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View Full Version : Young adults face “rate shock” because of ObamaCare

red states rule
02-18-2013, 03:42 AM
How much more harm does Obamacare have to do to the US economy before Dems realize Obamacare was a massive mistake? Of course this could have been the end result Dems were looking for so they are probably giddy over what is happening

So if you are young, you may lose your job, have your work hours cut to below 30 hours per week; or end up paying much more for your current coverage (or you could be one of the more than 7 million who will lose your coverage according to the CBO)

Damn that Obamacare is something else isn't it?

Many young, healthy Americans could soon see a jump in their health insurance costs, and insurance companies are saying: It’s not our fault.
The nation’s insurers are engaged in an all-out, last-ditch effort to shield themselves from blame for what they predict will be rate increases on policies they must unveil this spring to comply with President Obama’s health-care law.

Insurers point to several reasons that premiums will rise. They will soon be required to offer more-comprehensive coverage than many currently provide. Also, their costs will increase because they will be barred from rejecting the sick, and they will no longer be allowed to charge older customers sharply higher premiums than younger ones.

Supporters of the law counter that concerns about price hikes are overstated, partly because federal subsidies will cushion the blow.
The insurers’ public relations blitz is being propelled by a growing cast of executives, lobbyists, conservative activists and state health officials. They increasingly use the same catchphrase — “rate shock” — to warn about the potential for price surges.

Aetna chief executive Mark T. Bertolini invoked the term at his company’s recent annual investor conference, cautioning that premiums for plans sold to individuals could rise as much as 50 percent on average and could more than double for particular groups such as the young and healthy.

The danger of rate shock has also become the favored weapon of conservative opponents of the law, repeated in a drumbeat of op-eds and policy papers in recent weeks.

The argument is a powerful one because the success of the law, which was the signature domestic accomplishment of Obama’s first term, depends on enough people signing up for insurance, particularly healthy people. The issue is surfacing as the most recent significant challenge in implementing the health-care overhaul.


02-18-2013, 07:23 AM
Yup, ACA sucks.

02-18-2013, 07:36 AM
How much more harm does Obamacare have to do to the US economy before Dems realize Obamacare was a massive mistake? Of course this could have been the end result Dems were looking for so they are probably giddy over what is happening

So if you are young, you may lose your job, have your work hours cut to below 30 hours per week; or end up paying much more for your current coverage (or you could be one of the more than 7 million who will lose your coverage according to the CBO)

Damn that Obamacare is something else isn't it?

This is merely a transitional program that was designed to fail.

When it doesn't work, there won't be any talk of repealing it. It will be onward and "forward" to a single-payer system.

02-18-2013, 10:19 AM
This is merely a transitional program that was designed to fail.

When it doesn't work, there won't be any talk of repealing it. It will be onward and "forward" to a single-payer system.That is the problem.. That will be the death of good healthcare in the US for the average citizen who can not afford a supplemental policy to augment what the govt doesn't cover...

Single payer systems don't work on the large scale of the US, it may work at a state level but it will be horribly ineffecient and bloated bureaucracy of the highest caliber at the federal level... Anyone that thinks otherwise isn't thinking at all!!!!!!!!!

02-18-2013, 02:01 PM
How much more harm does Obamacare have to do to the US economy before Dems realize Obamacare was a massive mistake? Of course this could have been the end result Dems were looking for so they are probably giddy over what is happening

So if you are young, you may lose your job, have your work hours cut to below 30 hours per week; or end up paying much more for your current coverage (or you could be one of the more than 7 million who will lose your coverage according to the CBO)

Damn that Obamacare is something else isn't it?

To get and maintain any stability into such a system, its finances have to be 'ring-fenced' against fiscal realities that the rest of the US economy suffers ... which itself guarantees how much of a financial burden it will be.

This has been the UK's experience of maintaining our own NHS .. and, with all the horror stories that have emerged from it of late, it's not as though all these burdensome efforts have produced a worthwhile result !!

See ...


Critical list: London hospitals facing uncertain future

A bankrupt NHS trust operating three hospitals that serve a million people in south London looks set to be carved up between the NHS and the private sector, according to controversial proposals to be revealed today.

South London NHS Healthcare Trust was declared bust and administrators called in three months ago after overspending about £1m a week to accumulate debts of £150m.

Its three hospitals, Queen Mary's in Sidcup, Princess Royal (PRU) in Bromley and Queen Elizabeth (QEH) in Woolwich – have struggled with patient satisfaction and spiralling debt since they were merged into a super-trust in 2009.

Matthew Kershaw was parachuted in as special administrator by Andrew Lansley, the former Health Secretary, after it became clear that its two hugely expensive private finance initiative (PFI) deals meant the status quo was impossible for the taxpayer to sustain.

Imagine such problems developing in a system several times the size of ours, as an American equivalent would HAVE to be !!!

Then again ..


A recent study conducted in the UK has predicted that by 2025, obesity in the UK will cost the National Health Service £20bn per year, adding up to around 12% of the annual budget.

Whilst this may not seem much, it could be enough to bankrupt the National Health Service.

Creating any system even remotely like ours is madness. Taxation to pay for it would be substantial .. and for what ? A 'service' that creaks along, threatening to fail at any moment.

02-18-2013, 03:26 PM
Nobody wanted to listen, or pay attention before Obama was elected.
Then, after pushing through Obamacare with the blessings of Nancy Pelosi, and the millions of totally Uninformed Americans who voted for Obama. They still refused to listen, and voted for him a second time.

And Only Now....they are experiencing "rate shock"?

This is what they DEMANDED. This is what they VOTED for. This is what they GOT!

02-18-2013, 04:00 PM
Conservatives have been pointing out that this would happen, literally for years.

And, of course, they've been laughed at and derided for all that time by liberals, called heartless bullies, dooomsayers, uncaring, etc. etc.

Who will the liberals laugh at now? They're starting to run out of people to blame.

Robert A Whit
02-18-2013, 04:38 PM
That is the problem.. That will be the death of good healthcare in the US for the average citizen who can not afford a supplemental policy to augment what the govt doesn't cover...

Single payer systems don't work on the large scale of the US, it may work at a state level but it will be horribly ineffecient and bloated bureaucracy of the highest caliber at the federal level... Anyone that thinks otherwise isn't thinking at all!!!!!!!!!

Well, the Feds wanted to be in charge of our public schools.

We let them.

Now the same Feds try to explain to us why schools suck.

The Feds wanted to take full charge of our highways.

We let them.

Now the same Feds claim our roads are terrible.

They wanted to fix our housing.

We let them.

Then housing crashed.

Now they want to take over my body?

I see.

02-18-2013, 04:48 PM
Yup, ACA sucks.

Then why are you always on here supportin Obama and stuff? :poke:....:rolleyes:

Abbey Marie
02-18-2013, 04:58 PM
Employees should be forced to sign this to get benefits:

"I understand and agree that this ___% increase in the cost of my heath benefits is the direct result of President Obama's heath care legislation.

I also understand that the very Congress that voted for it does not have to live with its effects.

Finally, I understand and agree that if I voted for Obama, I'm an ass and I deserve the crap sandwich that I am now eating".


___________________ (employee name)

It won't change anything in the short term; I just like the idea of it. ;)

red states rule
02-19-2013, 02:54 AM
Employees should be forced to sign this to get benefits:

"I understand and agree that this ___% increase in the cost of my heath benefits is the direct result of President Obama's heath care legislation.

I also understand that the very Congress that voted for it does not have to live with its effects.

Finally, I understand and agree that if I voted for Obama, I'm an ass and I deserve the crap sandwich that I am now eating".


___________________ (employee name)

It won't change anything in the short term; I just like the idea of it. ;)

Oh the liberal media and low information voters would have a fit over that Abbey

Remember the guy who owned a chain of Denny's restaurants that had the gall to add a Obamacare surcharge to every check? Remember the outrage the liberal media had and the posters here that got a hair up their ass that the owner would make such a "political statement"?

red states rule
02-19-2013, 04:36 AM
Nobody wanted to listen, or pay attention before Obama was elected.
Then, after pushing through Obamacare with the blessings of Nancy Pelosi, and the millions of totally Uninformed Americans who voted for Obama. They still refused to listen, and voted for him a second time.

And Only Now....they are experiencing "rate shock"?

This is what they DEMANDED. This is what they VOTED for. This is what they GOT!

Your post reminds me of one of those classis movie scenes

Remember Cool Hand Luke and "What we have here is a failure to communicate"?


02-19-2013, 04:54 AM
Oh the liberal media and low information voters would have a fit over that Abbey

Remember the guy who owned a chain of Denny's restaurants that had the gall to add a Obamacare surcharge to every check? Remember the outrage the liberal media had and the posters here that got a hair up their ass that the owner would make such a "political statement"?

Ironic your deride low information voters while attacking those who pointed out the information regarding said Denny's owner for instating a "surcharge" for costs that he not only had not incurred, but that he would not incur-- making his "surcharge" a political statement. He can make any statement he wants; even an ignorant one.

red states rule
02-19-2013, 04:58 AM
Ironic your deride low information voters while attacking those who pointed out the information regarding said Denny's owner for instating a "surcharge" for costs that he not only had not incurred, but that he would not incur-- making his "surcharge" a political statement. He can make any statement he wants; even an ignorant one.

Did I mention any names?

LR, people are losing their jobs, having their work hours reduced, and taxes have gone up - all thanks to Obamacare. You can choose to ignore these facts (like the administration) but companies are in business to make a profit - not foot the bill for Obama's socialized medicine plan