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View Full Version : Say, where are those ObamaCare premium price cuts?

02-11-2013, 02:17 PM
Want to know how to tell you’re going to have a bad day in Washington? A man walks up to you and says, “Hi, I’m Jason Mattera, and I want to ask you a question.” Actually, since Jason is a friend of mine, that would be a good day for me, but not so much for politicians. Jason, the senior investigative reporter for Talk Radio Network and a New York Times best-selling author, gave Hot Air an exclusive first look at his latest video produced for the Andrea Tantaros Show, which features Rep. Jim McDermott (D-WA) attempting to walk away from a good question — whatever happened to those health-care premiums price cuts Barack Obama and Democrats promised when they passed ObamaCare three years ago?

McDermott’s answer is priceless:

<iframe src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/C5waMNlqD9Q" allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="315" width="560"></iframe>

“Who’s paying you? The cock brothers?”

Er, that’s Koch brothers, as Jason corrects McDermott. McDermott tries to first walk away from Jason, but then later engages him by arguing that all other Western nations have national health-insurance management. “Every industrialized country in the world takes are of its people,” McDermott replied, which doesn’t actually answer Jason’s original question but does address his follow-up. Why not just turn around and offer the answer in the first place? Probably because there is no good answer, as premiums spike upward and the promise to bend cost curves downward turn out to be empty.


02-11-2013, 05:35 PM
I'm reading a book on Obamacare (you've heard it advertised on the radio).

This is what Obamacare is all about... to ensure that everyone in the US in insured. It does this in two ways:

1. Expand Medicaid by lowering the qualifications for being eligible.
2. For those who are not in category #1, the mandate that everyone has insurance either through their employers' plans or by purchase through state exchanges

Very little in Obamacare addresses the cost of medical care or medical insurance. In fact, the cost of premiums has increased significantly since March of 2010, the month that Obamacare was signed into law. In fact, the expectation is that medical insurance premiums will continue to become more costly as Obamacare slowly takes effect.

The problem with medical care is that it's expensive, there are many causes. Part of the problem can be remediated by instituting tort reform (doctors spent 56 billion dollars in malpractice insurance in a recent year). Another is that medical technology is simply expensive, so it may be that no matter what, medical care will be expensive. Of course, the fact that health insurance companies are sheltered from competitive pressures because, as we all know, people cannot purchase insurance across state lines. In addition, insurance companies are sheltered from the Sherman Anti-Trust laws, which can't be a good thing.

Some of the things that can be done to help bring the cost of health insurance down

1. Institute tort reform
2. Remove the protection that insurance companies have from anti-trust laws
3. Increase competitive pressures on insurance companies by allowing the purchase of insurance across state lines
4. Set up a federal insurance exchange which the government negotiates the best price in order for insurance companies to take part in. Insurance companies would gladly do this in order to gain access to such large markets.
5. Make Health Savings Accounts the equivalent of 401(k)s... young people could accumulate money in these tax free and use the funds in them when they're older. People with HSAs could supplement their coverage using catastrophic medical insurance.

02-11-2013, 09:40 PM
Is it 2014 yet? If not then relax as until then they do not take effect. If you live in a state with a republican Governor you will not have any medical care like medicare. Enjoy the red state morass.

02-11-2013, 09:44 PM
Is it 2014 yet? If not then relax as until then they do not take effect. If you live in a state with a republican Governor you will not have any medical care like medicare. Enjoy the red state morass.

Sure thing April15. Keep trying to convince yourself how all of that BS is true.

By the time 2014 gets here. You'll be able to tell all of us...how Wonderful You THOUGHT obamacare was...before you learned the truth.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
02-11-2013, 10:05 PM

In my opinion in a truly just world that old lying bastard would be horsewhipped for his attitude and his actions as a Representative of the people. However in this lib controlled world of lying dems, corrupt politicians , obama and other assorted asshats he is noted to be a great man!!--Tyr

02-12-2013, 08:30 PM
Sure thing April15. Keep trying to convince yourself how all of that BS is true.

By the time 2014 gets here. You'll be able to tell all of us...how Wonderful You THOUGHT obamacare was...before you learned the truth.
And a big thanks to Toxic on another forum for this information.

Most of the ACA has not been implemented.

Lets see:
1) there is no ObamaCare.
2) the State Healthcare Market Places will not be established till 2014.
3) Medicaid access will not be expanded till 2014.
4) Tax Credits will not be expanded till 2014.
5) Elimination of Annual Limits on coverage will not occur till 2014.
6) Elimination of Discrimination due to Pre-Existing Conditions or Gender isn't implemented till
7) Enforce unreasonable rate hikes 2014.
8) Small business Tax Credits to Health Insurance Tax Credits 2014.
9) Paying Physicians based on value not volume 2015.

Of course, exchanges will never be established in states where (most) Republican Governors
have blocked implementation.

If you governor is a Republican idiot asshole like mine in Texas,
1) you will get no benefits,
2) you will continue to pay for medical care of Wetbacks via sales or property taxes.
3) your poor will not get preventative care, so their medical care will be high cost catastrophic
4) youth will continue to avoid insurance and you will pay for them,
5) your medical institutions will not streamline data and payment flow,

This should answer any questions about the law. It will make you smarter.

02-12-2013, 08:38 PM
Is it 2014 yet? If not then relax as until then they do not take effect. If you live in a state with a republican Governor you will not have any medical care like medicare. Enjoy the red state morass.

I'm not worried, there will be plenty of opportunities to game it. For example, go uninsured until you get sick. Perhaps being "unemployed" for a month between consulting gigs will qualify for six months of free healthcare.