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View Full Version : Hmmm, A Gun Manufacturer That Adheres To 2nd Amendment

02-10-2013, 03:29 AM
What's good for me, is good for thee:


GRNC Alert 2-9-2013: LaRue Tactical Takes a Stand for Second Amendment Rights! (http://grnc.org/grnc-alerts-archive/419-grnc-alert-2-9-2013-larue-tactical-takes-a-stand-for-second-amendment-rights)
The Second Amendment has always had fair-weather friends. LaRue Tactical, manufacturers of firearms and firearm accessories, is one company that will never be accused of being our fair-weather friend. When New York State passed its unconstitutional anti-gun law, LaRue swung into action. In a move reminiscent of Barrett Firearms’ banning of all sales to California law enforcement (http://www.thegunzone.com/rkba/rkba-50.html) after California banned .50BMG rifles, LaRue has stated that it will not sell anything to local law enforcement that it can’t sell to you and me.
In a news release dated 2-8-13, LaRue states:

Effective today, in an effort to see that no legal mistakes are made by LaRue Tactical and/or its employees, we will apply all current State and Local Laws (as applied to civilians) to state and local law enforcement / government agencies. In other words, LaRue Tactical will limit all sales to what law-abiding citizens residing in their districts can purchase or possess.

Lest you think that LaRue, more famous for accessories than anything else, is making an empty statement, take a look at the AR style rifles they manufacture (http://www.laruetactical.com/rifles). New York banned them for sale to citizens, so LaRue won’t sell them to the NYPD either. Will other firearm manufacturers have the guts to stand up like LaRue and Barrett do?

The NYPD allows officers to select one of three firearms for duty carry: (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_York_City_Police_Department#Firearms):

• SIG P226 (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SIG_P226)

• Smith & Wesson 5946 (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Smith_%26_Wesson_Model_5906)

• Glock 19 (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Glock_19#9.C3.9719mm_Parabellum).

All of these pistols are equipped with a greater than 7-round magazine, making them illegal for sale to law-abiding New York residents.

• Send the following letter to SIG, Smith & Wesson, and Glock and ask them to follow LaRue Tactical’s lead. Tell them to adopt the same rule: If it can’t be sold to citizens, it won’t be sold to State and local government.

• Go to LaRue Tactical’s Facebook page and thank them for standing up for your Second Amendment rights: http://www.facebook.com/LaRueAccuracy#!/LaRueAccuracy/posts/529849683721877

BTW, their facebook page:

02/08/2012 LEANDER, TX.

Updated Policy for State and Local Agency Law Enforcement Sales:

Due to the recent and numerous new Anti-gun/Anti-2nd Amendment laws passed and/or pending across our country, LaRue Tactical has been forced to reconsider how we provide products to state and local agencies.

Effective today, in an effort to see that no legal mistakes are made by LaRue Tactical and/or its employees, we will apply all current State and Local Laws (as applied to civilians) to state and local law enforcement / government agencies. In other words, LaRue Tactical will limit all sales to what law-abiding citizens residing in their districts can purchase or possess.

State and local laws have always been a serious focus of this firm, and we are now dovetailing that focus with the constitutional rights of the residents covered in their different areas by the old and new regulations.

We realize this effort will have an impact on this firm's sales - and have decided the lost sales are less danger to this firm than potential lawsuits from erroneous shipments generated by something as simple as human error.

Thanks in advance for your understanding.

Mark LaRue

* * This policy does not apply to Military / Federal Agencies * *

02-10-2013, 06:59 AM
I'm missing the point here....

How is this gun manufacturer "adhering to the 2nd Amendment" by making up its own interpretation of state law?

They're perfectly free to do so, but I'm missing the whole "adhering to the 2nd Amendement" thingee.

02-10-2013, 11:46 AM
I'm missing the point here....

How is this gun manufacturer "adhering to the 2nd Amendment" by making up its own interpretation of state law?

They're perfectly free to do so, but I'm missing the whole "adhering to the 2nd Amendement" thingee.

Within each state, allowed weapons are the same for citizens and enforcement agencies. Simple.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
02-10-2013, 11:52 AM
What's good for me, is good for thee:


BTW, their facebook page:

I applaud their action and appreciate their understanding of our 2nd Amendment rights. -:beer:-Tyr
More firearms companies should follow their lead IMHO.-Tyr

02-10-2013, 12:21 PM
I applaud their action and appreciate their understanding of our 2nd Amendment rights. -:beer:-Tyr
More firearms companies should follow their lead IMHO.-Tyr

Hopefully more will. The police departments across the country are becoming mini-military organizations.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
02-10-2013, 12:24 PM
Hopefully more will. The police departments across the country are becoming mini-military organizations.

That is because the Feds want them to be more like military. Our government worries that the military will flip sides should it start a civil war with its citizens! They think that police will be less likely to do so. -Tyr

02-10-2013, 02:41 PM
What's good for me, is good for thee:


BTW, their facebook page:

Seems like a play to get more business for their standing up for the 2nd amendment rights of the people. A transparent ploy by a small company to become a big company.

Stupid idea, too. Guess they believe if the government can have hand grenades, we should have hand grenades.
I don't think even they believe it, they just know lots of people will like it and buy more guns from them

02-10-2013, 02:47 PM
Seems like a play to get more business for their standing up for the 2nd amendment rights of the people. A transparent ploy by a small company to become a big company.

Stupid idea, too. Guess they believe if the government can have hand grenades, we should have hand grenades.
I don't think even they believe it, they just know lots of people will like it and buy more guns from them

If you didn't notice, they're more doing a "Fuck you, follow your own rules!" & "Taste your own medicine" ploy.

Gov't listens to US, not the other way around. That's one thing you libs need to realize. That's what makes America different.

02-10-2013, 03:05 PM
Seems like a play to get more business for their standing up for the 2nd amendment rights of the people. A transparent ploy by a small company to become a big company.

Stupid idea, too. Guess they believe if the government can have hand grenades, we should have hand grenades.
I don't think even they believe it, they just know lots of people will like it and buy more guns from them

Hand grenades are not "arms". Civilians shouldn't be driving workable tanks and carrying rocket launchers either. But as to arms, I think no section of people, no matter how you separate them, should be able to buy guns that others cannot (except felons and other criminals).

02-10-2013, 03:18 PM
No arms dealers currently need to 'drum up business,' they have more than they can handle. Truth is, police departments don't need any weapons denied the general public.

02-10-2013, 03:22 PM
Hand grenades are not "arms". Civilians shouldn't be driving workable tanks and carrying rocket launchers either. But as to arms, I think no section of people, no matter how you separate them, should be able to buy guns that others cannot (except felons and other criminals).

They are too "arms". There is no definition of "arms" as being pistol or rifle only. A knife is an "arm". I do think the government should have better weapons than it's citizenry.

Sorry, I don't buy into the "right to arm oneself against tyranny" line. We have a democratically elected republic. If you don't like them, vote them out. We don't need to be able to overthrow them.

02-10-2013, 03:34 PM
They are too "arms". There is no definition of "arms" as being pistol or rifle only. A knife is an "arm". I do think the government should have better weapons than it's citizenry.

Sorry, I don't buy into the "right to arm oneself against tyranny" line. We have a democratically elected republic. If you don't like them, vote them out. We don't need to be able to overthrow them.

Most reasonable people know that discussion around the 2nd amendment is about guns. You'll be hard pressed to find a legit 2nd amendment person or group including grenades. When discussing the 2nd amendment, the "arms" in question are and always have been about guns.

And anyone knowing anything at all about the 2nd knows it's not about being able to overthrow a government, but to protect ones self from one if need be.

Point is, you solely brought up grenades for effect, to vilify those defending the 2nd amendment. I say this because no one is arguing for the right to own and use grenades, and you know this to be true.

Robert A Whit
02-10-2013, 06:58 PM
Seems like a play to get more business for their standing up for the 2nd amendment rights of the people. A transparent ploy by a small company to become a big company.

Stupid idea, too. Guess they believe if the government can have hand grenades, we should have hand grenades.
I don't think even they believe it, they just know lots of people will like it and buy more guns from them

La Rue does not sell grenades. Most states are not like CA, NY and Chicago are.

Some states actually stand up for your second amendment rights. That has to zing democrats a hell of a lot.

02-10-2013, 07:19 PM
Within each state, allowed weapons are the same for citizens and enforcement agencies. Simple.

The Second Amendment says nothing about citizens and enforcement agencies being required to have the same weaponry.

Truth is, <nobr>police departments (http://www.debatepolicy.com/#)</nobr> don't need any weapons denied the general public.


The uniformed person standing behind that weapon is risking his/her life to protect others. Just as taking the life of one of these people is a more serious charge than murdering a civilian...

... it only makes sense that they have special considerations for their arms as well.

Believe me, if this company were fortunate enough to have a contract to arm a police department of 30,000, like Glock does... they'd be singing a different story. They're refusing to sell to a department that doesn't buy their shit in the first place. Big deal.

It's the same as me refusing to pour the coals to Scarlett Johansson because she likes Obama. :laugh:

02-10-2013, 07:33 PM
They are too "arms". There is no definition of "arms" as being pistol or rifle only. A knife is an "arm". I do think the government should have better weapons than it's citizenry.

Sorry, I don't buy into the "right to arm oneself against tyranny" line. We have a democratically elected republic. If you don't like them, vote them out. We don't need to be able to overthrow them.

Bingster. Those words probably mirror the words of millions oversea's who took the words of Neville Chamberlain seriously too!

02-10-2013, 11:01 PM
They are too "arms". There is no definition of "arms" as being pistol or rifle only. A knife is an "arm". I do think the government should have better weapons than it's citizenry.

Sorry, I don't buy into the "right to arm oneself against tyranny" line. We have a democratically elected republic. If you don't like them, vote them out. We don't need to be able to overthrow them.

Sorry, you are just wrong, as is Taft, though he at least has the claim to protecting himself. People are the source of legitimacy of government. When they believe the government is no longer legitimate, they have the duty to overthrow it. Can't do so, if unarmed or underarmed.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
02-10-2013, 11:15 PM
Sorry, you are just wrong, as is Taft, though he at least has the claim to protecting himself. People are the source of legitimacy of government. When they believe the government is no longer legitimate, they have the duty to overthrow it. Can't do so, if unarmed or underarmed.

You cannot give Reputation to the same post twice.

Bravo!!!! -:salute:--:beer:--:salute:
Seems some people think we should just be at the mercy of any type of government that happens to come along!!
I liken those people to sheep grazing calmly as a pack of wolves surround them. Both blind and dumb!!-Tyr

02-10-2013, 11:20 PM
Sometimes it is important to pay attention to one's intuition and my intuition tells me that just because my government hasn't turned on me yet, doesn't mean they won't at some point.

I want to be prepared and I think this manufacturer has the right to sell their products to whom they wish, and to refuse service to those they wish. Good old American freedom of expression. If they lose gun sales, or increase gun sales, they've at least told the world how they feel.

02-11-2013, 06:04 AM
Sometimes it is important to pay attention to one's intuition and my intuition tells me that just because my government hasn't turned on me yet, doesn't mean they won't at some point.

And the idea that the federal government will use municipal police departments to turn on you is again, sub-moronic.

But before your local police all turn on you and start gunning you down in the streets, in the mean time they still have a job to serve and to protect. They risk their lives in one-on-one (or maybe even outmanned) encounters. They deserve a little consideration for taking that risk.

But fear not.... 1500 people with 7 shot clips can still take down one cop.

Oh joy, oh rapture. Your panties must runneth over.

02-11-2013, 06:46 AM
Sorry, you are just wrong, as is Taft, though he at least has the claim to protecting himself. People are the source of legitimacy of government. When they believe the government is no longer legitimate, they have the duty to overthrow it. Can't do so, if unarmed or underarmed.

Another measure of the legitimacy of government is its ability to enforce laws enacted by legislatures duly elected by the people.

Coming from Chicago, you might have heard about the old days where the mobsters drove around with tommy guns chopping up people with them. The local beat cop walking around with a .38 revolver didn't have a chance in a gunfight. I imagine the wise course of action those police chose was one of non-confrontation.

As a result, roving gangs of mobsters controlled many of the streets. The state and local governments were illegitimate, but hey, the 2nd Amendment was in its prime.

02-11-2013, 06:52 AM
Another measure of the legitimacy of government is its ability to enforce laws enacted by legislatures duly elected by the people.

Coming from Chicago, you might have heard about the old days where the mobsters drove around with tommy guns chopping up people with them. The local beat cop walking around with a .38 revolver didn't have a chance in a gunfight. I imagine the wise course of action those police chose was one of non-confrontation.

As a result, roving gangs of mobsters controlled many of the streets. The state and local governments were illegitimate, but hey, the 2nd Amendment was in its prime.

What 'old days?' In any case, no one said the police should be 'less armed' than citizens.

02-11-2013, 07:08 AM
What 'old days?' In any case, no one said the police should be 'less armed' than citizens.

What "old days"? Ehhhh, Al Capone, used to live in Chicago. Google him.

This may come as a surprise to you, but police do other things during the course of the day than just shooting their guns off. They take reports, investigate car accidents, respond to medical emergencies, etc.

If the idea is to let the people carry whatever they want and have police have to keep pace with the armed populace, then eventually we will have police walking the streets with UZIs or fully automatic weapons. If you have to give someone CPR with a fully automatic rifle slung over your shoulder, it's going to be pretty difficult.

Like we've been lecturing libs for years about the First Amendment, and how it's protections of pornography only go so far... we have to be a *little* bit reasonable about the Second Amendment. Otherwise we're mounting the equivalent of a First Amendment "child pornography" protection for the Second Amendment.

02-11-2013, 07:14 AM
What "old days"? Ehhhh, Al Capone, used to live in Chicago. Google him.

This may come as a surprise to you, but police do other things during the course of the day than just shooting their guns off. They take reports, investigate car accidents, respond to medical emergencies, etc.

If the idea is to let the people carry whatever they want and have police have to keep pace with the armed populace, then eventually we will have police walking the streets with UZIs or fully automatic weapons. If you have to give someone CPR with a fully automatic rifle slung over your shoulder, it's going to be pretty difficult.

Like we've been lecturing libs for years about the First Amendment, and how it's protections of pornography only go so far... we have to be a *little* bit reasonable about the Second Amendment. Otherwise we're mounting the equivalent of a First Amendment "child pornography" protection for the Second Amendment.

Good lord! 'What days' referred to our streets today, not exactly safer. There are plenty of laws to enforce regarding 2nd amendment, more are not needed.

02-11-2013, 07:42 AM
Good lord! 'What days' referred to our streets today, not exactly safer. There are plenty of laws to enforce regarding 2nd amendment, more are not needed.

I didn't say more gun laws are needed. I said the police having access to weaponry denied the general population is not a violation of the 2nd Amendment.

You responded that the people need equal weaponry to overthrow illegitimate governments.

I responded by pointing out that in the heyday of the 2nd Amendment the people of Chicago had the police outgunned which actually resulted in an illegitimate government.

So at this juncture in our conversation you would need to demonstrate how you envision outgunning, or at least equally matching the firepower of, the police would result in a legitimate government, even if it negatively impacts the ability of the government to enforce the laws enacted by a duly elected legislature.

Is a government truly legitimate if it can not enforce its own laws?

02-12-2013, 02:29 PM
Bingster. Those words probably mirror the words of millions oversea's who took the words of Neville Chamberlain seriously too!

What the hell does Neville's appeasement of Hitler have to do with gun control? Are you going to shovel that manure about Hitler disarming his public so he could oppress them?

This gun manufacturer, (or middle man, I don't know what kind of company this really is. I looked at its website and couldn't tell if it was manufacturing guns, accessories, or just selling them for someone else) is merely trying a marketing gimic to get more sales. Nothing about any of the gun control proposals are a violation of anyone's 2nd amendment rights, and the concept of not selling an ar15 to a cop, because the public can't have one is, to me, a misguided policy.

02-12-2013, 06:34 PM
What the hell does Neville's appeasement of Hitler have to do with gun control? Are you going to shovel that manure about Hitler disarming his public so he could oppress them?

This gun manufacturer, (or middle man, I don't know what kind of company this really is. I looked at its website and couldn't tell if it was manufacturing guns, accessories, or just selling them for someone else) is merely trying a marketing gimic to get more sales. Nothing about any of the gun control proposals are a violation of anyone's 2nd amendment rights, and the concept of not selling an ar15 to a cop, because the public can't have one is, to me, a misguided policy.

bingster. Were you born an asshole, or did you go to pre-school to excel at it?

02-15-2013, 12:25 PM
Looks like a couple more jumped on the bandwagon and won't be selling guns to the NY police...

Five companies, thus far, have communicated their intention not to sell to any police or government agencies in New York State.

LaRue Tactical
Olympic Arms

Extreme Firepower Inc, LLC

Templar Custom

York Arms

Guns Save Life is joining with Grass Roots North Carolina in calling for all American gun owners to pressure Sig Sauer, Smith and Wesson and Glock to shut off sales to government agencies in New York State.

If you know executives in any of these companies, email them directly. If not, we’ve got some email addresses below for you.

Keep it short and sweet. Long missives will not be read, so save your time for constructive endeavors.

Here’s a suggested message, tweaking on GRNC’s suggested message: We don’t live in a police state: If it can’t be sold to citizens, it won’t be sold to State and local government.

publicsafetysales@sigsauer.com, dgrier@smith-wesson.com, LE.info@glock.us
