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View Full Version : Two Santa Cruz police officers shot to death

Robert A Whit
02-27-2013, 03:37 PM
<!--[if gte mso 9]><xml> <w:WordDocument> <w:View>Normal</w:View> <w:Zoom>0</w:Zoom> <w:DoNotOptimizeForBrowser/> </w:WordDocument> </xml><![endif]--> http://www.sacbee.com/2013/02/27/5222381/2-police-officers-killed-in-santa.html?mi_rss=Photo%20Galleries

Two Santa Cruz police officers shot. A male and a Female officer died. Suspect shot to death.

County Sheriff office taking over for the day so the Santa Cruz cops can stay off duty to mourn and make use of grief counseling. <!--[if gte mso 9]><xml> <o:shapedefaults v:ext="edit" spidmax="1026"/> </xml><![endif]--><!--[if gte mso 9]><xml> <o:shapelayout v:ext="edit"> <o:idmap v:ext="edit" data="1"/> </o:shapelayout></xml><![endif]-->More at link.


02-27-2013, 05:01 PM
Robert. So, when do you begin to applaud?

Based on your outright hatred for Cops. Why disappoint now?

Robert A Whit
02-27-2013, 05:02 PM
Robert. So, when do you begin to applaud?

Based on your outright hatred for Cops. Why disappoint now?

You are an idiot.

What kind of crazy person talks as you talk?

02-27-2013, 05:05 PM
You are an idiot.

What kind of crazy person talks as you talk?

Robert. That may be. But what do you expect when someone emulates, and attempts to be JUST LIKE YOU?

Do you hate cops, or do you respect, and admire them?

Based on your posts about cops on other threads. I suspect my question only identified the real idiot in You.

Robert A Whit
02-27-2013, 07:04 PM
Robert. That may be. But what do you expect when someone emulates, and attempts to be JUST LIKE YOU?

Do you hate cops, or do you respect, and admire them?

Based on your posts about cops on other threads. I suspect my question only identified the real idiot in You.
Look, you spend most of your time on this forum pissing on posters. I am used to you pissing on posters. But If you have actually read me, I have cops in my family. I have told this forum I have had cops as awesome clients. And you get all fucked up in the head and say shit like that to me?

I don't like rogue cops.

Do you admire rogue cops?

02-27-2013, 08:46 PM
Look, you spend most of your time on this forum pissing on posters. I am used to you pissing on posters. But If you have actually read me, I have cops in my family. I have told this forum I have had cops as awesome clients. And you get all fucked up in the head and say shit like that to me?

I don't like rogue cops.

Do you admire rogue cops?

I never answer new questions unless the questions I asked were answered first.

4591 Until then. Piss off Robert.

02-27-2013, 09:10 PM
I don't like rogue cops.

Do you admire rogue cops?

What a stupid thing to say. Nobody likes rogue cops.

Not that I think you have a clue about what a rogue cop is.... you seem to come from the Rev school of thought, that a cop who doesn't get a warrant before taking a shyte is a "rogue cop."

I admire doctors. I don't feel a need to qualify that statement by adding, "But I don't like doctors who remove the wrong testicle during surgery." It's kind of a given that people do not admire doctors who perform malpractice.

I admire electricians. I don't feel a need to qualify that statement by adding, "But I don't like electricians who poorly wire homes, resulting in deadly infernos killing entire families." Again, that's pretty much understood.

I like the guy who delivers my mail. I don't feel a need to qualify that statement by adding, "But I don't like postal workers who come to work with guns and shoot their co-workers." Once again, a needless after-thought.

But liberals have set the talking point in the public's mind that thoughtful people have to immediately qualify their statement when they say something nice about the police. A talking point that all liberals dutifully follow.

And interestingly, so do the pothead conservatives. Further evidence that you're all just a bunch of thinly veiled liberals hankering for a legal high.

02-27-2013, 09:40 PM
Oh, dear.

Anyway, I don't think it's very clear what in the world happened there but the neighbors said the shooter was "peculiar" I read. In addition to the sexual assault call. What a thing.

I worry a lot about police being shot and having to all the time consider getting killed. Our neighbor just called in a guy in a trailer lives near them because for the severalth night he came out on his porch in the middle of the night with no light in the house at all and shot his gun off the porch half a dozen times. Neighbor's wife didn't think he should call it in; I'm inclined to agree with the man and my husband agrees. In fact, I said, one or two shots might be a raccoon, but if you hear 6 or 7 shots over here, I wish you would do something!

And the police came, much to neighbor's embarrassment, to HIS driveway and talked to him about the whole situation and what the guy looked like and whether anyone else was there (and indeed, they'd heard a woman screaming some nights ago ---) and he was worried the guy would know who called him in.

Well, I thought, of course they came to him first! I mean, we're talking about the police proceeding along a long, dark forest lane to the trailer of a guy KNOWN to be shooting up the place, what's to like? I wouldn't care for it myself.

But they did! They went down there, in some force, and in fact, they carried him off, so I guess he wasn't supposed to have a gun, or was shooting drunk, or something.

Brave men, that's my opinion.

Robert A Whit
02-27-2013, 11:35 PM
Oh, dear.

Anyway, I don't think it's very clear what in the world happened there but the neighbors said the shooter was "peculiar" I read. In addition to the sexual assault call. What a thing.

I worry a lot about police being shot and having to all the time consider getting killed. Our neighbor just called in a guy in a trailer lives near them because for the severalth night he came out on his porch in the middle of the night with no light in the house at all and shot his gun off the porch half a dozen times. Neighbor's wife didn't think he should call it in; I'm inclined to agree with the man and my husband agrees. In fact, I said, one or two shots might be a raccoon, but if you hear 6 or 7 shots over here, I wish you would do something!

And the police came, much to neighbor's embarrassment, to HIS driveway and talked to him about the whole situation and what the guy looked like and whether anyone else was there (and indeed, they'd heard a woman screaming some nights ago ---) and he was worried the guy would know who called him in.

Well, I thought, of course they came to him first! I mean, we're talking about the police proceeding along a long, dark forest lane to the trailer of a guy KNOWN to be shooting up the place, what's to like? I wouldn't care for it myself.

But they did! They went down there, in some force, and in fact, they carried him off, so I guess he wasn't supposed to have a gun, or was shooting drunk, or something.

Brave men, that's my opinion.

The cops at Santa Cruz were not in uniform. They had no reason to suspect a wild man could shoot them. But this crazy jerk that later died in the gun battle just fired at them. They had no chance.

I have no damned clue why Taft decided to start a beef with me and make shit up. Pardon the lingo. I am very sad the two cops died. That city is supposed to be safe. To the point the cops did not even have their guns out. Santa Cruz is not like Oakland or Detroit or New York City.
I can think of some small towns on the East coast it reminds me of. I mean, they do art there not guns.

When those guys in your story shoot at night, I worry a lot. First, at night you don't know where the bullets will end up. You can hit a person or home or animals. It is unsafe to shoot that way. Even if he shot up, the bullets come back down. Even if a person is not hit, he can get scared.

I was with my cousin one day out in the country and walking around suddenly we heard the pop pop of bullets by our ears. We ducked and fast. I have been under live fire in the Army. Not being shot at, but shot above us as we crawled under barbed wire. I know the sound of bullets.

Taft teed me off saying I am RINO. Never in all my posting has somebody accused me of that. I don't like posters who live to taunt and insult as he and some others here love to do.

02-28-2013, 06:44 AM
I have no damned clue why Taft decided to start a beef with me and make shit up.

I admire dottering old men who sit around in their own pooh all day, just not the ones who crap up threads with their incoherence.

02-28-2013, 07:22 AM
Taft teed me off saying I am RINO. Never in all my posting has somebody accused me of that. I don't like posters who live to taunt and insult as he and some others here love to do.

Beginning in the 1960s, your beloved liberal activist judges began mangling the US Constitution to make conducting police work more difficult and dangerous, and creating Constitutional protections for criminals to violate the law. Liberals loved it all, and conservatives hated it.

Now a group of pothead conservatives, like yourself, flood political forums trying to convince genuine conservatives that embracing this liberal judicial activist Constitutional rewriting is actually the "true conservative" position.

It's old-school liberalism. Plain and simple.

02-28-2013, 07:39 AM
...flood political forums trying to convince genuine conservatives that embracing this liberal judicial activist Constitutional rewriting is actually the "true conservative" position.

It's old-school liberalism. Plain and simple.

There is something to this, IMO. It's at least the current "conservative" push for privacy rights. I used to go along with this, several years ago; there was this interesting woman on the Web who was pushing back against those radio-controlled labels and credit cards and so on, and I joined that. But suddenly one day I realized, all this obsession with privacy is basically to help CRIMINALS! A lot of people push "constitutional protections" simply because they want to get away with doing really bad things.

But I'm for law and order. So I'm good with police having access to things some people argue against -- DNA, Easy-Pass data on the freeways, Facebook pages, etc.

02-28-2013, 11:34 AM
I don't like rogue cops.

Do you admire rogue cops?

So why not post stories about outstanding police officers instead of rogue cops?
There are rogue accountants, rogue insurance agents and rogue members of the armed forces.
Robert, I sure you have "police friends" to go with your "negro friends." Doesn't mean you don;t have a deep bias against them.
I hope you never need police assistance at that old folks home you live at.

02-28-2013, 12:42 PM
Look, you spend most of your time on this forum pissing on posters. I am used to you pissing on posters. But If you have actually read me, I have cops in my family. I have told this forum I have had cops as awesome clients. And you get all fucked up in the head and say shit like that to me?

I don't like rogue cops.

Do you admire rogue cops?

Oddly enough, cops from some liberal jurisdictions are quite good. I don't know what they do, but dealing with cops in Massachusetts is pretty good. Vermont isn't bad either. ME, NH, NY not so much with the same "you're a subject" not a citizen mindset. I wonder why CA has seemingly lousy cops.

Robert A Whit
02-28-2013, 02:34 PM
Oddly enough, cops from some liberal jurisdictions are quite good. I don't know what they do, but dealing with cops in Massachusetts is pretty good. Vermont isn't bad either. ME, NH, NY not so much with the same "you're a subject" not a citizen mindset. I wonder why CA has seemingly lousy cops.

I don't for one moment doubt that very close to 100 percent of cops, nationwide are very good. I believe that some departments make it too hard on qualified women to break in unless they are at least 5'6" .. Speaking of what happened to my highly trained very smart daughter. I used to ask her to apply at the state highway patrol but she said she wanted to catch real crooks. She ruled out working for the well known dangerous cities. So her being picky and the departments also being picky would up she married a cop who is awesome and a real father and top citizen so she did good and so did he.

I hate some hard nosed posters who assume the worst about my comments about bad cops. We have so many good cops because of those citizens that report the bad cops to authority. But even in some cases, authority protects the bad eggs in the basket.

Robert A Whit
02-28-2013, 02:48 PM
So why not post stories about outstanding police officers instead of rogue cops?
There are rogue accountants, rogue insurance agents and rogue members of the armed forces.
Robert, I sure you have "police friends" to go with your "negro friends." Doesn't mean you don;t have a deep bias against them.
I hope you never need police assistance at that old folks home you live at.

Look at it this way Gabby, et al. I don't see any of you posting awesome things about republicans. I don't see you posting great things about President Bush or VP Cheney. Matter of fact, much that is posted is bad stuff.

But the deal here is i must not do as you do, only do as you say.

I do not have any negative bias against the police. I only have a bias against the cops who break laws.

Tell me the bad cops you approve. Don't single me out because I don't like bad cops. If you like bad cops, make your case.

The Negros that are my friends are decent people though most are misguided about what political party is best for them.

You appear to believe that most cops are bad cops based on your final retort.

I do not accept your premise.

Robert A Whit
02-28-2013, 03:02 PM
There is something to this, IMO. It's at least the current "conservative" push for privacy rights. I used to go along with this, several years ago; there was this interesting woman on the Web who was pushing back against those radio-controlled labels and credit cards and so on, and I joined that. But suddenly one day I realized, all this obsession with privacy is basically to help CRIMINALS! A lot of people push "constitutional protections" simply because they want to get away with doing really bad things.

But I'm for law and order. So I'm good with police having access to things some people argue against -- DNA, Easy-Pass data on the freeways, Facebook pages, etc.

I am thinking that Taft is around crime so much of his time that he only sees bad people who happen to not wear a uniform. I do believe that close to 100 percent of the cops are great cops. We can't imagine life without them being able to work on crimes.

I push for the rights named by the constitution. I can't think of any time that I called for more rights. The Founders did a very good job in crafting them.

We who deal with regulations are smothered by them. Not only must we pay large sums to keep informed, but to have copies of said regulations on hand. And if you want to spend weeks reading intently, just start in on the regulations.

Why in a free nation would a free nation want or need a vast library of regulations.

Back in the days of Washington, Jefferson and even Lincoln, our people did not need nor have such massive regulations.

Regulations are merely tools to help some to control others.

Simple regulations are fine. Thou shalt not steal covers theft. Then a sentence naming a punishment works. But they have entire vast libraries over such matters.

When the frog was warming up as the water warmed up, I doubt the frog understand that at some point he was to be dead.

I and many others are concerned there are some in our population who have this insidious plot to fully control the lives to the last detail of the citizens. Now they took control of our health. What is next? There is not much left they don't control in great detail.

As bad as communism was, the wonder is that the people living under it were in the dark as to what was happening to them. I talked to them in Berlin and till they felt their life was in danger, they were very tolerant of communism.

Robert A Whit
02-28-2013, 03:27 PM
Beginning in the 1960s, your beloved liberal activist judges (1) began mangling the US Constitution to make conducting police work more difficult and dangerous, and creating Constitutional protections for criminals to violate the law. Liberals loved it all, and conservatives hated it.(2)

Now a group of pothead conservatives, like yourself,(3) flood political forums trying to convince genuine conservatives that embracing this liberal judicial activist Constitutional rewriting is actually the "true conservative" position.(4)

It's old-school liberalism. Plain and simple.(5)
Reply: (1) You are wrong. They are not my beloved anything. Yes they have and I do not approve what happened and still happens. (2) We agree fully on that sentence. They are not liberal, they are dictatorial in how they want to control others. They lie by saying they are liberal.(3)I am not a pot head. I believe you, I, the man down the street, etc are free humans. That when one narrow segment of society acts to take charge of my life, your life or their life, they did wrong. Laws are meant to lay out order, not turn one group into the dictator of some other group, to craft stupid laws that make some criminals though they hurt nobody but themselves. We are free because of the founders way of setting it up. My Cop son in law and I are on the same page by the way. When we talk, we are in harmony. I do not believe those judges are correct. I admit I do stand up tall for human freedom. I do not stick up for those who harm others. My beef with the Vallejo cop was he harmed a victim. My beef with bad cops is they are operating with the backing of the public yet doing acts of crime. I believe in the idea that close to 100 percent of the cops are plain awesome.

Old school liberalism is what this country is founded on. You may not realize it but you really are blasting the founders of this nation, as the so called modern so called liberal does. These modern day so called liberals are no more liberals than the wolf killing the sheep is one of the flock even if he has the costume of sheep as garb.

I resent that some republicans lost sight of freedom. They got off the track and now believe your daily life has to be tightly controlled and if they don't like what you do, pass a new law and put you in jail.

Take the marijuana operations in CA. I voted to approve those since doctors claimed that they would write up prescriptions and those who had a genuine need would be helped. For instance, a child has epilepsy and his mother is desperate to get him help since he suffers a dozen seizures a day. Turns out that one chemical in pot helps the boy and stops his seizures She does not want to give him pot, she only wants that one ingredient to be taken by her very young son. She wold be violating law. The law in essence says he had to suffer because some people say so.

The republican cause should not be the cause of removing our freedoms. That is the mission of Democrats Yet you fight me over my desire to preserve human freedom. I wish Washington were alive so he could explain this to you.

Robert A Whit
02-28-2013, 03:30 PM
I admire dottering old men who sit around in their own pooh all day, just not the ones who crap up threads with their incoherence.

You argue using ad hominem. I am used to such types.

02-28-2013, 03:48 PM
Look at it this way Gabby, et al. I don't see any of you posting awesome things about republicans. I don't see you posting great things about President Bush or VP Cheney. Matter of fact, much that is posted is bad stuff.

Link me to all the great, complimentary things you have written about Obama. Or other democrats.
Matter of fact, most is bad stuff, right?

I don't endorse bad cops. But I believe the vast majority of them are clean and honest. And I think it is really ignorant that you feel that only the bad stuff is worth posting.

02-28-2013, 03:56 PM
Link me to all the great, complimentary things you have written about Obama. Or other democrats.
Matter of fact, most is bad stuff, right?

I don't endorse bad cops. But I believe the vast majority of them are clean and honest. And I think it is really ignorant that you feel that only the bad stuff is worth posting.

If a thread contains a mixture of good posts and bad posts it might confuse you, sweetie. Just smile and do the best you can.

02-28-2013, 04:00 PM
The cops at Santa Cruz were not in uniform. They had no reason to suspect a wild man could shoot them. But this crazy jerk that later died in the gun battle just fired at them. They had no chance.

I have no damned clue why Taft decided to start a beef with me and make shit up. Pardon the lingo. I am very sad the two cops died. That city is supposed to be safe. To the point the cops did not even have their guns out. Santa Cruz is not like Oakland or Detroit or New York City.
I can think of some small towns on the East coast it reminds me of. I mean, they do art there not guns.

When those guys in your story shoot at night, I worry a lot. First, at night you don't know where the bullets will end up. You can hit a person or home or animals. It is unsafe to shoot that way. Even if he shot up, the bullets come back down. Even if a person is not hit, he can get scared.

I was with my cousin one day out in the country and walking around suddenly we heard the pop pop of bullets by our ears. We ducked and fast. I have been under live fire in the Army. Not being shot at, but shot above us as we crawled under barbed wire. I know the sound of bullets.

Taft teed me off saying I am RINO. Never in all my posting has somebody accused me of that. I don't like posters who live to taunt and insult as he and some others here love to do.

Robert. Face it. Almost everything, anyone says about you 'tee's' you off. If you aren't a RINO, and you deny it. Then the only option must be LINO.
Which would you prefer?
And since my asking is another reason for you to claim I am 'teeing' you off.
What else is new?

Robert A Whit
02-28-2013, 04:04 PM
Robert. Face it. Almost everything, anyone says about you 'tee's' you off. If you aren't a RINO, and you deny it. Then the only option must be LINO.
Which would you prefer?
And since my asking is another reason for you to claim I am 'teeing' you off.
What else is new?

I discuss topics.

You discuss posters.

All I plan to say on this post.

02-28-2013, 04:07 PM
I discuss topics.

You discuss posters.

All I plan to say on this post.

Thank You very much.

Robert A Whit
02-28-2013, 04:20 PM
Thank You very much.

You are welcome. Now will you stop talking about posters?

03-01-2013, 06:04 AM
The Negros that are my friends are decent people though most are misguided about what political party is best for them.

Thanks for letting me know I've been wasting my time arguing, not with a real person, but with some sort of composite internet persona, who is apparently supposed to be about 150 years-old.

03-01-2013, 06:27 AM
Thanks for letting me know I've been wasting my time arguing, not with a real person, but with some sort of composite internet persona, who is apparently supposed to be about 150 years-old.

You're arguing with yourself? That's whacked man.

03-01-2013, 06:35 AM
You're arguing with yourself? That's whacked man.


Ahhhhh! Excellent!

You resurrected the classic Pee Wee Herman response. Rarely used by those over the age of 8, but it's still good to see it is alive and well on the www. Well-played, sir.

03-01-2013, 06:49 AM
Ahhhhh! Excellent!

You resurrected the classic Pee Wee Herman response. Rarely used by those over the age of 8, but it's still good to see it is alive and well on the www. Well-played, sir.

It's Friday. Are you off to the movie theater tonight?

Robert A Whit
03-01-2013, 01:04 PM
Thanks for letting me know I've been wasting my time arguing, not with a real person, but with some sort of composite internet persona, who is apparently supposed to be about 150 years-old.

It is now March 1. How many citizens have you beaten up this year?

Last year?

During your career?

Huh Wyatt?

I attack rogue cops and it sure pisses you off. If you were not one, i don't believe you would be fighting me.

03-01-2013, 05:27 PM
You are welcome. Now will you stop talking about posters?

Other than you. Please fill us in on the other posters you are talking about. As for stopping something per your immature demands.

Just a reminder. This is a forum where nearly EVERY OTHER MEMBER has talked about, or mentioned Other Posters.

Are you responsible for the rules here?

03-01-2013, 06:23 PM
Other than you. Please fill us in on the other posters you are talking about. As for stopping something per your immature demands.

Just a reminder. This is a forum where nearly EVERY OTHER MEMBER has talked about, or mentioned Other Posters.

Are you responsible for the rules here?
We as members are each responsible to follow the rules.
Personal Feuds - No surprisingly, members can sometimes get involved in personal feuds. We ask that these be kept off the boards. Please don't derail threads by going "after" someone you don't like. Don't start threads just to rile someone up. Don't harass other members. Please PM staff if you need assistance.
Sometimes people post in regards to a certain poster's opinion, but you post without any reference to the subject matter, just the person. Its against the rules, admin and staff shouldn't have to do anything but ask you to refrain. Which they have..and you just refuse.

03-01-2013, 06:31 PM
We as members are each responsible to follow the rules.
Sometimes people post in regards to a certain poster's opinion, but you post without any reference to the subject matter, just the person. Its against the rules, admin and staff shouldn't have to do anything but ask you to refrain. Which they have..and you just refuse.

Thanks Robert.

Robert A Whit
03-01-2013, 07:11 PM
We as members are each responsible to follow the rules.
Sometimes people post in regards to a certain poster's opinion, but you post without any reference to the subject matter, just the person. Its against the rules, admin and staff shouldn't have to do anything but ask you to refrain. Which they have..and you just refuse.

He does not even want to admit what he does. Some of the time, he blames me. And he told you thanks Robert. That is snotty. You told the truth.

03-01-2013, 09:01 PM
He does not even want to admit what he does. Some of the time, he blames me. And he told you thanks Robert. That is snotty. You told the truth.

And you still didn't get it. As for admitting what I do. You are correct. I try as hard as I can to expose anyone who always blames others for their own shortcomings. It just happens to be you most often Robert.
You can change that, if you like.
Meanwhile. I am still a member here. If you do not like my posts. Do as jim suggests and IGNORE me.

Robert A Whit
03-01-2013, 09:35 PM
And you still didn't get it. As for admitting what I do. You are correct. I try as hard as I can to expose anyone who always blames others for their own shortcomings. It just happens to be you most often Robert.
You can change that, if you like.
Meanwhile. I am still a member here. If you do not like my posts. Do as jim suggests and IGNORE me.

I get it. You and Obama share a few traits.

Obama. Arrogant. So are you.

Won't take the blame for anything. Same as you.

03-01-2013, 10:14 PM
I get it. You and Obama share a few traits.

Obama. Arrogant. So are you.

Won't take the blame for anything. Same as you.

Thank ya kindly. Don't know why, but thank ya anyhow.

03-02-2013, 02:50 AM
Thanks Robert.
You're welcome douchebag. I've ignored your dumbass long enough. Th simple fact of the matter is you're piece of shit, hellbent on blaming somebody else for the problems in the world that are, in reality, of your own creation. Im probably twenty years your junior, but I see through your idiocy. Beyond that, I (like so many) recognize your concerns as the rantings of a disenfranchised moron... Dang, how frustrating that must be for you to know that when you speak out against Obama, you're actually doing him a favor and the most prescient thing you could do is stfu.

03-02-2013, 09:05 AM
It is now March 1. How many citizens have you beaten up this year?

Last year?

During your career?

Huh Wyatt?

And herein lies the typical liberal/pothead conservative.

Why don't you ask me how many times *I* was assaulted and injured? How many of my friends and co-workers were grievously wounded, disabled for life, and yes, even made the ultimate sacrifice, in the act of enforcing democratically enacted laws?

But as a liberal, you don't care, do you? In fact, those are the cops you like, right? The dead ones?

The ones who try to mentally process everything they are seeing in front of them, through a prism of decades of liberal court rulings, court mandated scenarios, if this happens you can do this, but unless you see this, you can't do that, unless it happens to be in such-and-such a place, at such-and-such time, and you can articulate you saw this, based on a two-pronged test of reasonable suspicion, you might reach a level of proof of, unless it's in an automobile, in which case there is the automobile exception, which applies to the glove box or anything within the driver's lungeable area, unless the glove box is locked, and as for the trunk, there are rulings that say this about an inventory search. ... *BANG!*

"Oh well, he's dead. But he's the kind of cop we pothead conservatives love!"

All you care about is handcuffing the police further in their battle against crime. You yearn for more liberal restrictions on search and seizure laws. You don't give a damn about how many cops it may kill, and even less of a damn how many criminals it can cause to continue to wander the streets.

All you care about is your supply of chronic continuing uninterrupted.

Like a liberal, you act as if the problem of violence against law enforcement is non-existent and argue as such from your soap box. You are a phoney, and if you genuinely had loved ones in the profession would know better.

However, in your defense, I have met individuals in my lifetime who prioritize their highs over all else, including their families. Are you one of those guys?

I attack rogue cops and it sure pisses you off. If you were not one, i don't believe you would be fighting me.

I attack liberals and pothead conservatives and it sure pisses you off. If you were not one, I don't believe you would be fighting me.

03-02-2013, 09:13 AM
We as members are each responsible to follow the rules.

Don't start threads just to rile someone up.

Would this rule apply to the reefer-addled minds of those who keep starting threads like "ZOMG! Lookit this Cop!" or "Hay Guyz, Lookit this Polease Brutaliteez Website!"

Robert A Whit
03-02-2013, 03:48 PM
Title explains it well.

03-02-2013, 04:24 PM
You're welcome douchebag. I've ignored your dumbass long enough. Th simple fact of the matter is you're piece of shit, hellbent on blaming somebody else for the problems in the world that are, in reality, of your own creation. Im probably twenty years your junior, but I see through your idiocy. Beyond that, I (like so many) recognize your concerns as the rantings of a disenfranchised moron... Dang, how frustrating that must be for you to know that when you speak out against Obama, you're actually doing him a favor and the most prescient thing you could do is stfu.

Thanks again loggy. Guess you still don't get it. But when you use such names to describe me...like douchebag. That's actually a way of calling yourself a Douchebag since I do my best to copy, and emulate you, and your liberal tactics here.

So. Keep using the name calling. I'll happily agree with you. KEEP BRAGGING until everyone knows who you really are.

Robert A Whit
03-02-2013, 05:33 PM
Thanks again loggy. Guess you still don't get it. But when you use such names to describe me...like douchebag. That's actually a way of calling yourself a Douchebag since I do my best to copy, and emulate you, and your liberal tactics here.

So. Keep using the name calling. I'll happily agree with you. KEEP BRAGGING until everyone knows who you really are.

That is so convoluted it has to be the invention of a democrat.

03-02-2013, 06:22 PM
Would this rule apply to the reefer-addled minds of those who keep starting threads like "ZOMG! Lookit this Cop!" or "Hay Guyz, Lookit this Polease Brutaliteez Website!"
Certainly, if you were the cop brutalizing people.:poke: