 07:22 AM
Some lady who, on top of showing poor financial judgement, was robbed is not the poster child for the ridiculous state of welfare in this country. Her entire net worth and self esteem probably centered around that purse and wallet, not to mention the ungodly sum she probably spends at the beauty parlor. Your rage is misplaced.

I can't think of a better poster child.

Somebody who is allegedly poor enough to require government assistance should not be fretting about designer accessories and/or hair care. She should be fretting about where her next meal is coming from, where she is going to live, and where to find a job to support herself. We've raised the baseline of poverty to an absurd level.

We have the richest poor people in the world.

red states rule
02-09-2013, 07:25 AM
I can't think of a better poster child.

Somebody who is allegedly poor enough to require government assistance should not be fretting about designer accessories and/or hair care. She should be fretting about where her next meal is coming from, where she is going to live, and where to find a job to support herself. We've raised the baseline of poverty to an absurd level.

We have the richest poor people in the world.

You are so right. The "poor" have it so hard in Amercia

Living Conditions of the Poor
Each year, the U.S. Census Bureau releases its annual report on income and poverty.[7] (http://www.heritage.org/research/reports/2011/07/what-is-poverty#_ftn7) This report, though widely publicized by the press, provides only a bare count of the number of Americans who are allegedly poor. It provides no data on or description of their actual living conditions.
This does not mean that such information is not available. The federal government conducts several other surveys that provide detailed information on the living conditions of the poor. These surveys provide a very different sense of American poverty.[8] (http://www.heritage.org/research/reports/2011/07/what-is-poverty#_ftn8) They reveal that the actual standard of living among America’s poor is far higher than the public imagines and that, in fact, most of the persons whom the government defines as “in poverty” are not poor in any ordinary sense of the term. Regrettably, these detailed surveys are almost never reported in the mainstream press.
One of the most interesting surveys that measures actual living conditions is the Residential Energy Consumption Survey (RECS),[9] (http://www.heritage.org/research/reports/2011/07/what-is-poverty#_ftn9) which the Department of Energy has conducted regularly since 1980.[10] (http://www.heritage.org/research/reports/2011/07/what-is-poverty#_ftn10) The RECS survey measures energy consumption and ownership of various conveniences by U.S. households. It also provides information on households at different income levels, including poor households.
The first half of this paper uses RECS data to analyze and describe one aspect of the living standards of the poor: ownership and availability of household amenities.[11] (http://www.heritage.org/research/reports/2011/07/what-is-poverty#_ftn11) The second half provides a broader description of the living standards of America’s poor.
Availability of Amenities in Poor Households
This section uses RECS data from 2005, the most recent year for which data are available, to analyze the amenities typically found in poor households.[12] (http://www.heritage.org/research/reports/2011/07/what-is-poverty#_ftn12) The 2005 RECS data represent the living conditions of the poor before the current recession. Conditions are likely quite similar today.
Because the current recession has increased the number of poor persons in the U.S. since 2005, it might seem likely that poor households would have fewer amenities and conveniences today than in 2005. However, the increase in poverty during the recession is, to a considerable degree, the result of working-class families losing employment. One would not expect these families to dispose of their normal household conveniences in those circumstances. Thus, paradoxically, the increase in the number of working- and middle-class families who have become temporarily poor is likely to increase slightly the share of poor households that own various items. When the present recession ends, the living conditions of the poor are likely to continue to improve as they have in the past.
Chart 1 shows the percentage of all U.S. households that owned or had available various household amenities and conveniences in 2005. For example, it shows that 84 percent of all U.S. households had air conditioning, 79 percent had cable or satellite television, and 68 percent had a personal computer.[13] (http://www.heritage.org/research/reports/2011/07/what-is-poverty#_ftn13)
Chart 2 shows the same information for 2005 for poor U.S. households (those with cash incomes below the official poverty thresholds). While poor households were slightly less likely to have conveniences than the general population, most poor households had a wide range of amenities. As Chart 2 shows, 78 percent of poor households had air conditioning, 64 percent had cable or satellite TV, and 38 percent had a personal computer.[14] (http://www.heritage.org/research/reports/2011/07/what-is-poverty#_ftn14)


02-09-2013, 07:26 AM
I can't think of a better poster child.

Somebody who is allegedly poor enough to require government assistance should not be fretting about designer accessories and/or hair care. She should be fretting about where her next meal is coming from, where she is going to live, and where to find a job to support herself. We've raised the baseline of poverty to an absurd level.

We have the richest poor people in the world.

I didn't say otherwise. Our government displays perverse incentives on the welfare side and abysmal performance on the government education side.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
02-09-2013, 10:13 AM
The government would actually make money if it would spend more to prevent fraud. Although, to your "black" point, the largest race receiving food stamps is white. Don't forget your southern roots.

Government makes money only one way and that is by printing it.
The race receiving the most government benefits is black. There are more benefits than just free food Hoss.
Far more blacks receive a greater combination of benefits. You can believe what you like and I'll go with what I actually know, see and have been told by blacks. Go ahead believe what you read from government sources , after all we know they never lie.-:laugh:

red states rule
02-09-2013, 10:17 AM

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
02-09-2013, 12:06 PM

On seven separate occasions, police said, Guerra applied for food stamps with the state Department of Children and Families. During the department’s review to determine if Guerra was eligible for the assistance, Guerra said Soto was unemployed.
But investigators with the state and the Florida Department of Law Enforcement found that Soto was employed by Advanced Auto Parts between Feb. 7, 2009 and at least Nov. 29, 2012, earning $69,719.14 in wages. DCF did not become aware of Soto’s employment until July 19, 2012, according to a probable cause affidavit.
Guerra received $23,549 in food stamp benefits from 2009-2011, despite not being entitled to the aid.
The study, released during the quarterly meeting of the Medicaid and Public Assistance Fraud Strike Force, found a 7.5 percent rate of fraud within Florida’s Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, which provides food assistance to the state’s neediest residents.
In addition, the study showed, the state lost more than $100 million in fiscal year 2010-2011 because of overpayment of benefits.
“The results of this study confirm what my Division of Public Assistance Fraud has been seeing for years — public assistance fraud is a financial burden on our state and robs deserving Floridians of access to needed benefits,” said Florida’s chief financial officer, Jeff Atwater, in a statement.
“For the first time, this study shows us the scope of the fraud problem in this federal program and is the first step in laser focusing our efforts toward combating the fraud and ensuring that those who legitimately need assistance are receiving it,” Atwater added
Just one example but nationwide a few million more examples exist just not reported yet because obama and crew along with state dem officials do not want the vote buying scheme stopped..-Tyr

02-09-2013, 12:56 PM
^Doesn't anyone there check against tax records?!? Ridiculous.

02-09-2013, 01:50 PM
Want to save money on Fraud?

1 - Drug test all welfare recipients

2- Drug test all Medicare/Medicaide recipients for illegal Drugs

3- Drug Test all Section 8 Housing Recipients

anyone found to be using illegal drugs loses Benefits


The Government doesn't MAKE MONEY.. It can only CONFISCATE MONEY in the form of TAXES... Government produces NO GOODS OR SERVICES.
Roads are a good; fire and police provide services...even fiat currency, the almighty dollar, is sorta both. The post office, a congressionally created corporation provides services. Since the dawn of civilization, governments have been instituted to provide goods and services that the masses were unable to provide for by private means. That's not to say welfare is such a service, but such a bold generalization as "govt provides no goods and services" is completely false. You started so strong too, then jump off the reality wagon at nutterville.

red states rule
02-09-2013, 03:14 PM
Roads are a good; fire and police provide services...even fiat currency, the almighty dollar, is sorta both. The post office, a congressionally created corporation provides services. Since the dawn of civilization, governments have been instituted to provide goods and services that the masses were unable to provide for by private means. That's not to say welfare is such a service, but such a bold generalization as "govt provides no goods and services" is completely false. You started so strong too, then jump off the reality wagon at nutterville.

LR I do hope you are joking. Government does NOT produce any goods/service. The government TAKES from the private sector and in most cases pisses through it. If you can find the same service/product in the Yellow Pages there is no damn reason for the government to offer the same service/product

02-09-2013, 05:10 PM
I can't think of a better poster child.

Somebody who is allegedly poor enough to require government assistance should not be fretting about designer accessories and/or hair care. She should be fretting about where her next meal is coming from, where she is going to live, and where to find a job to support herself. We've raised the baseline of poverty to an absurd level.

We have the richest poor people in the world.

There's a plausible explanation for the OP. The $800 could be for rent money and the expensive purse could be left over from better times and worth much less used.

02-09-2013, 06:13 PM
LR I do hope you are joking. Government does NOT produce any goods/service. The government TAKES from the private sector and in most cases pisses through it. If you can find the same service/product in the Yellow Pages there is no damn reason for the government to offer the same service/product
im not joking, its a verifiable fact. I listed such goods and services. Find interstate highways in the yellow pages. Or a mail service that will deliver a letter across the country for $.50; or a private criminal court that dispenses justice(a service). I could go on and on. An argument that some things would be better provided for by private entities is not the same as saying government provides NO goods and services. Even the Declaration of Independence states that governments are instituted among men to secure certain rights. Security provision is a service. Repeating that falsity doesn't make it true; just makes you look like a nut job.