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View Full Version : Jobs are the priority? No so much. How the current regime's destructive ideals hurt

02-22-2013, 08:31 AM
Just one slide - from NY- showing the impacts of the Idealogue-in-Chief's sticking-to-his-guns in terms of "Wanting to implement strategy that harms the Nation" vs. cutting entitlement spending.

Find out how YOUR state will be impacted because the people in charge will not listen to reason, in favor of choosing a side favourable with the majority of their political base: Those suckling from tax dollars without giving ANYTHING back to society. :(




02-22-2013, 09:03 AM
Unfortunately, that is just the Army perspective. The Air Force and Navy will experience the same sort of cuts which can be added to those shown by the Army. The loss of pay and reduction in funding for sustainment of the work force sure to be impacted within the other Services must be added to get the total. That $351 million and 9,163 jobs affected could be tripled for New York. That is just one state folks. Also, don't forget that the impact shown in those slides do not reflect the secondary effects on local economies throughout each state. Money gets tight, they go out to eat less, spend less in stores, etc. which will have impact on non-DoD related companies and workers. Ripple effects could be a bitch!

None of that matters, of course, as long as the Dems/libs can sit back and congratulate themselves on the great job their elected representatives are doing in rescuing the country from the evil Repubs, dismantling the evil military-industrial complex, and rescuing the poor, unemployed and undocumented.