View Full Version : Criminals can always get guns by theft,unless they're 100% confiscated from EVERYBODY

02-12-2013, 12:27 PM
Criminals will always be able to get guns, by stealing them, unless they are 100% confiscated from EVERYBODY.

You so-called "gun control" advocates know that, of course. And so, you know your petty little "gun control" laws won't stop the bank robberies, assaults, forcible rapes, murders, mass shootings, etc.

You have had your laws in place for decades now. And the murders and mass shooting have continued unabated, and even gotten worse.

Your "strict gun control" laws won't work if they leave even SOME of the country's law-abiding citizens armed... since criminals can then still get guns by stealing them. And, being criminals, if they want a gun that's exactly what they will do.

And with 100,000,000 gun-owning households in the country, even a paltry 10% refusal rate for your (flatly unconstitutional) laws, will result in ten MILLION households keeping their guns.

But, surely you have thought of these things.

So, are you willing to send out thousands of SWAT teams to break down the door of every house of every law-abiding citizen who refuses to obey your "strict gun control" (aka total consfication) laws, and arrest the occupants while they thoroughly ransack the house to make sure they've got all the guns?

How long are you planning your reign of terror to last?

And, just in case any of those law-abiding gun owners decides to NOT submit tamely to the knock on the door (or were you planning on busting in without knocking, maybe at 2:00 AM, on everyone?)... how many thousands of gunfights do you consider to be "acceptable collateral damage" during the fulfillment of the wet dream you have expressed here?

How many of those 10,000,000 law-abiding citizens (more if there's more than one in each house) are you willing to kill, "pour encourager les autres"?

As your fellow jackbooted thugs pointed out when informed that their Fast & Furious plan a few years ago, would result in innocent civilians and/or enforcement personnel dying, "Well, you can't make an omelette without scrambling a few eggs."

How long do you plan to keep that as your motto?

Just asking. Because, of course, people like you will never answer.

02-12-2013, 12:46 PM
Almost anyone who can get you weed can get you a gun.

02-12-2013, 04:07 PM
Another conspiracy theorist thread.

Criminals can always get guns, that's true. It would be nice to make it harder, though.