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View Full Version : With Sequestration looming on the horizon, Obama takes a 3 day golf vacation

02-18-2013, 10:22 PM
As if we need more proof that Obama is completely clueless and unqualified to lead this country.

With a massive 1.2 Trillion dollar sequestration cut coming on March 1st, one that affects the nation's defense, and will result in a deep recession and a million more out of work, Barack Obama does what he does best... goes on vacation.


A paper hanger ruined Germany, a community organizer is ruining ours

02-18-2013, 10:45 PM
As if we need more proof that Obama is completely clueless and unqualified to lead this country.

With a massive 1.2 Trillion dollar sequestration cut coming on March 1st, one that affects the nation's defense, and will result in a deep recession and a million more out of work, Barack Obama does what he does best... goes on vacation.


I don't know about you, but I'm going to sleep better tonight knowing that he's, Nancy Pelosi, and Harry Reid are on the job.

A paper hanger ruined Germany, a community organizer is ruining ours

KarlMarx: Obama has no idea what is about to take place. His only concerns now, after fooling the people into voting for him again, are to systematically, and intentionally destroy our nation.
The first step...much like the Fall of Rome, was the destruction of the Military, while the economy ran rampant, and became uncontrollable.
If anyone has ever heard the words "If we fail to remember History. We are doomed to repeat it!"

That seems to be Obama's sole intent in his Legacy of Carter-like, self gratification, and Obamasterbation of our Nation.

Marcus Aurelius
02-19-2013, 07:49 AM
As if we need more proof that Obama is completely clueless and unqualified to lead this country.

With a massive 1.2 Trillion dollar sequestration cut coming on March 1st, one that affects the nation's defense, and will result in a deep recession and a million more out of work, Barack Obama does what he does best... goes on vacation.


A paper hanger ruined Germany, a community organizer is ruining ours

Not to worry. Obama promised it would not happen on his watch.