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Robert A Whit
02-27-2013, 08:10 PM
Don't blame me for this site. All you can blame me for is making you an informed citizen.


02-27-2013, 08:34 PM
Don't blame me for this site. All you can blame me for is making you an informed citizen.


At least Rev knows how to make an argument and not just a blanket condemnation. You sir, are pathetic.

02-27-2013, 08:39 PM
<iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/4fUm-npP3yg" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

02-27-2013, 08:41 PM
<iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/4fUm-npP3yg" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen=""></iframe>

Nice try jimnyc. All staged, and planned with a guy who was planted there.

02-27-2013, 08:43 PM
Nice try jimnyc. All staged, and planned with a guy who was planted there.

Yes sir! I was hoping someone would fall for it though! :coffee:

02-27-2013, 08:54 PM
Yes sir! I was hoping someone would fall for it though! :coffee:

Sorry I spoiled it for ya. Youtube is full of thousands of video's like that. It's a business for many who are still trying to prove

9-11 was a setup by Bush, and they have even photoshopped their own MISSILES taking down the WTC in New York.


02-27-2013, 09:33 PM
Don't blame me for this site. All you can blame me for is making you an informed citizen.


I see your police brutality website, and raise you one website of liberals like yourself saying stupid things.



Robert A Whit
02-27-2013, 09:40 PM
I see your police brutality website, and raise you one website of liberals like yourself saying stupid things.



Somehow to you, the truth means a person is a liberal. Well, clearly you despise the truth.

BTW, I despise liberals.

Robert A Whit
02-27-2013, 09:43 PM
At least Rev knows how to make an argument and not just a blanket condemnation. You sir, are pathetic.

Over and over you attack me, then you blatantly lie by saying, well no you do not. But you lie. At least I was not trying to make any argument. You were actually being informed though you don't; wish to be informed.

02-27-2013, 09:46 PM
Over and over you attack me, then you blatantly lie by saying, well no you do not. But you lie. At least I was not trying to make any argument. You were actually being informed though you don't; wish to be informed.

WHAT? This make no sense. It's almost like you are being overwhelmed with negativity. Dang it, you have so many that like you, right?

Still, you could find positive, if you could get off the horse. How likely is that?

02-27-2013, 09:49 PM
Somehow to you, the truth means a person is a liberal. Well, clearly you despise the truth.

BTW, I despise liberals.

And yet you're sooooo like them.

I bet you hate gays too. :laugh:

Robert A Whit
02-27-2013, 09:51 PM
Sorry I spoiled it for ya. Youtube is full of thousands of video's like that. It's a business for many who are still trying to prove.

Wearing a police uniform and having police weapons is a violation of law. See my daughter and her husband were cops. He for enough years that he retired.

02-27-2013, 09:51 PM
Still, you could find positive, if you could get off the horse. How likely is that?

Please, let's not get into what he did with the horse he rode in on. :laugh:

02-27-2013, 09:56 PM
Wearing a police uniform and having police weapons is a violation of law. See my daughter and her husband were cops. He for enough years that he retired.

One day I was walking into work and said "Good morning" to two uniformed guys out front, who in turn looked at me like I was nuts. I looked at their collar brass which indicated the 27th Precinct.

I felt dumb. See, the 27th Precinct doesn't exist. They were filming an episode of "Blue Bloods".

I wish you had been there Robert. You could have helped me. I didn't know I could have arrested them.

You dipshit. :laugh2:

Robert A Whit
02-27-2013, 10:00 PM
And yet you're sooooo like them.

I bet you hate gays too. :laugh:

You are a bigot. I suspect you are the liberal but won't do as you do and leap to conclusions.

A cop with your skill set should have handled me far differently. But alas, you act just like a knee jerk liberal.

You know you bully, my son in law served many years as a cop and was injured in the line of duty. My daughter graduated from college intending to work her way up a police force.

I don't need your stinking taunts or insults. You are creating an environment were you give the good cops a bad name.

I said in my set up piece that all I wanted to do was inform. That site speaks for itself.

You don't read many of my posts by how you shoot off your mouth at me.

Lets say you read my posts.
1. You would know I have family in law enforcement.
2. The only cops I don't like are the rogue cops. I happen to think that few of those are on the job.
3. You would know I believe in law enforcement, yet I do not believe all laws on the books are needed or just.

So, take your bad opinion of me to the bank and see if they will give you any change.

02-27-2013, 10:05 PM
You are a bigot.

There ya go!

Push these pothead conservatives a teensy bit and the first thing out of their mouths is knee-jerk liberalism.


I'm marking this one; "case closed."

02-27-2013, 10:10 PM
There ya go!

Push these pothead conservatives a teensy bit and the first thing out of their mouths is knee-jerk liberalism.


I'm marking this one; "case closed."

taft. Don't forget. You are not alone here. Obviously. You deal with, and have been dealing with this kind of RINO, and LINO personality disorder for years. And it's so sad you can't get away from it here. On a forum like this.
Looks like closing the case is the right thing to do.
But....do you really believe ONE person will let it stay that way????
I doubt it.

02-27-2013, 10:15 PM
Robbie is an idiot, does that make Taft a genius? Hardly. Taft from what he posts, is the worst the police have to offer. Seriously low, as most are willing to sacrifice all, to protect you and your rights.

02-27-2013, 10:17 PM
Ah, let us fear not, old chum.

Seasoned conservatives like you and I must root out these infiltrators... and light the way for younger conservatives, and let them not be mislead by phoney libertarianism.

The most legitimate domestic government function is internal security and law enforcement.

The most legitimate external function of the government is the military.

Liberals constantly berate both and impugn their legitimacy.

Is it just a coincidence that the pothead conservatives/libertarians also berate both and impugn their legitimacy?

I think not.

Robert A Whit
02-27-2013, 10:18 PM
WHAT? This make no sense. It's almost like you are being overwhelmed with negativity. Dang it, you have so many that like you, right?

Still, you could find positive, if you could get off the horse. How likely is that?

Certainly it makes sense. I do not believe you read back your remarks to test yourself. You could try by saying, say, if Abbey says that, would I use that same sentence on her.

But hell no, you slide in slam comments. And do you want me talking to you as you talk to me?

This crap ends up in the cage.

Now, to be clear, your statement above does not offend me. The part where it makes no sense to you ought to tip you off as to how I feel about some of your posts.

It makes no sense to me for you to include taunts or insults. I see how you talk to others. Just don't include slams and i am fine.

I suggest if my links bother you, simply show the sites got it all wrong. I will listen to you evaluate such sites.

Maybe in your mind you think I attack all cops. Yet I keep saying, only the rogue cops. I still feel the Vallejo cop was a fat slob bully and that kid should sue him and punish the cop.

But I am very proud of the cops in my family and believe they are not rogues and don't approve stuff like I point out.

02-27-2013, 10:19 PM
Robbie is an idiot, does that make Taft a genius? Hardly. Taft from what he posts, is the worst the police have to offer. Seriously low, as most are willing to sacrifice all, to protect you and your rights.

Fill me in Kathie. What rights do I advocate violating?

02-27-2013, 10:22 PM
The most legitimate domestic government function is internal security and law enforcement.

The most legitimate external function of the government is the military.

Liberals constantly berate both and impugn their legitimacy.

This is true, IMO. I don't think the external function is working great at the moment, too many useless wars we aren't winning.

But the internal security is working great. We can depend on it. And thank God for that, it may not last forever, but I hope it lasts.

02-27-2013, 10:23 PM
Robbie is an idiot, does that make Taft a genius? Hardly. Taft from what he posts, is the worst the police have to offer. Seriously low, as most are willing to sacrifice all, to protect you and your rights.

Kathianne. Seriously. I suspect taft is just experimenting, and throwing out little barbs to see what kinds of little fish he can catch.

If, as you say. He is, or represents the worst the police have to offer. He is succeeding in finding those who have little, if any remorse for those police officers who died in the line of duty today.
Police officers in general are OUR last line of defense, like them or not.
Anyone who thinks our military will suddenly become our COPS if told to do so by the president...is sadly mistaken.
We all know. Every profession has it's bad apples. And thankfully. Those professions are able to WEED OUT the rotten apples on their own.

Robert A Whit
02-27-2013, 10:27 PM
Robbie is an idiot, does that make Taft a genius? Hardly. Taft from what he posts, is the worst the police have to offer. Seriously low, as most are willing to sacrifice all, to protect you and your rights.

Look, he has leaned hard on me and lied about me. So you shoot your mouth off and resort to calling me names too. And you will next deny your own words. I see About time is also being an idiot as are you. Taft has made one terrible mistake. But you go ahead and support a bully.

I have at no time said I do not like cops. But several of you act like I said that.

REPEAT. I like cops. I don't like rogues. Clear?

What this amounts to is that if anybody dares get out of line in your view, it's open season on them.

I am no liberal. Not as you guys use the term. I am a Libertarian and I value human freedom.

02-27-2013, 10:30 PM
Kathianne. Seriously. I suspect taft is just experimenting, and throwing out little barbs to see what kinds of little fish he can catch.

If, as you say. He is, or represents the worst the police have to offer. He is succeeding in finding those who have little, if any remorse for those police officers who died in the line of duty today.
Police officers in general are OUR last line of defense, like them or not.
Anyone who thinks our military will suddenly become our COPS if told to do so by the president...is sadly mistaken.
We all know. Every profession has it's bad apples. And thankfully. Those professions are able to WEED OUT the rotten apples on their own.

I've spent over 25 years in neighborhoods Kathy's never even had nightmares about, protecting the rights of society's poorest people... particularly the very simple right to stay alive.

Working every holiday, overnight shifts... chasing bad guys, fighting with them....

And I'm the "worst there is to offer" because I supposedly advocate violating some right that she can't even specify?

Pfft. Go to hell beyotch.

02-27-2013, 10:37 PM
I've spent over 25 years in neighborhoods Kathy's never even had nightmares about, protecting the rights of society's poorest people... particularly the very simple right to stay alive.

Working every holiday, overnight shifts... chasing bad guys, fighting with them....

And I'm the "worst there is to offer" because I supposedly advocate violating some right that she can't even specify?

Pfft. Go to hell beyotch.

No thanks, not going to hell, at least at your behest.

I have plenty of cops in my family, live and gone beyond.
A few from Chicago, my uncle a lieutenant on duty during the Democrat Convention of '68. Stories a plenty.

More recently, brother, nephew, and son regarding police science.

Robert A Whit
02-27-2013, 10:37 PM
http://www.debatepolicy.com/images/debate_policy/misc/quote_icon.png Originally Posted by taft2012 http://www.debatepolicy.com/images/debate_policy/buttons/viewpost-right.png (http://www.debatepolicy.com/showthread.php?p=620932#post620932)
The most legitimate domestic government function is internal security and law enforcement.

The most legitimate external function of the government is the military.

Liberals constantly berate both and impugn their legitimacy.

This is true, IMO. I don't think the external function is working great at the moment, too many useless wars we aren't winning.

But the internal security is working great. We can depend on it. And thank God for that, it may not last forever, but I hope it lasts.

I too agree that those are the two most important functions.

As I keep saying but am totally ignored by Taft and Kathianne and Abouttime is that I am only against the few rogue cops. And if any person is a rogue in the military, I am against that person too. So is the military.

Matter of fact, decent cops are as against rogue cops as I am. I am surprised Taft fights me rather than joins me.

While you and I agree on wars that are useless, wars to defend our borders are not useless.

I don't like to rush to judgement as to wars such as Iraq or Afghanistan and before I call those useless, I must have a command of all facts that are available.

I don't call Afghanistan useless because General Franks opted to use the native forces to beat the Taliban and Al Qaeda. I don't know how he could have been more clever.
As to Iraq, as commander, he lost a few of our men but very few. He decided to retire right after he beat Saddam and it would be foolish to assume he would have done as his replacement Generals did. I think Franks would have kept that in line. It was when the IEDS started it got out of hand.

So, why not just call them useless. Because I value human freedom and General Franks managed to free over 50 million humans. A good days work in my opinion.

02-27-2013, 10:50 PM
While you and I agree on wars that are useless, wars to defend our borders are not useless.

There ain't none of them going on.

There could be; there are illegal aliens invading through our borders constantly. The Obama administration had a lot of them jailed, then let them out this week to scare everyone about the sequester.

I can't think losing wars on the other side of the planet have much to do with defending our borders.

As I keep saying but am totally ignored by Taft and Kathianne and Abouttime is that I am only against the few rogue cops. And if any person is a rogue in the military, I am against that person too. So is the military.

Matter of fact, decent cops are as against rogue cops as I am. I am surprised Taft fights me rather than joins me.

I expect he gets tired of hearing about the cops who go off their bean because of the stress of the job when so many do so well and get killed and injured in such great numbers in the line of duty. We carry on about honoring soldiers who don't even fight for our country; they get killed in some place for reasons quite unrelated to any interests we have here. But the police constantly are killed in defense of regular citizens, and yet people don't--- what--- make allowances for mishaps, and natural and appropriate fear, and so on.

I have come to have a great respect for police; we have a very good policing situation in my county, though there are some real problems: white meth guys and black bad areas. They are so professional, and they are really looking out for us!

Robert A Whit
02-27-2013, 11:00 PM
I expect he gets tired of hearing about the cops who go off their bean because of the stress of the job when so many do so well and get killed and injured in such great numbers in the line of duty. We carry on about honoring soldiers who don't even fight for our country; they get killed in some place for reasons quite unrelated to any interests we have here. But the police constantly are killed in defense of regular citizens, and yet people don't--- what--- make allowances for mishaps, and natural and appropriate fear, and so on.

I have come to have a great respect for police; we have a very good policing situation in my county, though there are some real problems: white meth guys and black bad areas. They are so professional, and they are really looking out for us!

He could have sat it out and not harassed me. I notice that the rest of the posts vanished to the steel cage. I figured that brawling would shove those posts to the cage of perdition.

You appear to have ignored my comments that justified the wars.

Well, I must be correct or you would have said you don't agree with me.

Yes the good cops are heroes I told Taft and Kath that I am on outstanding terms with cops. My family has them. My friends are cops. I simply don't care for rogues. When I attack a rogue cop, in comes Taft to defend the rogue. I can't understand why he does that.

Robert A Whit
02-27-2013, 11:06 PM
Kathianne sez: at least Rev knows how to make an argument and not just a blanket condemnation. You sir, are pathetic.

Now, pray tell me, What had I done to deserve this enormous insult? There was no blanket condemnation.

02-27-2013, 11:22 PM
He could have sat it out and not harassed me. I notice that the rest of the posts vanished to the steel cage. I figured that brawling would shove those posts to the cage of perdition.

You appear to have ignored my comments that justified the wars.

Well, I must be correct or you would have said you don't agree with me.

Yes the good cops are heroes I told Taft and Kath that I am on outstanding terms with cops. My family has them. My friends are cops. I simply don't care for rogues. When I attack a rogue cop, in comes Taft to defend the rogue. I can't understand why he does that.

No, I don't agree with you about our forever-losing wars in god-forsaken places no one cares about and no one ever NEEDED to care about. Vietnam, Iraq II, Afghanistan. A lot of soldier killed for no reason at all. These wars are driving us into fiscal collapse, as they cause our terrible deficits. We borrow the money from China to lose wars for ten years at a time, two of them. It makes no sense. We could have left Iraq as soon as Saddam was killed; we could have left Afghanistan as soon as bin Laden escaped at Tora Bora. The whole eight-ten years since has just been a huge, huge waste.

Robert A Whit
02-27-2013, 11:41 PM
No, I don't agree with you about our forever-losing wars in god-forsaken places no one cares about and no one ever NEEDED to care about. Vietnam, Iraq II, Afghanistan. A lot of soldier killed for no reason at all. These wars are driving us into fiscal collapse, as they cause our terrible deficits. We borrow the money from China to lose wars for ten years at a time, two of them. It makes no sense. We could have left Iraq as soon as Saddam was killed; we could have left Afghanistan as soon as bin Laden escaped at Tora Bora. The whole eight-ten years since has just been a huge, huge waste.

Your way, it is pure complaining My way I make something good of it. You nor I had a chance to stop those wars. I feel the good is freedom for 50 million people. But as to liking war, I don't.

It does us no good to complain over spilt milk. We can't stop those at the top from making wars.

02-28-2013, 06:10 AM
No thanks, not going to hell, at least at your behest.

I have plenty of cops in my family, live and gone beyond.
A few from Chicago, my uncle a lieutenant on duty during the Democrat Convention of '68. Stories a plenty.

More recently, brother, nephew, and son regarding police science.

Right. And yet you have the temerity to say *I* don't respect peoples' rights, without articulating any reason reasoning for saying so...

... and then go on to boast you have an uncle who was a lieutenant at the 1968 Democrat National Convention in 1968.

That's like saying; "I know how good soldiers behave. My uncle was at My Lai!" :laugh: