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View Full Version : Guy hikes up our mountain inside city limits

Robert A Whit
02-23-2013, 11:03 PM
We have a very large city in square miles. I know, LA is larger and so is NY City. but for a population of maybe 115,000 it is all over the place.

We have a community college in the foot hills. And to a lot of those back east, what we call hills, you guys call mountains.

Mission Peak is in the city limits. We also border the SF Bay. Fremont completely surrounds another city called Newark, CA. They should have joined the city when it was formed. So now they are an island.

Anyway, these guys posted a decent video of them climbing up to the top of Mission peak. Look at them as they find a rattle snake.

We have those snakes in the city, mountain lions and other wild game.


02-24-2013, 08:39 AM
Rattlesnakes and Mountain Lions huh?

You never hear about Liberals being eaten by Mountain Lions...

Liberals must not taste so good....

Robert A Whit
02-24-2013, 07:26 PM
Rattlesnakes and Mountain Lions huh?

You never hear about Liberals being eaten by Mountain Lions...

Liberals must not taste so good....

That video shows the hikers going up from Stanford Rd. At one time, the same Stanford that once was the Governor of CA / also Stanford U is named for him, had a home in this city. Thus the name fits. I have hiked some part of that trail. That video is in the summer since the hills are then brown. They are currently green. While I did see cattle, i don't recall any horses. No rabbits or snakes. I suppose it was too warm for them on that day to be out laying around.

I have never seen a lion in this town but it is well known that some residents have seen them.

That hike video does not really show the main part of the city is on flat land or even in the foot hills. Fremont has a law that will not allow homes built above what they call the toe of the hills.

Frankly, a lot of the hills are simply too steep to put a home up there in my opinion.

I The city has a maximum slope to build on. I believe they have the rule due to fire or police protection having a hard time going up or down. i know, other cities do build on places like that. Fremont simply refuses.

02-24-2013, 08:34 PM
Rattlesnakes and Mountain Lions huh?

You never hear about Liberals being eaten by Mountain Lions...

Liberals must not taste so good....

Lions, and Tigers, and Bears...Oh my! 4557 4558 4559

Robert A Whit
02-25-2013, 04:43 PM
Actually, CA has bears. And at one time had many Grizzly bears up and down the state.

Mountain lion attacks are rare in CA yet some of them result in the rapid death of those they do attack.

From Wikipedia:
The grizzly bear appears on the flag of California (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flag_of_California), though they are extinct in the state (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Local_extinction), the last one having been shot in 1922.[9] (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grizzly_bear#cite_note-9)