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View Full Version : Cspan on guns

Robert A Whit
02-22-2013, 08:12 PM
There is much to know in this video. A woman was delayed 4 months to get hers.

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Robert A Whit
02-22-2013, 08:19 PM
I used the share part on CSPAN

Used video here and the link does not work unless I try to edit it. Then I see the video.

anyway you can fix the link? Thanks

02-22-2013, 08:23 PM
A caller on a radio show I listen to said this morning that he had been denied based on the federal background check with no reason listed. He said an acquaintence had been denied a gun purchase because the background check and the reason listed was he already owned too many guns. Wouldn't surprise me if they are failing all background checks for no reason other than they've been directed to.

Robert A Whit
02-23-2013, 12:08 AM
A caller on a radio show I listen to said this morning that he had been denied based on the federal background check with no reason listed. He said an acquaintence had been denied a gun purchase because the background check and the reason listed was he already owned too many guns. Wouldn't surprise me if they are failing all background checks for no reason other than they've been directed to.

That video at the top post has some such callers too I believe.

The woman reporter spoke about her problems getting her permit. She said the crooks have guns and get them easily. The law abiding citizens have a lot of problems to this day in DC.