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02-08-2013, 01:16 PM
He comes home from school (early at 11:30 cause of snow) and is upset that he got into trouble. Says him and his friend were goofing around and it escalated into a fight. Jordan had marker and crap on his face and says the other kid wiped the eraser on his face, which lead to a bit of wrestling of sorts. Not sure how to respond to the teacher/guidance or how to respond to my retarded son fighting in school? I thin they were giddy about the snow and going home early. Here's an email I just received from the teacher:

Hello there,

I wanted to let you know about an incident that happened during the last few minutes of the day, as students were finishing up a locker clean out and heading back into their classrooms, waiting to be dismissed. Jordan and Cy were cleaning the whiteboard (they asked, and I gave them permission), and Cy said he accidently swiped Jordan’s face with the eraser when he turned too suddenly. Mr. **** and I spoke with both boys, who admitted that their joking around got out of control, and they were both sorry for their actions. We also spoke with the students’ Guidance Counselor (Ann Marie *******) and Mark *******, who advised that we send the boys home and that I email you. We just wanted to make you aware of this, because the boys were both still a little upset as they were leaving. We will follow up on Monday. If you have any questions, please feel free to email me, Mr. ****, or Ms. *******.

Thanks so much, and hope you and your families weather the storm without too much trouble,

02-08-2013, 01:30 PM
Liberal Weenie School Officials.... back in our day they only called if there was Blood involved...

And when Dad asked..."DID YOU WIN?" the answer better have been, " YES SIR"

02-08-2013, 01:40 PM
Liberal Weenie School Officials.... back in our day they only called if there was Blood involved...

And when Dad asked..."DID YOU WIN?" the answer better have been, " YES SIR"

The first thing I said was "did ya whoop his ass?" and my wife smacked me in the back of the head!

02-08-2013, 02:04 PM
Yeah, no big deal. I can't tell you how many fights me and my friends got into with each other when we were kids. There were 3 of us, so one was always on the out.
Biggest fight I was ever in as a youngster was in 5th or 6th grade. Me and a buddy decided it would be a great idea to re-enact World War II. I would lead the Americans and he would lead the Germans. So we went around recruiting everyone we knew in school to fight with us. At recess, each side lined up on opposite ends of the field. The order to charge was given and a school wide brawl commenced.

Man, did I get in big trouble over that one! :laugh:.
Nowadays they probably would have charged me with Terrorism and tried me as a juvenile.

02-08-2013, 02:04 PM
The first thing I said was "did ya whoop his ass?" and my wife smacked me in the back of the head!

Did you tell her "that tickles"?

He comes home from school (early at 11:30 cause of snow) and is upset that he got into trouble. Says him and his friend were goofing around and it escalated into a fight. Jordan had marker and crap on his face and says the other kid wiped the eraser on his face, which lead to a bit of wrestling of sorts. Not sure how to respond to the teacher/guidance or how to respond to my retarded son fighting in school? I thin they were giddy about the snow and going home early. Here's an email I just received from the teacher:

Tell the school it wasn't a fight, just horseplay. My son had worse. When he was in first grade, a fifth grade girl pushed him and he slapped her in the face. When talking to the principal, the conversation revolved around what they were going to do about a fifth grader attacking a first grader. I told my son right in front of the principle I understood what he did, but to be careful and stay off the radar of a school culture that doesn't like boys. My son got in no trouble whatsoever. Being a typical angry parent sometimes pays off.

02-08-2013, 02:05 PM
I think teachers now HAVE to notify you of things like this regardless of severity. That way if there is any issue after the incident, at least you have a head's-up on it, even though not likely.

Anything that happens with my kids at school, I like to know about it at least just to keep ahead of what is going on at all times with them.

02-08-2013, 02:26 PM
Kitten - you REALLY need to get me a full sized photo of that avatar! I love "grumpy cat" and that one is hilarious!!

02-08-2013, 02:31 PM
boys will be boys. Fortunately, unlike girls the boys, will also make up on Monday and it will be like nothing ever happened.

There must be something in the air. I received a call from the principal on Tues. when my son was involved in a fight with two other boys. 5th grade boys should know better and all I did was ground him for the rest of the day.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
02-08-2013, 02:36 PM
He comes home from school (early at 11:30 cause of snow) and is upset that he got into trouble. Says him and his friend were goofing around and it escalated into a fight. Jordan had marker and crap on his face and says the other kid wiped the eraser on his face, which lead to a bit of wrestling of sorts. Not sure how to respond to the teacher/guidance or how to respond to my retarded son fighting in school? I thin they were giddy about the snow and going home early. Here's an email I just received from the teacher:

My dad had two stipulations on fighting at school.
1. You had better not be the one to have hit first, starting the fight.
2. You had damn sure be the one that won if it was a one on one fight..
fair fight and you lost you got ass beat at home. Back down from a fight got it from dad and all three older brothers took turns busting you up a bit. I learn to never back down and to never lose in school fights ..-Tyr

02-08-2013, 04:29 PM
The first thing I said was "did ya whoop his ass?" and my wife smacked me in the back of the head!

Should have said to her....


And then RUN LIKE HELL!!!!

02-08-2013, 04:31 PM
Have your kid what most modern kids do when someone pisses them off --bring a gun to school and threaten him. :rolleyes:

02-08-2013, 04:45 PM
My dad had two stipulations on fighting at school.
1. You had better not be the one to have hit first, starting the fight.
2. You had damn sure be the one that won if it was a one on one fight..
fair fight and you lost you got ass beat at home. Back down from a fight got it from dad and all three older brothers took turns busting you up a bit. I learn to never back down and to never lose in school fights ..-Tyr

we had a few rules too

1. NEVER start it....
2. Make sure you finish it..
3. never gang up ... keep it one on one...fight your own battles
4. There is no such thing as a fair fight... Fight to win at all times.. even shots to the groin, throat, and other DIRTY TACTICS. In war nobody fights clean... same goes for real life...
5. Dont gloat... dont be a sore winner... Always offer a hand up. but remember Rule 4

02-08-2013, 04:45 PM
boys will be boys. Fortunately, unlike girls the boys, will also make up on Monday and it will be like nothing ever happened.

There must be something in the air. I received a call from the principal on Tues. when my son was involved in a fight with two other boys. 5th grade boys should know better and all I did was ground him for the rest of the day.

Even as adults, that is often the case. At least if some guy kicks my @$$, I can laugh and say "you sure gave me an attitude adjustment" and afterwards its like nothing happened.

02-08-2013, 05:15 PM
Have your kid what most modern kids do when someone pisses them off --bring a gun to school and threaten him. :rolleyes:

Trolling again Gabby?

this is quite possibly the most ridiculous thing you ever said

02-08-2013, 05:38 PM
Have your kid what most modern kids do when someone pisses them off --bring a gun to school and threaten him. :rolleyes:

Since you like the grumpy cat too...


02-08-2013, 06:08 PM
Since you like the grumpy cat too...

Jimmy.... I certainly think that Ms. Smater then everyone should get a little vacation for that remark... considering recent happenings...

02-08-2013, 06:56 PM
The first thing I said was "did ya whoop his ass?" and my wife smacked me in the back of the head!

You got "Gibbs-ed!"

02-09-2013, 01:54 AM
Yeah, no big deal. I can't tell you how many fights me and my friends got into with each other when we were kids. There were 3 of us, so one was always on the out.
Biggest fight I was ever in as a youngster was in 5th or 6th grade. Me and a buddy decided it would be a great idea to re-enact World War II. I would lead the Americans and he would lead the Germans. So we went around recruiting everyone we knew in school to fight with us. At recess, each side lined up on opposite ends of the field. The order to charge was given and a school wide brawl commenced.

Man, did I get in big trouble over that one! :laugh:.
Nowadays they probably would have charged me with Terrorism and tried me as a juvenile.

Sounds more like Concord! LOL!

02-09-2013, 01:58 AM
I'd like and hope that your school is going to be reasonable on Monday. I fear though that this is just a postponement, that the teachers and counselors also were in a hurry to get home. Totally sounds like boys being boys and friends being dumb friends, on a snow day!

02-09-2013, 02:01 AM
Seriously, you all might be shocked just how much kids like cleaning the whiteboards or chalkboards! I've had kids fighting on who could clean and dry my overheads in wet erase.

Want to create 'excitement' in a classroom? Announce the first 5 kids to collect 15 pieces of trash from the floor will be dismissed 1 minute before the bell rings! Mayhem!