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View Full Version : Sequestration doesn't cut anything! We will INCREASE spending 7% instead of 9%.

02-25-2013, 10:49 PM
All the politicians are screaming about how terrible the cuts will be in sequestration.

Just one problem: There aren't any.

For the last four years (2008-2011), we have increased govt spending an average of 9% per year.

The $85 billion in so-called "cuts" that sequestration will cause, are simply reductions in the rate of increase. And the amount to about 2% of the Federal budget - a relatively tiny amount.

If the Federal budget is scheduled to go up the same as it has in recent years, then this will be taken off the top. So, what would have been a 9% increase, will now become a 7% INCREASE because of sequestration.

That's still an INCREASE. It's not a cut at all.

We keep hearing stories about how teachers will be fired, National Parks will close, etc. etc. because of this coming sequestration. Excuse me, all these terrible things will happen because of a 7% INCREASE in spending???

And that's what they're saying will happen NEXT year, when sequestration kicks in.

Well... we lived through THIS year, without any of the 7% increase at all. Because we don't get that 7% until next year. We had even less govt spending, than we'll have after the 7% for next year. Why didn't any of these terrible things happen THIS year, when we had even less spending than in the "disastrous" year coming next year?

I am the only one who thinks these dire predictions make no sense at all?

02-26-2013, 11:24 AM
So, if I've gotten straight what the fanatic leftists are telling us now...

These firings, furloughs, teacher layoffs etc. that didn't happen this year, WILL happen next year after we increase spending by 7%.

Lefties, is this what you're telling us?

Those of you who aren't running for cover at the sight of actual analysis and conclusions?

02-26-2013, 11:49 AM
I didn't believe it would happen, but the news is saying the administration says it will, now.

Now they are interested in the government shutdown planned for the end of March if they can't get a budget agreement, apparently.

Something is seriously wrong with the way this government is being run --- it just judders from crisis to crisis.

02-26-2013, 12:27 PM
Bull - cuts deeply. Sacrifice 1/12th of your salary at the alter of 'politics' then tell me it doesn't cut anything.

02-26-2013, 12:36 PM
I'm with you Acorn. I am supposed to believe that the apocalypse is eminent if we return spending to 2009 levels? Really?
If this tells us anything it is that government is expanding at an alarming rate requiring ever increasing revenue to operate at even the most basic level.

02-26-2013, 12:44 PM
Bull - cuts deeply. Sacrifice 1/12th of your salary at the alter of 'politics' then tell me it doesn't cut anything.

How does a 7% increase in spending, sacrifice 1/12 of your salary?

02-26-2013, 02:42 PM
How does a 7% increase in spending, sacrifice 1/12 of your salary?

Using stepped-out GS12. 97231 / 1 unpaid day per pay period x 26 pay periods = pay cut of 9723.10, or 10%. 1/12 was based on (slightly more) than 1-month pay cut (26 paid days, vs. 20 paid days (+/-) per month).

instead of cutting pork, or unneccesary spending (POTUS travel, for instance, or other pure waste), they go STRAIGHT to 'hurting the people who are essential in supporting our warfighters'.

Yeah - right. INCREASE in spending my foot. This political fiasco screws people left and right.


Marcus Aurelius
02-26-2013, 03:44 PM
good news... there will be no sequestration...


02-26-2013, 06:22 PM

02-26-2013, 06:44 PM
Using stepped-out GS12. 97231 / 1 unpaid day per pay period x 26 pay periods = pay cut of 9723.10, or 10%. 1/12 was based on (slightly more) than 1-month pay cut (26 paid days, vs. 20 paid days (+/-) per month).

instead of cutting pork, or unneccesary spending (POTUS travel, for instance, or other pure waste), they go STRAIGHT to 'hurting the people who are essential in supporting our warfighters'.

So. despite the fact that they are getting more money next year, they are telling you that you must accept less?

Did you ask them why that is?

02-26-2013, 07:19 PM
Please read this. Not a joke. But a simple way to understand what Congress, and Obama really are doing while trying to scare Americans again...into thinking the World of the U.S.A. will crumble.

Simply put. As an example...which can be used across the board for everything the government does is..

If Education is being threatened by sequestration according to Obama. It only means...Education expected an Increase of 3 percent, but due to sequestration. Education will only receive 1 percent increase.
For Obama, and the Democrats....NOT SPENDING the extra 2 percent IS CUTTING BACK.
Same thing for every other Government department.
If Energy expected 3 percent increase, but due to sequestration. It will only get 1 percent.
Once again. Obama and the Democrats call that CUTTING BACK by 2 percent.

The lousy, dumb, stupid, ignorant FACTS ARE. Too many Americans have been convinced, and actually believe CUTBACKS will hurt them. And Obama, with the Democrats have been playing that game from the very start. Blaming Bush, and Republicans
But the really sad part is. AMERICANS actually ARE stupid.

02-26-2013, 07:41 PM
So. despite the fact that they are getting more money next year, they are telling you that you must accept less?

Did you ask them why that is?

Nobody answers - our DoD "Leaders" are lock-step with POTUS. They WANT to hurt people in an attempt to drum up sympathy for their desire to continue our nation's financial shit-storm.

Just understand this issue IS hurting people. Good people, hard-working who have given decades in service to our nation. I served in the Global War on Terror - and many of my colleagues have even more-so. Those we support DIE in support of same.

But...we're pawns in all this. To hell with you, Mr. Obama, for screwing with MY finances for ONLY hoped political gain. I think I hate your presidency worse than 'incoming'.

02-26-2013, 08:21 PM
Nobody answers - our DoD "Leaders" are lock-step with POTUS. They WANT to hurt people in an attempt to drum up sympathy for their desire to continue our nation's financial shit-storm.

Just understand this issue IS hurting people. Good people, hard-working who have given decades in service to our nation. I served in the Global War on Terror - and many of my colleagues have even more-so. Those we support DIE in support of same.

But...we're pawns in all this. To hell with you, Mr. Obama, for screwing with MY finances for ONLY hoped political gain. I think I hate your presidency worse than 'incoming'.

dmp. First. Thank you for your service. In case I never recognized it here. And, thank you for saying what you did.
I find it comical, in many ways. How I....a thirty year, retired navy veteran can say the very same thing, and end up being ignored, or laughed at because of my age...and for daring to tell the truth about the Idiot we call our president.

As for being pawns. I totally agree. In fact. Not only Obama, but I once had to call LBJ my CIC, then Nixon, and Carter, Reagan before Bush 1, and finally Clinton before I retired in 95. Sad to say. And many will laugh at this too. But every Democrat President I served under hated, and worked hard to destroy our Military.
We are seeing Obama Pretend HE CARES, and insist he Doesn't hate the military.
But...I, and members of our present day military...who are capable of THINKING on their own. Know. Obama wants to, and is working to DESTROY our military. While his followers only repeat the words of Eisenhower....as their only guide toward Ignorance.

02-26-2013, 08:40 PM
Just understand this issue IS hurting people.

Sequestration is not hurting people. a 7% increase in spending is hardly the crack of doom to Federal programs.

The administration's fibs about, and abuse of, sequestration is what's hurting people... as you are finding out.

02-26-2013, 08:56 PM
Sequestration is not hurting people. a 7% increase in spending is hardly the crack of doom to Federal programs.

The administration's fibs about, and abuse of, sequestration is what's hurting people... as you are finding out.

Little-Acorn. Though few will ever admit to being in agreement with me here. You are Right!

Obama and the Democrats have been on an endless quest to SCARE, BOTHER, and LIE to as many Americans as possible.
Anything they can say to make Republicans look bad...IS what they are doing, and doing well for a basically Uninformed, Education lacking portion of the American population who VOTED for Obama not once, but TWICE.

As long as Obama and the Democrats can prevent those Uninformed, Educationally Challenged Americans in the dark, and scared. The Lies about Sequestration....AN OBAMA IDEA...will always sell.
They want, and need America to FAIL, and their tactics WILL WORK.

02-26-2013, 08:58 PM
Sequestration is not hurting people. a 7% increase in spending is hardly the crack of doom to Federal programs.

The administration's fibs about, and abuse of, sequestration is what's hurting people... as you are finding out.

They will hurt people as much as possible so they can get their spending money back. That's always the tactic at every level of government. In this county, they threaten to withdraw funding from the biggest library in the richest suburb, and that guarantees protests (the poor don't care enough, though arguably they need libraries more, so they ALWAYS hit the rich area library) and then they get all they want in their budget after all.

My husband says that in Cleveland when there was a budget crunch, they would always, always stop the school buses. In the winter. In Cleveland snow.

There would be such a fuss made by parents about this that then the council would have to pass the budget they were holding out on.

They could cut the unpopular programs -- I can think of several! -- and the stupid and useless programs. But they want it ALL, to spend, spend, spend, so they'll hurt people as much as they can possibly think of --- letting loose criminal illegal aliens is the threat today. Cutting people's days, no meals for seniors, lots of threats against really useful government services. Stupid stuff like farm runoff checkers, nope, people would applaud if they did cut that, so they won't.

02-27-2013, 06:19 AM
Sequestration is not hurting people. a 7% increase in spending is hardly the crack of doom to Federal programs.

The administration's fibs about, and abuse of, sequestration is what's hurting people... as you are finding out.

You are not even fucking reading, so what's the point....

02-27-2013, 07:40 AM
How does a 7% increase in spending, sacrifice 1/12 of your salary?

The cuts are not across the board... 1/2 of the cuts come from defense (which is 18 percent of the total federal budget) and the other half from everything else..

So that's a 45 Billion cut from a defense budget that has already been cut over and over again these past few years.

People in DoD will be furloughed without pay for as dmp said a set number of days each month and there you go.

As usual, Barack Obama is gunning for the little guy, the people that elected him, and what does he care? He has a golf course to go to.

Barack Obama wouldn't do anything to help you even if you dropped dead on his front doorstep. The sooner we get rid of that 5th horseman of the Apocalypse, the better off we will be.

And let's not forget Harry Reid... under his leadership we have no budget for three straight years. We would not be in this mess if he would just allow the budget resolutions that the House voted on to be voted on.