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View Full Version : The unexpected joys of parenthood

02-10-2013, 12:10 PM
Dedicated to long suffering fathers everywhere. :cool:


Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
02-10-2013, 12:16 PM
dedicated to long suffering fathers everywhere. :cool:


ouch!! Hurts watching it ..

02-10-2013, 12:16 PM
Ah yes. Children - The Other White Meat.

02-10-2013, 12:36 PM
It only takes about 1/2 an ounce of pressure to hurt the 'ol jelly beans. You can only imagine what kind of pain a 60lb child can bring!

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
02-10-2013, 12:50 PM
It only takes about 1/2 an ounce of pressure to hurt the 'ol jelly beans. You can only imagine what kind of pain a 60lb child can bring!

Jimmy, back in the early 90's at my brother's house my 5 year old nephew punch me right in the 'ole family jewels . A wicked little punch it was , sent me down to my knees on the front lawn. He had been tugging at my shirt tail for attention while I was debating a hunting related subject with my friend Jeff. After a few minutes he decided to get my attention.. I tell ya that hit felt like a 20 pound sledge hammer, I was down for about 7 or 8 minutes before even daring to try to stand. My friend Jeff was down almost as long laughing at me, he lost his breath laughing so hard! My nephew after seeing the harm he inflicted ran into the barn to hide. That shot hurt me for over a week. Seems it was funny as hell to everybody but me!
Only after having ever received one can a person truly know ... -Tyr

02-10-2013, 01:00 PM
Jimmy, back in the early 90's at my brother's house my 5 year old nephew punch me right in the 'ole family jewels . A wicked little punch it was , sent me down to my knees on the front lawn. He had been tugging at my shirt tail for attention while I was debating a hunting related subject with my friend Jeff. After a few minutes he decided to get my attention.. I tell ya that hit felt like a 20 pound sledge hammer, I was down for about 7 or 8 minutes before even daring to try to stand. My friend Jeff was down almost as long laughing at me, he lost his breath laughing so hard! My nephew after seeing the harm he inflicted ran into the barn to hide. That shot hurt me for over a week. Seems it was funny as hell to everybody but me!
Only after having ever received one can a person truly know ... -Tyr

Women have child birth - man have the family jewels to protect! While I never gave birth, I'm betting the pain is similar. Just be happy we don't endure that pain for hours on end. :beer:

02-10-2013, 01:22 PM
Seriously, that could be really dangerous. About 6 years ago we had the kids for the weekend. The middle boy weighed abut 50 lbs at the time. V4R was sleeping on the sofa on his stomach. Middle child decided wrestling moves were in order. He made a flying leap off the back of my brand new sofa onto Dad's back right over a kidney. The muscles in that area have never been the same and still give V4R pain with certain moves. The impact on a less protected and more sensitive area could be killer - literally.

02-10-2013, 05:58 PM
Every woman can make all the jokes about 'DA BOYS' as much as they like. Even comparing such a WEIGHT attack to giving birth...still can never be experienced, or explained...If you don't have 'DA BOYS' to protect from sudden Impact, or surprise wrenching tactics.

Staying with the title of this thread. "That IS NOT and Unexpected Joy of Parenthood" shown in the little video.

Every Male who watched it....."FELT IT!"