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View Full Version : School: A hostile environment for boys

02-27-2013, 03:57 PM

The way boys are treated in K-12 also impacts how they do with regard to college. According to a recent study (http://https://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&q=cache:Q-b0Tf5PSYIJ:https://www.aeaweb.org/atypon.php%3Freturn_to%3D/doi/pdfplus/10.1257/jep.20.4.133+&hl=en&gl=us&pid=bl&srcid=ADGEESgYSEyPynTYfBE4VTuYWJO_LLQdz9ZWxUtuMcmZ nv0elRvnloV2bv0CpvXqDYoyV7l3YiOOD9R6gYw8JXyC4Bbwvw ALY9PdN9_2o2kM1ztqvWmeAZL25YqucNZAIpiXeYjbBQ08&sig=AHIEtbSaPYdGpnEu-bSs6zWNP5-eVkBVvw) of male college enrollment, it's not academic performance, but discipline that holds boys back. "Controlling for these non-cognitive behavioral factors can explain virtually the entire female advantage in college attendance for the high school graduating class of 1992, after adjusting for family background, test scores and high school achievement." Boys are disciplined more because teachers -- overwhelmingly female -- find stereotypically male behavior objectionable. Girls are quieter, more orderly, and have better handwriting. The boys get disciplined more, suspended more and are turned off of education earlier.

Female teachers also give boys lower grades, (http://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/2012/02/16/female-teachers-give-male_n_1281236.html) according to research in Britain. Female teachers grade boys more harshly than girls, though, interestingly, male teachers are seen by girls as treating everyone the same regardless of gender. More and more, it's looking like schools are a hostile environment for boys.

02-27-2013, 04:30 PM
I've been aware of the falling grades, graduation rates, college applications, admissions, and performance. There must be something going on though than what is mentioned, more changes in teachers. Why? Since at least the 1940's lower grade teachers have been overwhelmingly female. Post WWII so mre males in high schools, The Vietnam Era, (teachers exempt from draft), saw a huge spike in male teachers in both middle and high schools.

Girls behaviors and higher language abilities have always been above boys, so why in the past 25 years have male success suddenly fallen?

My take: It's ok now to be 'pro-girl.' Indeed the text books are geared in many ways towards females. In history texts 'women' get their special section of each chapter, just like 'minorities.' That would be fine for any and all, when there really is something of note, but often there isn't; so they throw in some token biographical sketch and let that run. While I find these demeaning, the reason the 'women' or 'minorities' didn't accomplish great things in many eras had to do with discrimination, but that's no reason to keep throwing bones. OTOH, no shortage of words that get the point home that males subjugated all.

02-27-2013, 04:38 PM
I've been aware of the falling grades, graduation rates, college applications, admissions, and performance. There must be something going on though than what is mentioned, more changes in teachers. Why? Since at least the 1940's lower grade teachers have been overwhelmingly female. Post WWII so mre males in high schools, The Vietnam Era, (teachers exempt from draft), saw a huge spike in male teachers in both middle and high schools.

Girls behaviors and higher language abilities have always been above boys, so why in the past 25 years have male success suddenly fallen?

My take: It's ok now to be 'pro-girl.' Indeed the text books are geared in many ways towards females. In history texts 'women' get their special section of each chapter, just like 'minorities.' That would be fine for any and all, when there really is something of note, but often there isn't; so they throw in some token biographical sketch and let that run. While I find these demeaning, the reason the 'women' or 'minorities' didn't accomplish great things in many eras had to do with discrimination, but that's no reason to keep throwing bones. OTOH, no shortage of words that get the point home that males subjugated all.

My wife and I both openly wonder if our sons might have more of a future in Brazil than in the USA. In case you haven't noticed I'm a refusenik to the feminist agenda. As for me and my house .... we won't play.

02-27-2013, 04:43 PM
My wife and I both openly wonder if our sons might have more of a future in Brazil than in the USA. In case you haven't noticed I'm a refusenik to the feminist agenda. As for me and my house .... we won't play.

I think you would be better off in a Muslim country. They agree with your opinion that women are second class citizens and should never speak unless spoken too. They also have a segregated education system.

02-27-2013, 04:45 PM
My wife and I both openly wonder if our sons might have more of a future in Brazil than in the USA. In case you haven't noticed I'm a refusenik to the feminist agenda. As for me and my house .... we won't play.

It's been noticed. ;) However, I think what's happening is wrong and have been posting so for years. I think the feminization of curriculum is wrong. It's all males too, not just white males whose scores are falling and are succeeding, (failing) in both high school and colleges.

Many of the behavior problems in the upper grades are caused by the inability of lower grade teachers to get the interest of boys. Something must be done. IMO, homeschooling and 'all boys' schools are likely the best alternatives if one's sons are not interested in school by 2nd grade.Montessori schools also seem to do well with boys.

02-27-2013, 04:45 PM
I think you would be better off in a Muslim country. They agree with your opinion that women are second class citizens and should never speak unless spoken too. They also have a segregated education system.

Naw, with all those coverings it would be impossible to enjoy a cutie like you walking down the street!

02-28-2013, 07:51 AM
My wife and I both openly wonder if our sons might have more of a future in Brazil than in the USA. In case you haven't noticed I'm a refusenik to the feminist agenda. As for me and my house .... we won't play.

Good idea. Definitely, you should take your family back to Brazil, the Land of Opportunity for Males.

02-28-2013, 07:57 AM
Good idea. Definitely, you should take your family back to Brazil, the Land of Opportunity for Males.

It's not hard for a woman to advance and have a career in Northern Brazil. My wife has a spinster Aunt that is a supervisor for the Brazilian equivalent of the IRS.

02-28-2013, 08:08 AM
There are all kinds of complications related to this subject that could fill volumes and never answer the question. I think a big problem behind it is the confusion of gender roles.

A phenomenon I've seen evolve in my lifetine is that of women fist fighting each other over possession of a male. To me, that's just completely unnatural. Males are supposed to compete for females. We might be the only species this reversal happens in. What impact does this have on the life perceptions of the boys and girls, or men and women, involved?

As I ride the train through the inner city going to work in the morning, for every man I see getting on the train going to work I see 10 to 15 women. In the inner cities women have assumed the role of bread winner. So they compete with each other over the males, and then provide for him.

And this is now the role model for future generations. What is behind it? Partially the welfare state. I also blame the employment quotas. Women and racial minorities are needed to balance the workforce. Why hire a black man when if you hire a black female you cover two oppressed minorities with one employee?

The inner city male's role model is not to have a family and job, and act as the bread winner. His aspirations are now to be like a race horse stud; standing around doing nothing until his seed is needed.

02-28-2013, 08:40 AM
I've been aware of the falling grades, graduation rates, college applications, admissions, and performance. There must be something going on though than what is mentioned, more changes in teachers. Why? Since at least the 1940's lower grade teachers have been overwhelmingly female. Post WWII so mre males in high schools, The Vietnam Era, (teachers exempt from draft), saw a huge spike in male teachers in both middle and high schools.

Girls behaviors and higher language abilities have always been above boys, so why in the past 25 years have male success suddenly fallen?


I agree that having more male teachers in the elementary grades is a good thing for boys. We have 3 male 5th grade teachers this year and I believe they are the only ones in the k-5 grade levels.

I've also noticed that schools are more likely to label boys with an attention deficit issue. Not ony do we have ADD, but ADHD, and I tend to think that many times the teachers simply want to drug the boys into sitting still just like the girls.

I REFUSED to have my 15yr old drugged when he was younger. The teachers would call me in and say he was loud and they would keep him in from recess. Which IMHO is the WORST thing for them to do. I'd suggest making him run around the gym or any other physical exercise punishment. Making an 7,8,9yr old sit for punishment when he's already antsy is assinine.

Schools continue to cut recess and the result is disruptive boys. Society lately likes to pretend that boys and girls (men and women) are just alike. THEY AREN'T. Boys are more active and physical then girls, they need to run around and get that energy out.

02-28-2013, 08:52 AM
Nobody is a victim unless they choose to be. Yes, today's feminists battle hard against masculinity (irony: ...masculinity they try to adopt). Yes, today's society is steadily and firmly anti-male (think: "Family" court injustice).

If my son wants higher grades (as if that's possible), he'll simply have to work harder; despite any biases against him.

Further consideration:


Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
02-28-2013, 09:21 AM
I agree that having more male teachers in the elementary grades is a good thing for boys. We have 3 male 5th grade teachers this year and I believe they are the only ones in the k-5 grade levels.

I've also noticed that schools are more likely to label boys with an attention deficit issue. Not ony do we have ADD, but ADHD, and I tend to think that many times the teachers simply want to drug the boys into sitting still just like the girls.

I REFUSED to have my 15yr old drugged when he was younger. The teachers would call me in and say he was loud and they would keep him in from recess. Which IMHO is the WORST thing for them to do. I'd suggest making him run around the gym or any other physical exercise punishment. Making an 7,8,9yr old sit for punishment when he's already antsy is assinine.

Schools continue to cut recess and the result is disruptive boys. Society lately likes to pretend that boys and girls (men and women) are just alike. THEY AREN'T. Boys are more active and physical then girls, they need to run around and get that energy out.

Ages ago when I was in school we had grades 1,2, and 3 all female teachers. Grades 4,5, and 6 were about half male teachers and high school was about half male teachers. The male teachers starting in 4th grade were all good role models and two that I know of were ex-military, being combat veterans. They took no shat off of any of us and that went triple for those male teachers in High school. Best teacher I ever had was a guy that had served as a Marine and had fought in the Korean War. Taught us all a lot about life as well as the 9th grade Civics course we were taking !
I wonder , do they even teach Civics now?
We had no problem back then as our male teachers also made sure we boys learned to be boys and later in High school they geared us towards learning to be men . None of that cry in your cereal about ever problem you face in life bullshit we see that is so prevalent today.-Tyr

02-28-2013, 09:35 AM
I agree that having more male teachers in the elementary grades is a good thing for boys. We have 3 male 5th grade teachers this year and I believe they are the only ones in the k-5 grade levels.

There is such a serious problem with pedophilia when you have male teachers, though. Pedophiles DO go where the children are: that's how they hunt.

That's why schools got away from male teachers, and I think going back to male teachers is just going to be a big problem. We get exposees in the news in my county about male staff doing the students ALL the time -- including just this week. A male "inclusion" staff, working with one of those very disabled children, they caught him at it.

I'd say --- give it a miss.

02-28-2013, 09:39 AM
Nobody is a victim unless they choose to be. Yes, today's feminists battle hard against masculinity (irony: ...masculinity they try to adopt). Yes, today's society is steadily and firmly anti-male (think: "Family" court injustice).

If my son wants higher grades (as if that's possible), he'll simply have to work harder; despite any biases against him.

Further consideration:

Watching as a child my extended family on the business end of family court "justice" made me vow never to let it happen to me. I have been successful. I hope my sons will be likewise successful.

02-28-2013, 09:40 AM
When you assume pedophilia everywhere... :rolleyes:

02-28-2013, 09:46 AM
When you assume pedophilia everywhere... :rolleyes:

It is everywhere. Priests, sports figures like Sandusky, teachers --- watch the local papers, it's so common it doesn't make the big news.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
02-28-2013, 09:49 AM
There are all kinds of complications related to this subject that could fill volumes and never answer the question. I think a big problem behind it is the confusion of gender roles.

A phenomenon I've seen evolve in my lifetine is that of women fist fighting each other over possession of a male. To me, that's just completely unnatural. Males are supposed to compete for females. We might be the only species this reversal happens in. What impact does this have on the life perceptions of the boys and girls, or men and women, involved?

As I ride the train through the inner city going to work in the morning, for every man I see getting on the train going to work I see 10 to 15 women. In the inner cities women have assumed the role of bread winner. So they compete with each other over the males, and then provide for him.

And this is now the role model for future generations. What is behind it? Partially the welfare state. I also blame the employment quotas. Women and racial minorities are needed to balance the workforce. Why hire a black man when if you hire a black female you cover two oppressed minorities with one employee?

The inner city male's role model is not to have a family and job, and act as the bread winner. His aspirations are now to be like a race horse stud; standing around doing nothing until his seed is needed.

Natural order is males fighting over females. It is a perversion when females fight over a man. I taught my daughter that any guy you would have to fight over is not for you. Do not lower yourself that way. Told her it was a very shameful act unless she was actually married to the guy then exceptions do exist.-Tyr

02-28-2013, 09:50 AM
It is everywhere. Priests, sports figures like Sandusky, teachers --- watch the local papers, it's so common it doesn't make the big news.

No. A fallacy that dmp would point out I'm sure.

02-28-2013, 11:30 AM
In the younger grades, girls are actually intimidated by boys, who tend to be more aggressive and outspoken. Educators have long been trying to balance things out.

I have been wondering for a while why tailfins doesn't move to South America, where the macho male image still rules and men are free to rule society.

03-01-2013, 12:38 PM
In the younger grades, girls are actually intimidated by boys, who tend to be more aggressive and outspoken. Educators have long been trying to balance things out.

I have been wondering for a while why tailfins doesn't move to South America, where the macho male image still rules and men are free to rule society.

Educators would do well to bring back recess in order to give the boys an outlet for their energy. I'm sure MOST on this board can remember 1/2 hr recess twice a day. At my kids elementary they get 1 for 20 minutes and that includes the time it takes to line up and walk outside, so basically they are giving these active kids 15 minutes a day to run.

03-01-2013, 12:40 PM
There is such a serious problem with pedophilia when you have male teachers, though. Pedophiles DO go where the children are: that's how they hunt.

That's why schools got away from male teachers, and I think going back to male teachers is just going to be a big problem. We get exposees in the news in my county about male staff doing the students ALL the time -- including just this week. A male "inclusion" staff, working with one of those very disabled children, they caught him at it.

I'd say --- give it a miss.

I don't even know what to say about this post.

Boys need male roll models, especially in the inner cities where fathers are absent in most of the homes.

03-01-2013, 12:48 PM
In the younger grades, girls are actually intimidated by boys, who tend to be more aggressive and outspoken. Educators have long been trying to balance things out.

I have been wondering for a while why tailfins doesn't move to South America, where the macho male image still rules and men are free to rule society.

This is why:


I would make the move for enough of these:



03-01-2013, 01:31 PM
In the younger grades, girls are actually intimidated by boys, who tend to be more aggressive and outspoken. Educators have long been trying to balance things out.

I have been wondering for a while why tailfins doesn't move to South America, where the macho male image still rules and men are free to rule society.

You got a link to that? I've not seen such research results, though will bow to proof.

Robert A Whit
03-01-2013, 02:52 PM
California .... era 1944 - 1954

I moved around a lot as a kid until mid the 6th grade, then it stabilized.

Oakland, CA 1st grade ... woman teacher
Roseville, CA 2nd grade ... woman teacher
Outside city limits of Roseville, Ca 3rd grade woman teacher
Oakland, Ca 4th grade woman teacher
Farm site near Woodville, ca 5th grade woman teacher
Hayward, CA 6th grade woman teachers ... 2 schools that year in Hayward
Hayward CA 7th - 8th grade both women. First time I saw a man teacher and he taught 8th grade

High school

Got to find my transcripts ... probably have to contact the school

03-01-2013, 03:08 PM
In the younger grades, girls are actually intimidated by boys, who tend to be more aggressive and outspoken. Educators have long been trying to balance things out.

I have been wondering for a while why tailfins doesn't move to South America, where the macho male image still rules and men are free to rule society.

Did... Did you just admit that guys are better then gals?
We only rule society because we're smarter, less controlled by emotion, and in general, better. :rolleyes:

Abbey Marie
03-01-2013, 05:04 PM
Educators would do well to bring back recess in order to give the boys an outlet for their energy. I'm sure MOST on this board can remember 1/2 hr recess twice a day. At my kids elementary they get 1 for 20 minutes and that includes the time it takes to line up and walk outside, so basically they are giving these active kids 15 minutes a day to run.

But it's those sodas that are making them obese, right? :rolleyes:

Abbey Marie
03-01-2013, 05:06 PM
Did... Did you just admit that guys are better then gals?
We only rule society because we're smarter, less controlled by emotion, and in general, better. :rolleyes:

Surely with all that going for you, you wouldn't have to crawl out of a bathroom window just to get away from a girl. :eek:

Robert A Whit
03-01-2013, 05:18 PM
California .... era 1944 - 1954

I moved around a lot as a kid until mid the 6th grade, then it stabilized.

Oakland, CA 1st grade ... woman teacher
Roseville, CA 2nd grade ... woman teacher
Outside city limits of Roseville, Ca 3rd grade woman teacher
Oakland, Ca 4th grade woman teacher
Farm site near Woodville, ca 5th grade woman teacher
Hayward, CA 6th grade woman teachers ... 2 schools that year in Hayward
Hayward CA 7th - 8th grade both women. First time I saw a man teacher and he taught 8th grade

High school

Got to find my transcripts ... probably have to contact the school

Unfortunately, the 8th grade teacher, the man, was married to a woman teacher and during the summer after 8th grade, both were killed in an airplane crash in the hills of Union city, CA on their way back to Oakland CA airport at the end of a vacation. We had a school tough guy fight the male teacher at some point of the school day and it caused one hell of a ruckus.
he never was my teacher but It seems his wife taught me in the 7th grade.

03-01-2013, 05:21 PM
I don't even know what to say about this post.

Boys need male roll models, especially in the inner cities where fathers are absent in most of the homes.
I don't think this can be stressed enough. Trigg is spot on. Boys absolutely need male roll models. Period.
Mundame, you'r argument to not allow male teachers because of a few pedophiles is crazy talk. Need I remind you of the numbers of high profile cases involving female teachers having sex with young males. Once we ban women from teaching then what are we left with?

03-01-2013, 05:27 PM
I don't think this can be stressed enough. Trigg is spot on. Boys absolutely need male roll models. Period.
Mundame, you'r argument to not allow male teachers because of a few pedophiles is crazy talk. Need I remind you of the numbers of high profile cases involving female teachers having sex with young males. Once we ban women from teaching then what are we left with?

Logically if we ban both males and females from teaching, it would then need robots.

03-01-2013, 11:18 PM
Surely with all that going for you, you wouldn't have to crawl out of a bathroom window just to get away from a girl. :eek:

It was hypothetical! Plus, I had just gotten done watching the "Big Bang Theory." A girl climbed out of the bathroom window to get away from Raj.

Abbey Marie
03-01-2013, 11:34 PM
It was hypothetical! Plus, I had just gotten done watching the "Big Bang Theory." A girl climbed out of the bathroom window to get away from Raj.

I'm just messing with you. I saw that episode- poor guy! :laugh2:

03-04-2013, 09:48 AM
I don't think this can be stressed enough. Trigg is spot on. Boys absolutely need male roll models. Period.
Mundame, you'r argument to not allow male teachers because of a few pedophiles is crazy talk. Need I remind you of the numbers of high profile cases involving female teachers having sex with young males. Once we ban women from teaching then what are we left with?

No, it's nearly 100% male pedophiles, of course. The high profile given to the few rare exceptions is "man bites dog" novelty news, and also fits the male agenda of pretending that "women do it too," when in fact, we don't. Nearly all shootings, pedophilia, domestic abuse, bank robberies, drug transport, home invasion, etc., etc. is male because men just do far more crime than women. Especially sex crime.

Watch your local paper for pedophile teachers and see how many of them are males. They'll make a big splash if your county ever gets a female accused of that crime, but the other 99 will be men.

As to the role model issue, sure, but boys do NOT need pedophile role models, and since pedophiles always, always seek out child care opportunities so they can hunt their prey, that's a serious problem with teachers, scout and other youth leaders, priests, etc. As the whole world knows.

03-04-2013, 10:32 AM
As to the role model issue, sure, but boys do NOT need pedophile role models, and since pedophiles always, always seek out child care opportunities so they can hunt their prey, that's a serious problem with teachers, scout and other youth leaders, priests, etc. As the whole world knows.

well we certainly don't want that so lets ban men from all school positions, church classes, men should no longer be allowed around scouts (even fathers must be monitored during camp outs just to be safe) and lets just ban young boys from becoming Catholic that would be easier than changing the Catholic church's stance on male priests.

Ya know, there was a scifi show that treated men as sperm donors to be trotted out when needed. Just to be safe maybe we should look into that


03-04-2013, 11:16 AM
No, it's nearly 100% male pedophiles, of course. The high profile given to the few rare exceptions is "man bites dog" novelty news, and also fits the male agenda of pretending that "women do it too," when in fact, we don't. Nearly all shootings, pedophilia, domestic abuse, bank robberies, drug transport, home invasion, etc., etc. is male because men just do far more crime than women. Especially sex crime.

Watch your local paper for pedophile teachers and see how many of them are males. They'll make a big splash if your county ever gets a female accused of that crime, but the other 99 will be men.

As to the role model issue, sure, but boys do NOT need pedophile role models, and since pedophiles always, always seek out child care opportunities so they can hunt their prey, that's a serious problem with teachers, scout and other youth leaders, priests, etc. As the whole world knows.

Right, what boys need are anti-male female teachers to teach the art of self-loathing. Regardless of teacher gender, I support compensatory disciplinary policies where a certain list of behaviors is exempt from or gets reduced punishment. So you want to demographize crime, do you? Do you REALLY want to go there?

03-04-2013, 11:57 AM
Regardless of teacher gender, I support compensatory disciplinary policies where a certain list of behaviors is exempt from or gets reduced punishment. So you want to demographize crime, do you? Do you REALLY want to go there?

What? I noted that males commit almost all the crime that happens..........that would be genderizing it, perhaps. I'm not sure what demographizing crime would be, but it sounds interesting.

03-04-2013, 12:10 PM
What? I noted that males commit almost all the crime that happens..........that would be genderizing it, perhaps. I'm not sure what demographizing crime would be, but it sounds interesting.

It's a delicate way to say "race". Are you for Jim Crow?

03-04-2013, 12:51 PM
mundame, you come off as vehemently anti-male in your posts

Robert A Whit
03-04-2013, 02:13 PM
No, it's nearly 100% male pedophiles, of course. The high profile given to the few rare exceptions is "man bites dog" novelty news, and also fits the male agenda of pretending that "women do it too," when in fact, we don't. Nearly all shootings, pedophilia, domestic abuse, bank robberies, drug transport, home invasion, etc., etc. is male because men just do far more crime than women. Especially sex crime.

Watch your local paper for pedophile teachers and see how many of them are males. They'll make a big splash if your county ever gets a female accused of that crime, but the other 99 will be men.

As to the role model issue, sure, but boys do NOT need pedophile role models, and since pedophiles always, always seek out child care opportunities so they can hunt their prey, that's a serious problem with teachers, scout and other youth leaders, priests, etc. As the whole world knows.

The language has been "liberalized" to the point that now when people say pedophile, they mean any and all less than 18 year olds.

That is wrong. A true pedophile is not interested, very much, in those who are in or past puberty. They want the 2 or 4 or 6 year old.

Some assume it means any child. Post puberty children are generally teens. They may have got old enough that if an adult tells them to fight back, they will. But those under puberty are not often fighters.

As to this being a male crime, what about Hummer mom.

Hummer mom just got arrested again. She engaged in sex, as a mom, with some boys who were about 14 at the time. She is not a pedophile. But she spent time in prison for her crimes against young boys. In her mind, she probably saw herself as their teacher.

Women teachers are busted a lot with such young boys.

Most women are not aggressive enough to do that to boys out of fear, perhaps, of encountering the parents. And too many men think the boys got lucky when an adult woman bangs the boys, so to speak.

03-04-2013, 04:38 PM
Women teachers are busted a lot with such young boys.

No, women are not often charged with such crimes. Once in a long while such a case occurs and men make a huge thing of it; meantime dozens and hundreds of cases of pedophile men teachers and youth leaders work their way through the local courts and local newspapers, ignored by all because these cases are so common everyone is used to them.

It's a delicate way to say "race". Are you for Jim Crow?

Hey, it's your topic, you explore it.

well we certainly don't want that so lets ban men from all school positions, church classes, men should no longer be allowed around scouts (even fathers must be monitored during camp outs just to be safe) and lets just ban young boys from becoming Catholic that would be easier than changing the Catholic church's stance on male priests.

Okay, works for me. The voting for a new pope is going on in an atmosphere of emergency due to the Catholic priesthood's major problem with pedophile priests, a fact which has resulted in open facilitation of this behavior by numerous bishops, so it's a real problem with Catholicism worldwide.

As for teachers, I don't suppose all male teachersof small children are pedophiles: but since most men DO NOT WANT to be teachers of small children and pedophiles ALWAYS do, it's a darn good bet that any given guy teacher may be a criminal in the classroom.

It's a terrible mistake to trust too much in this crime-filled world.

03-04-2013, 04:59 PM
Hey, it's your topic, you explore it.

I did explore it by asking if you were for Jim Crow. You seem too embarrassed to give a truthful answer.

Robert A Whit
03-04-2013, 04:59 PM
Okay, works for me. The voting for a new pope is going on in an atmosphere of emergency due to the Catholic priesthood's major problem with pedophile priests, a fact which has resulted in open facilitation of this behavior by numerous bishops, so it's a real problem with Catholicism worldwide.

As for teachers, I don't suppose all male teachersof small children are pedophiles: but since most men DO NOT WANT to be teachers of small children and pedophiles ALWAYS do, it's a darn good bet that any given guy teacher may be a criminal in the classroom.

It's a terrible mistake to trust too much in this crime-filled world.

Why not just say homosexuals and leave it at that. They are not normally pedophiles. They prey on teenagers.

Where do you draw the line before they stop being pedophiles and plain old criminals committing crimes on teens?

i don't understand the term pedophile connected to teens.

03-04-2013, 05:03 PM
Why not just say homosexuals and leave it at that. They are not normally pedophiles. They prey on teenagers.

Where do you draw the line before they stop being pedophiles and plain old criminals committing crimes on teens?

i don't understand the term pedophile connected to teens.

You might need expert advice to understand the topic:
