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02-26-2013, 11:49 AM
'We Have Evolved to Need Coercion'
so says a evolutionary biologist in defense of Bloombergs Sugar ban. the good and wise overseers -who've evolved beyond us i assume- must control the lower undisciplined rabble by coercion or all is lost. It must be done. and you must comply, the state knows better. Trust us, eat what we tell you to... or else.

original article here
http://www.nytimes.com/2012/06/06/op...f=opinion&_r=0 (http://www.nytimes.com/2012/06/06/opinion/evolutions-sweet-tooth.html?ref=opinion&_r=0)

commentary from reason magazine below Quote:

'We Have Evolved to Need Coercion'
'We Have Evolved to Need Coercion' - Hit & Run : Reason.com (http://reason.com/blog/2012/06/06/we-have-evolved-to-need-coercion)
Jacob Sullum|Jun. 6, 2012 12:56 pm

Writing in The New York Times, Harvard evolutionary biologist Daniel Lieberman defends Mayor Michael Bloomberg's proposed 16-ounce restriction on soft drink servings, arguing that "we have evolved to need coercion":

Since sugar is a basic form of energy in food, a sweet tooth was adaptive in ancient times, when food was limited....

Humans evolved to crave sugar, store it and then use it. For millions of years, our cravings and digestive systems were exquisitely balanced because sugar was rare....

The food industry has made a fortune because we retain Stone Age bodies that crave sugar but live in a Space Age world in which sugar is cheap and plentiful. Sip by sip and nibble by nibble, more of us gain weight because we can’t control normal, deeply rooted urges for a valuable, tasty and once limited resource.

Lieberman deserves credit for candidly acknowledging that Bloomberg's "paternalistic plan" relies on "coercion." The mayor, by contrast, wants to have it both ways, getting credit for doing something about obesity while denying that he is limiting freedom in any meaningful way. On Friday he told NBC's Matt Lauer:

We're not banning you from getting the stuff. It's just if you want 32 ounces, the restaurant has to serve it in two glasses. That’s not exactly taking away your freedoms. It’s not something the Founding Fathers fought for.

As I said last week, Bloomberg's restrictions cannot possibly work unless the inconvenience they impose leads people to consume less soda than they otherwise would. By insisting that his restrictions will have no real effect on consumers, he is admitting his plan is doomed to fail.

Writing in Slate, Daniel Engbe asks what science tells us about the pint-sized plan's prospects. The focus on soft drinks, he explains, starts with the premise that liquid calories are less filling and that people therefore are less likely to compensate for them by cutting back elsewhere in their diets. While there is some evidence to support that idea, it is not clear that sugar-sweetened beverages are disproportionately responsible for rising obesity rates: Bloomberg may be convinced they are, but the research on that point is equivocal. Even if he is right, that does not mean his plan will have a measurable impact on New Yorkers' waistlines. As Engbe notes, the city unrealistically assumes that 100 fewer soda calories mean a net dietary reduction of 100 calories, ignoring the question of whether and to what extent people will compensate with calories from other sources. It is doubtful that Bloomberg's regulations can even reduce total liquid calories, especially given all the exceptions: for refills and additional containers, for fruit juices and milk-based drinks (which typically have more calories per ounce than soda), and for beverages sold in supermarkets and convenience stores—including 7-Eleven's Big Gulp, the very epitome of the sweet, bubbly excess that Bloomberg decries.

Lieberman, for his part, does not address the issue of whether Bloomberg's plan can accomplish its ostensible goal (a question that some boosters dismiss as irrelevant). If anything, Lieberman suggests that the mayor's pop policy goes too far, saying, "I think we should focus paternalistic laws on children." Still, he writes, "Adults need help, too, and we should do more to regulate companies that exploit our deeply rooted appetites for sugar and other unhealthy foods." Here Lieberman indulges in some Bloombergian dishonesty, since protecting adults from Big Food's sinister plot to sell them food they like actually means protecting them from their own choices—for example, "by imposing taxes on soda and junk food." In short: paternalism, which Lieberman has just said should be limited to children.

Lieberman's justification for treating adults like children has breathtakingly broad implications, since it is self-evident that humans have evolved to enjoy not just sugar but all of the things they like. Hence every pleasure can legitimately be taxed, regulated, restricted, or banned to prevent people from overindulging in it. By arguing that "an evolutionary perspective" shows governments must restrain people's choices for their own good, Lieberman tries to put a modern scientific veneer on an ancient moral argument. Evolutionary pressures clearly gave humans a taste not only for sweets but also for meddling in other people's lives.

More on Bloomberg's campaign against big sodas here.


From National review Denis Prager
Science Demands Big Government - Dennis Prager - National Review Online (http://www.nationalreview.com/articles/302471/science-demands-big-government-dennis-prager)

The quotation of the week goes to Harvard professor Daniel E. Lieberman, for a statement he made in an opinion piece for the New York Times.

Mr. Lieberman, a professor of human evolutionary biology, was among those who publicly defended New York City mayor Michael Bloomberg’s plan to ban the sale of sugared soft drinks in cups larger than 16 ounces.

And he did so using, of all things, evolution.

Now, we all know that humans have always needed — or evolved to need — carbohydrates for energy. So how could evolution argue for Mayor Bloomberg’s ban on sugar, a pure carbohydrate?

“We have evolved,” the professor concluded his piece, “to need coercion.”

In order to understand both how silly and how dangerous this comment is, one must first understand the role evolutionary explanations play in academic life — and in left-wing life generally. The Left has always sought single, non-values-based explanations for human behavior.

It was originally economics. Man was Homo economicus. Rather than dividing the world between good and evil, the Left divided the world in terms of economics. Economic classes, not moral values, explained human behavior. Therefore, to cite a common example, poverty, not one’s moral value system, or lack of it, caused crime.

Recently, however, the economic explanation for human behavior has lost some of its appeal. Even many liberal professors and editorial writers have had to grapple with the “surprising” fact that violent crime has declined, not increased, in the current recession.

In the words of Scientific American, “Homo economicus is extinct.”

But the biggest reason for the declining popularity of economic man is that science has displaced economics — which is not widely regarded as a science — as the Left’s real religion. Increasingly, therefore, something held to be indisputably scientific — evolution — is offered as the Left’s explanation for virtually everything.

Evolution explains love, altruism, morality, economic behavior, God, religion, intelligence. Indeed, it explains everything but music. For some reason, the evolutionists have not come up with an evolution-based explanation for why human beings react so powerfully to music. But surely they will.

Now, along comes Professor Lieberman not merely to use evolution to explain human behavior, but to justify coercive left-wing social policy.

In other words, not only is the Left progressive when it coerces citizens to act in ways the Left deems appropriate, science itself — through evolution — inexorably leads to government coercion on behalf of such policies.


02-26-2013, 11:52 AM
I think it's about "Nudging."

There's a book out, "Nudge," that says that's how to really change behavior in a population: just keep nudging, nudging. Like the smoking thing. Keep making it harder and harder and harder a little at a time and then finally you get people shaped up.

I haven't read this book yet. I have a feeling I'm not going to like it......

But that it's true.

02-26-2013, 12:00 PM
'We Have Evolved to Need Coercion'

I suppose it wouldn't be right to suggest that government has protected us from evolution so much that government must now resort to coercion.

02-26-2013, 12:04 PM
I suppose it wouldn't be right to suggest that government has protected us from evolution so much that government must now resort to coercion.

Governments always coerce: coercion is exactly what governments DO.

Coerce you to pay taxes, to join the military, to attend the church they want you to attend, to get licenses for everything --- governments have always coerced.

02-26-2013, 12:23 PM
More hogwash from the Ivory Tower. As far as I can tell, human beings have not evolved at all. The only thing that history suggests has evolved is our knowledge of our natural surroundings and by extension, the technology and tools we have created to interact wit it. Other than that, we have "behaved" the same way today as we did thousands of years ago.

Humans and every other creature in the animal kingdom have always indulged in resources that become plentiful. Even simple bacteria are guilty of such behavior. So, when exactly did this biochemical evolution of the human brain, that requires we must be coerced, begin? When sugar became plentiful? Pfft.

As Mundame said, we have always been under force of coercion by the powers that be. In the beginning it was by mere brute force, then came Organized Religion, and now Science has join the mix.

02-26-2013, 12:28 PM
Governments always coerce: coercion is exactly what governments DO.

Coerce you to pay taxes, to join the military, to attend the church they want you to attend, to get licenses for everything --- governments have always coerced.

Did I disagree? Does that mean it's OK and we should accept it? Besides, you missed the core of my statement.

02-26-2013, 02:15 PM
Did I disagree? Does that mean it's OK and we should accept it? Besides, you missed the core of my statement.

Sorry, what did you mean by the core of your statement? Expand a little?

As for whether it is okay........the word "government" MEANS coercion, right? The point of government is to make people do stuff, or not do stuff, like wholesale rape and murder, if possible. "Government" means you are stopping people from doin' what comes naturally, by governing them.

So sure, it's OK and we should accept government, unless we are anarchists, but that would be a silly political position to take. No government ends up like the Congo.

02-26-2013, 03:57 PM
Sorry, what did you mean by the core of your statement? Expand a little?

As for whether it is okay........the word "government" MEANS coercion, right? The point of government is to make people do stuff, or not do stuff, like wholesale rape and murder, if possible. "Government" means you are stopping people from doin' what comes naturally, by governing them.

So sure, it's OK and we should accept government, unless we are anarchists, but that would be a silly political position to take. No government ends up like the Congo.

The core of my statement, "that government has protected us from evolution" means that society has decided that we should be protected from some things that we might otherwise handle on our own. Like healthcare being provided for us and insurance being required to cover certain things.

As far as government meaning "coercion," I disagree. It should first protect your life, liberties, and properties which presumably protects us from the raping and pillaging you seem to expect. By any stretch that "government" means having to keep you from a 32 oz. Coke is pretty silly and far stretches any definition but is the unfortunate premise laid out in the OP.

Also, note that anarchy does not necessarily mean lawlessness.

02-26-2013, 04:01 PM
The core of my statement, "that government has protected us from evolution" means that society has decided that we should be protected from some things that we might otherwise handle on our own. Like healthcare being provided for us and insurance being required to cover certain things.

As far as government meaning "coercion," I disagree. It should first protect your life, liberties, and properties which presumably protects us from the raping and pillaging you seem to expect. By any stretch that "government" means having to keep you from a 32 oz. Coke is pretty silly and far stretches any definition but is the unfortunate premise laid out in the OP.

Also, note that anarchy does not necessarily mean lawlessness.

Well, what is government protecting your life, liberty, and property FROM? Other people. Who would kill, rape, steal, and enslave if they possibly could, and even with government, a lot of them still succeed in all those actions.

However, I agree that government (always) goes too far and coerces too much and forbids too much. This is normal, unfortunately. Government: can't live with it, can't live without it.

I'm pretty sure anarchy DOES mean lawlessness, unless you are referring to people making a lot of empty laws with no enforcement and everyone ignoring them, like in the ghettos of our cities today. That's pretty lawless, because of no enforcement because government doesn't bother, or can't.

02-26-2013, 04:07 PM
Well, what is government protecting your life, liberty, and property FROM? Other people. Who would kill, rape, steal, and enslave if they possibly could, and even with government, a lot of them still succeed in all those actions.

:rolleyes: Considering the thread is about coercion regarding the size of a soft drink this tangent you are on is a non-sequitur.

However, I agree that government (always) goes too far and coerces too much and forbids too much. This is normal, unfortunately. Government: can't live with it, can't live without it.

^Says the pessimist.

I'm pretty sure anarchy DOES mean lawlessness, unless you are referring to people making a lot of empty laws with no enforcement and everyone ignoring them, like in the ghettos of our cities today. That's pretty lawless, because of no enforcement because government doesn't bother, or can't.

Try looking it up.

Robert A Whit
02-26-2013, 04:22 PM
I'm pretty sure anarchy DOES mean lawlessness, unless you are referring to people making a lot of empty laws with no enforcement and everyone ignoring them, like in the ghettos of our cities today. That's pretty lawless, because of no enforcement because government doesn't bother, or can't.

Anarchy is simple. In your home, you do not assault guests. That is anarchy.

You have a barbeque and invite neighbors. That is anarchy.

You buy gas and pay the station. Another example of anarchy.

Lawlessness only means without laws. So used that way, it too is anarchy. But a lot of people assume that lawlessness only means those committing crimes. That they don't follow laws.

Used that way, it is not anarchy.

It really I believe depends on the context of words.

02-26-2013, 07:52 PM
Anarchy: 1 a : absence of government b : a state of lawlessness or political disorder due to the absence of governmental authority *an anarchy as absolute as that during the terror— W.C.Brownell* c : a Utopian society having no government and made up of individuals who enjoy complete freedom 2 a : absence or denial of any authority, established order, or ruling power *for our people liberty so often means only license and anarchy— C.L.Sulzberger* b : absence of order : CONFUSION

But okay, the thread is about too much government interference, micromanagement, totalitarianism, all of which is the opposite of anarchy.

Robert A Whit
02-26-2013, 08:11 PM
In that context Mundame, lawlessness only means absence of laws. I does not mean a lot of laws are broken.

You exist for much of your life not in need of government. As you take care of your home, no laws. As you talk to your husband, no laws. As you care for your home, no laws. As you talk to family, no laws. As you sleep, no laws.

02-26-2013, 08:36 PM
In that context Mundame, lawlessness only means absence of laws. I does not mean a lot of laws are broken.

You exist for much of your life not in need of government. As you take care of your home, no laws. As you talk to your husband, no laws. As you care for your home, no laws. As you talk to family, no laws. As you sleep, no laws.

Yeah, good point. And totalitarianism is government diving into more and more of the details of the citizens' lives, like the 32 oz. drinks. So there is less and less of life where there are no laws to interfere with living.

02-26-2013, 09:06 PM
the big issue i have is that here again Evolution is being used as a "scientific" excuse to get people under control.
the frighting thing about this is that it can be used to jusitfy any thing a ruling elite thinks is good.

forced abortion for instance. !
As long as some leading elites believes there are too many people (or certain KINDS of People) they could even force euthanasia... for the good of mankind.
Since evolution says SOMEONE has to Coerce others for the GOOD of mankind in a evolutionary sense. GOOD being determined by the people who can control.

Some people like PETA believe that mankind isn't any better than any dog. Where does that idea come from , well if there is no God and we just Evolved. That's true a Dog or a baby are just random DNA floating in a cosmic sea. one has no more real value than another.

But if we (not you probably) want to Maximize the survival of a few evolutionary healthygoodwise people, some folks need to controlled or killed. evolution does it anyway, but if some wise people (not u) direct it, then it would be even better... for mankind and the earth.

Darwinism in biology is bad enough but when applied to politics and social relations it is just plain horrific in it's consequences and gives the proponents a false bravado and assurance of pseudo scientific self-righteousness that helps them justify whatever horror show they have planned. It's worse than in any false religion too because it can change with the wind and they call it a NEW discovery of evolution. And who can challenge it? the highpreist of science have spoken. At least with religion you get a text that suppose be an unchanging standard that everyone has access to.

And frankly even without changing it they can make ANYTHING they want fit into an evolutionary necessary excuse for a political plan. Just like in Biology no matter what happens "it's evolution". Plus in the final analysis, survival of the fittest is a tautology.
-who survives? well the fit of course. How can we tell if they are fit? well they survive--
So if applied to politics whatever the politically strong can get away with -by hook or by crook- is by definition what evolution would have done. Might literally makes it right. In an evolutionary sense.

Real ideals of good, personal freedoms and ideas of equality and brotherhood are not really part of the big picture.

Evolution is sketchy science but HELLISHLY BAD politics.

Robert A Whit
02-26-2013, 09:23 PM
the big issue i have is that here again Evolution is being used as a "scientific" excuse to get people under control.
the frighting thing about this is that it can be used to jusitfy any thing a ruling elite thinks is good.

forced abortion for instance. !
As long as some leading elites believes there are too many people (or certain KINDS of People) they could even force euthanasia... for the good of mankind.
Since evolution says SOMEONE has to Coerce others for the GOOD of mankind in a evolutionary sense. GOOD being determined by the people who can control.

Some people like PETA believe that mankind isn't any better than any dog. Where does that idea come from , well if there is no God and we just Evolved. That's true a Dog or a baby are just random DNA floating in a cosmic sea. one has no more real value than another.

But if we (not you probably) want to Maximize the survival of a few evolutionary healthygoodwise people, some folks need to controlled or killed. evolution does it anyway, but if some wise people (not u) direct it, then it would be even better... for mankind and the earth.

Darwinism in biology is bad enough but when applied to politics and social relations it is just plain horrific in it's consequences and gives the proponents a false bravado and assurance of pseudo scientific self-righteousness that helps them justify whatever horror show they have planned. It's worse than in any false religion too because it can change with the wind and they call it a NEW discovery of evolution. And who can challenge it? the highpreist of science have spoken. At least with religion you get a text that suppose be an unchanging standard that everyone has access to.

And frankly even without changing it they can make ANYTHING they want fit into an evolutionary necessary excuse for a political plan. Just like in Biology no matter what happens "it's evolution". Plus in the final analysis, survival of the fittest is a tautology.
-who survives? well the fit of course. How can we tell if they are fit? well they survive--
So if applied to politics whatever the politically strong can get away with -by hook or by crook- is by definition what evolution would have done. Might literally makes it right. In an evolutionary sense.

Real ideals of good, personal freedoms and ideas of equality and brotherhood are not really part of the big picture.

Evolution is sketchy science but HELLISHLY BAD politics.

Evolution is fine just so long as they don't take it too far.

Philosophy is social science in my opinion.

How far do they take it (evolution)? Supposedly it debunks what are called books of religion.

Evolution has nothing to say about creation yet those using Darwinism try to link an incomplete science idea with the creation. Abiogenesis teaches about creation.

02-27-2013, 09:28 AM
I think it's about "Nudging."

There's a book out, "Nudge," that says that's how to really change behavior in a population: just keep nudging, nudging. Like the smoking thing. Keep making it harder and harder and harder a little at a time and then finally you get people shaped up.

I haven't read this book yet. I have a feeling I'm not going to like it......

But that it's true.
That's not nudging. That's coercive social engineering and it has failed every time it has been tried.

02-27-2013, 02:02 PM
That's not nudging. That's coercive social engineering and it has failed every time it has been tried.

No, you're dead wrong there.

"Nudge" has worked on smoking and it has worked on the racism of the '50s --- American whites were gradually trained up that they couldn't talk about race, especially not perjoratively, however much it was deserved.

They are trying it now with food. It worked GREAT for the fast-food places, getting us to buy and eat more and more and more; now some people want to nudge the other direction. I suspect that will be very unpopular, but that may not matter. Nudge works. It's creepy, and it's a sort of conspiracy, but it does work.

02-27-2013, 02:48 PM
No, you're dead wrong there.

"Nudge" has worked on smoking and it has worked on the racism of the '50s --- American whites were gradually trained up that they couldn't talk about race, especially not perjoratively, however much it was deserved.

They are trying it now with food. It worked GREAT for the fast-food places, getting us to buy and eat more and more and more; now some people want to nudge the other direction. I suspect that will be very unpopular, but that may not matter. Nudge works. It's creepy, and it's a sort of conspiracy, but it does work.
Waving a gun in your face works too. That coercion is employed is the nub of the matter.

One of the problems with all this "nudging" going on is that the nudgees are presumed to be too stupid to know what's in their own best interest, except, of course when it comes to electing the nudgers.

Abbey Marie
02-27-2013, 02:52 PM
Like football- gain ground a few yards at a time, and eventually you have scored.