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02-11-2013, 04:36 PM
And sees Ted Nugent looking back at him!

WASHINGTON – Ted Nugent, the rocker-turned-gun-rights activist who was the subject of a Secret Service investigation last year after controversial remarks about President Obama, will attend Tuesday's State of the Union address as the guest of a conservative congressman from Texas.

The invitation from Rep. Steve Stockman (R-Texas), announced Monday, comes as some Democratic lawmakers have invited people who have been affected by gun violence to attend the presidential address.

Stockman, in a statement announcing the invitation, said he was "excited to have a patriot" like Nugent join him in the House chamber, and that afterward he’s sure "Ted will have plenty to say."


02-11-2013, 07:07 PM
"State of WHO'S Union? Mr. President?"
Comes a mysterious voice from the room, as visions of this

come to mind.....4505

02-11-2013, 07:25 PM
And sees Ted Nugent looking back at him!


"will either be dead or in jail"
I'm flabbergasted they'd let that nut job into the building. Maybe he won't. I hope he gets turned away at the door.

02-11-2013, 07:44 PM
"will either be dead or in jail"
I'm flabbergasted they'd let that nut job into the building. Maybe he won't. I hope he gets turned away at the door.

For what reason should he be turned away? He was rightfully invited by a congressperson and there is no reason to stop him from being in attendance. Unless you know something I don't know, his comments were rhetorical, and even the government and SS cleared him.

Unless of course you think we should bar such invites to people we disagree with?

02-11-2013, 08:13 PM
"will either be dead or in jail"
I'm flabbergasted they'd let that nut job into the building. Maybe he won't. I hope he gets turned away at the door.

bingster. Would you prefer they allow another nut job like you there? Nugent is a citizen, and was invited by another citizen. What problem do you have with him exercising his RIGHTS to be there???

And, because you call him a Nut Job makes it so?

If so. Then you also FIT THE BILL.

02-11-2013, 08:39 PM
For what reason should he be turned away? He was rightfully invited by a congressperson and there is no reason to stop him from being in attendance. Unless you know something I don't know, his comments were rhetorical, and even the government and SS cleared him.

Unless of course you think we should bar such invites to people we disagree with?

They didn't hunt him down and arrest him. That doesn't mean they will clear him for the state of the union. Did I miss something? Did they clear him for the state of the union?

02-11-2013, 08:42 PM
bingster. Would you prefer they allow another nut job like you there? Nugent is a citizen, and was invited by another citizen. What problem do you have with him exercising his RIGHTS to be there???

And, because you call him a Nut Job makes it so?

If so. Then you also FIT THE BILL.

Anyone who makes "rhetorical" threats to the president is either a nut job or stupid. Unless I missed something, just because the secret service didn't arrest him for his "rhetorical" comments doesn't mean they will allow him into the same city as the president.

02-11-2013, 09:09 PM
They didn't hunt him down and arrest him. That doesn't mean they will clear him for the state of the union. Did I miss something? Did they clear him for the state of the union?

No reason he shouldn't pass the same clearance everyone else goes through. But why even run to "did he get clearance"? He should receive the same level of scrutiny that any other law abiding citizen receives that sits in the public gallery. He doesn't get treated differently because he has such an anti-Obama stance.

02-11-2013, 09:10 PM
Anyone who makes "rhetorical" threats to the president is either a nut job or stupid. Unless I missed something, just because the secret service didn't arrest him for his "rhetorical" comments doesn't mean they will allow him into the same city as the president.

It wasn't a threat. If it was, he could have been brought up on a number of charges.

02-11-2013, 09:46 PM
Anyone who makes "rhetorical" threats to the president is either a nut job or stupid. Unless I missed something, just because the secret service didn't arrest him for his "rhetorical" comments doesn't mean they will allow him into the same city as the president.

Bingster. Other than yourself. Is there anyone else living on Earth that you get along with? Other than the doctor who performed your abortion, and failed???

If that question offends anyone. Go somewhere else.

02-11-2013, 10:20 PM
Obama should ask Nugent why he dodged the draft during Viet Nam, and does he recall his remarks that "anyone who uses a gun to kill things is a pussy. Real hunters use only a bow and arrow." Or telling Circus Magazine that he avoided joining the military because they are "nothing but professional killers."

02-12-2013, 11:46 AM
Obama should ask Nugent why he dodged the draft during Viet Nam, and does he recall his remarks that "anyone who uses a gun to kill things is a pussy. Real hunters use only a bow and arrow." Or telling Circus Magazine that he avoided joining the military because they are "nothing but professional killers."

Perhaps he should ask those dumb questions. But this is the State of the Union address and not the appropriate forum.

Btw, I just looked up that exact quote and not a single hit on Google. Are you perhaps making shit up again?

02-12-2013, 11:49 AM
Gabby The Bitch caught with her finger on her **** yet again, LOL.

02-12-2013, 12:16 PM
I know this is going to come as a shock to some of you, but not everything in recorded history has been archived by Google. Some of music's greatest reporting has come from the pages of Circus and Creem magazines, both of which are long defunct and yet to be reprinted or archived (that I know of).
I remember spending hours sitting in our living room, listening to music and reading old music magazines.
Ted Nugent is a particular memory. Not only for recording one of the greatest debut albums ever, but also for spouting off things that pissed off my dad's best friend (who served two tours of duty in Viet Nam).
To my dad's best friend, Ted Nugent occupies the same social status as Jane Fonda.

Perhaps Google contains reference to Ted smearing himself with peanut butter and pissing all over himself before appearing before the draft board.

02-12-2013, 12:21 PM
I know this is going to come as a shock to some of you, but not everything in recorded history has been archived by Google. Some of music's greatest reporting has come from the pages of Circus and Creem magazines, both of which are long defunct and yet to be reprinted or archived (that I know of).
I remember spending hours sitting in our living room, listening to music and reading old music magazines.
Ted Nugent is a particular memory. Not only for recording one of the greatest debut albums ever, but also for spouting off things that pissed off my dad's best friend (who served two tours of duty in Viet Nam).
To my dad's best friend, Ted Nugent occupies the same social status as Jane Fonda.

Perhaps Google contains reference to Ted smearing himself with peanut butter and pissing all over himself before appearing before the draft board.

Sure, billions upon billions upon billions of recorded events and recorded words on the internet. By tomorrow, YOUR quote of Nugent will show up. But not a single other person has stated as much or recorded as much in the history of the internet? But yet we have quotes all over the 'net of people from thousands of years ago? LOL

Ok, I'll bite again though. Can you at least link to us where he supposedly did this peanut butter and pissing thing?

02-12-2013, 01:48 PM
Sure, billions upon billions upon billions of recorded events and recorded words on the internet. By tomorrow, YOUR quote of Nugent will show up. But not a single other person has stated as much or recorded as much in the history of the internet? But yet we have quotes all over the 'net of people from thousands of years ago? LOL

Ok, I'll bite again though. Can you at least link to us where he supposedly did this peanut butter and pissing thing?

This is the closest I could find. The archives of the Detroit Free Press don't include articles from 1921-1999 for some reason:

"But enough about his sometimes awesome, sometimes middling musical career. As patriotic as Uncle Ted claims to be, he pulled a nasty stunt to evade Uncle Sam during the Vietnam War. In a July 15, 1990, Detroit Free Press interview, Nugent crowed about how he managed to dodge the draft. He claims that 30 days before his draft board physical, he disavowed personal hygiene. The last ten days he ingested nothing but junk food and Pepsi, and with a week to go until the physical, he stopped using the bathroom altogether. When the big day came, he had been living in excrement-caked and urine-stained pants. Always the hero, however, Nugent reassured the Free Press, “But if I would have gone over there, I’d have been killed, or I’d have killed all the Hippies in the foxholes. I would have killed everybody.”"

02-12-2013, 02:21 PM
This is what The Left always does. When they find a conservative who is outspoken, they drudge up anything from his past that might point out some sort of hypocrisy. Yet they ignore the past records of their own. Where are The Obama's college records?

02-12-2013, 02:46 PM

02-12-2013, 02:48 PM
This is what The Left always does. When they find a conservative who is outspoken, they drudge up anything from his past that might point out some sort of hypocrisy. Yet they ignore the past records of their own. Where are The Obama's college records?

They point out records of an entertainer from 40 or so years ago. What in the world would make you think that anyone would want college transcripts of perhaps the most powerful man in the world? :poke:

And yes, the hypocrisy is sad, and funny.

02-12-2013, 03:17 PM
They point out records of an entertainer from 40 or so years ago. What in the world would make you think that anyone would want college transcripts of perhaps the most powerful man in the world? :poke:

And yes, the hypocrisy is sad, and funny.
The Vietnam war was extremely unpopular among potential draftees back in the day. My own brother had plans to move to Canada and my mother supported him. He lucked out on his number and didn't have to.

Now he's a far-left liberal but I don't fault him for what he did as as a stupid kid in the 60's. I fault him for what he does now and how he brought up his kids. He did a shitty job as they are closed-minded commies, anarchists and atheists, and barely able to support themselves.

02-12-2013, 03:20 PM
The Vietnam war was extremely unpopular among potential draftees back in the day. My own brother had plans to move to Canada and my mother supported him. He lucked out on his number and didn't have to.

Now he's a far-left liberal but I don't fault him for what he did as as a stupid kid in the 60's. I fault him for what he does now and how he brought up his kids. He did a shitty job as they are closed-minded commies, anarchists and atheists, and barely able to support themselves.

It's easier and more hypocritical to condemn the entertainer in the crowd than give the same scrutiny to the leader of the free world.

The draft was when, late 60's? Early 70's for Nugent? When was Obama in college?

02-12-2013, 03:22 PM
It's easier and more hypocritical to condemn the entertainer in the crowd than give the same scrutiny to the leader of the free world.

The draft was when, late 60's? Early 70's for Nugent? When was Obama in college?

Springsteen also told a story on how he tricked the draft board in a similar fashion yet bitches like Gabs and Bing don't call him out on it. Fucking double-standards.

02-12-2013, 03:30 PM
Springsteen also told a story on how he tricked the draft board in a similar fashion yet bitches like Gabs and Bing don't call him out on it. Fucking double-standards.

True, true. I'm more concerned why so many Democrats don't give a crap about Obama's grades, his transcripts and think anything he did outside of politics is irrelevant.

02-12-2013, 03:37 PM
True, true. I'm more concerned why so many Democrats don't give a crap about Obama's grades, his transcripts and think anything he did outside of politics is irrelevant. They don't care about his grades for the same reason why they don't care about what he's done to the economy, the deficit, the debt, and the reduced credit rating of the US. They hate this country and want to "fundamentally change" it; destroy it. After all, we deseve it for exploiting blacks and every other group of color, and stealing resources from the rest of the world.

02-12-2013, 03:58 PM
Here is the deal. There are a ton of musicians who avoided the draft in the 60's and early 70's. Only one of them has reversed his stripes and is now claiming to be a die hard conservative. That is Ted Nugent.
One interesting thing about Ted is that he has never told the same story twice. There are so many stories about that I doubt even Ted knows which ones are true.

The one truth is this: Ted dodged the draft. He not only refused to go, but he belittled those who did go. There are those who believe that his guilt about this led him to becoming a conservative.

Go to a Nugent concert and 90 percent of the songs he performs will be 30 years old. His music will be older than the majority of his audience. Unlike most classic rockers, Ted doesn't draw older fans. Because Ted has turned his back on those people.

02-12-2013, 04:19 PM
You logic fails per usual, bitch. The draft was a policy of two Democrat presidents: JFK and his murderer, LBJ.

02-12-2013, 06:25 PM
Here is the deal. There are a ton of musicians who avoided the draft in the 60's and early 70's. Only one of them has reversed his stripes and is now claiming to be a die hard conservative. That is Ted Nugent.
One interesting thing about Ted is that he has never told the same story twice. There are so many stories about that I doubt even Ted knows which ones are true.

The one truth is this: Ted dodged the draft. He not only refused to go, but he belittled those who did go. There are those who believe that his guilt about this led him to becoming a conservative.

Go to a Nugent concert and 90 percent of the songs he performs will be 30 years old. His music will be older than the majority of his audience. Unlike most classic rockers, Ted doesn't draw older fans. Because Ted has turned his back on those people.

GABBY. If all you just said about Ted is true. It sounds like both of you are related, or you take after him, using his techniques here.

Which is it?

And, since you are talking about the Draft Dodgers. How come you never say the same things about Bubba Clinton?

02-13-2013, 01:49 PM
Springsteen also told a story on how he tricked the draft board in a similar fashion yet bitches like Gabs and Bing don't call him out on it. Fucking double-standards.

Springsteen didn't threaten anyone. And if Nugent's words were so obviously not a threat, why did SS call him in the first place? I thought his words were very threatening.

And, by the way, Gabs brought up the point. I just searched it because Jimny wanted to see it.

02-13-2013, 01:53 PM
Springsteen didn't threaten anyone. And if Nugent's words were so obviously not a threat, why did SS call him in the first place? I thought his words were very threatening.

And, by the way, Gabs brought up the point. I just searched it because Jimny wanted to see it.

And if we were to believe he stated something "very threatening", Nugent wouldn't have been tweeting what a scam artist Obama is, right from the gallery. Imagine how that makes McChimpy feel - first the man supposedly "threatens" him, then he's sitting in the audience, sending out tweets about the idiot he is! :lol:

02-13-2013, 01:55 PM
Nugent's response to the "threats":

Nugent, who was a guest of Texas Rep. Steve Stockman, has been critical of Obama in the past. But he remained quiet during the president’s roughly 60-minute speech – purportedly staying seated and not applauding while other guests lauded several points of the president’s second-term agenda.

Nugent, a National Rifle Association board member, had to meet last year with Secret Service agents following his remarks about the president at an NRA event.

Though Nugent stayed quiet during the speech, including no tweets, he had plenty to say to reporters inside Stockman’s congressional office beforehand.

“I threatened the president?” Nugent asked, according to Politico. “Are you kidding me? … Why don’t you talk to the Secret Service guys who visited me and concluded nothing even hinted a threat against the president.”

Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2013/02/13/nugent-tweets-his-state-union-response-obama-master-scam-artist/#ixzz2Ko5juKUi

02-13-2013, 02:23 PM
Springsteen didn't threaten anyone. And if Nugent's words were so obviously not a threat, why did SS call him in the first place? I thought his words were very threatening.

And, by the way, Gabs brought up the point. I just searched it because Jimny wanted to see it.

Mycomment had nothing to do with threats. Try addressing the point instead of obscuring.

02-13-2013, 03:23 PM
Some were inspired, before Obama's Groundhog Day speech yesterday, to record this.

It will put a CONFIDENT smile on some faces, and hopefully ..... make the Liberal, Democrat, Obama Lovers..CRINGE.


02-13-2013, 05:54 PM
I am one of those who never felt Nugent was threatening anyone. He was just popping off like he normally does.
Nugent is like my favorite attack dog, Michelle Malkin. Both talk a lot but actually say very little.

02-13-2013, 05:58 PM
I am one of those who never felt Nugent was threatening anyone. He was just popping off like he normally does.
Nugent is like my favorite attack dog, Michelle Malkin. Both talk a lot but actually say very little.

So you are finally telling us Nugent, and Malkin are exactly like you!