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View Full Version : Pothead "Conservative" Infiltrators

02-24-2013, 09:43 AM
As has become evident on this forum, and many other forums across the www, the conservative movement has been infiltrated by liberals masquerading as right wing libertarians.

I remember Ron Paul's 1988 presidential campaign. It got virtually nil public attention. Yes, he was in favor of legalizing marijuana back then as well, but then legalization was considered a radical notion and had zero prospects of ever becoming a reality. So crowds did not flock to him in those days and his campaign was nothing more than an amusing side show.

Now I'm not saying Ron Paul is not/was not an authentic libertarian. He most certainly is the real deal. So why has he become such a national figure? Is it his positions on the Federal Reserve or foreign policy?

Of course not. All you ever hear from these pothead libertarians is marijuana rambling and disparaging comments about law enforcement, because law enforcement infringes upon what they view as an unalienable right to smoke marijuana. And you also hear them talking about Constitutional interpretations about search and seizure designed to favor law breakers, the kind of insanity that lead many common sense Democrats away from their party. Cities were being overrun by crime, and the ACLU was leading the charge to make it more and more difficult for the police to do anything about it.

30 years ago, who were the only people saying this crap? Liberals.

30 years ago, who were the people opposing this crap? Conservatives.

These so-called "libertarians" are those very same liberals now wearing right wing clothing.

The scary thing is, they are often successful in fooling otherwise clever conservatives. They'll get conservatives to believe tripe like police in a helicopter flying over acres of illegal marijuana fields should not be able to do anything about it because the sighting was without a warrant... That is exactly the kind of liberal idiocy that made liberalism a bad word in the 1980s.

Now? Now, they get actual conservatives to buy into the very bullshit that conservatives once decried. The conservative movement exploded with popularity by opposing this kind of liberal insanity... and now conservatives are being duped into embracing that same liberal insanity.

Incredibly, conservatives today who cling to the conservatism of the Reagan Revolution frequently get called "liberals" by these pothead liberaltarians and otherwise intelligent conservatives who fall for their crap.

If these liberaltarians expand their conversation into "rights" and other issues, more of their liberal positions are inevitably exposed.... abortion is a right, entering the country illegally is a right, remaining in the country illegally is a right, prostitution is a right, Jews in Israel are bad, Arabs are good. In fact, even the inherent racism built into liberalism comes out.

The whole small government business they advocate is a front, like the dry cleaning shop that has a gambling den in the back room. Ron Paul, a genuine libertarian, provides them with enough talking points to help them through with this charade. But ask yourself, where do these so-called liberaltarians make their most emphatic stances? On the issue of the Federal Reserve? On Israel?

Or is it when discussing their personal perceptions of individual liberties, marijuana, and the handcuffing of law enforcement?

They rant about their personal interpretations of "individual liberties"... as if they are the first ones to raise these issues in the history of the republic. This has all been visited and revisited many times. The limits they wish to put on law enforcement have a track record of aiding and abetting criminals like drug lords and mafia kingpins, etc., and helping to keep them out of prison and in business. We've been there before, done that... only back then it was liberals making these arguments.

But even liberals for the most part are not dumb enough to make those pro-criminal arguments anymore. They saw how liberal soft-on-crime positions decimated their movement and the Democrat party in the past. So now stupid positions that nearly killed liberalism a generation ago, now find a friendly ear in the conservative movement?


People, it's all about marijuana. If Ron Paul changed his position on legalizing marijuana, his popularity would revert back to 1988 levels... fractions of fractions of percentile points.

Simple truth; if marijuana became legal across the nation tomorrow, by the next day these infiltrators would all be liberals again and back in the Democrat ranks. Oh, they will deny it most vehemently, but it's the truth. A few hard-core members may cling on though, to legalize cocaine and opioids, but for the most part they will return to their liberal roots.

I have not been, and will not be fooled by them. Will you?

02-24-2013, 09:58 AM
Legalizing things is a right wing ideology. The idea of "It's your life, do what you want, and keep me out of it."

Are you saying the gov't should be able to BAN items from us? Do you remember what happened when they banned alcohol Are you gonna start calling moonshines and the like a bunch of liberals?

And think about this for a second. Marijuana is no where near as bad for you as alcohol You'll also jump around and party less. Most people who are high just sit around play video games and eat.

Did you know that scientists spend millions to create a drug that will help someone relax and get them to put food into their system? God gives them a plant that does it when it's burnt and it's suddenly illegal.

In case you were too pig headed to realize, the MAIN reason it's illegal is because it's so easy to grow. It'd be near impossible to tax. But think about the repercussions of legalizing it! it's easy to grow! that means it'd be easy to start a business with it!

02-24-2013, 10:01 AM
My disdain for police has nothing to do with marijuana and everything to do with autism. If you visit autism blogs or attend autism support groups you will find a disturbing frequency arrests for things from misdemeanors like disorderly conduct to felonies like resisting arrest or assaulting a police officer. An alert cop (few and far between) would offer an autistic person the back of a squad car as a quiet place and state "I'm going to give you five minutes to get over your sensory overload".

02-24-2013, 10:03 AM

Case in point.

Legalizing things is a right wing ideology.

gay marriage
recreational drug use
illegal immigration

So why do left-wing extremists take so many "right wing" ideological positions?

My disdain for police has nothing to do with marijuana and everything to do with autism. If you visit autism blogs or attend autism support groups you will find a disturbing frequency arrests for things from misdemeanors like disorderly conduct to felonies like resisting arrest or assaulting a police officer. An alert cop (few and far between) would offer an autistic person the back of a squad car as a quiet place and state "I'm going to give you five minutes to get over your sensory overload".

As expected, this discussion causes even more liberalism to rush to the fore:

Liberals are trying to claim there is an explosion and epidemic of autism in the country. There is not. Government merely expanded the definition to include more people under the umbrella of autism. Sort of like it expands the definition of "poverty" until we reach the point that we have the richest poor people in the world.

This redefinition of "autism" creates the misperception of more people needing government assistance, and provides more excuses and court defenses for criminal behavior. So the liberaltarians want more government handouts and more criminal behavior on the streets... yes, such right wing viewpoints. :laugh:

How much more evidence of liberal lunacy do you need?

"Don't worry fella. We are not going to charge you with raping and murdering that woman. You're just having a sensory overload. Sit here a minute and calm down, then I'll drive you home."

That kind of gibberish was laughed out of existence decades ago...

02-24-2013, 10:31 AM

Case in point.

gay marriage
recreational drug use
illegal immigration

So why do left-wing extremists take so many "right wing" ideological positions?

It's glaring obvious that you're ex-cop who was fired for being unprofessional.

02-24-2013, 10:36 AM
It's glaring obvious that you're ex-cop who was fired for being unprofessional.

No, it's glaringly obvious that you have a liberal agenda you're trying to advance through specious conservative dogma.

02-24-2013, 10:39 AM
Taft so Pot is THE most important conservative issue.
the issue that all of conservatism turns on? Really?
your not a REAL conservative if you think the war on drugs is BS.
even if your prolife,
pro gun,
pro constitution,
pro free markets,
pro traditional family,
pro small gov't?

pot is THE issue that makes a persons a LIBERAL? really?

Taft what's your Issue with Pot? You and Drummond both have pet issues that disqualifies others -in your minds- from the camp of Conservatives. For Drummond it's the "war" on terror. nothing less than support for no holds barred military actions allows you to be in the camp he considers conservative. But i thought you where just pulling peoples chain with all your pothead talk. But sadly it's look like your serious.

We all know that if pot is made legal then the police will have a LOT less to do and a LOT less confiscated money in their depts and goods to auction off. And many prisons will probably close.
So I'll just assume that it's part of your crusade for Job security (which includes the ideas that no cop must ever be hurt, disrespected or challenged) , and protecting of your pension and your kids college fund that has made this THE litmus test for conservatives in your mind.

Sorry you can't see strait on this issue. Conservative are suppose to be reasonable ones not the emotional ones. the ones that look at the facts and weight the cost and benefits and determine when something is working or not. The ones that do whats morally right. The Prohibition movement was tried and just plain failed. many Roman Catholics finally joined in leading it's repeal. Even though it was started by Christians. The hypocrisy of prohibitions and the cost out weighted the benefits. Many on the right are beginning to acknowledge the same with Pot.

As I said before I've never smoked pot, not once. And won't If it's ever legalized. But it seems clear at this point that it's just completely counter productive to keep up the "war" on pot. And it's not even an issue that really on the front burner in my mind, or the minds of most conservatives that are ready to vote for legalization. Your the one that keeps bringing it up.

02-24-2013, 10:44 AM
Taft so Pot is THE most important conservative issue.
the issue that all of conservatism turns on? Really?


Pot is the most important issue to liberals masquerading as libertarians.

Epic premise fail.

Please return to point "A" and start again.

02-24-2013, 10:44 AM

Case in point.

gay marriage
recreational drug use
illegal immigration

So why do left-wing extremists take so many "right wing" ideological positions?

laissez faire. If you don't like it, don't partake.

Allow me to demonstrate,
Don't like a tv show;
Left-Ban it!!!
Right-change channel.

Don't want a gun;
left-Ban them!!!
right-Don't buy one.

Left-Pro Choice!
Neo-Con- never!
right-I'm not going to do it.

In other words, only liberals feel like they need to ban everything they disagree with. Whereas the right side has the idea that it's their life and others should stay out of it.
You're sounding more and more liberal the more I listen to you.

02-24-2013, 10:48 AM
See how they unravel when pressed a bit?

They're like that Terminator in "Terminator 2". When he got in trouble and was dumped into the molten metal, all of the forms he'd assumed as disguises come pouring out and apparent to everyone watching.

When pressed, they can't hide what they're really holding within; a liberal agenda.

02-24-2013, 10:51 AM

Pot is the most important issue to liberals masquerading as libertarians.

Epic premise fail.

Please return to point "A" and start again.
So please point out to us all every thread started about legalizing pot by me, cadet, Thunder and anyone else you've divined as being "liberal".

then we'll just have to confess our true motives of conservative infiltration.

02-24-2013, 10:53 AM
See how they unravel when pressed a bit?

They're like that Terminator in "Terminator 2". When he got in trouble and was dumped into the molten metal, all of the forms he'd assumed as disguises come pouring out and apparent to everyone watching.

When pressed, they can't hide what they're really holding within; a liberal agenda.

When i fight with liberals i take what they say and put it in laymans terms to let them hear what they're actually saying.
Shall i do the same with you? (Liberal)

In laymans terms, you just sayd that "I'm right and you're liberal."

Try contributing to an argument :rolleyes:, give me facts next.

02-24-2013, 10:55 AM
laissez faire. If you don't like it, don't partake.

And as usual, the liberaltarians only focus on the immediate matter and the related matters. Such as;

What do we do if pot smokers lose their jobs due to their behavior, who will support their families, house them, feed them, provide medical care? The answer, of course, is the government. Which is what the liberaltarians really want. It's the liberal agenda.

If they were really interested in laws for the betterment of society, they would eliminate the welfare state PRIOR to the legalization of recreational drug use.

But that's not their agenda...

02-24-2013, 11:00 AM
And as usual, the liberaltarians only focus on the immediate matter and the related matters. Such as;

What do we do if pot smokers lose their jobs due to their behavior, who will support their families, house them, feed them, provide medical care? The answer, of course, is the government. Which is what the liberaltarians really want. It's the liberal agenda.

If they were really interested in laws for the betterment of society, they would eliminate the welfare state PRIOR to the legalization of recreational drug use.

But that's not their agenda...

Why would they lose their jobs? Wouldn't it be their own damn fault anyway? They'd probably lose it due to alcohol anyway.
Pro starting jobs is liberal?
Pro do what you want is liberal?
Pro if you fuck up it's your own damn fault is liberal?
Pro do what you want and leave me out of it is liberal?

I think you need to take a political test... Make sure you're actually republican.

02-24-2013, 11:04 AM
So please point out to us all every thread started about legalizing pot by me, cadet, Thunder and anyone else you've divined as being "liberal".

then we'll just have to confess our true motives of conservative infiltration.

Logical fallacy.

One's political leanings can not be determined by the number of threads started on a subject.

As I pointed out quite clearly, I've been watching this liberaltarian movement for years and I've seen it grow. From a parlor room debating group in 1988, to a national legalize marijuana movement behind Ron Paul.

I understand how you missed that in my OP, based on the previous epic premise fail.

02-24-2013, 11:10 AM
Logical fallacy.

One's political leanings can not be determined by the number of threads started on a subject.

As I pointed out quite clearly, I've been watching this liberaltarian movement for years and I've seen it grow. From a parlor room debating group in 1988, to a national legalize marijuana movement behind Ron Paul.

I understand how you missed that in my OP, based on the previous epic premise fail.

Ohhhh we're so stealthy and trixies. we only talk about it in secret. not in public... since 1988, You know we do. You know our reeeal plans and motives.


02-24-2013, 11:18 AM
Why would they lose their jobs? Wouldn't it be their own damn fault anyway? They'd probably lose it due to alcohol anyway.
Pro starting jobs is liberal?
Pro do what you want is liberal?
Pro if you fuck up it's your own damn fault is liberal?
Pro do what you want and leave me out of it is liberal?

I think you need to take a political test... Make sure you're actually republican.


Prioritizing a complete reformation of the welfare state PRIOR to creating a new army of welfare cases is conservatism. Putting a mechanism in place to balloon the welfare population is liberalism.

Saying a democratic society has a right to pass laws regarding certain behavior that impacts the democratic society as a whole is a conservatism.

Saying individuals do not have a right to terminate a life inconvenient to their own is conservatism

Saying a democratic society has a right to determine what it defines as a family is conservatism.

Saying a democratic society has the right to pass and enforce its own immigration laws is conservatism.

Saying our society does not want a return to the liberal activist court rulings of the 1960s and 1970s, handcuffing law enforcement and allowing smirking criminals to walk out of courtrooms free as a bird, is conservatism.

You, on the other hand, are a thinly veiled liberal.

02-24-2013, 11:26 AM

Prioritizing a complete reformation of the welfare state PRIOR to creating a new army of welfare cases is conservatism. Putting a mechanism in place to balloon the welfare population is liberalism.

Saying a democratic society has a right to pass laws regarding certain behavior that impacts the democratic society as a whole is a conservatism.

Saying individuals do not have a right to terminate a life inconvenient to their own is conservatism

Saying a democratic society has a right to determine what it defines as a family is conservatism.

Saying a democratic society has the right to pass and enforce its own immigration laws is conservatism.

Saying our society does not want a return to the liberal activist court rulings of the 1960s and 1970s, handcuffing law enforcement and allowing smirking criminals to walk out of courtrooms free as a bird, is conservatism.

You, on the other hand, are a thinly veiled liberal.

You're saying that conservatism gives the right to pass laws based on morality? :laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:: laugh::laugh2::laugh2::laugh2::laugh2::lmao::lmao: :lmao:

02-24-2013, 11:31 AM

02-24-2013, 11:35 AM
You're saying that conservatism gives the right to pass laws based on morality? :laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:: laugh::laugh2::laugh2::laugh2::laugh2::lmao::lmao: :lmao:

Uhhhh, duh?

Laws descend from morality.

Laws against murder for instance, existed long before the notion of individuals having "rights".

How do you argue murder is wrong, for instance, absent any moral citations?

02-24-2013, 12:01 PM
Who do you want living next to you, a pothead or a drunk? I will take the pothead every day.

Why is it that our legal system spends billions of dollars tracking down, prosecuting and incarcerating people who smoke pot, yet we glorify drinking and give out light sentences (if any) to drunk drivers?

It's incredibly stupid. Either legalize pot or ban tobacco products.

02-24-2013, 03:36 PM
I have not been, and will not be fooled by them. Will you?

Of course you can't be fooled, you'll never miss it because you see it even when it's not there.

Epic premise fail.

You claiming your OP strawman beats a faulty premise. :laugh:

Robert A Whit
02-24-2013, 05:12 PM
Legalizing things is a right wing ideology. The idea of "It's your life, do what you want, and keep me out of it."

Are you saying the gov't should be able to BAN items from us? Do you remember what happened when they banned alcohol Are you gonna start calling moonshines and the like a bunch of liberals?

And think about this for a second. Marijuana is no where near as bad for you as alcohol You'll also jump around and party less. Most people who are high just sit around play video games and eat.

Did you know that scientists spend millions to create a drug that will help someone relax and get them to put food into their system? God gives them a plant that does it when it's burnt and it's suddenly illegal.

In case you were too pig headed to realize, the MAIN reason it's illegal is because it's so easy to grow. It'd be near impossible to tax. But think about the repercussions of legalizing it! it's easy to grow! that means it'd be easy to start a business with it!

One might suppose that cops would love to have that law go away. They would not have to deal with the garden variety pot smoker.

I tried it. I don't happen to like it. I only liked one variety and it was called Panama Red. The rest to me were crap.

But I favor human freedom and make no apology at all. I have waffled on making it legal.

In CA were they to put it up to vote on again, i would use your logic and vote for it again.

I voted to make it legal to patients. I figure some do claw through that loophole and are not sick, but is it my business to manage their life for them?

If Pot is legal, there goes the crime of having it on the books. Cops can look the other way as they now do for booze.

Being on the highway impaired by drugs won't ever be legal. It is not the drug, it is the impairment. Same as if you can't see. And you drive. The law busts you for not driving properly, not because you man need glasses.

We need to understand what Liberal means, what it stands for.

Democrats call themselves LIBERALS, but that is like the Wolf calling itself the sheep.

It makes no sense to me for a group of humans to always create laws to hold humans down then calling themselves liberals. It is pure stupid talk. They lie. They never were liberal.

Approving abortion is no test. Let the woman who is pregnant chop off her legs is she wants control over her body. I won't care one bit if she is renamed Stumply. But when she takes the life of the unwilling, the innocent, she commits murder.

Smoking pot in my opinion is not good for humans. In what way can it be called good? To control nausea for Cancer patients? Maybe it helps.

I approve pot for one simple reason.

It is correct to free humans and incorrect to bind them to useless laws.

If the law was booted out, so would the crime about Pot go away. Crooks would have a hard time selling it due to the price falling so fast.

I believe I am closer to the true human freedom cause but not because of voting republican. That is a tool for me. I vote for republican to keep out Democrats.

Democrats are at no time, no way, actual liberals. They would join with Libertarians were they really liberals.

No true liberal would vote for Obama and his ilk.

02-24-2013, 06:15 PM
We need to understand what Liberal means, what it stands for.

We need to understand what "senile idiot" means and what it stands for.
It means someone who is impossibly behind the times and unable to comprehend modern thinking. Ozzy and Harriett died a long time ago.

Robert A Whit
02-24-2013, 06:17 PM
We need to understand what "senile idiot" means and what it stands for.
It means someone who is impossibly behind the times and unable to comprehend modern thinking. Ozzy and Harriett died a long time ago.

It must be you acting that way over your checkered history that has people laughing at you.

02-25-2013, 08:56 AM
Uhhhh, duh?

Laws descend from morality.

Laws against murder for instance, existed long before the notion of individuals having "rights".

How do you argue murder is wrong, for instance, absent any moral citations?

The moral laws we have are to protect others.
You can do any stupid thing you want to your body or life as far as america's concerned. (or at least should be)
Our rules of morality only come into play when you start harming/disrupting the lives of others.

02-25-2013, 09:37 AM
Who do you want living next to you, a pothead or a drunk? I will take the pothead every day.

Why is it that our legal system spends billions of dollars tracking down, prosecuting and incarcerating people who smoke pot, yet we glorify drinking and give out light sentences (if any) to drunk drivers?

It's incredibly stupid. Either legalize pot or ban tobacco products.

My Brother in law was killed on his way to work by a guy that was so stoned he blew through a traffic light and killed a 27yo who was due to start the police academy in 30 days.

A cigarette doesn't get you high and unable to drive.

Pot Does.

Maybe that pothead next door will run over your kid and kill her as well and you can go...

"Oh...it was only pot... no big deal"

you are truly pitiful in your arguments

02-25-2013, 09:42 AM
Who do you want living next to you, a pothead or a drunk? I will take the pothead every day.

Why is it that our legal system spends billions of dollars tracking down, prosecuting and incarcerating people who smoke pot, yet we glorify drinking and give out light sentences (if any) to drunk drivers?

It's incredibly stupid. Either legalize pot or ban tobacco products.

I wouldn't discriminate against either, but I wouldn't want intoxicated people around in any case. Each brings their own hazards.

02-25-2013, 09:48 AM
Prioritizing a complete reformation of the welfare state PRIOR to creating a new army of welfare cases is conservatism.

No, that's good government.

Putting a mechanism in place to balloon the welfare population is liberalism.

No, that's bad government.

Saying a democratic society has a right to pass laws regarding certain behavior that impacts the democratic society as a whole is a conservatism.

No, that's insisting on big government that legislates what you favor.

Saying individuals do not have a right to terminate a life inconvenient to their own is conservatism

No, saying that we should protect life (and liberty and property) is conservatism.

Saying a democratic society has a right to determine what it defines as a family is conservatism.

No, again that's your flavor of big government.

Saying a democratic society has the right to pass and enforce its own immigration laws is conservatism.

No, that's just good government.

Saying our society does not want a return to the liberal activist court rulings of the 1960s and 1970s, handcuffing law enforcement and allowing smirking criminals to walk out of courtrooms free as a bird, is conservatism.

Following the Constitution is conservatism.

You, on the other hand, are a thinly veiled liberal.

:laugh: You defining conservatism is funny.

02-25-2013, 10:04 AM
We need to understand what "senile idiot" means and what it stands for.
It means someone who is impossibly behind the times and unable to comprehend modern thinking. Ozzy and Harriett died a long time ago.

But modern day Ricky and Lucies live on. I would rather speak Spanish and see the grocery store closed on Ramadan before seeing feminists take over.

Drummond.... if you read this, tell me:

When a Muslims divorce in the UK, does the man get destroyed?